Never A Moments Rest.. ---&RPaward

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Never A Moments Rest.. ---&RPaward

Post by Chloro » Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:26 am

Ely edit Sep 12 204:

1-8 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x

Total: 4+2 bonus qps for outdoor and other clan RP


Tear Theater
With all the multitude of rumors of the Dragon that abound in these days,
the actors in this theater are acting out a scene from the breaking of the
world. The elaborate and sophisticated set shows various scenes including
Thakan'dar, the White Tower and the Aiel Waste. Although the actors are
currently in rehearsal, the seats in the theater will no doubt be filled
later when there is a performance. The Dragonwall Gate of the Stone is out
the front door to the north, and the sidedoor leads to a paved alleyway.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Tear
Door north: stagedoor
Door east: sidedoor
A Defender of the Stone serves his superiors here.
Lady Fuujin Oaks the Head of House Romee, Lady Protector of Godan ^T9^ {D} is standing here.
A large, goat-faced trolloc glares at you.
A large, goat-faced trolloc glares at you.

Chloro walks through the arched door into her private box on the balcony, three down from the main box. With all the chaos, sometimes art was just the thing to soothe the soul. With deft gloved hands she pulled a pair of opera glasses from her purse looking to the stage below.

Fuujin steps into Tear's Theater, greeted by attendants. She whispers to one of them who then leads her upstairs into a private box.

Fuujin peeks her head into the room, smiling when she lays eyes on you.

Chloro breathes deeply hearing the near silent squeak of the door announcing someone entering. In a measured way she let the breath go maintaining her gaze on the scene below. "Well, this took longer than expected, who do I owe the honor to?"

Fuujin says 'Why the honor's all mine, Aes Sedai'

Rebeka has arrived from the north.

Rebeka gives a nod to those present.

Chloro lightens a bit hearing the voice of an old friend then rolls her eyes slightly. "Come to discuss what your subordinates are up to Fuujin?"

Fuujin says 'That and much more, I hope'

Fuujin beams a smile at Rebeka.

Rebeka moves gracefully to take a seat in the private box, looking around a bit before settling her gaze upon Chloro and Fuujin. 'Hello again, Lady Fuujin.'

Fuujin says 'It's been a while, Rebeka Sedai. What pleasant company I find myself in'

Chloro thinks of the many ways she could have enjoyed the play then continues watching as she listens and responds. "I take it the former white cloak is stirring more trouble than the Stone cares to deal with?"

Fuujin says 'I think the Stone is willing to deal with a lot of trouble if it earns honor and respect'

Fuujin says 'I, for one, would like to avoid trouble'

Rebeka says 'Most reasonable people do.'

Chloro closes her opera glasses and watches with just her eyes. "You always did have more sense than most. Tell me Fuujin, what rumblings are around now?"

Fuujin nods at Rebeka.

Fuujin says 'Some in the Stone are, let's just say upset, at what it feels like a slight against our nation, our boundaries, and our territory. And they wish to rectify that slight by any means'

Chloro waits and lets her sister respond first.

Rebeka says 'So we have seen and heard, its giving Tear quite the split in how it is viewed.'

Chloro says 'One could say, that the Tower feels slighted that Tear offered no assistance or even showed concern over the Mayene situation, until a resolution was in sight...'

A Defender of the Stone knocks gently on the door, giving a moment for everyone to pause their conversation, before entering and offering drinks. There is both a glass of wine and tea for everyone. Fuujin takes a wine glass, "I brought this home from Saldaea. It's one of my favorites."

Chloro takes a glass of chilled wine sipping it, allowing it to cool her, heat could be an issue this far south.

Rebeka takes a glass of wine, giving it a light swirl and sniff, a little taste. 'Quite a lovely taste and bouquet.'

Fuujin says 'I take the blame for not stepping in to handle that situation. I should have, but I was preoccupied with matters of my estate. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the difference between a pen and a sword down here and political matters are often left to the few'

Chloro thinks a moment before responding.

Fuujin says 'Your frustration in having to handle part of our territory is understandable, especially given how it all started and what it was all over'

Fuujin mutters something about the Du Lis family.

