Class on the Black Fever epidemic of FY 937-939

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Class on the Black Fever epidemic of FY 937-939

Post by Kathala » Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:36 pm

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Chloro Arovni, Gray Ajah Apprentice is standing here.
Lady Leria the Honored Sister is standing here.
A young Tower Guard is on duty here.
Lady Fyra a'Lodred, a Beacon of Light and Life is standing here.
A young Tower Guard is on duty here.
Millana the Wearied Novice is standing here.
Galowyn the Journey Accepted is standing here.
Alyss the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Galowyn finds a seat and gets out her pen

Fyra nods at Chloro.

Chloro files in the back.

Kathala moves to the front of the classroom and places a book on the desk.

Leria rests her staff against the wall beside her and removes her gloves.

Millana sees the others prepare to take notes, and suddenly remembers to pull her small notebook and pen out of her pack.

Leria stops using a pair of dark gloves.

Kathala takes out several sheets of paper, placing them carefully on the wooden surface.

Kathala takes a piece of chalk and turns to the blackboard.

Kathala senses Fyra connecting to the True Source.

Kathala writes on the blackboard 'The Black Fever FY 937-939'.

Kathala senses Fyra is channeling saidar.

Kathala places the chalk back and turns to face the class, smoothing her skirts while leaving a white mark.

Alyss stifles a giggle.

Kathala says 'Welcome, novices and Accepted, to my class about the Black Fever epidemic.'

Kathala says 'Does anyone know what the word epidemic means?'

Galowyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Millana says 'Wide reaching?'

Galowyn raises her hand

Chloro keeps her hand down allowing the younger girls to participate.

Kathala nods at Galowyn.

Galowyn says 'I think similar to what Millana said, widespread infection or disease?'

Kathala says 'Indeed.'

Kathala says 'An epidemic is a rapid spread of a disease. It does not have to be a new disease.'

Kathala says 'It could be the flu, it could be something we have never heard of before.'

Galowyn nods in understanding before jotting down a few notes.

Kathala says 'The epidemic of which we will be speaking here today, was new though.'

Kathala says 'Around FY 937 to 939, so over 1000 years ago, an epidemic called the Black Fever spread across the land.'

Kathala says 'While we do not know where the illness started, whether it was this side of the Aiel Waste, or beyond the Dragonwall,'

Kathala says 'but we do know that the illness began in the east and spread to the west over the course of two years.'

Kathala says 'Records first mention its presence in what is now Cairhien, and ending all the way to the lands west of the Mountains of Mist.'

Kathala says 'The Black Fever ended up killing over 10% of the population.'

Galowyn gasps in astonishment.

Alyss gasps in astonishment.

Fyra frowns.

Kathala is silent for a moment, letting everyone consider this.

Millana flips to a new page and continues writing quickly.

Chloro nods remember her healing training.

Kathala says 'Both of Artur Hawkwing's parents died to this Black Fever and Artur became King of Shandalle.'

Galowyn stares at her paper trying to imagine how many that must have been.

Kathala says 'The aftermath of the plague left most of the continent weak and divided.'

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

Kathala says 'This allowed the False Dragon Guaire Amalasan to conquer vast stretches of land, before any opposition could be mounted.'

Kathala opens the door.

Etain has arrived from the west.

Kathala closes the door.

Kathala nods at Etain.

Etain murmurs 'Pardon my tardiness, sister.'

Kathala says 'As Hawkwing rose to prominence fighting and capturing Amalasan, it is evident that an epidemic can change the course of history.'

Alyss give Etain Sedai a quick curtsey before returning to her notes.

Chloro curtsies to the new Sedai from the back.

Millana twitches her lips briefly at the mention of Amalasan.

Galowyn curtseys before Etain.

Kathala says 'Together,w e will try to find out how this disease may have spread.'

Etain moves to stand quietly in a spot along one wall.

Kathala says 'Unfortunately, we do not know much about how disease spreads.'

Kathala says 'We know certain diseases spread through dirty water and thus we know that clean water and soap helps prevent these.'

Galowyn nods in agreement.

Kathala says 'However, how a cold spreads, or how someone contracts breakbone fever, we don't know the minutiae of how these diseases travel from one person to the next.'

Millana raises her hand.

