Mariah sur Paendrag Mashera - A self-biography

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Mariah sur Paendrag Mashera - A self-biography

Post by Mariah » Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:56 pm

Character Bio
Full name: Mariah sur Paendrag Mashera
Nickname(s): Hairam. Little duck. Carey.
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronoun: She/Her
Nationality: Mayener
Place of birth: Capitol of Mayene
House: Mashera
Clan: Gray Ajah
Job title: Aes Sedai
Current Residence: A Lush Apartment within the Gray Wing
Education: Private instruction as a child in etiquette and politics. Then formal White Tower training from Novice through Accepted. Focused training on Gray Ajah topics as their Apprentice.

Female Channeler / Tower-related
Strength in the One Power: 18
Element Affinity: Wind
Element Weakness: Fire
Blocks (previous or current): None

Father: Bergin sur Paendrag Mashera
Mother: Ingrid Segred sur Paendrag Mashera
Siblings: Two younger brothers and 3 sisters
Children: None
Warder: None
Mentor: Nevirha
Relationships with other characters:
Mariel - Holds a special place in her heart for her first Mentor (2011)
Chloro - Shawled around the same time and confidant when able
Everesta - Gave help and guidance during Apprenticeship. immeasurable respect
Sarinda - Knew as Accepted, then recieved immense amount of guidance and assistance during late Tower Accepted stage
Tarkan - What a funny fellow, let's hope he doesn't get me in trouble

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair color: Long, black hair
Eye color: big and a very dark brown
Skin color: An easy tan, golden of color
Type of Face: High cheek bones
Tatoos: None
Piercings: Both ears are pierced
Disabilities: None
Illnesses: None

Bad Habits: She clicks her tongue when thinking. Her hands must always be doing something when talking.
Drinking habits: None
Smoking habits: None
Hobbies: Reading, horseback riding, and exploring.

Mental Characteristics
Fears: She has faced her fears.
Life Goals (next 5 years): She hopes to improve the methods of how the White Tower can positively influence the Nations of the world.
Assumed external perception: Composed and direct.
Self-Confidence: High
Rational Or Emotional: Emotional but calculated
How could you upset this character? Tell her something as fact one day, then declare you never said it later.

Emotional Characteristics
What are the emotional strengths of the character? She is considerate of others and will generally go out of her way to help others. She considers issues thoughtfully, trying to identify all the key points, but often prefers to start a discussion and flush out the details as you go.
What are the emotional weaknesses of the character? She doesn't make close friends quickly, though she is personable and friendly.
Is the character an introvert or an extrovert? She is extroverted but is private and reserved until they become close.
How does the character cope with fury and rage? Disengage from the immediate situation, and attempt to avoid future incidents of the same situation. Then vent to confidants and as a coping mechanism, will snarkily mention the offense in a joking manner with her friends.
How does the character cope with unhappiness? A creature of comfort, she will indulge in small pleasures such as a pleasant location, good food, or luxurious trappings.
How does the character cope with rivalry? She does not forgive nor forget easily. If of equal footing and outside of the watch of Authorities (read: when she can get away with it), she'll make snarky and pithy comments that are in her favor in the argument.
How does the character cope with new situations? Lists, research, then action.
How does the character cope with trouble? Same as unhappiness and rivalry.
What’s his or her meaning of life? To ensure that when people need to come together in the Last Battle, that they are able to.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?

What things motivate the character? She is ever focused on making a mark in the world and make tangible changes.
What situations scare the character? No answer for now.
What makes this character happy? Quiet and secluded areas, or intimate settings with a close friend. Appreciates good food, and loves a well-prepared meal.
Is the character often biased? She tends to prioritize the opinions of her close friends until evidence indicates she needs a closer inspection.
Does the character prefer to give or to take? Give, though she appreciates the taking in the sense of interpersonal relationships. It is a sign of interpersonal wealth when others offer a favor or assistance.
Is the character rather nice or rude? Rather nice and helpful.

Significant Lifetime Events (list/long-form)
Shawled to the Gray Ajah on Mon 12 September 2022

Background (long-form)

Mariah sur Paendrag Mashera comes from a noble family in Mayene, a distant cousin of the Queen, branched far in the past. The etimology of her name comes from her Mother's side of the family, who have been entrenched in the land from the beginning. Well, from this beginning. The ancestors tell stories of what they found in the world, giving names to them and attributing actions that describe their temperment that they say came from a different Age. Fire that they needed to survive was named Joe, the rain that constantly invaded the Mayene coast was named Jack. And the wind, they called the Wind Mariah. It was because of this that when there was an especially severe storm blowing strong wind through the Towers of the keep of House Mashera the night Mariah was born that her Mother insisted she be named Mariah in namesake.

Her father's side of the family is no less a creature of Tradition and is in fact the mechanism that saw Mariah's life turned up-side down and saw to the beginning of her path to the Shawl. There is a tradition among Mayener noble Houses to send their daughters to the White Tower to be formally Tested once they reach the signs of Womanhood. This trip is treated with excitement from the participant for it involves quite a bit of celebration, fanfare, and stately reception in Tar Valon and amongst the Mayener Noble Houses. The Noble Families themselves take Pride that they can afford the trip and have the Honor of a daughter to present in such way. Mariah felt no different when it was time for her trip, for she thought she would know if her own body was the residence of the Spark, and that this was going to be enjoyable forign travel. However, during the audiance with Riva Sedai for formal Testing she was found to be able to be taught how to channel and the necessary possessed strength in the One Power and was quickly spirited away into Novice Whites.

The transition from House Mashera to a Novice in the White Tower was quite severe, but her upbringing gave her the tools she needed to adjust. In fact, once she adopted the perspective that the rules and traditions of the White tower was simply a new set of Courtly rules and manners she started making headway into her training. It was this approach that likely further shaped her into an Accepted that found her way to advanced studies with the Gray Ajah. Mush of their mission and duties seemed natural and instinctive, and she knew the value of their mission and methods first-hand.