Building Habit -Final Part- Home --- &RPaward

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Building Habit -Final Part- Home --- &RPaward

Post by Artal » Sun Jul 18, 2021 9:53 pm

Ely edit 1 Aug 2021:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: x

Total: 4 qps to Artal, Alison also awarded


Ely edit 30 Jul 2021:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: x

Total: 7 qps


Building Habit

With a yawn he sat up in the thin bed, casting his vision angrily at the slightly opened window allowing sunlight to punch him directly in the face. "Too early" he spat out glaring at the open window and cast aside the blanket, the same that he has had since he awoke that night in the woods. Walking to the small standing closet against the wall beside the window he rubbed at his eyes and pulled it open. Grabbing out a pair of black pants, and the nice white shirt Lamgwin gave him he quickly dressed and threw the silver headband on to keep his hair from his eyes. 'Good enough' he thought as he trudged toward the door and kicked on his simple shoes. Grabbing the hunk of bread and cheese from the table beside the door he quickly ate it down before turning his attention to the door. Quietly opening the door he slunk out of the side room and into the library. Basel was nice enough to give him a room away from the others, it was near the library so he could practice his readin. Not that it was going well. On the table from the night before he grabbed the leather bound book and sat down on the ground instead of the chair. Pressing his back to the wall.

Artal flips the book around, staring at the words.

Artal struggles to break down the words.

Artal stammers out 'Jalaam'

Artal scratches his head.

Artal stammers out ' Lazari'

Artal nods to himself. Very reassuring.

Artal sighs.

Artal closes the book.

Artal stands up.

Artal puts the book back in the shelf.

The Library
It's not every inn which offers you the use of a library, particularly one as
well stocked as this one. There are maps, novels, and bizarre texts of all
sorts. A comfy sofa and a few reading chairs are the only furniture of the room
other than the rows upon rows of books.
[ obvious exits: N ]
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
A Defender of the Rose Crown strides by, hand close to his weapon.
An old woman weaves a pattern on her loom.

Reception of the Queen's Blessing
The upstairs of the Queen's Blessing is as charming as the common room. A
thin rug leads through the length of the hallway, and a small window in the
wall lets you look down on the bustling streets of Caemlyn. You appear to
be fortunate in finding an empty room to rent, no easy feat in this crowded
city! A wooden board is affixed to the wall, covered with notices of
current information for newcomers to the city.

A ledger lies on a small stand.
[ obvious exits: S D ]
Artal notice a stable ticket is hidden here.
Artal notice a small key decorated in jewels is hidden here.
A rat scurries around trying to get out of sight.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A bulky man with heavy-lidded eyes sits here, scratching a cat.
The innkeeper Basel Gill is here, smiling broadly.

Artal groans loudly.

k rat
Artal tries to hit a rat, but it deflects the blow.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full - a rat: Scratched >
Artal swiftly dodge a rat's attempt to hit you.
Artal hit a rat's left foreleg.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full - a rat: Wounded >
A rat tries to hit you, but you dodge the attack.
Artal hit a rat's right foreleg hard.
A rat is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full - a rat: Critical >
Artal hit a rat's right leg into bloody fragments!
A rat is dead! R.I.P.
Not tired of this yet?
Artal's blood freezes as you hear a rat's death cry.

get corpse
Artal gets the corpse of a rat.

Artal says 'i'll get rid of it!'

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground. [2]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A crow is here flying around.

Artal watchs both ways.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Artal sighs.

get corpse

Artal gets the corpse of a rat.

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
The perimeter wall is to the south, and the South Gate of Caemlyn is to the
west. You see a large refuse yard to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A well-trained brute scowls at you.

The Junk Yard
A large and messy junk yard apparently serves most of the outer city.
Artal see discarded furniture, as well as sundry items of little use.
Perhaps this would be a good spot to get rid of any of your unneeded items?
[ obvious exits: S ]
A small key catches your eye, glittering with a dozen precious jewels.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.
A man is here.

drop corpse
drop corpse
Artal drops the corpse of a rat.

Artal drops the corpse of a rat.

A man leaves south.

Artal wipes his hands off on his pants.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
The perimeter wall is to the south, and the South Gate of Caemlyn is to the
west. You see a large refuse yard to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A man is here.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A well-trained brute scowls at you.

A man leaves east.
Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A crow is here flying around.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground. [2]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Artal sighs.

get tuft
get tuft
A gambler leaves north.
Artal gets the death scalp of a hillman warrior slain in Andor.

Artal gets the death scalp of a hillman warrior slain in Andor.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man gambles away his purse.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A crow is here flying around.

The Master Blacksmith of Caemlyn
This smithy is a very simple arrangement with only a forge, anvil and a
work bench, somewhat cluttered with various pieces of iron and steel strewn
over it, all ready to be reshaped into the finest weapons. The various
precious metals in wooden crates round the walls indicate this smithy is a
place for quality weapons only. The blackened forge in the centre of the
smithy has a fire in a hearth fueled by scorching charcoal, which is
raised off the ground in a shallow clay bowl at waist height.
[ obvious exits: S ]
The master blacksmith's forge is here, blasted by a fierce fire.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A master blacksmith is here, hard at work.

Alas, you cannot go that way...

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man gambles away his purse.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A crow is here flying around.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

Middle of a Wide Boulevard
This is the middle of a wide boulevard that runs east and west across Caemlyn.
The boulevard is bisected by a strip of grass and a row of trees which run its
length. The sheer noise of crowded Caemlyn is overwhelming, almost a dull
roar. To the north is a paved road which leads into the Inner City. To the
south is an open square and a cluster of shops.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

Caemlyn Central Square
Artal is in a large stone square, right in the middle of Caemlyn's outer
city. You see a wide boulevard to the north, and the path to the inner
city. There are a number of shops around you. The density of the population
is really quite incredible. It's almost impossible to relax as you are
being constantly bumped and jostled. From here you can really get a good
view of the outer city, and this just makes you appreciate the older inner
city all the more. A large banner hangs nearby, depicting a map of
Caemlyn's outer city.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Artal notice a quarterstaff is hidden here.
Artal notice a quarterstaff is hidden here.
Artal notice a soft leather pouch is hidden here.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.
An old man hobbles slowly on his way.
A man is here.
The Caemlyn town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A gleeman is here, playing a lute.

put tuft barrel
put tuft barrel
Artal puts the death scalp of a hillman warrior slain in Andor in a wooden barrel.

Artal puts the death scalp of a hillman warrior slain in Andor in a wooden barrel.

search staff
Artal found a quarterstaff.

search staff
Artal found a quarterstaff.

Caemlyn Central Square
Artal is in a large stone square, right in the middle of Caemlyn's outer
city. You see a wide boulevard to the north, and the path to the inner
city. There are a number of shops around you. The density of the population
is really quite incredible. It's almost impossible to relax as you are
being constantly bumped and jostled. From here you can really get a good
view of the outer city, and this just makes you appreciate the older inner
city all the more. A large banner hangs nearby, depicting a map of
Caemlyn's outer city.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Artal notice a soft leather pouch is hidden here.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.
An old man hobbles slowly on his way.
A man is here.
The Caemlyn town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A gleeman is here, playing a lute.

search pouch
Artal found a soft leather pouch.

Artal is carrying:
a soft leather pouch
[2] a quarterstaff (worn)

put all barrel
Artal puts a soft leather pouch in a wooden barrel.
Artal puts a quarterstaff in a wooden barrel.
Artal puts a quarterstaff in a wooden barrel.

Middle of a Wide Boulevard
This is the middle of a wide boulevard that runs east and west across Caemlyn.
The boulevard is bisected by a strip of grass and a row of trees which run its
length. The sheer noise of crowded Caemlyn is overwhelming, almost a dull
roar. To the north is a paved road which leads into the Inner City. To the
south is an open square and a cluster of shops.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A crow is here flying around.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Artal peers around into the shadows.

get javelin pack
Artal gets a dark oak javelin from a backpack.

wield javelin
Artal wields a dark oak javelin with both hands.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A crow is here flying around.

throw crow
Artal throw a dark oak javelin at a crow.

A dark oak javelin arcs through the air.

A dark oak javelin rips through a crow's guts as it collapses to the ground.
A crow is dead! R.I.P.
Blood never gets boring, does it?
Artal's blood freezes as you hear a crow's death cry.

