Request related to chest use.

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Request related to chest use.

Post by Elysia » Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:34 am

Can people please stop sorting chests as frequently as they do? If you have a big clan, that's 200ish items. That's 200 entries of withdrawing items and 200 of depositing them. Some clans do this twice a week and on occasional even more frequently, when the sorter realizes they made a mistake when sorting.

Then imagine the imm trying to deal with a report of shady chest use, deleting entries with the speed of normal commands.

I spent 3h yesterday digging through chest logs and another imm is currently venting because they are doing something similar. In our frustration we both came up with the idea of nuking said clans' rents for a period of time. Just saying - the level of frustration is humongous.

It's ok to not be obsessive about chest sorting! Really!

Many thanks if you do not frequently sort your chest!

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