Jannelia joins the White Tower

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Jannelia joins the White Tower

Post by Jannelia » Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:46 pm

Log of Jannelia joining the White Tower with the guidance of Asandra Sedai who helps he overcome her misconceptions instilled in her by her father. (Please forgive my improper etiquette, I did not know the proper way to address Aes Sedai at the time)

POV: Jannelia
Participants: Asandra Sedai, Jannelia

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door north: TarlomensGate
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
An astonishingly tall and broad man stands here, with large tufted ears.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
The Tar Valon town crier stands here, spreading the news.

You tell Asandra 'Excuse me Sister, but who would you recommend I speak to about possibly
apprenticing to the White Tower?'

Asandra tells you 'I recommend you speak to me!'

You tell Asandra 'And sorry for bothering you so soon after waking!'

Asandra tells you 'Do you have the spark?'

Asandra has arrived from the north.

Asandra smiles at Jannelia.

You reply to Asandra 'I do, it has caused me much consternation the past few months.'

Jannelia smiles at her.

Asandra looks at Jannelia.

Asandra says 'How come, tell me about the consternation please.'

Asandra chuckles politely.

Jannelia says 'Well, no one from my village knew much of channeling other than what a passing White Cloak
had said in years past.'

Asandra beckons Jannelia to follow her.

Jannelia now follows Asandra.

Asandra looks at a warhorse.

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra leaves west. <<
Jannelia follows Asandra.

Removed some spamming around stabling horses and getting to the Green Ajah area.

Strategy Room of the Green Ajah
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [3]
A long wooden table offers room for patrons.
Asandra Laserie, Aes Sedai is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Green Sister struts about the halls.
Alanna Mosvani, a tall, slenderly beautiful woman with dark, penetrating eyes stands here.

Asandra gestures with her hand.

The door swings silently and shuts with a click.

Asandra sits down and rests on a stout oaken chair.

Asandra beckons for you to take a chair.

Asandra says 'Here we can have a drink in peace.'

Jannelia takes a seat in the offered chair.

Asandra beams a smile at a Green Sister.

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'What village are you from?'

Jannelia looks around the room in awe.

Asandra says 'Most villages I encounter are friendly towards... us.'

Asandra waves around with her hand to encompass the whole of the White Tower.

Jannelia says 'I am from a small farm community somewhat south of Chachin.'

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'Especially in the Borderlands!'

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra mutters something beneath her breath, you can not make it out, but hear something about cloaks.

Asandra smiles at Jannelia.

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'I am glad you found your way here.'

Asandra says 'The past is the past.'

Asandra says 'Let us see if you can embrace the source.'

Asandra says 'Let your mind be clear.'

Asandra says 'Reach out to that which you feel is there, but just out of reach.'

Jannelia senses Asandra connecting to the True Source.

Asandra says 'Perhaps you can feel it in me.'

Jannelia says 'My father has always been somewhat skeptical of what he doesn't understand. So the White
Cloak's words seemed to resonate with him.'

Jannelia feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Asandra comforts Jannelia.

Asandra nods in agreement.

Jannelia says 'I think I am doing it now.'

Asandra says 'You were definitely born with the spark!'

Asandra has some joy in her eyes.

Asandra says 'You can let go of the source now, if you wish.'

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'Or relish in it a bit longer, you are free to here.'

Asandra says 'But try to not hold on too long at a time, it can exhaust you.'

Asandra says 'What do you know of the White Tower?'

Jannelia says 'I found that out the hard way.'

Jannelia says 'Not so much, I believe. I know there are groups within the tower and that they all can

Asandra grins evilly.

Asandra says 'A lot of us can channel, indeed'

Asandra says 'And there are groups, but that is for later concern.'

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'You will learn about this, if you choose to join.'

Asandra says 'I shall give you a basic introduction.'

Jannelia listens eagerly.

Asandra says 'We are the centralized place in the lands to learn how to channel.'

Asandra says 'And we obviously think this is the best place to learn, grow and serve the Light.'

Asandra says 'We all are trained to defend ourselves, our Warders and others using the One Power.'

Jannelia says 'So the White Cloaks are just spreading lies?'

Asandra says 'The White Cloaks have a different view on the world.'

