
... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Re: Cheers

Post by Detritus » Mon May 10, 2021 12:01 am

isabel wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 1:05 pm
In the spirit of the OP, this is from last month, to give you an idea of how good pkers can tell very quickly that someone is LD or AFK even if they are not flagged. My comments are in caps lock starting with Razhak's last bash.
In the spirit of the OP and for ominas(is he rutheos?) I'm going to reiterate a 3rd time that what looks chortlesnorfling obvious from 1 person's point of view is very often not from other people's.

I think people would agree i have some idea of game mechanics. I had zero idea Rig was afk/LD until natia narrated it in the first log. If my bash had landed right before group walked in he could easily have gone beaten then died before anyone did anything differently.

Rutheos 1 person(who I dont know at all, could easily be inexperienced) in dodge dying to a group without dodging bashes in 6 rooms of not great exits is hardly the same as razhak standing there for a protracted fight doing nothing and dying in a place he knows like the back of his hand without trying to get away at all.

The dying person always has a perfect view, other people's views are often fragmented.

There's 4 flees worth of fleelag before i would even think about anyone not being there. (Autoflee above half hps very rarely happens as it's only directly after logins.) Twice the group walks in after ryshnak solo bashes him. 1 person hits him as group goes past him to cut him off then rishnak hit causes him to autoflee, group hits him again(in a different room to where they passed him, from their point of view he's moved rooms while they're chasing). Ryshnak engages him next room, closes palisade and bashes as group comes back in, mounted flees fail and he eats another bash to crit. Whenever group re-hits him he's moved a room.

What's obvious reading the log is not from other point of views.

Before you go demonizing others for intentional things maybe think about other views.

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Re: Cheers

Post by Ominas » Mon May 10, 2021 12:34 am

Detritus wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 12:01 am
isabel wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 1:05 pm
In the spirit of the OP, this is from last month, to give you an idea of how good pkers can tell very quickly that someone is LD or AFK even if they are not flagged. My comments are in caps lock starting with Razhak's last bash.
In the spirit of the OP and for ominas(is he rutheos?) I'm going to reiterate a 3rd time that what looks chortlesnorfling obvious from 1 person's point of view is very often not from other people's.

I think people would agree i have some idea of game mechanics. I had zero idea Rig was afk/LD until natia narrated it in the first log. If my bash had landed right before group walked in he could easily have gone beaten then died before anyone did anything differently.

Rutheos 1 person(who I dont know at all, could easily be inexperienced) in dodge dying to a group without dodging bashes in 6 rooms of not great exits is hardly the same as razhak standing there for a protracted fight doing nothing and dying in a place he knows like the back of his hand without trying to get away at all.

The dying person always has a perfect view, other people's views are often fragmented.

There's 4 flees worth of fleelag before i would even think about anyone not being there. (Autoflee above half hps very rarely happens as it's only directly after logins.) Twice the group walks in after ryshnak solo bashes him. 1 person hits him as group goes past him to cut him off then rishnak hit causes him to autoflee, group hits him again(in a different room to where they passed him, from their point of view he's moved rooms while they're chasing). Ryshnak engages him next room, closes palisade and bashes as group comes back in, mounted flees fail and he eats another bash to crit. Whenever group re-hits him he's moved a room.

What's obvious reading the log is not from other point of views.

Before you go demonizing others for intentional things maybe think about other views.
Hi Det, I am Rutgers or whatever name you asked. I am also Davor and sometimes moonlight as my own sedai, Kitiara.

Figured I’d clear that up for you, since you’re clearly confused, judging by your above post. If at this point you can’t understand why it’s obvious Rutgers (sorry I really can’t be bothered to scroll up) wasn’t there, I don’t know what to tell you. But I’ll try.

Players don’t flee and sit still. Especially when they get surprised by a group. Generally they’ll bash. Spam. Move. Gasp. Poop a little. Something. And if they autoflee and sit still? That’s another great indicator. So the difference in POV argument is just kind of silly. I think absurd would be a fair word to use.

We’re playing a text based game people. With mostly modern internet connections. That particular case wasn’t too fast. It wasn’t a stab. Etc. Hence, silly.

I recommend you read Isabel’s log and find those indicators and study a bit. I think it will be beneficial for a lot of players. Apparently.

Look man, and anyone who got their feelings hurt over my posts. I’m told I was potentially rude. I’m not sorry. I hope you stub your toes and step on lego. Is it lego or legos in that context? What’s the plural form of lego? Words are confusing.

These posts have popped up regularly for some time. At least once a week or every other week.

