Finding Local Talent

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Finding Local Talent

Post by Chloro » Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:35 am

Induction rp with Hypatia, we discuss the girls goals and test her for the ability. This is a good example of a non-wilder coming to the tower for testing.

Point of view: Chloro
Participants: Chloro, Hypatia

Log session starting at 18:46:46 on Wednesday, 3 August 2022.

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door north: TarlomensGate
A lantern has been left here.
A small purse is here.
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
A wooden bucket has been left here.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A sailor is here.
A man is here.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
Hypatia of Murandy is standing here.
The Tar Valon town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A draft horse is here.

Chloro looks to Hypatia, Aes Sedai calm ever present on her face as she smiles warmly. "Welcome to Tar Valon child."

Hypatia glances about the busy square, looking nervous, before scurrying up to you with small steps.

Hypatia makes a clumsy attempt at a curtsey

Hypatia says 'greetings Aes Sedai, Ma'am.'

Hypatia knuckles her forehead in honor of all within view.

Chloro inclines her head in greeting to the girl. "Thank you, and what is your name? I am Chloro Sedai."

Hypatia says 'I am called Hypatia. My Mam has sent me for testing, though I don't know where to go.'

Chloro looks to Hypatia weighing and measuring her with soft gray eyes. "Then you have come to the right place. Perhaps we should discuss this in a more private setting."

Hypatia attempts to peek upwards, while keeping her head down.

Hypatia glances around quickly. then nods, breathin deeply.

Hypatia starts following you.

Chloro says 'Come with me child.'


Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A calm woman bathed in serenity seems to attract your attention.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.
Hypatia has arrived from the east.

Chloro closes the carveddoor

Chloro looks about the room smiling to her fellow Aes Sedai."Please be at ease here Hypthia."

Hypatia says 'Forgive me Aes Sedai, for I have lived nearby all my life, but never spoken to an Aes Sedai in person.'

Hypatia drops a small curtsey, almost tripping over her skirts.

Chloro says 'That is alright we are women just like any other.'

Chloro says 'Annoura I believe we need more chairs'

Annoura Larisen glances around the room.

Annoura Larisen says 'Yes, it does appear we are short a few for this meeting.'

Annoura Larisen steps out, then returns with an Accepted following close behind.

Annoura Larisen looks over her shoulder at the girl.

Annoura Larisen says 'Child, help us move some of these chairs around the table.'

A dutiful Accepted curtseys gracefully. 'Yes, Aes Sedai.'

A dutiful Accepted grabs a chair and quickly moves across the room.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

A dutiful Accepted makes her way towards another and shuffles it into place.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

A dutiful Accepted avoids making eye contact as she lifts another chair.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

Hypatia seems to steel herself. "Thannk you. Yes, Good morning, Aes Sedai, I am Hypatia,

A dutiful Accepted gets a last chair and sets it with the others around a large table.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

A dutiful Accepted dips into a final curtsy and leaves with haste.

Chloro moves gracefully to a high-backed chair at the table motioning for the girl to do the same. "Please take a seat let us discuss some things before you are tested."

Hypatia nods imperceptably. Thank you Ma'am.

Hypatia sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Hypatia sits tall, straightening her back and looking around the room.

Chloro pulls out a paper and quill jotting down a few letters. "From where do you hail child?"

Hypatia says 'from nearby, to the south. I live with my mother in a little farmhouse.'

Chloro taps her lip and continues. "Within the borders of Tar Valon?"

Hypatia nods in agreement.

Hypatia rests on a stout oaken chair.

Hypatia says 'yes maam. I am from Alindaer'

Chloro jots down a few notes. "You said your mother sent you here to be tested. For what reason where you sent?"

Hypatia says 'because she says I am of age and ...'

Chloro looks to the girl her face a mask of calm, but her eyes intrigued. “Do go on."

Hypatia says '... and because, if truth be told, she says I spend too much time wanting to see the

Hypatia says 'she does not thing I will be a good seamstress, which is what she has to teach.'

Chloro chuckles warmly nodding. "Not the answer I had expected, but a good one none the less. What far of places perk you interest the most?"

Hypatia says 'But I hope that it is because I will have the spark and be an Aes Sedai one day.'

Hypatia says 'anywhere and everywhere. I talk to merchants and travelers when I can and they tell such wonderful tales.'

Hypatia says 'the Lions of Andor, the colorful nobles of Cairhein. '

Chloro looks to the girl impressed by her yern to see more than what her home has to offer. "Well, both are admirable goals. Here we shall see if they align."

Hypatia says 'My Da was conscripted when the last false dragon rose. and I want to see the scenes of those great battles.'

Hypatia looks down again. "I'm sorry Ases Sedai. and I want to be able to help people and understand things. because there is so much world out there, and I dont know much.

Chloro nods softly as she rises from her seat gliding over to an illianier carpet and carefully drops to her knees her bottom resting on her heals. "Come then we shall see if the Tower will have something to do with your goals. Join me please."

Hypatia stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Hypatia moves quickly so kneel nearby, attempting to mirror the grace of the Aes Sedai.

Hypatia wobbles slightly, then giggles.

Hypatia says 'I am sorry maam. I am nervous and a bit excited.'

Hypatia whispers quietly under her breath ...'and terrified'.