Chloro says 'I do not hold the rest of the defenders liable for Bakkus's actions, I do hold them liable or following him without knowing his history. If there are more former white cloaks in your ranks, you may have to make contingency against mutiny old friend.'

Rebeka says 'And often the pen is more dangerous than the sword, and both are very dangerous to many in the hands of novices in either art.'

Fuujin grins at Rebeka.

Chloro says 'I agree.'

Fuujin says 'And that's why I prefer to handle these things myself, when i can'

Fuujin says 'Tairen's and Whitecloaks often have a common thread between them and thus can share overlapping mentalities. Even if Bakkus weren't a former member of the Children, someone else would have likely taken similar actions in time'

Chloro motions for silence as the tenner begins their aria, letting the music soothe her mind and renew her soul as she launches into yet another political issue.

Rebeka settles back, glancing towards the stage, though not paying it as much attention.

Chloro rejoins the conversation as the last note of the melody rings out. "A dangerous stance, considering what is held in the stone. Perhaps the Defenders need to remind what a conflict with the Tower would cost them.

Fuujin smiles happily.

Fuujin says 'I think if we both did the calculus on this, we'd find ourselves wishing we had no conflict at all'

Chloro smiles warmly turning to face Fuujin for the first time. "Ah but, dear Fuujin. The prophecies state the stone will stand until the Dragon comes to claim it, it does not say that Tear will. What if another nation or the Seachan should try to invade. Without support from the Tower, will it end the way you think?"

Kitiara has arrived from the north.

Fuujin says 'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. None of us can know for certain which way things will go. But I know for certain that Defenders are not shy for a fight. And I know that it will be the least of us who will suffer the most. Something I wish to avoid'

Kitiara enters onto the balcony, nodding to her two Sisters.

Fuujin beams a smile at Kitiara.

Fuujin says 'Kitiara Sedai, a most welcome surprise'

Kitiara says 'It appears the Wheel wove me late to this gathering...'

Chloro nods to Kitiara standing from her seat. "Then what do you propose for the handling of your rumbling defenders Fuujin?"

Rebeka says 'Not too late, Sister.'

Fuujin nods at Rebeka.

Fuujin says 'Tear wants assurances that, regardless of any dealings made with Mayene, that our national boundaries and territories are respected as they have always been'

Kitiara tilts her head slightly to the side as she says, 'I suppose a dash of Blue in a sky of Gray does help alleviate the gloom.'

Fuujin grins at Kitiara.

Rebeka says 'How droll, Sister.'

Rebeka chuckles politely.

A Defender of the Stone enters the room with a tray, offering tea and wine to Kitiara.

Fuujin says 'Do try the wine, Aes Sedai. I brought it home from Saldaea. It's quite good'

Kitiara grins wryly as she takes a cup of tea and goes to stand next to Rebeka Sedai.'Tea will be fine thank you'

Kitiara whispers something to Rebeka.

Chloro thinks a moment while taking another sip of her wine. "So, to be clear, Tear demands assurances after inaction when said territory that they claim to own made accusations against the Tower. To which Tear did nothing but reek more havoc?"

Fuujin says 'I'm not demanding. I'm asking.'

Kitiara looks at Fuujin.

Chloro says 'I did say Tear, not yourself Lady Fuujin.'

Rebeka whispers something to Kitiara.

Kitiara nods in understanding.

Fuujin says 'And while you are right to be frustrated, we did not help with the situation, I don't believe we were called upon either. Either one of us could have, should have, taken a step towards each other. But we didn't. '

Rebeka whispers something to Kitiara.

Chloro says 'That was then, and this is now.'

Kitiara says 'If I may interject... '

Chloro says 'Of course sister.'

Kitiara shares a glance with Chloro Sedai before looking to Lady Fuujin and saying, 'Am I understanding that you claim the drowned land as the purview of Tear?'

Fuujin nods at Kitiara.

Fuujin says 'We patrol the drowned lands up to the border stones, but we claim the whole of the land as well. '

Kitiara says flatly, 'And my Sister seems to be pointing out the Defenders inaction when we were barred from the Drowned lands not by Tear but by the Winged Guard... for months without a word from the Stone?'

A Defender of the Stone says 'The Stone? Everyone knows our fortress is impenetrable.'