Artal claps approvingly.

get javelin corpse
Artal gets a dark oak javelin from the corpse of a crow.

wield javelin
Artal wields a dark oak javelin with both hands.

get corpse
Artal gets the corpse of a crow.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

The Kitchen
A basic kitchen. A few stoves are in constant use, and cooking utensils lie
strewn about. You can hear the sounds of merriment from the common room,
and the cooking staff is generally running madly about to keep up with the
incoming orders. A sign hangs next to the oven.
[ obvious exits: N ]
An oven stands here, radiating a dry heat.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A cook busily prepares a savory dish in his kitchen.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
The perimeter wall is to the south, and the South Gate of Caemlyn is to the
west. You see a large refuse yard to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A well-trained brute scowls at you.

The Junk Yard
A large and messy junk yard apparently serves most of the outer city.
Artal see discarded furniture, as well as sundry items of little use.
Perhaps this would be a good spot to get rid of any of your unneeded items?
[ obvious exits: S ]
The corpse of a rat is lying here. [2]
A small key catches your eye, glittering with a dozen precious jewels.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.

drop corpse
Artal drops the corpse of a crow.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
The perimeter wall is to the south, and the South Gate of Caemlyn is to the
west. You see a large refuse yard to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A well-trained brute scowls at you.

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

rem javelin
Artal stops using a dark oak javelin.

put javelin pack

Artal puts a dark oak javelin in a backpack.

The Kitchen
A basic kitchen. A few stoves are in constant use, and cooking utensils lie
strewn about. You can hear the sounds of merriment from the common room,
and the cooking staff is generally running madly about to keep up with the
incoming orders. A sign hangs next to the oven.
[ obvious exits: N ]
An oven stands here, radiating a dry heat.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A cook busily prepares a savory dish in his kitchen.

Artal stands up on a stool next to the sink.

Artal works the bubbles in the sink up with some fresh water.

Artal begins washing at the dishes.

Artal whistles appreciatively.

Artal puts a dish on the counter.

Artal continues washing dishes.

Artal puts another dish onto the stack.

Artal scrubs at the dishes.

nod artal
Artal nods to himself. Very reassuring.

Artal says 'gotta get em clean'

Artal puts another dish onto the stack.

Artal watches the kitchen staff retrieve the stack to put away.

Artal places another dish onto the counter.

Artal finishes scrubbing the last dish.

Artal puts the dish onto the stack.

Artal hops down off the stool.

Artal dries his hands off on his pants

The Kitchen
A basic kitchen. A few stoves are in constant use, and cooking utensils lie
strewn about. You can hear the sounds of merriment from the common room,
and the cooking staff is generally running madly about to keep up with the
incoming orders. A sign hangs next to the oven.
[ obvious exits: N ]
An oven stands here, radiating a dry heat.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A cook busily prepares a savory dish in his kitchen.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

The Queen's Blessing
This backroom of the Queen's Blessing contains a variety of little games to
keep the more drunken patrons amused. There is little furniture here, the
walls are just bare brick and the floor is covered with a light coating of
sawdust which is swept away to keep the place somewhat clean and tidy.
There is a range of some sort at the far side of the room, with marks near
the lines denoting the distance to the mark on the floor.
[ obvious exits: W ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A bowl with some cherries is here.
A dartboard hangs here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Artal retrieves a broom from the corner.

Artal begins sweeping the floors.

Artal hums as he sways about, sweeping the dirt to the western end of the room.

A villager woman has arrived from the west.

Artal continues to sweep at the floors.

nod woman
Artal nods at her.

Artal says 'hallo'

Artal sweeps from east to west, north to south. gathering everything into one neat pile.

Artal wipes his forehead off on his sleeve.

Artal gets close to the southern end of the room, nearest the wall and begins pushing the last of the filth west.

Artal gathers everything into one pile.

Artal grabs a dust pan, and begins shuffling the filth onto it

Artal holds it tightly about chest height, careful not to spill anything.

A villager woman leaves west.
The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

It is pitch black...

The Junk Yard
A large and messy junk yard apparently serves most of the outer city.
Artal see discarded furniture, as well as sundry items of little use.
Perhaps this would be a good spot to get rid of any of your unneeded items?
[ obvious exits: S ]
A well-trained brute scowls at you.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.

Artal dumps the pan out.

nod artal
Artal nods to himself. Very reassuring.

Artal says 'yes!'

It is pitch black...

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

It is pitch black...

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

The Queen's Blessing
This backroom of the Queen's Blessing contains a variety of little games to
keep the more drunken patrons amused. There is little furniture here, the
walls are just bare brick and the floor is covered with a light coating of
sawdust which is swept away to keep the place somewhat clean and tidy.
There is a range of some sort at the far side of the room, with marks near
the lines denoting the distance to the mark on the floor.
[ obvious exits: W ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A bowl with some cherries is here.
A dartboard hangs here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Artal replaces the broom and pan into the corner.

Artal looks around slowly.

spit cherry

Artal gets a cherry.

Artal bites into his cherry - OH &*@# THAT hurt!...

Artal gets a mean look and gets ready.

Artal spits the seed 854 inches!

Artal cheers gleefully.

Artal says 'new high score.'

Artal scrambles across the room to get the cherry pit.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

It is pitch black...

The Junk Yard
A large and messy junk yard apparently serves most of the outer city.
Artal see discarded furniture, as well as sundry items of little use.
Perhaps this would be a good spot to get rid of any of your unneeded items?
[ obvious exits: S ]
A well-trained brute scowls at you.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.

Artal tosses the pit.

Artal wipes his hands off on his pants.

It is pitch black...

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

The Kitchen
A basic kitchen. A few stoves are in constant use, and cooking utensils lie
strewn about. You can hear the sounds of merriment from the common room,
and the cooking staff is generally running madly about to keep up with the
incoming orders. A sign hangs next to the oven.
[ obvious exits: N ]
An oven stands here, radiating a dry heat.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A cook busily prepares a savory dish in his kitchen.

A villager woman has arrived from the north.

Artal clambers up onto the stool.

rem shirt
Artal stops using a finely-tailored white shirt.

Artal drapes the shirt over the counter.

Artal begins scrubbing the filth off himself.

Artal grabs the towel off the counter and dries himself.

wear shirt
Artal wears a finely-tailored white shirt on his body.

Artal hops off the stool.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Reception of the Queen's Blessing
The upstairs of the Queen's Blessing is as charming as the common room. A
thin rug leads through the length of the hallway, and a small window in the
wall lets you look down on the bustling streets of Caemlyn. You appear to
be fortunate in finding an empty room to rent, no easy feat in this crowded
city! A wooden board is affixed to the wall, covered with notices of
current information for newcomers to the city.

A ledger lies on a small stand.
[ obvious exits: S D ]
Artal notice a stable ticket is hidden here.
Artal notice a small key decorated in jewels is hidden here.
A rat scurries around trying to get out of sight.
A Defender of the Rose Crown strides by, hand close to his weapon.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A bulky man with heavy-lidded eyes sits here, scratching a cat.
The innkeeper Basel Gill is here, smiling broadly.

k rat
Artal hit a rat's body very hard.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - a rat: Beaten >
A rat starts following Artal.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Tiring - a rat: Beaten >
A rat tries to hit you, but you dodge the attack.
The Caemlyn cityguard leaves down.
A rat stops following Artal.
Artal hit a rat's body hard.
A rat is dead! R.I.P.
Not tired of this yet?
Artal's blood freezes as you hear a rat's death cry.

Artal groans loudly.

get corpse
Artal gets the corpse of a rat.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

It is pitch black...

The Junk Yard
A large and messy junk yard apparently serves most of the outer city.
Artal see discarded furniture, as well as sundry items of little use.
Perhaps this would be a good spot to get rid of any of your unneeded items?
[ obvious exits: S ]
A well-trained brute scowls at you.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.

drop corpse
Artal drops the corpse of a rat.

Artal says 'where they all comin from!'

It is pitch black...

Inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the Southern Gate of Caemlyn. The city is a vast chaotic
sprawl of people and buildings. Caemlyn could probably swallow a smaller
city entirely, and not look at all larger. You stare for a moment at the
impossible number of buildings and people filling crowded Caemlyn. At the
city's center you can make out the inner city and the royal palace. A
southern road follows the perimeter of the city both east and west here.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

The Southern Road
Artal is on the southern side of the outer road which circles the Outer City.
Artal is just inside the perimeter wall of the city, and can see a gate just
to the east. A small side street winds through the Outer City to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Path Through the Outer City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City. You can see
the outer road to the south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Winding Path Through the City
This short and extremely narrow side street squeezes between several buildings
as it twists its way through the southern region of the Outer City.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man gambles away his purse.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

The Kitchen
A basic kitchen. A few stoves are in constant use, and cooking utensils lie
strewn about. You can hear the sounds of merriment from the common room,
and the cooking staff is generally running madly about to keep up with the
incoming orders. A sign hangs next to the oven.
[ obvious exits: N ]
An oven stands here, radiating a dry heat.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A villager woman performs her daily routine.
A cook busily prepares a savory dish in his kitchen.

Artal hops up onto the stool.

Artal rubs his hands furiously in the soapy water.

Artal dries his hands off hurriedly.

Artal hops off the stool.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Reception of the Queen's Blessing
The upstairs of the Queen's Blessing is as charming as the common room. A
thin rug leads through the length of the hallway, and a small window in the
wall lets you look down on the bustling streets of Caemlyn. You appear to
be fortunate in finding an empty room to rent, no easy feat in this crowded
city! A wooden board is affixed to the wall, covered with notices of
current information for newcomers to the city.

A ledger lies on a small stand.
[ obvious exits: S D ]
Artal notice a stable ticket is hidden here.
Artal notice a small key decorated in jewels is hidden here.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A Defender of the Rose Crown strides by, hand close to his weapon.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A bulky man with heavy-lidded eyes sits here, scratching a cat.
The innkeeper Basel Gill is here, smiling broadly.

Artal sighs.

search ticket
Artal found a stable ticket.

search key
Artal found a small key decorated in jewels.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man gambles away his purse.
A small dog is here, barking furiously.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

Middle of a Wide Boulevard
This is the middle of a wide boulevard that runs east and west across Caemlyn.
The boulevard is bisected by a strip of grass and a row of trees which run its
length. The sheer noise of crowded Caemlyn is overwhelming, almost a dull
roar. To the north is a paved road which leads into the Inner City. To the
south is an open square and a cluster of shops.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man gambles away his purse.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.
A young woman walks by.

Caemlyn Central Square
Artal is in a large stone square, right in the middle of Caemlyn's outer
city. You see a wide boulevard to the north, and the path to the inner
city. There are a number of shops around you. The density of the population
is really quite incredible. It's almost impossible to relax as you are
being constantly bumped and jostled. From here you can really get a good
view of the outer city, and this just makes you appreciate the older inner
city all the more. A large banner hangs nearby, depicting a map of
Caemlyn's outer city.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
Castien Shahar is standing here.
The Caemlyn town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A gleeman is here, playing a lute.

put key barrel
Artal puts a small key decorated in jewels in a wooden barrel.

Artal is carrying:
a stable ticket

l ticket
It is a stable ticket for a gray palfrey from Caemlyn Stables, already redeemable.

put ticket barrely
Artal doesn't see a barrely here.

put ticket barrel
Artal puts a stable ticket in a wooden barrel.

Artal bows deeply.

Artal waves.

Middle of a Wide Boulevard
This is the middle of a wide boulevard that runs east and west across Caemlyn.
The boulevard is bisected by a strip of grass and a row of trees which run its
length. The sheer noise of crowded Caemlyn is overwhelming, almost a dull
roar. To the north is a paved road which leads into the Inner City. To the
south is an open square and a cluster of shops.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
A man gambles away his purse.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.
A young woman walks by.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Reception of the Queen's Blessing
The upstairs of the Queen's Blessing is as charming as the common room. A
thin rug leads through the length of the hallway, and a small window in the
wall lets you look down on the bustling streets of Caemlyn. You appear to
be fortunate in finding an empty room to rent, no easy feat in this crowded
city! A wooden board is affixed to the wall, covered with notices of
current information for newcomers to the city.

A ledger lies on a small stand.
[ obvious exits: S D ]
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A Defender of the Rose Crown strides by, hand close to his weapon.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A bulky man with heavy-lidded eyes sits here, scratching a cat.
The innkeeper Basel Gill is here, smiling broadly.

Artal says 'chores done sir'

The Caemlyn cityguard has arrived from below.

Artal waits for a nod from Basel, accompanied with a smile.

Artal cheers gleefully.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A man gambles away his purse.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Artal says 'hmmmm'

The Caemlyn cityguard has arrived from the east.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A man gambles away his purse.

Middle of a Wide Boulevard
This is the middle of a wide boulevard that runs east and west across Caemlyn.
The boulevard is bisected by a strip of grass and a row of trees which run its
length. The sheer noise of crowded Caemlyn is overwhelming, almost a dull
roar. To the north is a paved road which leads into the Inner City. To the
south is an open square and a cluster of shops.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A city lamplighter stands nearby, attending his duties.
A ragged looking man asks for spare coins.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees evenly
placed along the street. You see people scurrying about in a mad rush. A
stairway leads up here onto a skywalk that runs over the entire Inner City.
[ obvious exits: E W U ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard stretches east and west across Caemlyn. Not far off to the
east you can see the East Gate of Caemlyn. The boulevard is bisected by a row
of carefully groomed trees. A small store of cracked stone lies to the south.
A sign hangs over the door.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.

Eastern End of a Wide Boulevard
Artal is on the eastern end of a wide boulevard that stretches east and west
across the entire city. A strip of grass cuts the extremely wide street in two,
and trees and flowers are placed throughout the boulevard. A square, unpleasant
ing building lies south. To the east is one on Caemlyn's four main gates.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

Inside the Eastern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the East Gate of Caemlyn. The city is larger than you
could have dreamed possible. Towering spires rise everywhere, and you are
completely overwhelmed by the sheer size and sound of crowded Caemlyn. Deep
in the city's heart you can see the Inner City and royal palace. An outer
road leads north and south along the city walls, and a wide boulevard
leads west into the city's center.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

Artal says 'hallo'

Artal says 'going out please'

Artal call for the Eastgate to be opened.
The Caemlyn gatekeeper unlocks the Eastgate.
The Caemlyn gatekeeper opens the Eastgate.

Outside the Eastern Gate of Caemlyn
Standing firmly before you to the west, the massive gates of Caemlyn guard
the capital of Andor from its enemies at night. During the day they are
open, allowing the thronging masses to leave and enter the city at will,
safe in the knowledge that the Queen's guards will keep the peace in the
town. There are forested areas to the north and east of the town, part of
the great Braem Wood that stretches for hundreds of leagues. To the south
there are hills visible in the distance, and to the east the road continues
far on its way, eventually reaching the rivertown of Aringill.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.

The Eastgate closes quietly.

Outside the Eastern Gate of Caemlyn
Standing firmly before you to the west, the massive gates of Caemlyn guard
the capital of Andor from its enemies at night. During the day they are
open, allowing the thronging masses to leave and enter the city at will,
safe in the knowledge that the Queen's guards will keep the peace in the
town. There are forested areas to the north and east of the town, part of
the great Braem Wood that stretches for hundreds of leagues. To the south
there are hills visible in the distance, and to the east the road continues
far on its way, eventually reaching the rivertown of Aringill.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.

Outside the Eastern Gate of Caemlyn
Standing firmly before you to the west, the massive gates of Caemlyn guard
the capital of Andor from its enemies at night. During the day they are
open, allowing the thronging masses to leave and enter the city at will,
safe in the knowledge that the Queen's guards will keep the peace in the
town. There are forested areas to the north and east of the town, part of
the great Braem Wood that stretches for hundreds of leagues. To the south
there are hills visible in the distance, and to the east the road continues
far on its way, eventually reaching the rivertown of Aringill.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.

Caemlyn Road
Deep ruts in the road are evidence that much traffic passes this way,
on its way out of or into the grand city of Caemlyn, which lies to the west
nearby. You can go off the side of the road here to the north, into the
Braem Wood, or you can continue east or west, along the Caemlyn road.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Artal walks slowly.

Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn Road is the oldest road in the land, running an immense
distance from east to west. It is a very busy road, and this stretch of it
is no exception, with wagons, soldiers and travellers frequent pedestrians.
The road continues to the east, and to the west it reaches Caemlyn,
somewhere in the distance. There is dense woodland to the north of the
road, part of the Braem Wood, the biggest in the land.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Artal sighs.

