Further Down a Portrait Lined Hall -Part One- &-BonusRPqps

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Further Down a Portrait Lined Hall -Part One- &-BonusRPqps

Post by Chloro » Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:22 am

The sun faded as the day began to come to a close, it was not an ending, there are no endings in the turn of the wheel, yet amongst gray halls candle light could be seen burning long into the night. There are no beginnings or endings to the turning of the wheel, yet it was the beginning as threads began to weave a part of the age lace.

The smell of law books and far of spices welcomed her back to the Ajah wing, the novices she had just taught no doubt would be welcomed with the smell of bleach and damp rags for causing char marks in the well. The days had been short of late, winter came further south in the past few years enveloping the Tower in white crystalline armor made of ice. Turning the corner she looked towards her apartment door, the red rearing horse of Kandor displayed proudly on it as were a dozen other national crests. With a sigh, she opened the door, another day teaching, and so few came to us anymore. She was starting to wonder if the ability to channel was leaving this turning of the wheel, dwindling out like the last few embers of a bonfire.

Turning the handle and pushing the door forward she entered her medium sized apartment, the smell of lamb stew and spiced wine making her smile as she looked to the food on the table. Carter must have been to the kitchens sensing her tiredness with the day. She kept very little from her warder, only the strongest of secrets did she deny him the right to know. It was a rather fortune moment the day she bonded the man, he had more than proved himself and stopped a few assassination attempts while traveling. However, though the food was here. the sturdy man was no where to be found. A blessing possibly, she could take a moment to regain her thoughts.

Slipping the gray fringed shawl from her shoulders she folded it carefully and placed it into her large oak wardrobe, a gift from Annoura after shawling and reaching the rank of Sitter so quickly. The woman was like a kindly aunt, as Nevirha also was. As she moved to close the door when a glitter of silver caught her eye in the edge of the door, the fading sun had hit it just right. Her left eyebrow rose, few people knew of this compartment or what it would be used for. It had not been used since she took possession of the piece of furniture. Carefully she ran her hand along the smooth wood grain on the outer edge of the door, a small envelope shaped compartment popped open with a click as pressure was applied in the right place.

Her eyes darted around the room, she knew it was empty but with events of late no one could be to careful. Pulling the envelope from its hiding place she observed a corner having silver foil glued to it, this could only have come from one place, her operative in Caemlyn. The envelope was old, and sun worn from many years of sitting high on a self. Taking her silver and blue painted thumb nail she broke the seal on the back of it another parchment dropping to the floor as she read the inside of the missive.

“Time is short Lady Sedai, Andor begins to rumble. The high seat of my house says there has been an incursion with the children of the light involving Aes Sedai, a lancer, and one of your Accepted. As you know, if the news has come to me it is already public. I was able to get a report from one of the guards, though I will not be using the tactics I had to employ with that one again. He was able to see the Queen with her “consort” locked in the throne room for several hours. No news from the north or south. Bearlon was where it happened.”

Her face remained a perfect mask of Aes Sedai calm yet her mind carefully trained, allowed the slightest of urgency to slip through the bond to Carter. The man was very protective and would come running, she knelt down looking at the second missive in the envelope, her grip on the paper tightening till her fist turned white as she read the names. “Why must it always be those two when trouble is afoot,” she thought to herself. The missive had named Andor, and by proxy of the party Shienar, however she did not reach the Gray by thinking small. This would draw in Amicida, the monarch had little to no authority against the Lord Captain Commander of the children. That would also bring in Illian and no doubt Tear. Creator forbid one should enter while the other remained silent, that was far too much to hope for. Cairhien would join as well, its relations with the tower had been strained. The borderlands would question if Shienar was strong enough to hold the gap, she still had one eye and ear with close connection to Ethenielle, it would be enough to delay reaction for now. Out of all involved Morgase would need her assistance most.

The Andorian queen had maintained strong ties with Tar Valon and had been formally trained in the tower. Though few could confirm it, she also had a small ability to channel. Amicida would use her as a bullseye to strike a blow at the tower. Her trail of thinking cut off as Carter burst through the door hand on his mallet hit. Her plan had worked though she would most likely pay for it later in some way or another. “Shut the door and sit down, it is going to be a very long night.” A weave of water, air and spirit snapped into existence around the room cutting the pair off from any who would dare eaves drop.


Ely edit 28 May 2023:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: o

Total: 2 qps, doubled for RP bonus = 4