Asandra says 'I do not believe they are willingly lying, they are just misguided.'

Jannelia looks nervous.

Jannelia says 'But they are wrong right?'

Jannelia says 'I'm, we're not witches?'

Asandra says 'I have fought up north near Thak'an'dar together with "Children of the Light" against
unspeakable evil.'

Asandra says 'And I have been almost assassinated by their hunters down south.'

Asandra says 'We are, most definitely, not witches.'

Jannelia looks relieved.

Asandra says 'We have access to a great power, with which we can do a lot of good.'

Asandra says 'However, to use this to it's full potential, one has to learn somewhere.'

Jannelia says 'That makes sense.'

Asandra says 'The White Tower offers this learning, and a roof over your head, for those who want.'

Asandra says 'We shall never force anyone to join, and you are free to leave at any point if you so

Asandra says 'However, you are only allowed to join the White Tower once.'

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'If you leave, you are still free to visit Tar Valon, you are NOT hunted, but are not
allowed to join the White Tower as a Novice once again.'

Jannelia says 'So is there any risk to myself or others if I don't choose to learn to use this power?'

Asandra says 'There is a risk, for sure.'

Jannelia starts to look nervous again.

Asandra says 'Especially in villages far from Tar Valon, there are children, woman and men who burn
themselves out.'

Asandra says 'Or worse, bring harm to others around them.'

Asandra says 'They do not do this on purpose!'

Asandra says 'But it can happen.'

Asandra says 'That is why training is necessary.'

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'Just like a young boy or girl can do harm with a pointy sword.'

Asandra says 'Flailing it around.'

Asandra says 'So too can we, users of the One Power, do harm to ourselves or others.'

Jannelia says 'I spent some of the last few months in Far Madding as it felt like my connection was
muted.. Mostly out of this fear of hurting others.'

Asandra cringes in terror!

Asandra says 'How did this make you feel?'

Jannelia looks around ashamedly.

Jannelia says 'I felt terrible.'

Asandra nods in agreement.

Jannelia says 'like I was missing part of myself.'

Asandra nods again, knowingly.

Jannelia says 'But at the time I was still under the impression I was evil somehow.'

Asandra says 'It is a part of yourself, this One Power.'

Asandra says 'To be without, is akin to being without a leg or an arm.'

Jannelia says 'So it felt like something I had to do.'

Asandra says 'You will not feel whole.'

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'And do not fear, my child, for you are not evil.'

Asandra says 'Or, let me rephrase, the One Power is not evil.'

Jannelia seems to sit more easily in her chair.

Asandra says 'Just like a sword, it is the choice of the wielder.'

Asandra says 'You can do great things with the One Power, heal, feed, protect.'

Asandra says 'But you can also bring harm to others, this all you shall learn if you choose to join

Asandra says 'Before you make your choice, let me tell you about our most basic rules.'

Asandra says 'The first rule, which all Aes Sedai have taken as oath'

Jannelia listens attentively while taking a drink from her water flask.

Asandra says 'Is: "To speak no word that is not true."'

Asandra says 'The second rule, which is also an oath for me'

Asandra says 'Is "To make no weapon with which one man may kill another."'

Asandra says 'Though I interpret it as 'no person' may kill another.'

Asandra chuckles politely.

Jannelia smiles happily.

Asandra says 'The third rule, which is also my third and last oath'

Asandra says 'Is "Not to use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last
defense of my life, the life of my Warder, or that of another Sister."'

Asandra says 'This might seem a bit formal, but it is part the White Tower.'

Jannelia says 'Pardon my ignorance, no one ever breaks these oaths?'

Asandra says 'And if you join us, you aspire to become one of us Sisters, Aes Sedai, and shall have
to swear by these oaths.'

Jannelia says 'In my experience an oath is only as good as the person giving it.'

Asandra says 'I have sworn these Oaths on a device which makes it nigh-unbreakable.'

Jannelia says 'Ohh'

Asandra says 'This too, you shall learn in the classes.'

Asandra says 'So if an Aes Sedai speaks something, you can be sure she at least thinks it to be

Jannelia nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'We can not willingly break the three Oaths.'

Asandra says 'You shall not have to swear them for a time to come, but it is expected you behave
like you have, once you join the White Tower.'

