Give Me Your Trust... --- &RPaward

...for in character discussions, contributions and Wheel of Time themed stories.
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Give Me Your Trust... --- &RPaward

Post by Cassiel » Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:33 am

Ely edit 31 Jul 2021:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: o

Total: 2 qps, for part 1.


8th, Choren, 1400 NE

The town was fevered with excitement, streets littered with children and stalls. Gleemen were preparing for extravagant performances here and there, some already juggling for children. Illuminators protectively huddled around their firesticks and cases of unknown cargo as they transported behind a stage that had been erected in the town square. An Aes Sedai and her Warder watched this all from behind the crowd. Sorenya boggled at the Aes Sedai as they passed by, Cassiel and their mother pulling the girl along into the crowd to get their seats for the upcoming show.

A fair amount of time had passed and the smell of sulfur hung in the air from the last of the fireworks. The townsfolk returning to their home, with the sun long set below the Spine of the World, Sorenya giggled to herself as they passed the Aes Sedai.

‘Could I be an Aes Sedai one day, mother?’

‘Silly girl, Aes Sedai are women who can channel, a gift that very few have,’ she replied.

‘What if I could channel though, mother? What if I could join the White Tower and learn?’

‘If you could channel, I'm sure we’d know of it by now, it is your fifteenth name day after all’ she responded.

Cassiel snickered at his older sister, wondering why she’d ever want to be one of the Aes Sedai. They appeared to mostly be quite boring and kept to themselves whenever they’d visit. Sulking to himself at the thought of his sister ever becoming boring, he continued to follow mother out of the town gates and south on the road home.

Lights shone past a clearing of trees, a field of bush and farmland in between, and a gruff looking man stepped from the bush beside mother.

‘Lo, what brings you fine three out this fine evening,’

Mother replied calmly, ‘Taking my children home, to their father who is a member of the Town Watch.’

Laughing, the man grinned and said, ‘Hear that, boys? Town Watch. Probably bloody loaded.’

Three other, similarly gruff looking men stepped up from the bush. Brandishing their clubs, they echoed the laugh. Sorenya looked up at mother and suddenly there was a bright flash of light, and a ringing in their ears. Where the men stood, only ash remained. Grabbing them quickly, mother pushed them along the road toward their home. Shaken and asking questions, Sorenya and Cassiel were hushed and ordered into the house.

‘She’ll have sensed that, and she’ll be coming,’ she said hurriedly.

‘Who’s coming mother? Why aren’t you telling us what happened,’ Sorenya asked.

Mother hushed Sorenya once more, ‘The Aes Sedai, Sorenya. She’ll know what happened and she’ll be coming for me. I need you both to tell her that you saw nothing. ‘

‘What do you mean, why would the Aes Sedai be coming?’ Cassiel asked.

Mother continued, explaining her tenure in the White Tower and how she had run away to start a family after being torn away from her own as a child. Finally arriving at the house, they entered, listening as mother finished her story and told them to pack their belongings. Some time had passed and the air seemed cold to Cassiel, even as Sorenya kept the stove running, applying freshly split logs to the fire. Eyeing their mother, he wondered how she could have kept being in the White Tower of Tar Valon from them for this long. He wondered how she could have run away, only to act so calmly in the presence of Aes Sedai who stopped by from time to time. He had so many questions, but he kept them to himself as she had asked.

After what felt like eternity, Cassiel and Sorenya wondered if the Aes Sedai would ever show. Suddenly a loud rasp came from the door, shaking them from thought. Mother approached the door slowly and opened it, a voice spoke from outside,

‘Greetings, I am Alandrea Sedai and this is Jalen Gaidin,’ She motioned to who would be her Warder.

‘We’d like to come in if you don’t mind, and perhaps ask some questions as to an incident that has happened up the road.’

Mother opened the door and welcomed them inside. Waving her hand toward the chairs that sat around the table, Alandrea Sedai and her Warder sat. Taking a seat, his mother told the children to head to bed. On his way to his room upstairs along with his sister, Cassiel turned back and saw his mother smiling confidently toward him. Inside their room they started to quietly grab their belongings and prepared themselves near the window for mother.

‘I cannot wait any longer,’ Sorenya said quietly, ‘Mother is taking much too long, I need to hear what they’re saying.’

‘Mother told us to wait here, so we need to wait here,’ Cassiel responded.

‘It won’t take but a moment, I'll be back soon, don’t leave the room,’ she said as she opened the door and then gasped in surprise to find Alandrea Sedai standing outside the room.

Stammering backwards, she almost fell on Cassiel, who held her up as the Aes Sedai entered the room. Looking back and forth between the two and their belongings near the window, she giggled to herself.

‘There’s no need, children. Your mother is safe,’ she said as she smiled what appeared to be a wicked smile.

‘Mother,’ Sorenya called out, looking for a response.

After a few moments of no response, and a scrutinizing look toward the Sedai, Sorenya asked quietly, ‘Why has she not answered us?’

‘Give me your trust, children, she is safe. Remain here and this will all be over soon.’

The Sedai turned and left, a gust of wind slamming the door and windows shut. With a tug at the door, and Sorenya trying to push the windows open, they started to panic. Suddenly a roar of air blasted through the floor beneath them and opened a hole above the table where their mother sat, blood pooling around her as the Warder pulled his blade from her chest. Looking up at the children, he winked at them as he sheathed the wicked steel blade and followed Alandrea Sedai out the front door, which creaked closed behind them.

Stuttering in fear and disbelief, a fire suddenly erupted all around the inside of the house, sending smoke into the hole that was now the bedroom floor. Screaming, they pulled at the windows and the door, yet neither would open.

Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:31 am

Re: Give Me Your Trust...

Post by Trouse » Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:55 pm

Ooh, I hope there is a Part 2.

Posts: 466
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:07 am

Re: Give Me Your Trust...

Post by Ominas » Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:32 pm

Nice post Cassie. I too hope there is a part two

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