Actions and Consequences...

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Actions and Consequences...

Post by Chloro » Mon Jul 08, 2024 5:10 pm

Evening light shown rays through the windows of the spacious sitters office in the Gray wing. Chloro sat, eyes spitting fire, joints and muscles coiled as her grip tightened on both an account found penned by Defender of the stone, and a written account from a wearied novice. The heads of various noble’s from Mayene, and Winged guards in Tar Valon’s square. The novice was able to confirm that the heads had been warded with the one power when placed there. Who ever was behind this Bakkus, they had just breached the world of men and entered into the Towers jurisdiction.

The continent seemed to crave war, well a war they would get, though not in the way they expected. Setting down the account, Chloro picked up her weapon of choice. A well plumed quill from a hawk, sharpened into an edge making it excellent for long use. This Aes Sedai had seen enough squabbling and attempts at political maneuvers in recent months to put her off her breakfast. It was time the nations remembered exactly how far-reaching Tar Valon was, and what it was capable of.

Opening a box of fine grade parchments, she pulled the first of her own political cannon balls off the top of the pile. With a straight, no-nonsense hand she dipped her quill in ink and began to use the best weapons at a Gray Aes Sedai’s disposal, words…

To: Galina Casban, Sarinda Din Rovan, Evaine Casnobar.
Dear sister’s,

As you have no doubt seen, the heads of various Mayeners were placed in the square of Tar Valon. It has come to the hall’s attention that the heads were left with wards of the one power. The supposed person taking credit for the murder of Mayeners is Defender Bakkus Danan. I request as a concerned sister that an investigation be opened for defender Bakkus as a possible channeler. I know well, the consequences of what would happen if they were found to be capable of channeling. I, however, fear that someone more nefarious may be aiding them. Please let me know If anything is needed to investigate this misguided use of the one power.

Chloro Avorni,
Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah

Setting the sheet aside for the ink to dry she pulled another, adding a more flowery script to this letter.

To her Gray sister, advising King Mattin of Illian.
Dear Sister,

A member of the defenders has decided to commit murder and attempt to implicate Tar Valon in its dealings. Please assure King Mattin that no murder was sanctioned by Tar Valon, and we were unaware of the Defenders actions. Current information, as sparse as it is, does not say if the Defender acted with the will of Tear or their own. However, the heads were warded with the one power per reports from a novice. Please be on the lookout for possible wilders with deadly intentions. Should aid be needed, please reach out to us, the Yellow Ajah I believe has aided us in illian before, perhaps they will be able to again.

Light Illumine you,
Chloro Avorni

Chloro looked at the letter box and pulled three more sheets out before slamming it shut, allowing some of the frustration to fade from her. If only members of organizations knew that rocking one boat caused ripples into other nations.

To Queen Morgase Trakand, Sovreign of Andor, and Protector of the Lion throne, Captain Adeal, and Lieutenant Mhaliah.

Honorable Queen Morgase, and Defenders of Andor,

I write to you under unpleasant circumstances, a Defender of the stone took it upon himself to commit murder within Mayene and placed several heads of the nobility and wing guards in square of Tar Valon. What is of great interest Is that this Defender of the stone Bakkus Danan, may have previous ties to the children of the light, and there is a possibility the one power was used on the decapitated heads once it reached Tar Valon by someone with nefarious intentions. As the only monarch with a serpent ring on her hand, the Children of the light may use this action to again stir trouble in Andor. As an Aes Sedai that has often enjoyed the peaceful warming welcome of Andor. I encourage you to increase your guard on both Queen Morgase, and lesser fortified villages/towns. Should you need the aid of Tar Valon, please reach out to us by any means.

Chloro Avorni,
Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.

Carefully Chloro blotted the letter for Andor with sand before taking the next sheet of parchment.

To Lady Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron, First of Mayene, Blessed of the Light, Defender of the Waves, High seat of house Paeron, Lord Bertain Galenne, and the Seconds of Mayene.

It is with a heavy heart I give my condolences to any injured or murdered by the acts of one Bakkus Danan. We in Tar Valon feel your pain and grieve your loss from afar. I encourage you to end this banishment of the Tar Valon from your lands so we may help to restore what has been taken, and aid those who need it. At this time, I cannot confirm if the defender acted on his own or at the will of the high lords of Tear. However, we both know that if they had a target, their aim would be much higher. Please send word to the Tower if you will allow us to enter your lands while the treaty talks continue to share the burden of this loss with you.

Light Guide Your Path,
Chloro Arovni,
Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.

Chloro paused a moment looking at the last sheet of paper, this one would be the most difficult to pen, as it should never have been needed in the first place. There was no warning before the acts of atrocity were committed, no words on the wind from traveling sisters. Had Tear sanctioned this or had something worse happened.

To The High Lords of Tear, and Defenders of the Stone Council,

I write to you, puzzled by the actions of your subordinate, one Bakkus Danan. They entered the lands of Mayene and murdered several of the nobility and Winged Guards. They then took it upon themself to travel to Tar Valon and place their heads in the city square. Worse, someone being able to use the one power made it so the heads could only be removed by those who could channel. I have no reports of any member of the Tower doing this, which raises 2 questions. Has Bakkus become what Tear fears and has the ability to touch the source, or has he now created an unsanctioned political incident with the aid of a wilder in his presence? Please provide an explanation to the hall of the Tower and restrain your subordinate, let them know, that if such an act is done again, I will take it as a personal act of hostility against the peace of Tar Valon.

Light Illumine you,
Chloro Arovni,
Gray Ajah Sitter

With the writing done she put down her quill and looked up to the secretary standing before her. “Send them with haste and inform me the moment a response is sent back. If for any reason no response comes or dead pigeons are found within the city, inform me immediately regardless of the time of day or night.”

Sitting back, she watched the woman seal the missives with Chloro’s personal sigil in gray wax with red swirls. If other organizations kept as tight a leash on their lessors as the hall did, the world might be a more peaceful place, for about a week before the infighting started. So, few Grays and so many pieces at play, she prayed to the creator for more candidates and apprentices, the pattern did not show any signs of stamping out this spree of political meltdowns.