Kathala says 'Yes, Millana?'

Millana says 'Could it be that the False Dragon and other darkfriends and male channelers caused the disease to allow for his rise to power?'

Kathala says 'Considering Guaire Amalasan was from modern day Arad Doman, that seems unlikely.'

Galowyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Alyss nods to herself as she marks down more notes.

Kathala says 'Also, I doubt any False Dragon would know more about this than the Yellow Ajah does.'

Fyra nods at Kathala.

Kathala moves to the other side of the classroom and continues.

Galowyn makes a note for later to look up the modern day locations of the old kingdoms.

Kathala says 'That said, we know disease spreads, like oil on the surface of water. One case in a city or town can, somehow, lead to many more.'

Kathala says 'We just do not know the mechanism.'

Kathala says 'All we can do is Delve and Heal what we can.'

Kathala turns to the blackboard and gestures at the words.

Kathala says 'Regarding the Black Fever, it killed those of high and low birth.'

Kathala says 'Now, clearly Hawkwing's parents' wealth and status didn't save them, royals as they were.'

Kathala says 'However, in their position, they would likely have had access to fresh water from separate wells.'

Millana widens her eyes, and takes down an important note for later.

Kathala says 'It is unlikely that they were drinking from the same river sewage was dumped in.'

Kathala smirks at the very notion.

Kathala says 'Thus, in my opinion, it would not make sense for Hawkwing's parents to have gotten sick through contaminated water.'

Kathala says 'This and the fact that the disease spread from east to west, while no rivers cross the entirety continent from east to west,'

Kathala says 'suggests that humans or animals were the carriers.'

Galowyn nods in agreement.

Kathala says 'Any questions, so far?'

Galowyn Raises her hand

Kathala says 'Accepted Galowyn?'

Galowyn says 'Yes, just a thought I had when talking about dirty water. Is it likely that dirty clothes can also carry such disease then? '

Kathala says 'This may be possible, but how frequently does one lick one's clothes?'

Galowyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Kathala says 'Water is ingested, it is used for cooking, cleaning.'

Kathala gestures around her.

Millana covers her face and coughs, at least it mostly sounds like a cough.

Kathala says 'Water is everywhere.'

Galowyn nods in agreement.

Alyss raises a tentative hand.

Kathala says 'Alyss?'

Galowyn says 'That makes sense. Thank you'

Alyss says 'I hope I'm not skipping ahead, but what were the symptoms of the Black Fever?'

Alyss says 'Might it be possible that a rash or lesions on the skin come from physical contact, for instance?'

Galowyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Kathala says 'There are only records of debatable quality, however, those suggest that the symptoms started with a fever, a headache and cold sweats.'

Kathala opens the door.

Alvana has arrived from the west.

Alvana closes the door.

Chloro curtsies to Alvana from her spot in the back.

Alvana says 'Forgive my interruption.'

Galowyn curtseys to Alvana before returning to her notes.

Kathala says 'There are some mentions of bumps in the areas where we sweat the most: the armpits and groin.'

Kathala says 'Unfortunately, many ailments have fever and headaches as symptoms.'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Chloro raises her hand.

Kathala says 'Chloro?'

Chloro says 'While sifting through the records on this illness I was unable to find a westland origin for it. Was their a
specific region it was noticed in first?'

Kathala says 'All we know is that it spread from the east to the west.'

Kathala says 'However, I should note that on this side of the Dragonwall, there are only three ways in which it can be crossed: in Shienar, Cairhien and Tear.'

Kathala says 'If it came from the Aiel Waste or beyond, it is likely the first cases were in one of those three areas.'

Galowyn makes note of the likely places

Millana raises her hand.

Kathala says 'Millana?'

Millana says 'You mentioned the possibility it could have been carried by animals. Are those also the most common animal
routes? Or would that assumption be tied to humans as carriers?'

Kathala says 'We will get into that shortly.'

Millana nods in agreement.

Kathala looks around, asking 'Anyone else, before we continue as to a likely way this disease spread?'

Kathala nods and rearranges the pages on the desk.

Kathala says 'As we have learned, the disease spread from east to west.'

Kathala says 'There are no rivers running in that direction. Nor is that a common route for birds' seasonal treks.'

