Both Alike in Dignity

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Both Alike in Dignity

Post by Mariah » Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:24 am

Mariah encountered Novice Aja and Everesta talking about how Aja is having trouble acclimating to her new life in the Tower due to her background as a Noble. Having previously experienced instances of Aja's behavior in Chloro Sedai's class the day before, Mariah takes it upon herself to share her own experiences of acclimating to the White Tower from a noble background.

Mariah walks a fine line with Novice Aja between instructing her in proper behavior within the White Tower while giving her tips on how to gradually overcome her current struggle.

Main Characters: Aja, Mariah
Other Character: Everesta
Appearance: Nevirha


Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ] [ N: TarlomensGate ]
A slip of paper has been carelessly dropped upon the ground.
A chunk of sandstone lies on the ground. [2]
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
A mirrored lantern has been left here. [2]
A belt of tanned leather has been laid here.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An old woman smiles kindly.
Aja the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
Everesta do Alinye a'Covin is standing here.
The Tar Valon town crier stands here, spreading the news.

[curtsy ]
Mariah curtseys before her.

Zygoat has arrived from the west, riding a |1|.warhorse.

Zygoat leaves east riding a warhorse.

Everesta says 'Are you finding that people are empathetic to your plight? Do they seem to understand how discomforting that would be?'

Aja curtseys before Mariah.

Everesta smiles at Mariah.

Everesta gets a leather water flask from a backpack.

Aja says quietly, "I am learning that some people are harsh on nobles."

Everesta sighs audibly and almost to an exaggeration.

Everesta says 'Do you feel that they treat you unjustly because of who you are?'

A tower guard glances at the novice out of the side of his eyes ( Mariah )

Aja sticks out her right hip and props her right arm on it, "I hear there are other ladies here that were or ARE nobles. How were they treated at first?', her eyes cutting to Mariah.

The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.

Mariah inclines her head in acknowledgement to the Novice.

Everesta says 'Mariah, do you understand what she's implying?'

Everesta gestures toward Aja while looking at Mariah.

Aja moves towards the fountain and then boosts herself up on its edge and takes a seat, the fingers of her left hand running through the cool water.

Mariah says 'Yes, Aes Sedai. The Novice has been informed that myself and others in the Tower are from Nobility as well. I believe I may be able to give her some insight and help her, eventually, adjust.'

Someone bellows 'The criminal, Zeeb, has been spotted!'

Everesta walks around the fountain and takes a seat at a bench, looking out in both direction.

Mariah's target is set to zeeb

A baker bellows 'Darkfriend Zeeb is attacking me!! Guards!'

Everesta nods in agreement.

[Spams about Tar Valon looking for Zeeb, until he leaves zone]

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ] [ N: TarlomensGate ]
A slip of paper has been carelessly dropped upon the ground.
A chunk of sandstone lies on the ground. [2]
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
A mirrored lantern has been left here. [2]
A belt of tanned leather has been laid here.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An old woman smiles kindly.
Aja the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
Everesta do Alinye a'Covin is standing here.
The Tar Valon town crier stands here, spreading the news.

Everesta looks around.

Everesta says 'Yes, the trolloc is gone.'

The Tar Valon guardsmen ring the city alarm in the distance.

Mariah curtseys to her audience.

Halthan has arrived from the north, riding a |1|.warhorse.

Everesta nudges Aja.

Mariah pivots on the fountain, to face the Novice a little more.

Aja says from atop the edge of the fountain, her legs moving forward and then back against the stone, "Yes! I hear Accepted Mariah is of noble blood. I am sure she can help me get my best servant Sandra up here to help me."

Everesta says 'Oh maybe. Can Sandra touch the source?'

Everesta looks at Aja hopefully.

Mariah shares a knowing smirk with Everesta Sedai.

Aja shakes her head, her long blonde ponytail slapping at her back. "No! She has never killed a cow with ice spikes, but she sure does know when I need slippers for a cold floor when I wake in the mornings."

Everesta says 'It sounds like you know it too?'

Aja crosses her arms over her chest, "Yes! I just keep my slippers closer to my bed now. They used to be kept in a closet for me."

Mariah says 'If it pleases the Aes Sedai, I could take a moment with the Novice to go over some of the things I learned while adjusting.'

Everesta nods at Mariah.

Mariah beckons Aja to follow her.

Everesta says 'Thank you Mariah, that would be fine. Aja, it is good that you have found a way to adjust.'

Everesta says 'Keep it up. Focus on speaking promptly. I hate waiting with such bated breath to hear your words.'