A Defender of the Stone says 'Oh, and Kitiara, it is NOT open to visitors - keep clear, eh?'

A Defender of the Stone claps Kitiara on the back.

Kitiara continues on without stopping...

Kitiara says 'All the while as reports have come in that a hide out in the Drowned Lands used by darkfriends that I discovered years ago has once again been utilized by the Shadow... A hideout that after I cleansed it of the Shadow was reported to the Defenders to be dealt with...''

Fuujin sips from her wine glass and listens patiently.

Kitiara says 'I do assume that you Lady Fuujin would not be so crass to condemn the actions the White Tower had to eventually take to rectify the situation with Mayene given the... neglect concerning this particular area of swamp?'

Fuujin says 'First, I must offer you the same apology I offered the other two: matters of my estate kept me away for some time and unfortunately that meant matters for the pen were left...unhandled. So please accept my apologies for what you've had to deal with.'

Fuujin says 'Now, the only thing I would condemn here is if the White Tower decided that Tear's sovereignty wasn't worth respecting any more.'

Kitiara takes a sip of tea while saying offhand, 'Indeed a few months of being drawn to your estate surely do account of the neglect of a hideout reported several years ago.'

Chloro rolls her eyes openly and interjects.

Chloro says 'Forgive my Blue sister, they are rather passionate about their causes, whatever they maybe.'

Fuujin shakes her head, "Nothing to be forgiven. I have always appreciated the enthusiasm a Blue brings to a conversation."

Fuujin beams a smile at Kitiara.

Rebeka says 'You may claim it but Mayene has been objecting to that for well over a 1000 years now, against several attempts to bring it to heel. Words do have power but can ring hollow after so long.'

Kitiara gives an over exaggerated huff and mutters, 'When one does the work to scrub the floors of muck one expects the resident to maintain a level of maintenance'

Chloro says 'I do hope the defenders do not think the Tower is taking a stance either way on their perceived claim to the lands east and south of there.'

Rebeka says 'It has left things murky is all I'm saying.'

Fuujin responds to Kitiara first, "You're right. Your work has gone unappreciated. I hope we can rectify that shortly."

Fuujin nods at Rebeka.

Chloro says 'I think the Defenders forget that a woman from Tear sits the Amyrlin seat. Perhaps they should stop jumping at shadows, when the blight is stirring and shadowspawn travel in number down the spine. '

Kitiara says 'The Towers work as well Lady Fuujin, it was not so long ago that a False Dragon assaulted the Stone... and It was I among others who helped to defend it... How often must the Tower rush to the aid of a cities who spit in her face the second crisis has been averted?'

Fuujin says 'Tear's attempts to claim Mayene have been a long-standing effort. Still, most nations do respect our claims, or in the very least they don't bother negotiating with Mayene, which has worked well enough. I can understand your perspective, however'

Kitiara takes another sip of her tea, a wry grin hidden behind the cup, only visible to Rebeka Sedai to her side.

Fuujin says 'I assure you both, as someone born and raised in Saldaea, I have nothing but respect for the White Tower and Aes Sedai. Surely you know this. I was the one who gave permission for the White Tower to aid us fully when Saniago Torres assaulted the Stone. And I have personally come to aid the Tower on many occasions.'

A gambler scowls darkly.
A gambler says 'Never trust an Aes Sedai.'

Rebeka smirks a bit at the gambler.

Kitiara lowers her cup and lowers her head respectfully, 'Indeed I do remember Fuujin... after quite a bit of resistance you elevated yourself in that moment.'

Fuujin says 'I cannot end Tairen prejudice with my willpower alone, but *we* can have a positive and mutually beneficial relationship if we so desire. A relationship that could change the minds of some Defenders and Tairens, as to their views of the Tower'

Chloro tired of the word volley back and forth waits silently for the Blue and Defender to stop increasing the heat in the box with their words. Slowly she takes another sip of the once chilled wine now starting to warm.

Kitiara turning to Chloro, 'Perhaps Sister there could be something of a cease fire brokered? Between Mayene and Tear...'

