Code changes: Riding and horse bashing/stabbing/etc, Slow, and bug fixes

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Code changes: Riding and horse bashing/stabbing/etc, Slow, and bug fixes

Post by Aureus » Sat Feb 25, 2023 5:13 pm

Riding and horse bashing/stabbing/charging
  • With level 5+ Ride, you will turn your mount to protect it against being bashed, stabbed, or charged. (This is invisible to the rider to protect against unnecessary spam, similar to if someone tries to engage you while you are max-engaged already: but these abilities will fail 100% of the time against the ridden mount.)
  • For stab and charge, this effect only happens when the rider is in combat. That is to say, if the rider isn't paying attention and a sneaky stabber comes along, the stabber can still stab their horse. Situationally, this can be a good tactic if someone is out in the middle of nowhere and you think dismounting them is more advantageous than stabbing the person directly. However, if the rider is in combat (regardless of who they are in combat with), then the stabber won't be able to get a clear opening amidst the fray. Ditto for charge.
  • For context, we tied this to level 5 in Ride because this is the same level as auto-rescue for your horse. We know that some characters (especially channelers) will opt to remain below level 5 Ride because they prefer their horse to be attacked instead of having more people attacking them directly through auto-rescue. This still allows that choice, while not conferring any new horse protection that was not there before.
  • Rather than drain moves directly, slow will be a status aff that blocks the use of artificial regen (vials/refresh/compel) on the slowed person, and increases movement costs for the duration. So it will require the slowed person to play smartly with their moves for a short window.
  • It is now fast to cast, has a very high sp cost, and a very short duration to keep it situational.
Bug fixes:
  • Thiefbane had a display issue with players who only had "muted" warrants like Seanchan and Shadow, showing (0) warrants on the who-list and "NOBITS" on whois. This is resolved.
  • There was a fade quest loophole that is now fixed: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17462

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