Everesta gives Aja a very broad smile, all teeth.

Aja leaps from the fountain and follows the Accepted but not before dipping into a deep curtsey.

Aja starts following Mariah.

Aja is now a member of your group.

Mariah curtsies to the Aes Sedai as she leads the Accepted along into the depths of the White Tower.

open TarlomensGate north

[Spams to the Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah, Novice in tow]

open door west

doorName is now set as: door

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ] [ E: door ]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.
Aja has arrived from the east.

close door

Mariah gestures to a seat with an ample cushion already present, for the Novice to sit.

Aja moves to the seat and sits upon the cushion.

Mariah says 'I take it you were speaking to Everesta Sedai about your adjustments coming to the Tower?'

Mariah takes a seat herself, on an un-cushioned chair next to the Novice's.

Aja says 'Yes, Accepted Marish. She was asking if I liked it here.'

Mariah says 'I believe I caught the jist of your responses.'

Aja's lips curl into a smile as she uses her arms and hands when she speaks. "It is tough here! Just look at my pruned hands."

Mariah says 'As you know, I also had a bit of an adjustment to make. But do you know what became fairly apparent?'

Aja says 'What became apparent?'

Mariah leans toward the side, closer to the Novice's seat.

Mariah says 'The way I was brought up and the way of the White Tower is not very different, all things taken account for.'

Mariah attempts to read the Novice's expression at the statement.

Aja mutters, "Going from having Sandra do everything for me to me even having to wash dishes", her nose wrinkles. "Just makes me almost..", she tries not to get upset and ice spike the wall.

Mariah says 'I can understand the frustration. Many think the trappings we became accustomed to as largess and extravagance.'

Mariah says 'What you and I both know, though, is that our lives were filled with rigid rules, traditions built upon many years, and expectations of...practically perfection.'

Aja says 'Did your father get upset at you for killing his prized bull and send you here?'

Mariah journey here was a byproduct of my upbringing.

Mariah smiles warmly as she attempts to briefly recount her journey.

Aja feels comfortable speaking with you.

Mariah says 'You see, in Mayene it is a tradition to send every Noble daughter to Tar Valon to be formally Tested for the Spark. It goes back to some First instilling favor with the Amyrlin at the time.'

Aja nods slowly.

Mariah says 'So, when I become of Age, it was my time. I could have been scared or worried. But so much of my life was already dictated and formed, it instead became a bit of an escape from the normal. We typically treated it as...a vacation of sorts.'

Mariah says 'Though, in hind-sight, I was not nearly prepared for actually being found to have the Spark.'

Aja mumbles softly to herself, "This is a vacation? Washing dishes until your hands are pruned?"

Mariah breaks protocol and places a hand gingerly on the Novices fore-arm in assurance.

Mariah says 'Was learning how to ride a horse, or the hours sitting very still to tailor a gown not also a chore that some bristle at?'

Aja says 'I never have thought of it that way, but I did take to riding a horse like a fish to swimming in water.'

Mariah says 'My difficulty in adjusting was not the hard work or the chores. It was learning a whole new set of rules and traditions to follow, and seemingly have to throw out the old.'

Aja nods once more.

Mariah smiles at Ajah as if sharing a secret as she says 'Although you may not know it, your lessons actually prepare you for this life better than you right now realize.'

Mariah pronounces your name with a silent H, of course.

Mariah says 'What you must do is understand your new expectations, and then use the savvy you learned in how to navigate amongst your peers to meet them.'

Aja says 'I never had any peers, except for my father and mother. An only child.'

Mariah 's eyes twinkle in calculated glee at sharing tricks of nobility within the Tower.

Mariah says 'I know you were not formally entered into Court yet, you would have been too young I believe, but you were not prepared in etiquette or courtly manners or intrigue?'

Aja exhales a deep sigh, "Manners were missing in my household. I was fed with a silver spoon by everyone."

Mariah glances at the Novice in earnest.

The flows holding the light ball have dissipated.

Aja whispers quietly as if trying to keep it personal between the two, "Sandra did everything for me."

Mariah says 'There were no families higher than your in influence? None your family had to compete with or curry favor? No royal family whose opinion must be satiated?'

Aja says 'No. There was no competition in Illian that I know of. We had the King and his nobility..and then we had my father and his ranch, so to speak. Maybe we weren't beyond rich, but I was very .. spoiled", her wincing as she said the word.'

Mariah says 'It will take you some time to get used to things here.'

Aja says 'How long did it take you?'

