- Getting all.corpse from (s)mob corpses, leading to a plethora of crappy items that are just adding lag to the game. If this doesn't cease, we'll be forced to change all smob rooms to intercept the 'all' command, which is a huge undertaking. That time would be spent better doing other things. Please self-moderate.
- Storing a plethora of items in wagons and mastermobs and preserving them over boot. Again, contributing to lag and a few other side effects that individuals have already been warned about, because it ventures into abuse.
- Prolonged anti-idling, basically staying on who most or all of the day. This leads to an unknown amount of active people, which makes running small scale events disproportionately hard for imms, because these people can un-afk and swoop in at any minute, which doesn't add to the experience. This has actively prevented imms from, for example, loading the items from Erulisse's storage into the game. In short, this behavior leads to you actively hurting yourselves and the game, here.
Problematic behavior.
Problematic behavior.
We've seen a number of problematic behaviors from several players across the board, sometimes multiple doing one of these, so instead of speaking to them in person, we're doing this as a general "hey, don't do this".