EXPLAINED: double daily not working

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Posts: 517
Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:45 pm

EXPLAINED: double daily not working

Post by Callesa » Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:08 am

We got the clan double daily for tokens, but it didn't work today, I only got one point. Why? Can it be fixed, please?

* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Strong >
You have 280(280) hit, 126(163) saidar and 122(145) movement points.
You have scored 108500000 experience points and 1715 quest points.
You need 1727319363 exp to level and 1285 qp to rank.
You have amassed 38 Turn points to date.
You have played 110 days and 18 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Callesa the Honored Sister [Brown Ajah 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.
* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Strong >

Siuan Sanche says 'I will send this to the Browns for further study.'
You are hungry.

* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Full >
Anteroom of the Keeper
This anteroom is the office of the Keeper of the Chronicles, who oversees
the secretarial duties for the Amyrlin Seat. The Keeper's desk, made in a
style typical of Bandar Eban, is in impeccable order with various papers
stacked to the side to provide a large area for writing. A deep red carpet
covers the floor and one small window, set in a stone wall with wood trim,
offers a view of the city of Tar Valon, its spires reaching for the sky.
[ obvious exits: N S ]20136
Door south: studydoor
A calm woman bathed in serenity seems to attract your attention.
A calm woman bathed in serenity seems to attract your attention.
A warder stands here, ready for combat.
A warder stands here, ready for combat.
A warder stands here, ready for combat.
Lelaine Akashi, the Keeper of the Chronicles, sits here gingerly.
A young woman is here thinking to herself.
A large man eyes the surroundings warily, every movement fluid.

* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Full >

Lelaine Akashi closes the studydoor.
Lelaine Akashi locks the studydoor.
Lelaine Akashi wears a delicately carved ivory key around her neck.
You've received one quest point.

* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Full >
You have 280(280) hit, 125(163) saidar and 139(145) movement points.
You have scored 108500000 experience points and 1716 quest points.
You need 1727319363 exp to level and 1284 qp to rank.
You have amassed 38 Turn points to date.
You have played 110 days and 18 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Callesa the Honored Sister [Brown Ajah 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.
You are hungry.

Don't leave :)

Posts: 1776
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:02 pm

Re: double daily not working

Post by Feneon » Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:49 am

If you leave the room you will not get double

Posts: 517
Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:45 pm

Re: double daily not working

Post by Callesa » Sat Nov 25, 2023 5:04 pm

ah, didn't know :-( my bad.

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