Here are the coded clan bonuses for all clans

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Here are the coded clan bonuses for all clans

Post by Aureus » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:38 pm

Hi all - we've decided to make clan bonuses, including the secret clans, public to reduce some of the suspicion around what clans do and don't have. Some clans have mobol'd or eq-based perks like coaches/etc but we have (mostly) ignored those because they come and go, so this largely represents coded bonuses as they exist today. We are not going to share the specific numbers but these should give you a sense for them at a high level. As you can see, we have some work to do to help some of the unrepresented clans get some love.

- Aes Sedai can sense shadowspawn, get a weave practice bonus and (except for the Red Ajah) can bond Warders
- Bonded Aes Sedai can sense where their Warder is, can drain their Warders' HP when damage would kill them, and are auto-rescued by their Warder. They pay a penalty in max SPs for the Warder bond, and lose XP and become stunned and haggard if their Warder dies
- Black Talon have reduced movement costs on foot in urban areas (cities/roads) and a cap on max per-room move costs, and can see in the dark
- Blademasters have cosmetic blade form attack messages when using a blade-class weapon
- Borderguards (Shienaran Lancers and Saldaean Cavalry) have a damage bonus against shadowspawn, are resistant to fear, and are immune to Blight heat
- Damane have a number of flavor messages related to their RP. They have restrictions on which weaves they can use
- Deathwatch have a horse that deals some damage in PK (though we are not committed to this approach with them long-term)
- Dha'vol can hear rats and ravens
- Dreadlords can practice Shield, get a success bonus to Slice Weaves, get a weave practice bonus similar to Aes Sedai, get a max SPs bonus, can hear rat/raven/crow reports, can use Dark Vision and see in the dark, get an HP regen bonus, are immune to Blight heat, are immune to the Taint, and can wear a unique shirt that gives more DB than other dodge eq. They lose qps for each death
- Gleemen can pick the direction they want to flee in, and have several flavor RP skills
- Gray Men are inherently un-locatable, aren't detected by zone sense skills other than by Wolfbrothers, can ride shadow stallions, are immune to Blight heat, hear rat/raven/crow reports, aren't aggro'd by mobs other than wolves if they don't have no quit, can call city gates if they don't have no quit, don't appear as cross-race, and can take on a false name outside of combat. They cannot follow trollocs or other Gray Men (unless 10 levels lower than that Gray Man), and cannot be followed by trollocs
- Iron Fist can pay a very high amount of money and change (non-channeler) classes
- Kin have similar weave bonuses to Aes Sedai, have improved dexterity and HP regen, and have a higher max rentable item limit
- Known Darkfriends can talk to trolllocs, are immune to the Taint, can ride shadow stallions, have master postures, can hear rats/ravens/crows, have improved HP regen, can see in the dark, and can use DS-only gleaming swords. They are hit by "k dark" instead of "light" and can be sensed as shadowspawn. Both LS and DS mobs are aggro to them. They don't appear on "where" and can't see others on it. They lose qps on death
- Morat'raken can ride flying raken, are untargetable and leave no tracks while flying, and can scout for the number of enemies of the Empire in their zone while flying. They pay a charge penalty when charging from the air, and the raken has negative movement regen while flying
- Morat'torm can ride torm, which attack enemies
- Myrddraal pay 1 prac for each type, can ride shadow stallions, can sneak while riding shadow stallions, can sneak while fleeing on a shadow stallion, can practice several unique skills (sense channeling, fade, darken, compel, fear) that they pay for with "dark power" points that function like channelers' SPs, can switch to other targets attacking them, can wear inky cloaks that protect against contagion and fade shirts, hear rat/raven/crow reports, can quaff tinfuls to improve HP regen, get an HP regen bonus outdoors at night, are immune to blind, have large movement pools, and get attack with any weapon while berserk. They cannot follow other fades (unless 10 levels lower), or trollocs under any circumstances. They lose qps for each death
- Red Ajah can practice Shield, and get a success bonus to Slice Weaves
- Thiefbane can see all Lightside "justice" warrants on who and whois
- Warders auto-rescue their Aes Sedai, have increased maximum HPs, have a HP regen bonus, have an OB bonus, get hungry less often, get a few extra pracs, have a color shifting cloak that periodically hides them, can sense shadowspawn, can sense where their Aes Sedai is, can switch to other targets attacking them, get attack with any weapon while berserk when their Aes Sedai is online, and can multi-bash when their Aes Sedai is online. They lose XP if their Aes Sedai dies and become stunned and haggard
- Wisdoms have a higher max rentable item limit
- Wolfbrothers can sense shadowspawn, can see in the dark, can scan outdoors, have a private global channel, are assisted by wolves and hear wolf reports of enemies, can't ride horses and have move costs adjusted for that, have an OB and bash bonus to offset being on foot, pay a move penalty in cities and indoors, and have a backstab malus (this was recently swapped from what used to be a max-abs% malus)

...and most of these bonuses are gated to specific clan rank thresholds, so not everyone in the clan has them.

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