Caemlyn Road
The road bends gently at this point, avoiding the Braem Wood to the east.
The ruts in the road and the rubbish by the side both point to the volume
of traffic that passes this way, most of it going in a westerly direction
towards Caemlyn. The road continues its path through the countryside to the
[ obvious exits: S W ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

Caemlyn Road
Twisting and meandering its way between the hills to the south and the
forest to the north, the Caemlyn Road makes a turn at this point. Ruts are
one of the many signs that the traffic is heavy, fast and furious. The road
bends to the north towards Caemlyn, and to the east in the direction of
[ obvious exits: N E ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Caemlyn Road
The road narrows slightly at this point, and the road surface becomes more and
more uneven as successive generations of tree roots in the Braem Wood have made
their impact. The wood itself is just to the north, and some of the trees
overhang the road itself, which, as well travelled here as anywhere else,
continues to the east and west. A small dirt-packed lane leads off to the
south, somewhat neglected.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Razorgrass has started to grow in the grass beside the road. There is also
the offspring from the trees in the forest to the north of here, the Braem
Wood. There are more razorgrasses to the east, and to the south is the main
road through Andor, although the razor grass, with its barbs pointing
against you, is too thick to let you through.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
A dirty rock lies here.
A green woodpecker is here flying around.
A handsome stag stands here, ready to run.
A badger is rummaging about, looking for stuff to eat.
A robin is here flying around.
A plump pheasant is here flying around.
A long-eared rabbit is here, looking quite sick.

A plump pheasant leaves east.

Artal smiles happily.

Artal finds a soft spot to sit

rem toy
A robin flaps its wings as it comes in to land nearby.
Artal stops using a home-made wooden toy.

A plump pheasant has arrived from the east.
A handsome stag leaves north.

Artal begins making noises that the soldier is fighting an enemy.

A green woodpecker leaves east.

Artal bounces it around on the grass, like it is marching around.
The day has begun.

Artal in a low serious voice 'Move along, nothing to see here!'

Artal stops the soldier bounding around and leaves it sitting upon the grass.

Artal lays back staring at the sky.

Artal begins getting groggy.

A badger leaves north.

Artal goes to sleep.

If he dreamed, he did not remember it. Which was good, he always remembered the bad ones. Rubbing at his eyes he looked up through the canopy. The sun was not quite at its peak, which meant he would miss lunch if he did not hurry! Standing he grabbed his soldier and began sprinting.

Six-foot high blades of razorgrass straddle the side of the road, creating
a natural barrier. The sides of the blades can easily cut into exposed
skin, and the one-way barbs catch clothing, causing rips and holes. They
are too dense to let you go south, so the only ways that you can go are
north or east, into the Braem Wood.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A plump pheasant pecks at the ground.

Braem Wood near Aringill
The thick carpet of dead leaves, twigs and branches, accumulated over the
ages, make it easy to walk here, and provide for a fairly firm footing.
Different scenery can be seen to the west, a grass of sorts, although there
is more woodland to the north.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A crow is here flying around.

Braem Wood near Aringill
The lie of the land is rather hilly here, marked by steep foothills and
valleys, and the high bank to the north prevents any progress in that
direction. Trees grow up the side of the bank, and one day one of them will
be tall enough to climb up. Until that happens, the only ways forward are
south or east, towards more woodlands.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving east.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
A mole is here, looking sickly.

Braem Wood near Aringill
Although you are amidst the greenery of the Braem Wood, a tall grey town
wall looms in the distance, and it is obvious that you cannot go any
further east. Dense trees, very dense to enter, mark the way north,
though to the south there are some bushes to squeeze through. The Braem
Wood continues to the west, which must be the way out from this place.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of an animal leaving west.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
A crow is visible flying high in the sky.

Path into the Braem Wood
Squeezed between rhododendron bushes near the town walls of Aringill, the
path is rarely used, and has nearly overgrown. The bushes are tall, at
least twenty men high, and the evergreen leaves keep nearly all the light out.
It is so rarely used, that the way through the path is quite overgrown and
difficult to get through.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
A jaguar, chewing on its prey, looks at Artal.

Aringill Crossing
The Caemlyn road, packed with travellers of every description, continues
its way here, towards Caemlyn in the west and nearby Aringill to the east.
The road is bisected by two country paths, one towards some dense bushes to
the north and the other through some hills to the south.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
A small chimney puffs smoke from the roof of a ledge wagon.
A young blacksmith is here, looking for work.

Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn road, emerging from Aringill to the east, becomes surrounded
by wild countryside at this point, with aeon old trees visible to the
north, and hills to the south. Both are distant, and the way there is
unpenetrable, so you can only go further on the road either westwards,
towards Caemlyn the capital of Andor, or eastwards, to Aringill.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.

Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn road opens up at this point, giving access to the Braem Wood
north of the road. The road here, as elsewhere, is furrowed and old, and
much traffic passes over it. Aringill to the east along the road, nearer
than Caemlyn, which is far to the west.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Caemlyn Road
The shallow turn in the Caemlyn road at this point is indicative of the
route from Caemlyn to Aringill, which runs in a slightly southeastern
direction. Like the rest of the road, its age is marked by furrows in the
ground and the traffic is heavy. The road continues to the east and the
north. There is open countryside to the south and the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Caemlyn Road
Meandering its way through the countryside of Andor, the Caemlyn road is
roughly halfway between Caemlyn to the northwest and Aringill to the
southeast. The northern edge of the road is undefined and ill kept, as
saplings from the forest to the north have started growing through the
stones in places. There are more trees to the east.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.

Caemlyn Road
Although human settlements are few along this part of the road to Caemlyn,
there is a lot of traffic, with plenty of shouting and cursing between
those on foot, horse and cart. The Braem Wood is visible to the north, but
no way has been made through the hills to the south, yet. The Caemlyn road
goes on to Caemlyn to the west, and Aringill to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Caemlyn Road
The road narrows slightly at this point, and the road surface becomes more and
more uneven as successive generations of tree roots in the Braem Wood have made
their impact. The wood itself is just to the north, and some of the trees
overhang the road itself, which, as well travelled here as anywhere else,
continues to the east and west. A small dirt-packed lane leads off to the
south, somewhat neglected.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Caemlyn Road
Twisting and meandering its way between the hills to the south and the
forest to the north, the Caemlyn Road makes a turn at this point. Ruts are
one of the many signs that the traffic is heavy, fast and furious. The road
bends to the north towards Caemlyn, and to the east in the direction of
[ obvious exits: N E ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving north.
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Caemlyn Road
The road bends gently at this point, avoiding the Braem Wood to the east.
The ruts in the road and the rubbish by the side both point to the volume
of traffic that passes this way, most of it going in a westerly direction
towards Caemlyn. The road continues its path through the countryside to the
[ obvious exits: S W ]
There are some tracks of an animal leaving south.
There are some tracks of a human leaving south.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

Caemlyn Road
The Caemlyn Road is the oldest road in the land, running an immense
distance from east to west. It is a very busy road, and this stretch of it
is no exception, with wagons, soldiers and travellers frequent pedestrians.
The road continues to the east, and to the west it reaches Caemlyn,
somewhere in the distance. There is dense woodland to the north of the
road, part of the Braem Wood, the biggest in the land.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Caemlyn Road
Deep ruts in the road are evidence that much traffic passes this way,
on its way out of or into the grand city of Caemlyn, which lies to the west
nearby. You can go off the side of the road here to the north, into the
Braem Wood, or you can continue east or west, along the Caemlyn road.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.

Outside the Eastern Gate of Caemlyn
Standing firmly before you to the west, the massive gates of Caemlyn guard
the capital of Andor from its enemies at night. During the day they are
open, allowing the thronging masses to leave and enter the city at will,
safe in the knowledge that the Queen's guards will keep the peace in the
town. There are forested areas to the north and east of the town, part of
the great Braem Wood that stretches for hundreds of leagues. To the south
there are hills visible in the distance, and to the east the road continues
far on its way, eventually reaching the rivertown of Aringill.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some tracks of a human leaving east.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.

Artal doesn't see a closed gate.

Inside the Eastern Gate of Caemlyn
Artal is just inside the East Gate of Caemlyn. The city is larger than you
could have dreamed possible. Towering spires rise everywhere, and you are
completely overwhelmed by the sheer size and sound of crowded Caemlyn. Deep
in the city's heart you can see the Inner City and royal palace. An outer
road leads north and south along the city walls, and a wide boulevard
leads west into the city's center.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A black dog is here, wagging its tail.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.
A stout looking Caemlyn guard is posted here.

