In this long, at times condescending, post viewtopic.php?f=74&t=19231&start=130#p158820 I mentioned that I would add things at more regular intervals or do more mobraids etc. in exchange for, specifically, seeing more PK on the game.
Here are some changes this week that will be reverted in a week's time, but should give some activities to do and motivate some people to do things together as well as give some opportunities to do more stuff alone. The hope is that the location helps drive the action and I will match investments into PK.
Whitebridge Brigands:
Oakdoor no longer automatically shuts at repop and there is a chance for three leaders to roam.
Brigand troopers have a chance to load fennel, kaf, or nightsbane.
Brigand sergeant has a high chance to load a strength potion.
Has a high chance to load a vial and a strength tea
Has a low chance to load a set of fireworks
His monks are a little stronger
Lord Dremond in Fal Dara:
Now has three guards with him and loads three pieces of clan equipment
The Bull-headed Kno'mon in the Ruined Keep:
He has, for the meantime, been granted rights to wear three pieces of Ghar'ghael equipment
Weekly Changes
Re: Weekly Changes
The Ruined Keep:
The Dreadlord has been recalled to Thakan'dar.
Tallanvor wears an additional braid in recognition of his recent accomplishments.
There was a good chance at decent PK on Thursday. This coming Thursday I'll host an event between 6-8. In the aftermath of that, I'll set up additional opportunities toward the end of the week.
The Ruined Keep:
The Dreadlord has been recalled to Thakan'dar.
Tallanvor wears an additional braid in recognition of his recent accomplishments.
There was a good chance at decent PK on Thursday. This coming Thursday I'll host an event between 6-8. In the aftermath of that, I'll set up additional opportunities toward the end of the week.
Re: Weekly Changes
Focus on Master Quests in Light of light engagement on Thursday. Will match content added to productive PK opportunities for people. Feel free to send me messages about productive and fun PK you engage.
Focus on Master Quests in Light of light engagement on Thursday. Will match content added to productive PK opportunities for people. Feel free to send me messages about productive and fun PK you engage.