Asandra stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Asandra beckons you to stand.

Jannelia is already standing.

Asandra says 'Let's go for a short stroll.'

Asandra gestures with her hand.

Jannelia nods in agreement.

The door smoothly swings open.

Removed some more walking around getting to the Office.

Asandra smiles happily.

Asandra knocks on the officedoor.

Jannelia sneaks a snack from her purse.

The officedoor swings open from the force of your knock.
Asandra leaves east. >>
Jannelia follows Asandra.

In the Cluttered Office
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: officedoor
Asandra Laserie, Aes Sedai is standing here.
Staring down her nose a scribe performs her duties here.
A ballot box records votes here.
A tactician's clerk tallies fallen enemies here.
A treasurer stands here, managing the clan coffers.
A short, plump woman stands here, ready to record accomplishments.
An ink-stained Novice grinds oak galls, sniffing miserably.

An ink-stained Novice looks up, puffy red eyes hopeful.

Asandra says 'The Office.'

The officedoor closes quietly.

Asandra smiles happily.

Asandra says 'Do we have a past record of Jannelia?'

The White Tower bookkeeper says 'I have no record of jannelia, sister Asandra.'

Asandra nods at the White Tower bookkeeper.

Asandra says 'Jannelia of Saldaea, do you have any questions before you join the White Tower?'

Jannelia looks around in awe at all the paper.

Jannelia stammers, 'No no, I ahh, I am ready.'

Asandra grins evilly.

Asandra claps Jannelia on the back.

Asandra says 'One never can be'

Asandra says 'But close enough!'

More running around getting to Sheriam's study

The Mistress of Novices' Study
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: woodendoor
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Asandra Laserie, Aes Sedai is standing here.
Sheriam the Mistress of Novices studies you with a stern expression.

Asandra closes the woodendoor.

Asandra nods at Sheriam the Mistress of Novices.

Asandra says 'Sheriam, this is Jannelia'

Jannelia smiles at her.

Jannelia says 'Hellp Sheriam'

Asandra arches an eyebrow.

Asandra grins evilly.

Jannelia's cheeks are burning.

Asandra says 'She's very nice'

Jannelia says 'Hello rather.'

Asandra says 'Even if she has to reprimand you.'

Asandra says 'Which I hope shall not come to pass.'

Asandra says 'Sheriam Sedai, please add Jannelia to the Book of Novices.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices scrutinizes you carefully as she eyes you up and down.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Hello jannelia'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'I understand you can touch the True Source.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Well, you will not go off on your own anymore.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Henceforth you will be trained in the tower as a Novice.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices takes a breath before continuing.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You will obey your elders and instructors.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You will stay here in the Novice quarters when not in the

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You may not leave the island of Tar Valon at any time, while a

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You will read the notices in the White Tower Forum often and
heed them.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You may practice here freely, and ask me for a TASK
appropriate to a NOVICE.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Now then,'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices gives you a plain white dress.
Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You will wear this for as long as you are noviced.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'There is no excuse for not wearing one.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices nods her head slightly.

Jannelia takes a shaky breath, nodding along.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'In addition I will form a weave about you.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Should you leave us before we are done with you,'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You will not only forget all that you have learned,'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You will also be rendered a threat to none, by a block set
upon you.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Stand still while I weave the flows.'

Jannelia senses Sheriam connecting to the True Source.

Jannelia senses Sheriam is channeling saidar.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices gestures at you with one hand.

Jannelia feels an intense pain briefly in your head then it is gone as flows of spirit infuse your mind.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices nods grimly.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices makes some notes in a book on her desk.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'I will let you begin your new duties jannelia.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'You may go now, use care when venturing out of the Tower.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices opens the woodendoor.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices nods dismissively.

Asandra nods at Sheriam the Mistress of Novices.

Jannelia says 'Thank you Mistress.'

Jannelia wears a plain white dress around her body.

Posts: 486
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Jannelia joins the White Tower

Post by Chloro » Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:11 am

Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : 1
Length bonus +1-2 qps : 1
Summary: +1 qps : 1


Jannelia 4

Asandra 2

Please say "RECEIVE" at a silver haired Aes sedai to be awarded.

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