Kathala says 'Human to human contact, as well as the animals, could explain why it took two years to spread from the Spine of the
World to Arad Doman.'

Kathala says 'Only merchants really travel long distances and they do that on heavily laden wagons that travel slowly.'

Kathala says 'Sailors travel faster than merchants, however, these are reasonably limited numbers and also dependant on seasonal storms. The Sea of Storms has its name for a reason.'

Kathala says 'Furthermore, travel generally slows down during winter, especially in the north and mountainous areas.'

Kathala says 'So while it is possible for a human to travel very quickly from the east to the west, in practice, very few do.'

Kathala says 'It is not inconceivable that the disease spread from, say Mayene or Cairhien then up and down the river Erinin by ship and around ports through land travel.'

Kathala says 'Then, as merchants or sailors went west and found themselves in Illian, Whitebridge or Saldaea, the disease spread up and down the river from there, as well as into the surrounding countryside.'

Galowyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Kathala says 'Now, aside from potentially having spread through humans, which animals are close to us? Can anyone name one?'

Galowyn raises her hand

Kathala says 'Galowyn?'

Galowyn says 'If we are to assume spread as people travel, then horses would be an animal with which any travel spends a lot
of their time. '

Alyss nods in agreement.
Kathala nods at Galowyn.

Chloro raises her hand.

Kathala nods at Chloro.

Chloro says 'Ravens, rats, crows, and pigeons would be the most common in cities.'

Millana nods at Chloro.

Galowyn nods at Chloro.

Kathala nods at Chloro.

Kathala says 'Any other animals that live close to humans?'

Galowyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Alyss raises a hand.

Kathala smiles at Alyss.

Alyss says 'If we follow the possibility of travel, probably not livestock...but what about insects? Biting flies and the like?'

Alyss ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Kathala says 'They do not really travel east to west either, do they?'

Etain opens the door.

Tolza has arrived from the west.

Tolza closes the door.

Tolza spread her dress with colored bands, in a precise curtsy.

Kathala nods at Tolza.

Etain nods at Tolza.

Alyss says 'I guess not, no....'

Kathala gestures for Tolza to take a seat.

Tolza sits quietly in the corner.

Tolza sits down and rests.

Kathala says 'You appear to have overlooked cats and dogs.'

Galowyn says 'I had thought about cats, but they are not likely to travel much are they? '

Millana bites her lip.

Kathala says 'Cats, dogs, horses, pigeons are all close to us. However, neither dogs nor horses frequent ships.'

Kathala says 'Cats do, but mostly to hunt rats.'

Galowyn nods in agreement.

Kathala says 'Rats... are everywhere, unfortunately. While perhaps Hawkwing's parents may not have been in contact with one, it
would not be surprising if someone of the royal household had been.'

Galowyn makes a quick note of the animals discussed.

Kathala says 'Or someone in the Shandalle city they lived in, from which it spread in the city and to the royal household.'

Kathala says 'Rats are a solid candidate, especially considering the disease came from the east.'

Kathala says 'Cats do not cross the Aiel Waste, except the rare few bypassing it on ships to the south.'

Kathala says 'Now, assuming this disease originated in the east...'

Kathala says 'Cats, however, are not likely to have gotten off a ship in Shara.'

Kathala says 'It is not inconceivable, however, that a rat carrying the disease got onto a Seafolk or other ship and sailed west as it returned.'

Kathala spreads her hands.

Galowyn nods in agreement.

Kathala says 'There are many factors that are unknown, but given how few people live in the Aiel Waste, personally I suspect the disease did originate in Shara.'

Kathala says 'It came to us, either with merchants through the Waste, or through ships to the ports on the Sea of Storms.'

Kathala says 'From there, it spread, following human trade routes.'

Kathala says 'The rest, as they say, is history.'

that their expectations of people are correct'

Kathala says 'However, this history still has an impact to this day.'

Kathala says 'While the ten percent of the populace that died has long since been restored, the effects of the Black Fever epidemic are with us still.'

Kathala says 'Because of the early deaths of Hawkwing's parents and the power vacuum, he became a young King.'

Kathala says 'At the same time, Guaire Amalasan was able to seize power and take control of many lands.'

Kathala says 'This situation allowed Hawkwing to shine.'