Kitiara says 'Something predicated on the eradication of the Shadow from the South of course... '

Fuujin says 'There was a coalition of Defenders and Winged Guard who tried to make peace. The Defenders involved were stripped of their positions. I know not what happened to the Winged Guards involved'

Fuujin says 'Some up on high do not want peace'

Fuujin looks to the sky.

Chloro looks to Kitiara "As Fuujin says, that would only work if they both wanted peace. Neither side seems to."

Rebeka says 'And it would take compromise on both sides to make that happen.'

Kitiara says 'not peace...'

Kitiara says 'A truce... a short term alliance mediated by the White Tower as the neutral party to focus our attention on the bastion of Shadow that has begun to plague these lands so far south of the Blight.'

Fuujin ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Rebeka says 'The bandit's hideout in the swamp, you mean?'

Chloro slows her speech allowing those in the room to catch on. "In order for what you suggest to happen, Tear would have to recognize that Mayene has the power to force them into such a deal. I could sooner see a child of the light putting on novice whites, then see that happen."

Kitiara says 'And the fortress in the mountain...'

Kitiara says 'Or simply that White Tower has the power to request such a time of peace so that greater forces may be rallies against the Shadow?'

Kitiara glances down at the rehearsal, 'I wonder if these actors would be so willing to portray Trollocs if they knew how close to their gates, they had become...'

Fuujin takes a deep breath before finishing her glass. "I do love this stuff." Setting down the glass, she crosses her arms, "It would be...difficult to get Tear into a position where we'd agree to a cease-fire, unless the threat at our door was particularly great. But I could be convinced to sit at that table and have that discussion either way."

Chloro says 'Your idea is admirable, but the High lords of Tear would not agree to anything that puts Lady Berelain on their level.'

Kitiara says 'A military decision does not elevate any one to anyone else Sister'

Kitiara turning back to Fuujin, 'Then a table will have to find and prepare.'

Kitiara coughs loudly.

Kitiara found and prepared*

Chloro looks to Rebeka then back to Kitiara, "It does in the eyes of those playing the Great Game."

Kitiara takes a step closer to Chloro Sedai leaning in.

Rebeka looks at Kitiara. 'I know the Browns have been gathering a lot of data on the threat growing in the Spine, have they presented everything as yet on what they think is happening?'

Kitiara whispers to Chloro.

Chloro thinks for a moment and whispers back.

Kitiara turns to Rebeka, 'I have heard some of their theories, though I believe it is more centered around the boundaries of the Dreamspike.' Looking to Fuujin, 'Information that would likely benefit the Stone, yes? This type of information would be more easily shared if a truce were to occur.'

Chloro says 'They have not yet sister, though perhaps it is worth checking on them.'

Kitiara says 'Chloro, then perhaps we will invite them to another table yes?'

Rebeka says 'It would be helpful to have something to show both sides about the threat they are facing at this proposed discussion.'

Chloro says 'I will convene my Gray sisters and discuss what we had talked about today.'

Kitiara smiles warmly to all, 'Then we all have work to do, tables to find, leaders to rally and information to array.'

Fuujin says 'I will also go relay our discussion to my comrades. I don't know if they'll be satisfied yet, but I see us trending in the right direction.'

Fuujin beams a wide smile towards everyone present.

Kitiara walks over to Fuujin and lays a hand on her arm, 'It is good a Blue arrived... the world moves so much more slowly when those passionate about their causes are not around.'

Fuujin beams a smile at Kitiara.

Chloro says 'Slow and steady instead of fast and rocky Sister..'

Kitiara whispers something to Fuujin.

Fuujin says 'You do have a way with things that I have come to appreciate'

Fuujin whispers something to Kitiara.

Kitiara says 'What must be done Fuujin.'

Kitiara nods to her Sisters and exits the balcony.

Rebeka says 'It certainly at least makes for ripples.'

Fuujin nods at Rebeka.

Fuujin grins evilly.

Fuujin says 'I must retire, Aes Sedai. Let's see each other again soon.'

Rebeka says 'I'm sure we will.'

Fuujin says 'Light go with you, both.'

Chloro moves closer to Rebeka sharing a knowing look. "We are not getting sleep again are we... That old blue wind bag will have us working till the last battle."

Rebeka says 'It’s what we wanted when we took the shawl.'