Eastern End of a Wide Boulevard
Artal is on the eastern end of a wide boulevard that stretches east and west
across the entire city. A strip of grass cuts the extremely wide street in two,
and trees and flowers are placed throughout the boulevard. A square, unpleasant
ing building lies south. To the east is one on Caemlyn's four main gates.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard stretches east and west across Caemlyn. Not far off to the
east you can see the East Gate of Caemlyn. The boulevard is bisected by a row
of carefully groomed trees. A small store of cracked stone lies to the south.
A sign hangs over the door.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees evenly
placed along the street. You see people scurrying about in a mad rush. A
stairway leads up here onto a skywalk that runs over the entire Inner City.
[ obvious exits: E W U ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An old man hobbles slowly on his way.

Middle of a Wide Boulevard
This is the middle of a wide boulevard that runs east and west across Caemlyn.
The boulevard is bisected by a strip of grass and a row of trees which run its
length. The sheer noise of crowded Caemlyn is overwhelming, almost a dull
roar. To the north is a paved road which leads into the Inner City. To the
south is an open square and a cluster of shops.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A young woman walks by.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.

A Wide Boulevard
This wide boulevard bisects Caemlyn and extends to both the east and west. The
road is set with a median of grass and trees. This is one of the busiest areas
in Caemlyn, and the street is usually crawling with people. A small winding
road threads some buildings, and leads off to the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

A Wide Boulevard
Artal is on a wide boulevard that stretches all the way across Caemlyn. The
extremely wide road is cut in the middle by a strip of grass with trees placed
evenly all along the boulevard. Off to the west you can make out one of
Caemlyn's four gates. To the south you see a small brick inn. A sign is posted
above the door.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.

The Queen's Blessing
Artal step into this respectable looking inn. The common room is busy,
although not overcrowded. The bar patrons look well entertained by the
combination of pleasant music and strong ale. There seems to be some room
by the bar and you are tempted to sit for a few hours and enjoy some
relaxing company. The inn is much larger than it appeared from the outside.
Artal can see a door to the kitchen as well as a stairway to the guest rooms,
and there is a room to the east which has various bargames.
[ obvious exits: N E S U ]
A copper tap with free ale is here.
A board showing the rules hangs here.
A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Reception of the Queen's Blessing
The upstairs of the Queen's Blessing is as charming as the common room. A
thin rug leads through the length of the hallway, and a small window in the
wall lets you look down on the bustling streets of Caemlyn. You appear to
be fortunate in finding an empty room to rent, no easy feat in this crowded
city! A wooden board is affixed to the wall, covered with notices of
current information for newcomers to the city.

A ledger lies on a small stand.
[ obvious exits: S D ]
A shifty looking fellow patrols the streets picking up discarded belongings.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A Defender of the Rose Crown strides by, hand close to his weapon.
A bulky man with heavy-lidded eyes sits here, scratching a cat.
The innkeeper Basel Gill is here, smiling broadly.

With a smile the kind innkeeper motioned him to a table, which had a steaming bowl of something and a large mug of whatever sitting nearby. It did not matter, wasn't squirrel! Smiling from ear to ear Artal crossed the room and sat down beside the always grumpy looking Lamgwin and began to devour his food. Potatoes in a creamy soup with other mixed vegetables, his new favorite!

Conversation filled the air as the other patrons went about their lunch, or business. The room was filled and he ignored the chicken wandering near the entryway. No idea how it got in here or why it was here, but it would be tomorrow's lunch if it did not scurry off. Months upon months had flown by when he was dropped off here at the Queen's Blessing. And with each passing day he built habit of doing his chores, learning and gaining some free time to go off into the Braem to explore or play. Each day ended with him inside the Inn before dark, as they did not want him wandering the streets at dark. So he tended to help in the kitchen's, or up here doing whatever was requested. Cleaning tables, sweeping. Discarding of weird things left all over by those who passed through. Some days he would just lean against the wall near Lamgwin and scowl darkly at strangers as they passed by like the man did. But he did not think he was near as successful. With a clatter he finished his bowl and he went to get up to clear his space but Lamgwin grabbed it and made off down the steps. Never did that, he always cleaned up after himself. Wiping his mouth with the handkerchief Basel gave him so he wouldn't sully his shirt sleeves any more he went to stand but Basel sat down. The heavy set man was pink of face as always but his trademark smile was missing. He sat down firmly in his chair opposite the man waiting. With a sigh the innkeep pulled out a rolled piece of paper from his pocket. Small and tied with a green string the man unwound the string and rolled it out. Artal peered down at the writing but could not quite make out what it said.

"Well lad, alot of time has passed, but finally some word from Tenil." The man's voice was low, but he heard him correctly? Word from Tenil finally? He tried to hide his excitement. He did not want to seem rude as they have all been so kind to him. But he could barely stay seated. No word had arrived, not until today. "Starts off with an appology, it took him longer to get back out west than he thought." Waiting for more nothing came, looking up from the paper rolled out before him the man opposite of him looked more grim than before.

"Bad news sir?" Asked nervously, he watched as Basel rubbed pink hands to his face. Before dropping them slowly back to the table and nodding. Sinking back into his seat he waited. A hand on his shoulder startled him, and looked up to see Lamgwin had returned. He did not notice over the sound of the busy inn. But he put his gaze back to the paper. "Im ready."

"Tenil has buried your mother, away from the burnt farm. The other farm was in the same state. The one your friend had lived in. No sign of your father. But his family was found. Buried as well. The animals appear to have been slaughtered or led off, and the fields burned as well. There were some strange tracks in and around the farm as well. And.." The man trailed off, watching him as he looked up again. He did not notice he had begun, but he felt the wet trail leave his face and looked down to see his tear splash upon the table top.

"Go on, he will be fine." He heard the gruff voice from above him announce, and a squeeze of his shoulder re assured him. Bobbing his head he looked back to Basel, steadying himself and cutting off his emotion.

"Two corpses found, seemingly in flight. Rough looking with ragged mismatched armor. Appearing to have been ridden down. The strange tracks leave the farms heading south toward Almoth. Its where he stopped tracking them. And with the strange tracks a small set of footprints. It appears your friend, this other boy has gone off with the strange tracks Artal. Toward Almoth and possibly down toward Falme." Falme? It made no difference, it meant Izaak was alright. It meant he was alive and someone had gotten him away from the bad men right? Basel looked up from him and confused he looked up as well. Lamgwin had his usual dour look to his face but he gave a sigh.

"Seanchan lad, it means they have your friend. Falme has been in their control for a while now. And if they have taken him in it means he has either sworn the oaths or will swear the oaths." Squinting his eyes he looked from one to the other, still not understanding what any of it meant. But Izaak was alright, someone had helped him while he failed. He ran off leaving him there.

"For the night we will take care of everything. Practice your reading and we will try and help you understand more later on. Im sorry there isn't any good news lad." Which startled him again. The night off from helping? But there was good news. Standing up he bobbed his head again, and moved off toward the library at the southern end of the upper floor. Turning back before exiting he smiled which made the other two look confused for the first time tonight.
Last edited by Artal on Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:17 pm

Re: Building Habit

Post by Artal » Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:14 pm

"Thank you, and there was good news. Tenil is alright, and Izaak is alright. I dunno what the seanchan are, or why it is bad. But he is alive." And before either could answer he pushed forward into the main of the other room. Moving back toward the small table at the other side of the room, where he stood looking down at the book. Putting his hand upon it he resolved himself. 'I need to learn to read. And write. I can't have them doing everything for me.' Commanded to himself, and so he picked up the book. And sat beneath the open window. Until Basel came later on after dinner, he would do his best. In the light provided he looked at the mess of letters upon the page he opened the book to. The same page he h

Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:17 pm

Re: Building Habit

Post by Artal » Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:00 pm

Bad Decisions

They moved quickly, unaware that he was following. Unaware that he was watching. From shadow to shadow he moved silently, ducking into the alleys or behind the random wagon or crate as he stalked. Hood of his dark hooded cloak drawn close, hiding his face as he moved slowly. Atop their sturdy horses they rode slowly ahead, in a pair. Conical helms obscuring their faces each time they turned to scan the roadway behind themselves. Red of their undercoat a stark contrast to the white of their collars and cuffs, brilliant red cloaks streaming behind them. One of the pair had several golden knots upon his shoulder. Made em' look more special Artal thought to himself crouching behind a man and woman who were giving him a weird look until the horses began to move once more. Straightening out he slinked around the pair who simply shook their head and went about their conversation until they reached the gate. The gate leading west, out toward The four kings and eventually white bridge. A gate he entered long ago, or so it seemed to him. Less than a year but a year was a long time. With a sigh he watched as they saluted the guardsmen before riding out onto the roadway beyond. With a sigh he pulled his hood down and rushed forward toward the gate guards. By this point they knew his face, and this part of his routine grew each day. Moving quickly he bounded up to the now sighing guardsmen who regarded him with a shake of the head.
"No good lad, they saw you again. If you do it everyday they will always keep an eye out for ya. Gotta be a little more sneaky and unpredictable I think." Vendon, the guardsman at the gate nearly every day spoke plainly to him as he came to a halt. With an annoyed huff he put hands to hip. Wiping the strands of hair that had escaped his headband he regarded the man towering over him. In his chainmail with pike resting upon his shoulder, his open face helmet of simple make he looked intimidating still.
"Gotta build habit though, or Basel says so." He shot back, knowing as he hears it near every day. "One of these days they won't see me!" Which drew more shaking of Vendon's head.
"Not if you do it everyday, they will spot ya everytime. You slink about well enough, but they know to look so they do, and there you are. Even if you duck behind a crate, or behind those poor folks who looked confused. I spotted ya from here." The look on the mans face changed to one with half a smile upon his lips. Nearly muttering out a curse he heard Lamgwin use often he caught himself and instead let loose a groan. Which made the smile spread, threatening to break the mans face in half.
"Some things you wanna build habit with, but if your tryin to sneak up on a couple of guardsman probably best not to be predictable. Not that Im sure I know why your trying to sneak up on some Queen's Guards anyway." Each day ended this way, before he scampered off to the inn to settle in for the evening. Light still clung on but it was beginning to lose its struggle with the dark of night.
"What does the bridge look like?" Asked quickly, trying to change the subject. The large man straightened up and leaned slightly against his pike. The other guardsman snickering behind him and keeping his sight outward, upon the roadway and the outer limits of the city beyond the gate.
"You ask each day, and I tell ya the same. Its a big bridge, huge even. Milky white, and it spans the river Arinelle. Boats and people flow in and out of the city." The man looked almost bored saying it. Scrunching his nose a moment he scratched at it while the second guardsman chimed in.
"Each and every day. Your building a habit of asking the same questions kid." Almost annoyed, if he could tell by the voice. He didn't know his name, nor would he ask. Always short with him he was.
"Really wanna know, so I can find it." Blurted out, before he could catch himself. He never really answered after asking. Not like this at least. He usually only asked more questions.
"Oh really? Planning a trip are we? Don't think your allowed to be traveling about all your lonesome there Artal." Vendon answered him quickly.
"No, this one can't leave sight of the inn." The annoyed man added in, the voice still giving off an annoyed tone. He didn't like that tone.
"I can go if i want. No one ever told me I can't." Fired back quickly, adding a tone to his to let them know he wasn't telling stories.
"Yeah, and if we went to the inn and asked Basel he would be fine with you wandering off on your own?" The blank look on Vendon's face caught him off guard. The man wasn't usually short with him like the others. No words, he only bobbed his head up and down as a response.
"Got my spear, and I practice every day." He said dragging the oaken shaft forward, planting it down into the dirt before him. Holding his chin up he sat there for several moments, no answer returned. Until the two men laughed.
"That's no spear kid, its a stick. Short by half to be a spear, and with barely a point." The man who was not Vendon answered, but Vendon chuckled at the response given. Frowning he looked to his spear. It was beaten sure, but it was his. From home.
"Lad, you got spirit. But you can't just go wandering about all your own. And that will not be protection." Stepping back he pulled it infront of him and lowered it in his right hand. Dropping it to his side while keeping his vision of the two men.
"Run along, its almost dark and you probably have some dishes to take care of. Maybe we will stop by add to the pile after we end our shift." The words rang out as the other man turned and faced back outside the gate, back to him. Vendon turned and began admonishing him, but he still had a smile upon his lips while doing it. Both had their back to him now, and went about talking about things he stopped hearing. He could feel his face reddening. Scanning around nobody else was near enough to hear, so he dragged his hood back up and began to turn to head to the inn. Two steps is all he managed, before he stopped and stared at his feet. Staring, at the cobble beneath him. At the roadway. Looking back up he saw the sign, far off in the distance. The red haired woman, bright and clear to him from there. Turning he looked at the two men, paying him no mind. And then he looked beyond them. Legs began to move, one step. Then a second, and then he was in a sprint. Out past the two men, and onto the roadway winding west, away from the city. He heard the voices, calling out to him as he ran. Telling him to stop. Calling for him to turn around immediately. Neither of the two options occured. And he kept his legs moving. Breathing in and out he ran, spear at his side and cloak drawn up. Beyond the lines of the simple houses outside the walls. On and on until he could hear no voices, no bustle of the city he called home now. He would see the bridge, he would run through the night if he needed. But he would see it. Down the roadway dust kicking up beneath him a smile broke his lips as the voices calling out faded into the distance.

Darkness surrounded him as he had hands upon knees. Crouched over he breathed heavily, forming a mist before him. It got dark too quickly. Far too quickly, he thought he would be there and on his way back before it became dark. How wrong he was. Gripping his spear off the ground beside him he stood slowly, still huffing in and out trying to catch his breath. The Four kings had come and gone hours ago, and now he was on a clear and empty roadway. Stepping forward his legs ached, but he kept moving. Somehow he needed to find the city tonight, and make his way back? Rubbing a hand to his face he groaned at the idea of that. No dinner tonight, or lunch for that matter. Now he would miss out on breakfast. 'Im in so much trouble' he thought as he moved, the idea of not returning before dark like he was supposed to, and then not returning until probably daylight the next day? If he got back by then that was. With a sigh he kept creeping forward, now at a snails pace. The sounds coming from the woods on either side of the road kept him alert. Rustling of bushes and of animals moving about. Every now and then some birds would scatter from the tree they called home for the night. All the while his only light was the dim moon high above. Up ahead the darkness grew and clustered together, and it worried him. 'Does the road stop?' The thought made him move a bit faster, not wanting to run headlong into a dead end. But it did not, it curved south through the woods. The trees looming on either side of the road towered above him, leaning over the roadway making him uneasy. The weathered bark giving off an eerie appearance in the night as if they were all watching him, waiting for him to step a little closer. Clutching spear to chest he stepped firmly along the center of the road, avoiding the sinister trees that watched him. A cool breeze blew against his face, causing him to pause and pull the hood of his cloak closed with one hand before stepping forward once more. 'A fire would be nice' rang out in his head, but there would be no stopping. No fire to be made, not that he could make one if he wanted. Shaking slightly he loosed his hand from the hood and instead drew the cloak itself tight around his body, tilting his head downward so he could watch his steps and keep a bit of the cool wind off his face. Cobbled stone barely visible in the moon lit night, he took step after step as the road curved away from the woods once more and cut straight through. Lifting his head, to scan the path ahead he was greeted with more than moon light. In the distance he could see the walls of the city ahead. Not as large as Caemlyn's but still larger than he had ever seen before he made it to the capital of Andor. But it was what rose behind that, up high into the sky and off into the distance. Gleaming in the torchlight that rose along it, and off the walls below it. Milky white, and looking like a glass that illuminated in the torchlight the white bridge. He had made it, and he had seen it finally. With new energy he did not know he had he moved swiftly at a jog, trying to get closer. Trying to see what lay ahead. Before he knew it, he was running once more against the wishes of his sore legs.

Closed gates lay before him, barred and no entry open for him. Looking up at the walls he saw no one behind. 'Am I stuck out here all night?' Artal thought to himself as he moved quickly from one end of the massive gate to the other before rapping his closed fist against it several times. As loud as he could manage he called out "Hello? Please open." But no response came. Trying again he repeated the same calls. If anyone was within, they did not hear him. With a sigh he dragged the butt of his spear up and smacked it loudly against the gate several times as hard as he could. "Please! Hello? It's cold out here, and im tired!" He yelled loudly, surprising himself slightly. A slit in the gate crashed open above him. Stepping back several times he made to waving his arms before jumping a few times. "Hello, yes please! I wanna come in please!"