Mariah says 'I too was spoiled in the way of servants and material possessions. But it was only to off-set the even larger number of things that I didn't have control over.'

Aja says 'My father would visit the King, but I never left home. Father was afraid of what I may do.'

Mariah says 'I was pretty slow. I was a Novice for quite a while adjusting. I set myself goals as I realized certain areas that I was deficient in.'

Aja says 'But you seem to be flourishing here.'

Mariah says 'The first lesson you must learn is that as a Novice, you are at the bottom of authority chain here. It is as if you are at Court and belong to the House of the lowest Influence.'

Aja nods again.

Mariah says 'Even if you are right and proper, the others judge more critically and look closer at your actions than if your father were, say, the first counsel of the King.'

Aja mumbles at her words, "The Aes Sedai are far more demanding than my father ever was."

Mariah says 'But not nearly as demanding as you were to...say...Sandra?'

Mariah says 'For that reason, you must be independent. Not because you have to, but to make a statement to those above you that you CAN.'

Aja inhales and then exhales deeply. "Well.. I have proven to myself I don't need Sandra to wash dishes or get my slippers."

Mariah nods at Ajah and says 'That is a good indication that you have what it takes.'

Mariah says 'If I may offer a suggestion that may be able to help you get from here to there?'

Aja smiles brightly at Mariah and nods. "Thank you, Accepted. I will take any suggestion you give.. as long as it doesn't get me in trouble."

Mariah says 'I maintain that the key to adjusting is about perspective. As I said before, I think what it takes to survive at Court is very similar to the skills needed in the White Tower.'

Mariah says 'When you find yourself Needing something, that you would normally get from Sandra, you don't need to always go without..'

Mariah lets out a deep sigh, trying to find the words to express how would can still account for one's needs without seeming entitled.

Mariah says 'Let us take for example the class the other day.'

Mariah extends her arm gesturing to the cushion that Aja is sitting on.

Aja smiles. "Chloro Sedai was very assuring to me, wasn't she? She even let me sit on a cushion like this one."

Mariah says 'You came into the class expecting a cushion to already be there for your comfort.'

Aja nods. "Yes! Sandra would have had it there already."

Mariah says 'There are some who would see that as am imposition. That you felt entitled for OTHERS to provide for you. And as a Novice, you have no authority over anyone to provide for your wants.'

Mariah says 'However, had you known you would want a cushion ahead of time, as you do now, you could bring your own.'

Aja says 'I can?'

Mariah shrugs her shoulders in silent answer.

Mariah says 'There isn't a rule against it. Some Accepted may look at you askance or make a comment. Should someone higher than you say something, the proper response is to acknowledge it, and make corrective action for that individual.'

Aja says 'Why did you not ask for a cushion also?'

Mariah says 'If you wanted to avoid that potential conflict, you could ask if you may use a cushion on the chair, moving the perception of entitlement to courtesy of authority.'

Mariah says 'Eventually, you learn humility. By supplying a cushion I give up some social capitol in my interactions with others. What would I need to concede, just so that we may be on equal terms with them allowing my comfortable cushion?'

Aja says 'I can see your point. Maybe I shouldn't have asked for the cushion. Do you think it put me in a bad light?'

Mariah rubs her hands against each other, indicating equality.

Mariah smiles sincerley, her teeth shining from the light in the window.s

Mariah says 'It got the two of us talking, so it can't be all negative.'

Aja says 'May I ask you a question, Accepted?"'

Mariah says 'One moment, and then you may, Novice.'

Aja nods in agreement.

Mariah says 'You see some Accepted or Aes Sedai, in more informal settings, bring things like knitting needles or implements of craft that have, seemingly, nothing to do with our training. In some context, it could be perceived as a distraction or an indication that you are not learning what you need to learn. It is about how you present these Other aspects of your personality, more so than if it is Right or Wrong.'

Mariah says 'Without going into a lesson on the philosophy of how seeming inconsequential activities can be a boon.'

Mariah tilts her head to the side.

Mariah says 'Do you understand what I am trying to instruct?'

Aja says 'I think I do. You are inspiring me to look at the Tower and ones over me in a new light. They are trying to help me just as you are trying to do today.'

Mariah flips her hand in the air and says 'Very well, what was the question you wanted to ask me?'

Aja says softly, "I can't blame my father or family for sending me here. I would get upset and ice spike everything, and even kill things like his prized bull. They felt the Tower was the only place I should be sent and where I could be helped. You and the others here have really shown me that we come from all walks in life, but here we are a .. family. I will try to remember this as my walk continues."