Here’s the thing, and Davor brought it up and is right, these kinds of things damage the game. Period. For every log that gets posted, how many did not? I know of two new players recently who were killed afk and both stopped playing. One genuinely didn’t understand what happened. Hadn’t even seen red guys yet. Only heard of them. But he was done.

Now I don’t care if your name is red, purple, blue, if you do this crap, you’re a problem as far as I’m concerned.

The tired old excuse that this is a pk mud and pretending as though it wasn’t a problem before, is just silly. It’s not just a pk mud. And it was never ok. We could just afford to lose players then. Now we cannot.

You can give me every excuse under the sun as to why it happened. But it’s just that. Excuses. Some of that group had fades. Apparently Gaidin. You’re that dense that you can’t tell the difference, and then have the stones to come forward and give bs excuses?

Be adults. Say yo I fricked up. I apologize. It won’t happen again and I’ll try to be more aware and do better. Own it.

One of those players has actually done this before and I apologized for being overly critical. That’s all it takes.

But you can keep your excuses. You’re supposed to be leaders. So lead and do the right thing and show those who are coming up and still learning themselves, what that looks like.

Because at the end of the day, I bet that scalp got turned in. Didn’t it? I wonder if imms began reviewing these types of things and tracking that stuff, how fast this stuff would stop.

Props by the way Isabel and crew. I’m glad Raz got his eq back.

Anyway have a good one guys. Tomorrow’s a new day.

Ps. Fade Zarth.

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Re: Cheers

Post by Detritus » Mon May 10, 2021 1:15 am

Isabel's log is butt ass obvious with 16 rounds standing still in 1 room doing nothing, hardly any similarity to either other log.

I am none of these players in rutheos log but i could easily see none of them from their point of view other than ryshnak having any idea he wasn't there.(he does move rooms to their view)
It's lame they stole some of his stuff but it's just as lame to be acting like it's all intentional killing afk and linkdead people, nothing happens as slow as reading a log.

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Re: Cheers

Post by isabel » Mon May 10, 2021 1:21 am

Detritus wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 12:01 am
I think people would agree i have some idea of game mechanics.
Not about autowimpy, based on this - viewtopic.php?f=75&t=663&p=118007&hilit ... py#p118007

Also, he's in combo, obviously. Not in dodge.

PS - Why do you always do this 'i'm guessing xyz was abc's alt'? Try to keep some sense of alt separation in an ooc conversation. And yea, read the log. Enjoy your day.

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Re: Cheers

Post by Sanguine » Mon May 10, 2021 1:32 am

Ominas wrote:
Mon May 10, 2021 12:34 am
I know of two new players recently who were killed afk and both stopped playing. One genuinely didn’t understand what happened. Hadn’t even seen red guys yet. Only heard of them. But he was done.

We could just afford to lose players then. Now we cannot.
Yup. Thing is, it's not just new players that quit. Or stop PKing, or turn to statting instead, it's existing players who don't have time to deal with that dung. The thing that gets me is the people doing this stuff (and generally just being jerks) are only hurting themselves, turning players away. You want PK, you want players to stick around and try PK, try to get better at PK, try to lead sometime? Do the things that are going to make every other player want to PK. I shouldn't have to spell it out, hopefully you can figure it out (but doubt it). Too many people grab at the stick in someone's eye while ignoring the log in theirs.

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Re: Cheers

Post by Draz » Wed May 12, 2021 1:25 am


Just my 2c for the Rutheous rip here.

That was in Emond's field - completely surrounded by dism rooms

If its an open zone with clear DLines or even just an open zone and the player isn't clearly manually fleeing thats one thing

Emond's field almost every dline direction is fucked, the place is a deathtrap mounted solo against decent numbers

I reviewed the log for Rutheous
1 person hits him, bashes him, group enters, he autoflees out.
Group chases (again Dlines/escape in EF are HARD - and also many people won't be panicking this early its pretty standard to orient yourself), and he autoflees back into the original room, where the original guy still is, this could easily be mistaken as a manual entry.
Bashes again,..and group enters,..and autoflees west
Group catches him west, autoflee.
Ok only now - the next 3 rooms of chasing and autoflees and fail flees due to dism/closed door would I expect even experienced pkers to pick up on you not being there.

I reviewed the log on Razhak
I disagree with a pile of your comments - there are plenty of reasons to just do damage to players - from spamming for the other low player to being ready to run to just still being confident in your own abilities, that said Razhak being in room and not engaging was a very clear indicator that you guys picked up on immediately, so good for that.

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