"Gate closes for the night boy. Why are you out there all alone?" A voice angrily called out from behind the gate, the only thing visible is faint light from the slit and a pair of dark brown eyes staring at him.

"I know I'm sorry, I thought I would get here sooner. I wanted to see the bridge. I made a mistake." Dropping arms to side he watched. No response sounded out. The slid slammed shut, and no words called out. With a sigh he stood still, doomed to sit in the cold for the night. Turning he looked off into the darkness behind him, unable to even make out the shape of the trees as his eyes were no longer adjusted to the dark thanks to the gift of the torchlight of the city. Grumbling he began to move off, before a loud creaking behind him began. Turning he moved quickly back toward the gate but stopped in his tracks. Two men stalked out into the faint torch light. Both in red and white, one with golden knots upon his shoulder.

"Now why would you follow us all the way here boy? You haven't left the city any other day. You can't be runnin about the roadways all night." The voice was sharp, but not angry like the one from the slit. And it came from the man with the knots. He went to speak up but before he could the second man spoke up.

"And what are you going to do for the rest of the night? Sleep on the streets? You need to think ahead boy." A little more angry than the first man he sighed again and lowered his head.

"I'm sorr-" He began but the loud rustling of bushes from behind him made him stop. Stepping back his eyes adjust once more, and behind him not ten steps away it rose from the darkness of the woods. A twisted, horrible shape with the body of a man and the head of a goat stalked forward, a wicked axe in its hands it let loose a snarling howl that rang out in the night. More shapes began to take form in the darkness and stalk forward. More howls and snarls filled the night air, causing him to step back once more away from the horrible thing that stood ahead of him.

"ATTACK, TO ARMS! TO ARMS!" He heard from behind him, and a horn blew loudly causing him to drag hands up to the side of his head. The thing began to surge forward, joined by the other terrible shapes behind it, and chaos erupted. Screams and shouts, snarls and howls loudly broke the silence of the night. With shaking arms he dragged his spear up and began to back away. But they were too quick, and the thing raised its axe high as it ran forward. Wanting to shout he opened his mouth and he dragged the spear up, hoping it would stop the axe. It wouldn't, he was done for. Something slammed into him and he fell to the ground roughly, and looked up to see gleaming white, red cape flapping behind and shield forward catching the axe. Pushing up he made to move forward, he would help! He would stick the thing with his spear while the man deflected its blows with his spear. With a shout, that was lost in all of the noise around him he moved forward and lunged with his spear, only to feel something else slam into him and roll off the road into the grass. The second man moved forward ahead of him and with a sweep of his sword deflected a large pole with a hook on the end of it, he had not seen that. It was held by a beaked thing, with horrible tattered black cloth that shrieked loudly and swept the hook again which was deflected once more. The crunching of grass made him roll back onto his back, just in time for a club to crash into the ground behind him. Kicking his feet he backed away as quickly as he could, his heart leapt up into his chest. With the head of a boar an armored monster rose above him, its mouth twisted into a wicked smile as it dragged the club up into the air once more and lunged forward. More shouts, more cries and howls in the night rang out. And he kicked up quickly to stand, and was immediately knocked back toward the roadway. Men and women in chainmail filled the roadway, all around him engaging the enemies. The boar headed thing swung its club around itself sending several to the ground momentarily. He staggered forward and bumped into a man with greyed chain who turned immediately and dragged his sword up to strike. Falling down once more he fell to his bottom and dropped his spear pulling his hands up to beg the man not to. As he opened his mouth and began, a splash of liquid warm and smelling of metal coated his face. And the man with the wild look to his eyes went down, sword dropped and arms clutching to a horrible spraying wound to his neck. The glowing red eyes behind a snarling maw of a wolf headed monstrosity stepped forward, a wicked horribly sharp looking sword clutched in its one hand drove the sword down into the man's back before moving forward toward him. Grabbing spear from where it fell he stood up and prepared to defend himself. Sword arced toward him and with a shout he thrust spear up to meet it while stepping back.

Pain flashed through his entire body, and his sight went white. The sound of cracking wood and the pain of his arm jolting horribly joined it as he spun and met the ground once more. Hand went to face and he could feel the warmth flowing. Going to stand he felt something smash into his midsection and the air drained from him as he crashed backwards quickly slamming into something. Pulling his free hand up he went to brace himself upon it and met fur. Vision cleared in his right eye and he looked up to see a snarling head tilt toward him. Tusks jutting from its mouth it was the boar, and with fury in its eyes it drew club up, falling down to his knees Artal tried to move away. Hand to his face the blood pooled at his hand and flowed along his arm. Tears welled in his right eye, causing vision to blur slightly as pain raced through his entire head, as if a million little needles were being thrust into him over and over. Club came down, almost in slow motion as he put hand forth to stop it. It fell to the ground with a thud, and blood met his face once more, as the howl of pain came forth from the things lungs, several long spears, with sharp points cast into its torso. He was flat on his back pushing back to get away as the thing struggled and spun, trying to cast all of the weapons out of itself. The fluttering cape of red blew in the cold breeze, as the man stepped forward, red coating the once gleaming white of his armor. And with a swing the struggling stopped and head bounded off into the woods. Shouts continued, but he stopped moving. Trying to sit up he became dizzy, and blackness enveloped him, feeling as if he was falling into a never ending pit his head spun and spun, as he drifted off into the nothingness.

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Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:17 pm

Building Habit -Final Part- Home

Post by Artal » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:50 pm


Vision was dim as he opened his eyes. He could see nothing out of the right side, and in his weakened state he brought hand up to face and felt something covering half of it. Pain shot through his body as he moved and he could see little to nothing as it was extremely dark. 'What happened, where am I.' His thoughts as he attempted to sit up, but pain shot through his middle so he fell back down to his back. Groaning he turned his head and attempted to look around the dim room. A small candle flickered across from him, on a simple table. And it showed him a large door at the far side, with a closed slot. Stone walls all around him and his mind wandered off, unable to focus. Staring up upon the ceiling his mind flickered from thought to thought. From how much trouble he would be in when he got back to Caemlyn. To those things that came from the woods. Around they circled, until they landed on one thought. The man, his life leaving him as he clutched as his neck, eyes wild with fear. The last thing the man ever saw was his face. The madness of the fighting, bloody everywhere. His hand covered the eye he could see out of and his thoughts stayed on that face. The man nearly swung on him with his weapon, and instead he held. Then he died, right there in front of him. It was all his fault, if he had not wandered off to white bridge. If he had not knocked upon the gate and got them to open it, maybe.. Just maybe those things would not have charged them out of the woods. Sound drew him out of his head. Footsteps outside the room. Sitting up hurt to much, so he lay there, but flung his hand from his face and called out as loudly as he could.

"Hello! Is someone there?" Not loud, and he felt weak in the attempt. And the footsteps faded away. Rolling onto his side he clutched at his middle as the pain ran through him once more, staring toward that large door. Blurry as it was he stared, hoping it would open. Hoping someone would walk in. Nobody did, and it remained shut. No more sounds, nothing. The candle light flickered and danced, casting faint light. His eye grew heavy, and he did not fight against it. He drifted off once more. Dreams if they could be called that came. Over and over, the chaos of those things crashing out of the woods and flooding over him. Each time worse and worse, nobody came out to help this time. Nobody came forth from the gates as he silently screamed for help. His mouth open and nothing coming forth. His spear was destroyed, and as the boar headed thing went to bring the horrible sharp double bladed axe down upon him he awoke with a start. Sweat poured down his face, and his breathing was ragged.

Pain shot through his side as he sat up, putting hand to face once more. Dizziness overcame him and he pinched his eyes shut and braced himself upon his arms to try and keep the world from spinning out of control. A faint cough in the room caught his attention so quickly scanning the room he saw her. Some ten feet away from him, sitting upon a simple wooden chair beside the door. The flickering of the candle only slightly gave him vision of her. Short hair, blonde of color framed a heart shaped face. No emotion was visible upon her face. She looked ageless almost. It made no sense. Pursing his eyes shut once more he wanted to wake up. Wake up back in the Queen's blessing.

"I am not a dream." The voice called out echoing through the room. His breathing calmed he opened them slowly, and tilted his head to scan her. The slender woman had not moved, hands folded upon her neatly splayed dress. The dark room flickering with faint candle light from the table beside his place of rest. The piercing blue eyes seemed to look straight through him. "The Queen's guard have told us that you followed them out here. That was very unwise child." No movement to accompany the words. Just the staring through him. As if trying to read his very soul.