The carveddoor is opened from the other side.

Nevirha has arrived from the east.

Nevirha closes the carveddoor.

Nevirha gestures at the doors with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Nevirha looks around the room, taking in the Accepted and Novice.

Aja curtseys before Nevirha.

Mariah stands up quickly in a fluid movement and gives a proper curtsy to Nevirha Sedai.

Nevirha says 'Please continue whatever you were doing.'

Mariah licks her lips before continuing.

Aja's cushion in her seat falls to the floor as she stands, mimicking Mariah's curtsey.

Mariah says 'Your time here is a journey, Aja. You will make mistakes as you grow and learn how to acclimate. Everyone struggles in some way, as Tower life is vastly different than how we grew up.'

Mariah says 'You show great promise, in that you are willing to hear other's perspectives, and see how they might apply to your jounrye.'

Aja's lips curl into a bright smile.

Mariah purses her lips, releasing them with a soft puckering sound.

Aja says 'I promise if I have questions, you Accepted Mariah, will be one of the first I come to.'

Mariah says 'I just recently found some letters of mine, from when I was a Novice myself. You may find them interesting to see my perspective as I was trying to acclimate.'

Mariah hands Aja a slip of paper on how to find the letter. (viewtopic.php?f=102&t=16816)

Nevirha looks at Mariah with some curiosity.

Aja lifts her chin after taking the slip of paper. "It will be nice to see how you adapted. I look forward to speaking with you more, Accepted Mariah."

Mariah claps her hands silently together, a pleased smile on her face.

Mariah says 'Very good. You must have a lot to think about. Do you have any questions for me?'

Aja bends at the knees and reaches down for the cushion that fell from her seat so that she could place it back on the chair seat. "You have given me lots to think about, but my father taught me one thing. I was given two ears and one mouth so that I could listen twice as much as I speak. Thank you, Accepted.

Mariah chuckles and says 'That is quite a vivid, yet appropriate, saying.'

Mariah gestures to the cushion.

Mariah says 'Please, take the cushion. I acquired it specifically for you.'

Aja takes the cushion into her arms and smiles. "Aw! Thank you, Accepted Mariah. Sandra couldn't have made one better..that is if you made it?", her right eyebrow rising as she looks at Mariah.

Mariah chuckles heartily 'No, my dear, I just know how to spend favors and acquire things at times.'

Mariah courteously turns back towards the Aes Sedai and says 'Aes Sedai, did you wish to speak to either Novice Aja or myself?'

Aja looks over at the Aes Sedai.

Nevirha shakes her head slightly.

Nevirha says 'Not unless either of you have something you wish to speak aobut.'

Mariah says 'No, Aes Sedai. We just appreciate you and Everesta Sedai allowing us to use the Meeting Room for our discussion.'

Nevirha says 'You are welcome to use this room, Mariah, if I have not told you that already.'

Mariah beams a smile as she gets up from her chair.

Aja says 'Yes. Thank you, Aes Sedai. The quiet was nice being in here. It was much better than speaking in the kitchen.'

Mariah motions with her hand for the Novice, still following her, to join.

Nevirha gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Aja smiles and follows the Accepted.

c nevirha
[curtsy ]
Mariah curtseys before her.

Santiago the Patrolman [Civil Watch]
Lady Nevirha Biandhn [Gray Ajah Sitter]
Etain a'Conn
Master Helgi al'brawdrifynn, the Sea Merchant... [Kandori Merchants' Guild]
Jafra the Dragonsworn Veteran [Dragonsworn] WANTED
Lord Mhaliah M'taal Lieutenant of the Queen's Elite [Queen's Guard]
Nazarie of Two Rivers
Elmer al'Fudd
Thesrian of Illian
Mariah the Tower Accepted [White Tower]
Elder Zygoat the Ranger of the Woods [Forester Council]
Aja the Fledgling Novice [White Tower]
Geom the Under-Lieutenant [Queen's Guard]
Hilda of Saldaea
Lorrah of the Malkieri Diaspora
Rikkus of Illian
Cadwell of Illian
Kybrin of the Malkieri Diaspora

18 players displayed.

Posts: 492
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:21 am

Re: Both Alike in Dignity

Post by Raeza » Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:04 pm

I enjoyed this log of an Accepted and a Novice bonding over their shared background.


Mariah - 5 rpqps (3 + 2 for editing)
Aja - 3 rpqps
Everesta - 1 rpqp

Please 'receive' them at a silver-haired sister.

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