Along the Braem Wood

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Along the Braem Wood

Post by Elysia » Tue Apr 25, 2023 8:27 pm

The lightly built carriage swung and swayed on its leather suspension as it smoothly whirred along the road towards Aringill. Not much was ever going on around Aringill, except wagons and people traveling to and from the River Erinin and the town perched on its shores. As the farms to the south of the road thinned out, the carriage stopped at the side of the empty road. A figure emerged from the Braem Wood and the door to the carriage was quickly opened to allow the person in.

'Lady Arymilla, thank you for your invitation,' Lord Gaebril said, his lips brushing the large ring on her extended hand, before he sat down in the luxurious velvet cushions of the carriage opposite the lady. The carriage swung into motion.
'Lord Gaebril,' the lady said, smiling at the much younger man. 'Are you sure no one saw you?'
'No one, my lady,' Gaebril said, knowing full well he had sensed no one in the vicinity.
'Excellent. We don't want news of our little meetings get back to Morgase.'
Lord Gaebril bowed his head, acknowledging this.
'Has Morgase summoned you to discuss the situation in Baerlon again?'
'No, my lady. Aside from the one meeting, I only spoke with her in the public audiences that you also attended.' Gaebril smirked. He would have to change that, of course, but one step at a time. He had to get a feel for the players in the Andoran higher circles, the angles and then demonstrate he was sensible in order to get close to the woman. Given how long she had remained unmarried for as long as she did, she clearly didn't suffer fools.
'Shame. You could be a little bird whispering in her ear and she would never suspect it would come from me,' Arymilla said.
'My lady is wise and cunning,' Gaebril flattered the woman, while lowering his eyes to feign deference. Always better if she thought he was a hound on a leash, as opposed to him pulling the strings. For now. Gaebril looked out the window, watching the edge of the Braem Wood, where saplings grew, basking in the light away from the shade cast by the bigger trees. Seeds did well there. The sight gave him an idea to sow some seeds of his own. He leaned forward to whisper over the sounds of the moving carriage...