Crier Updates

A place for Immortals of the game to post changes in policy or other relevant announcements for the game.
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Crier Updates

Post by Feneon » Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:25 am

To make it a little easier for people to get started on Light Side and to begin to give new players a little more direction we've put the total pay out of crier quests onto the first completion of the quest and we've given each Light Side crier two experience quests that will be worth two levels up to level 30. This should speed-up some segments of getting a character to a playable stage for both new and old players.

If you are under level 30 and you enter his room he will suggest you ask for a job or task and won't give you the necessary information unless you are under 30. This should also reduce some of the spam we've grown accustom to with the criers.

Some of the mobs are more difficult than you might expect. Some are fairly easy. We'll be taking a look at the beginning sequence as well to streamline it with some experience add-ons as well as updated information.

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