Kathala says 'Working with the Aes Sedai, Amalasan was captured after a battle in what today is an area south of the nation of Cairhien.'

Kathala says 'After the False Dragon had been dealt with, Hawkwing was able to conquer all of the lands west of the Spine of the World, save for Tar Valon.'

Millana stops biting on her pen and continues writing.

Kathala says 'However, his relationship with the Tower turned sour.'

Kathala says 'The Amyrlin Bonwhin overplayed her hand and all Aes Sedai, who had previously held positions in Hawkwing's Empire, were expelled.'

Galowyn frowns.

Chloro looks down a bane to her cause the former amyrlin was.

Kathala says 'A nineteen year siege of Tar Valon followed, which may have allowed conflict to fester without the guidance of the Gray Ajah.'

Kathala says 'Furthermore, Hawkwing sent his son west to Seanchan.'

Kathala says 'It is perhaps to coincedence that women who can channel are leashed by the Seanchan.'

Kathala says 'They would never be able to rise to a position of power like the Amyrlin Seat, once leashed and turned into a slave.'

Kathala says 'This is arguably a direct result of the Black Fever epidemic.'

Kathala says 'Obviously, another result is the fall of the empire and the bloodlines we see among nobility.'

Alyss whispers 'fascinating...' to herself.

Kathala says 'Ishara was the first to take control of Andor and Andoran royalty can still count the bloodlines leading back to Ishara.'

Leria turns the page of her book.

Kathala says 'Cairhien was once Shandalle and Tova, but was combined under a single rule as a province under Hawkwing and has remained so.'

Kathala says 'Perhaps even the fear of Aes Sedai is a direct result of Hawkwing's siege of Tar Valon.'

Kathala says 'Many men must have served under him during those nineteen years, taking their ideas about the Aes Sedai home with them...'

Kathala places her hands on the desk and leans forward.

Kathala says 'As you can see, a mere disease can have a greater impact than just the deaths it causes.'

Kathala says 'It can cause political shifts and perhaps even change people's attitudes for centuries to come.'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Kathala says 'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills and no amount of Yellow Ajah can prevent such a disease from reoccurring.'

Kathala says 'However, it is good to be mindful of the impact of something as common as disease and the implications it may have.'

Kathala says 'This begs the question though, what can be done?'

Galowyn thinks hard on the words before making a few more notes.

Kathala says 'Close ports? A rat can jump overboard and swim ashore. So can people.'

Alyss frowns.

Kathala says 'Do you have any ideas on how we may prevent something like this?'

Galowyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Millana raises her hand.

Kathala says 'Millana.'

Millana says 'You mentioned earlier soap and water. Perhaps combined with aggressive extermination of rodents, ravens, and other beasts of the shadow. That could slow the spread?'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Kathala says 'Yes, but what if the next disease spreads in another way? Kill all bees?'

Millana frowns.

Chloro raises her hand.

Kathala says 'Assuming we would ever find out what exactly causes the spread...'

Kathala says 'Chloro.'

Chloro says 'By coordinating the non channeling healers. Mothers, Wisdoms, Seer's all have saw over their collective people. Teaching them how to best treat and prevent could slow a spread.'

Tolza nods at Chloro.

Kathala nods at Chloro.

Kathala says 'That sounds like an excellent idea, Accepted.'

Alyss excitedly scribbles some notes.

Kathala says 'As Chloro said, the answer may be prevention.'

Kathala says 'A healthier populace, well fed and in good condition may be better able to withstand a disease like this.'

Galowyn nods in agreement.

Kathala says 'Perhaps rulers who let their people starve should be pressured more firmly, so that everyone of us is well off. Just in case.'

Kathala rests her hands on her round abdomen.

Kathala says 'This concludes today's lesson.'

Leria turns the page of her book.

Fyra smiles happily.

Fyra nods at Kathala.

Galowyn says 'Thank you Kathala Sedai'

Alyss says 'Yes, thank you, Kathala Sedai!'

Millana bobs her head. "Thank you for the lesson Kathala Sedai. It was most informative."

Kathala says 'that concludes the lesson'

The Accepted says 'Before you are dismissed, I will take roll for Kathala Sedai.'

The Accepted says 'To receive credit for the course, SAY MAY I BE DISMISSED Kathala SEDAI?'