Chloro reaches up and behind herself pulling a silver clasp out of her hair, red wavey locks spilling over her shoulders. Carefully she sets the silver clasp with a large sapphire on it between her and the potential initiate." It is alright, I will not put you in any place I do not think you capable of."

Hypatia looks curiously at the silver clasp.

Hypatia looks at you.

Hypatia stops using a water skin.

Hypatia drinks water from a water skin.

Hypatia puts a water skin on her belt.

Hypatia says 'I understand Aes Sedai. I will not be afraid.'

Chloro looks to Hypatia, "I want you to listen, and do as I both say and do for this. We shall see if you have the ability to channel. Not all girls are born with a spark. Some are born able to touch the source without having a spark."

Hypatia nods slowly, chewing a curl as she looks up.

Chloro slows her breath, breathing deeply as she looks to the girl. "I want you to close your eyes and take slow deep breaths. Try to match the pace of mine."

Hypatia removes the curl from her mouth, nodding in small movements. She looks about to speak, then clamps her mouth shut again.

Chloro watches the girl with intent, "Breath in, breath out allow your mind to wander."

Hypatia closes her eyes slowly, her quick breathing trying to slow.

Chloro looks to Hyptia waiting for her breathing to fully slow.

Hypatia appears to shiver, before her breathing settles into a slower pattern.

Hypatia breathes in slowly, her face becoming more serene as she settles.

Chloro nods slightly seeing the progress and speaks softly. "Now allow your mind to clear, let thoughts and emotions pass through you and away from you till our mind is empty."

Hypatia breathes out slowly, and in again, at an even pace.

Chloro speaks, her soft voice guiding the girl "Slowly open your eyes and focus on the crystal, let only the crystal be in your mind."

Hypatia breathes out, slowly opening her eyes, focused on the crystal clasp in front of her.

Chloro places herself on the brink of embracing saidar as she watches the girl. "Continue focusing on the blue crystal, see into its depths, let it warm you."

Hypatia breathes in and out evenly, eyes steadfast on the crystal between the pair.

Chloro embraces saidar as she speaks. "Let the warmth flow into you, let it wrap it's self around you and let the crystal shine."

Hypatia whispers, i feel warm, it is strange.

Chloro say 'Let it in dear, let the warmth flow into you.'

Hypatia gasps slightly, rocking on her heels.

You sense Hypatia connecting to the True Source.

Hypatia says 'I felt something!'

Chloro smiles a knowing smile as the nimbus appears around the girl, and the stone pulses brightly for a moment before it fades."

Chloro says 'Now allow the warm to flow away from you.'

Hypatia visibly tries to settle herself back to calmness.

You sense Hypatia connecting to the True Source.

Chloro says 'Release the warmth child.'

Hypatia frowns at the crystal, as her breathing starts to slow again

Chloro begin's weaving a shield to snap around the girl should it be needed. "Hypatia release the warmth let it flow away from you."

Hypatia reaches a finger toward the crystal, as it starts to glow with a faint blue light.

You sense Hypatia connecting to the True Source.

Chloro sighs as she launches the shield watching it snap in place around the girl cutting her off from Saidar.

Hypatia gasps as her eyes widen slightly.

Hypatia says 'was that? Was that the Source?'

Hypatia says 'Do I have the spark?'

Chloro says 'Yes it was Hypatia, you have the ability to channel. However, saidar can be just as dangerous as is it beautiful.'

Chloro says 'From this moment forward you are not to channel unless given permission to by an Aes Sedai, or an Accepted. There are many lessons you must learn before you can safely channel unaided.'

Hypatia looks down, abashed. Yet her eyes slowly drift back to look on the crystal.

Hypatia nods. "Yes Aes Sedai, I will not."

Chloro smiles looking to Hypatia before releasing the shield and saidar. In one fell swoop she picks up the claps and redoes her hair, not a strand out of place. "It seems the Tower aligns with your goals this day."

Hypatia says 'It felt... wonderful. Colourful. Like I could taste the colour or...'

Chloro says 'Saidar is wonderful but is also addictive. That is why we restrict novices from channeling. Such a rare talent in women is not worth loosing.'

Hypatia says 'my goals will be the Tower's. I will learn all I can.'

Chloro chuckles as she gracefully stands in a smooth motion looking to the girl. "Well then we had best see to inducting you hadn't we, please come with."

Hypatia says 'is it so dangerous?'

Chloro says 'For you now, yes, in time you will overcome the danger.'

Hypatia looks wide-eyed as she clambers to her feet.

Hypatia says 'it felt... Yes, it felt like I could be swept up in it.'

Chloro gracefully glides towards the door listening for the novices’ footsteps behind her. "Come along dear, the tower waits for now woman, you will learn more in your lessons to come."

Hypatia smiles happily.

Hypatia veritably trots on tip toes, behind the Aes Sedai, with a mix of grin and wide-eyed bemusement.

Log session ending at 19:35:44 on Wednesday, 3 August 2022.

Posts: 492
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:21 am

Re: Finding Local Talent

Post by Raeza » Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:15 pm


Chloro - 4 rpqps (2 + 2 for editing)
Hypatia - 2 rpqps

Please 'receive' them at a silver-haired sister.

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