Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Sarryn » Thu May 06, 2021 10:09 am

Sign me up as a hater of all things waygate, portal stone, easy eject. As stated I think it’s all dumb. Might make fading easier. But smobing to breed fades is dumber still. So there’s that. Easy eject modes are a crutch and a joke imo.

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Ominas » Thu May 06, 2021 10:13 am


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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Adael » Thu May 06, 2021 11:43 am

Sanguine wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 9:48 am
If they were mapped, and the mechanics fairly known, I would not hesitate to use them.
There are maps of the ways, and the mechanics are well known. More than happy to show/explain how they work to you or anyone else who wants to learn them. They’re quite fun and useful for more than just raiding as a troll.
Ominas wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 9:57 am
Holy firetruck Adael, your observation skills, are next level.
Yeah, my comment was meant in mild humor so sorry if you took it the wrong way. Let me try again. If you’re stopping to check tracks in every room in the ways, you could probably benefit from learning the zone better so you’re more comfortable moving around. There’s really only one path people can take, so it’s not hard to go from choke to choke rather than stopping in every room. And if you think they’re running to Blight, there’s a 50% chance every boot you know EXACTLY where that waygate is, especially if you’re entering from TV (which seems to be one of the main cases of focus here).
Ominas wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 9:57 am
Dum dum.
If you’re gonna try to insult me, at least get creative with it :)

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Ominas » Thu May 06, 2021 12:19 pm

Adael wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 11:43 am
Sanguine wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 9:48 am
If they were mapped, and the mechanics fairly known, I would not hesitate to use them.
There are maps of the ways, and the mechanics are well known. More than happy to show/explain how they work to you or anyone else who wants to learn them. They’re quite fun and useful for more than just raiding as a troll.
Ominas wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 9:57 am
Holy firetruck Adael, your observation skills, are next level.
Yeah, my comment was meant in mild humor so sorry if you took it the wrong way. Let me try again. If you’re stopping to check tracks in every room in the ways, you could probably benefit from learning the zone better so you’re more comfortable moving around. There’s really only one path people can take, so it’s not hard to go from choke to choke rather than stopping in every room. And if you think they’re running to Blight, there’s a 50% chance every boot you know EXACTLY where that waygate is, especially if you’re entering from TV (which seems to be one of the main cases of focus here).
Ominas wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 9:57 am
Dum dum.
If you’re gonna try to insult me, at least get creative with it :)
Dum dum is creative. I took the b’s off. Stupid. I too am humorous.

No I mean what you were implying, like what you just explained, was very clear. Just a pointless reply to make that added nothing. In the end these arguments are weak.

You’re not wrong that with the knowledge of how to move through them someone can more properly chase through them. That’s how chasing generally works.

Good job chief.

But you’re saying things like that while conveniently ignoring the rest. And also that it’s not any different from breaking chokes haha. Which is, well, it’s something. I get it, learn ways well enough and you can chase through and catch whomever if they go the route you think they are going. And tracks aren’t messed up, or you or they don’t misspam, and they play nice and go to the exact gate you need.

How’s that play into group pk? Wg use I mean. Like not even just in the scenario that one player cut and runs. What happens to the dynamics of pk? It’s just not good all around team.

Its still an easy eject no matter how you want to gussy it up. And there’s no denying that something could and should be be done to make it less so. Not without bias.

Anyway, I think it damages the mentality of the sides. Ds is in a horrible horrible place right now.

Big shout out to Scrat, Amino, Rig, and surprising that dude Blytzkrieg. They’ve been bringing it. Some as always. There’s more but I haven’t run into you since I came back. I think the rest of you are like afk killers or something? You guys can eat a bag of wieners.

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by tekela » Thu May 06, 2021 1:43 pm

Before flames could take trollocs all over the place, I'd say the completely nonsense RP of trollocs entering the Ways without being led by a fade was a playability thing. These days, with how generally hand-held DS has been in every single facet of the game for about a decade, I think the Ways could benefit from the stedding/water room mechanism. SG Waygate would probably need to be moved though.

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Rig » Thu May 06, 2021 2:23 pm

I still walk down/up cut with a group of trolls rather than use ways most of the time. Too lazy to learn, also ways kills group pk if you take your whole group n because no LS group in their right mind is chasing dism through ways to SG.

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Riurk » Thu May 06, 2021 3:24 pm

tekela wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 1:43 pm
Before flames could take trollocs all over the place, I'd say the completely nonsense RP of trollocs entering the Ways without being led by a fade was a playability thing. These days, with how generally hand-held DS has been in every single facet of the game for about a decade, I think the Ways could benefit from the stedding/water room mechanism. SG Waygate would probably need to be moved though.
Seems like it would just encourage more people to play a fade vs play a trolloc, so might backfire. Agree flame is silly with how it is a teleport. I'd like to see fewer teleports outside of Gate and Portal Stones. I lump coaches and Randland boats into this same category of teleport.

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Adael » Thu May 06, 2021 4:24 pm

Rig wrote:
Thu May 06, 2021 2:23 pm
no LS group in their right mind is chasing dism through ways to SG.
Yeah, not sure why they are dism rooms tbh. They rode horses through them all the time in the books. Would make sense to have them rideable imo.

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by Ibzon » Thu May 06, 2021 4:32 pm

In regards to pk, I too dislike ejection buttons.

In regards to non-pk uses, however, I REALLY like the fast travel options that have been included since I started playing. The map is huge and the playerbase is small. Portal Stones, Ways, coaches and boats make utilizing the entire map much more feasible. I really don't want to walk from Irinjavar to Haddon Mirk ever again.

I understand some folks feel like those "teleporting" options are lame and hand-holding, removing the risk from traveling. But this is a GAME that I play for ENJOYMENT. I don't enjoy spending large portions of my limited playtime walking from place to place, instead of doing something fun at my destination. The presence of some limitations on these teleporting options (from requiring discs to the changing nature of ways) is a good balance to the convenience of the options.

Fine with any pk-related changes, but please don't require me to be less lazy when not pking, or trying to get to pk!

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Re: Discussion - Waygates and Noquit

Post by isabel » Thu May 06, 2021 6:27 pm

+1 to Ibzon

I remember some time ago people saying the mud was too big, there were too many unused zones etc.

Since the advent of ways and portal stones, I've been frequenting places from GF to Spine to North spine to THR to Arad Doman to Misties to litearlly everywhere except..guess where...north of Illian.

It has brought pk into a lot of different zones and while surprisingly there is stil a gap in knowledge between those who use them and those who don't (much like the latest version of Windows), that is just a time thing.

If someone flees into waygate or portal stone, the brave will chase to the anticipated exit point, as it should be! And people still often prefer to run up cut etc because they expect a waygate block. It is an 'obvious' escape, similar to the 'obvious' safety path of running down gap if in trouble - not at all the prefered one for the experienced player.

Raiding is better on all sides - including LS groups that hit cityheads up north without needing to bother about rats/ravens from TV to SG. I personally love the feeling of zooming around the world, isntead of kicking my heels waiting for the 500th tic or horse hopping for every small thing and it has meant more adventure/exploring for me.

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