"I wanted to see the bridge." Choked out, almost stammered. Why was she in here staring at him. In the corner of his vision he saw something near the wall, fade in and out of vision blending in with the room itself. He went to move back, ignoring the pain that moved through him.

"That is Ominas, do not fret over him. You were very lucky we were passing this way child. You do not understand the situation you placed yourself into." The words were almost cold, and the figure that faded in and out of his vision gave a simple grunt and did not move. Just standing there, in the background. "The governor thought you a darkfriend boy. As with your arrival came those things." His heart stopped, and leapt into this throat. 'Darkfriend' He thought, only ever hearing the word a few scarce times in his years. Those who served the dark, and this governor thought he was one of them?

He went to move and gripped at his side. Blanket falling down covering him at the waist. With a groan he answered. "I'm no darkfriend. I swears it. I just wan-ned to see the bridge!" Almost too loud he answered, losing all control of his words. "I followed the guards like I do everyday and stopped at the gate. Then Vendon and the other gate guard made fun o' me so I ran off to show em' I could go see it." Going to continue she waved a hand and tisked him. Cutting him off he sat there clutching at his side.

"So you risked your life to show them you could walk a road and see a bridge, with nothing more than a stick. Then you wandered through the dead of night toward a city. And as soon as the gate opened the trolloc horde broke the tree line. Which is why the governor thought what he did. As I said child, you are lucky we arrived when we did. You were already unconscious when we arrived and the Queen's guards and those from within White bridge were losing ground until we drove the trollocs back." Piercing eyes watched him, waiting for a response. The thought of that man, dying right in front of him broke his concentration. And his head spun once more so he brought hand up to brace himself and lay back onto the pillow. "You did not lead those things here, they have made a camp in the Braem wood north of the roadway. We found that and dealt with it before coming upon the scene outside the gates. You have been inside Caemlyn all this time, vouched for by the two Queen's guard who came earlier than your arrival. Our word and theirs clears you. As I said, our arrival has kept you from a very bad position." The words trailed off, and another grunt from the far wall. He heard the chair shift, so he took away his hand and she was over him looking down upon him. He shifted and wanted to flee. "Lay still." Was all she declared, unwinding the bandages wrapping his face. When the pile lay beside him, red and stained he could not see from his other eye. Panic filled him. "You will have a scar, do not struggle. I will heal this so your vision returns. Do you accept my offer of healing child?" He bobbed his head quickly, and before he could answer with words hands cupped his face. And a sensation overcame him, as if he was at first being filled with warmth, radiating through his entire body. His breath caught once more, and then it was replaced with an incredible fatigue. His eyes pinched shut, he tried to awaken but it was far too heavy. Struggling to re awaken he drifted away, to the sound of the door opening and closing. He let it overcome him.

The gate lay open as he marched forward, ahead of the two men atop their horses behind him. Over a week had gone by, over a week where he had run from the safety of Caemlyn's walls. Without word he had disappeared. They had scolded him for his actions nearly nonstop, reminding him how lucky he was to be alive. Only the intervention on their part, and Alison Sedai of the White Tower keeping him from being locked up to rot. She was gone before he awakened again, but they had told him her name. Aes Sedai. Stories are all he knew of them, and now he had met one. Under the worst of scenarios of course. He walked on, looking back to see the two men trailing him following slowly behind as they made their way along the paved road. Looking back he could see the sign in the distance, and his heart was in his throat once more. As it grew closer and closer, he waited to hear the words for him to go away. To not return. Basel had opened his room to him, allowed him to live there and fed him. He had very few rules, and he broke one already. Closer it grew, and each step he slowed not wanting to reach it. Not wanting to be sent away. Panic filled him more and more with each step. Until it was over head. The Red Haired lady seemed to be looking at him unhappily. The loud sound of the door opening and closing drew his attention forward. To a scowling Lamgwin with his arms folded before him.

"So you finally return?" The voice angry, he lowered his head. How could he answer? What would he say? 'I wanted to see the bridge and they made fun of me so I ran off?' His own words rang off in his head, how silly they sounded once he heard them. 'I nearly got myself killed, and some poor man did die? I was almost declared a darkfriend?' How hard he had worked at building habit, learning and spending time effectively Lamgwin called it. Thrown away.

"I will explain everything. He heard from behind him, and the dismounted Queen's guard stepped up beside him. A faint smile upon his face. "The boy has been through much, and has made a very bad decision. He knows this now." Which drew a scoff from Lamgwin who opened the door and motioned for them to enter. Up in the window he spied Basel looking out upon him. No smile upon his face. A hand touched his shoulder and he drew back slightly. The tall guardsman moved forward without him and he looked up at Lamgwin. Who gave a small smile himself.

"Nice scar. Say nothing until you can say how sorry you are. Understood?" Which he bobbed a head to quickly and was ushered into the inn. He was home once more, for how long who knew. One bad decision nearly cost him everything. 'I will not make this mistake again.' He thought at he stepped within the inn, bracing himself for what came next.

Candle light flickered on the table above him, providing light as he sat upon the floor. His body still ached, and he was incredibly tired but he held the book open before him. Studying the words carefully, piecing together what he could. Thoughts drifted through his head, Basel was beyond angry and almost put him out. Now there would be more rules in place. He was not allowed out of the city at all for now. Not until he understood how dangerous it was for him outside the walls. Not until he could safely defend himself. And that would not be for years. Lamgwin had softened the blow of the words throughout the conversation, as had the Queen's Guardsman. The one he stalked each day. That was done too, he was no longer allowed to follow them about. He was to stay inside, and keep a low profile until he was told he could venture about once more. And all of his time would be filled with chores, or study. Almost the entire day was filled with sweeping, dishes and smacking rugs out back to get the filth out of em. Now as the day came toward its end he was allowed to read more of the book. "Lord Jalaam Lazari, Lord Ahran Nawaz and Lady Bastine Almadar" Speaking quietly he read the names to himself. Carefully sounding them out and piecing them together as Basel had been showing him.

"Very good, the book is about Arad Doman. Where you are from. Your old home." The words did not sound angry, not as he thought they would as he looked up to see the innkeeper watching him. "Keep at it, then sleep. More work tomorrow, a lot more work."

And the man turned away wiping hands upon apron and moving off into the main hall of the inn. 'Home.' Artal thought to himself as he looked down at the book. "This is my home now. I will learn, I will get stronger. I will build better habits." Repeated to himself in a low voice, almost a chant. Before he flipped the book open once more.

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Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:09 am
Location: South Africa

Re: Building Habit -Final Part- Home --- &RPaward

Post by Alison » Sun Aug 01, 2021 9:37 am

'A foolish small boy, doing things he should not', thinks Alison to herself. Her left arm aches underneath her gown as she watches the child sleep.

She rises quietly and winces again. Stanislav's blade cut deep as it usually does. She remember tracking the vile Fade deep into bludfest and back. Then some of the horde broke off from the fade and headed towards this boys tracks. At first it was not a concidence that she found trollocs tracking little kids. They go for the easy preys.

'You are injured. Detritus will not be happy.' says a voice from behind her. She glances over her right shoulder at Ominas.

'The man has been gone for weeks. I doubt he will notice another scar on my left arm. Had you not taken that spear in the shoulder, i would have been a lot more injured. '

She pulls on her snowy white cloak and frowns as she flexes her left hand. It always amazes her how much a wound can affect your body, but when it comes to healing the kid, she did not even feel the ache as the One power surrounded her.

'Aye, that is true. My apologies, Alison.' She nods absently at the mans voice. In all her life she has always found it odd to look at them with those cloaks of theirs.

She bends down and places a note inside the kids pack. Hopefully he will find it when he needs it. It has been weeks since she first spotted him in the woods North east of Caemlyn and a few queries have uncovered a puzzle for her.

'I dont think he was involved in the Horde attacking. Just for your information. There appears to be more to his future than he realises now. '

Alison turns away from the child and for a moment dizzyness overwhelms her. Within moments Ominas grabs her and leads her from the room.
Her mind blanks out as she passes into unconciousness. Weeks of fighting, weeks of no looking back at what havoc Stansilav and his ilk are doing in the area of caralain takes it s toll.

She hears his voice from her left, 'Rest. I will take you to Tar valon.'

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