Point of View: Arelis
Melosa Sedai
Arelis Tower Accepted
Strategy Room of the Green Ajah
Tall, arched windows on the east wall offer a view of the Tower Grounds and
the spires and sky bridges which dominate the city of Tar Valon. A few
cushioned chairs have been drawn up to the windows. The other seats in the
room consist of tiered benches carved elaborately with oak leaves and
swords, rising in a semi-circle around a central platform. Each place on
the benches has been marked by a green silk cushion. A large oaken table
for strategic planning stands on the platform, ready for use.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [3]
A long wooden table offers room for patrons.
Melosa Beshar, Aes Sedai is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Green Sister struts about the halls.
Alanna Mosvani, a tall, slenderly beautiful woman with dark, penetrating eyes stands here.
Melosa gestures with her hand.
The door swings silently and shuts with a click.
Melosa points to one of the chairs.
Melosa says 'Please take a seat, Arelis.'
Arelis sit down on a stout oaken chair.
Arelis says 'thank you Melosa Sedai'
Melosa nods at Arelis.
Arelis says 'Love the place. Very cozy and beautiful'
Melosa says 'I do not believe that we've spoken at length before.'
Arelis says 'We have not Aes Sedai.'
Melosa sits down on a stout oaken chair.
Arelis says 'I could imagine that you have been busy since taking the Shawl, Aes Sedai.'
Melosa says 'I have.'
Arelis says 'The works never ends for an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah'
Melosa says 'Most of all, getting to understand how our novices and Accepteds are progressing and
Melosa picks up a neat sheaf of papers from a table.
Arelis says 'I understand Aes Sedai'
Melosa starts flipping, unconsciously humming as she reads.
Arelis says 'I have been making progress in my studies as of late.'
Melosa looks up and studies you, face unreadable in Aes Sedai serenity.
Arelis says 'Been attending classes led by other Sedais.'
Melosa taps her lip in thought.
Melosa says 'So it seems.'
Arelis says 'Also, been assisting with Novices as well.'
Arelis says 'By the way'
Melosa says 'There have been positive notes about you'
Arelis says 'Moiraine Sedai, instructed me to bring a new Novice to the Tower all the way from Edmond's
Field yesterday'
Alanna Mosvani says 'You are not Green Ajah.'
Melosa nods in agreement.
Arelis thanks Melosa heartily.
Melosa absent-mindedly waves at Alanna Mosvani, 'Yes sister.'
Arelis says 'I am only but a Servant of the Light, Melosa Sedai'
Melosa says 'Good.'
Arelis says 'Anything I can do, is my honor.'
Melosa says 'The reason I've summoned you here today'
Melosa says 'Was to speak to you on your future.'
Arelis nods at her.
Melosa says 'You have not yet declared for an Ajah.'
Melosa says 'Or rather.'
Melosa says 'More accurately, not chosen one to apprentice under.'
Melosa says 'I would like to discuss that with you'
Arelis says 'That is correct Melosa Sedai.'
Melosa taps her lip in thought.
Melosa says 'I also want to be clear.'
Melosa says 'I speak, in this case, as an Aes Sedai, not just of the Green Ajah but for all.'
Melosa says 'The Tower grows strongly as each novice or Accepted grows'
Arelis looks at you and nods understandingly.
Arelis says 'I understand Melosa Sedai.'
Melosa says 'What matters to me is that each finds their own path.'
Melosa says 'So tell me first of all.'
Melosa says 'What are you considering as you consider your next steps?'
Melosa puts the sheaf of papers in a tidy stack on the table and looks at Arelis.
Arelis straightens her dress and looks at you in the eyes.
Arelis says 'First of all, Thank you for the time and interest in meeting with me Aes Sedai.'
Arelis says 'It is always very reassuring when one such as an Aes Sedai takes time to learn more about individual Accepted/Novices in the tower.'
Arelis says 'I have been developing more and more as the days go by'
Arelis says 'I have come to the conclusion that I would like to become a Blue Ajah.'
Melosa smiles.
Arelis says 'The reason being the following:'
Arelis says 'I resonate with the Green Ajahs as I am passionate about fighting and pushing back the
Horde of Trollocs'
Arelis says 'But I know that is, in essence, also the plight of a Blue Ajah but with emphasis on upholding Justice'
Arelis says 'and I am big on Justice and fighting for a cause.'
Arelis says 'So in a way it is my perfect fit. At least I would like to think so'
Arelis chuckles politely.
Arelis says 'Any feedback would always be welcome, Melosa Sedai'
Melosa says 'It is always gratifying to me that one finds their way forward.'
Melosa says 'I have only but a few points to make'
Arelis says 'Of course Aes Sedai'
Arelis listens intensely.
Melosa says 'The first, truly understand what it means to be one of the Blue Ajah'
Melosa says 'After all, you will dedicate your life to it.'
Arelis nods at her.
Melosa rises from her chair and looks out of the windows, across to Tar Valon.
Arelis says 'I intend to wholeheartedly'
Arelis looks out the window as well.
Melosa says 'For the Green Ajah, that mission means to stand ready for the Last Battle.'
Melosa says 'The virtues that the Green Ajah aspire towards are bravery and wisdom.'
Arelis nods at her.
Melosa says 'Caraighan Maconar and Rashima Kerenmosa are two that have come before that fully
exemplifies those virtues.'
Melosa turns away from the windows and looks at Arelis.
Melosa says 'Understand what that means for you and being a future member of the Blue Ajah.'
Melosa says 'While I was an Accepted, I believe it was Keshara who told me about Adaire.'
Melosa says 'Learn your histories, Accepted.'
Arelis says 'I will Melosa Sedai and I am already as well.'
Melosa nods, 'Excellent.'
Melosa says 'The second and the last point, I wish to make.'
Melosa says 'Continue to learn more about the other Ajahs.'
Arelis says 'I have been completing the different Ajah tasks lately and they are a great way to also
learn more from each Ajah.'
Arelis looks at Melosa Sedai and nods in agreement.
Melosa says 'While each sister wears a shawl of different color, we are Aes Sedai, Servants of All.'
Melosa says 'Outside these Shining Walls, the world sees only the Great Serpent ring'
Arelis says 'That is something I was born with, A Heart of Service.'
Arelis nods at her.
Melosa says 'Until you understand how the role that each Ajah plays, only then you will be ready to
be raised.'
Melosa walks back to her chair and sits back down comfortably.
Arelis says 'I understand. I know the road ahead will not be easy but then again, nothing that is
worthwhile comes by easy.'
Melosa nods.
Melosa says 'Indeed.'
Melosa says 'Now then, do you have any further questions for me?'
Arelis says 'If I may, I do have one Aes Sedai.'
Melosa says 'Go on.'
Arelis says 'When did you know you wanted to devote yourself to the Green Ajahs?'
Alanna Mosvani glares icily at Arelis, she feels cold to her bones.
Arelis bows at Alanna Sedai.
Melosa says 'I studied under mentors from several Ajahs.'
Arelis nods at her.
Melosa says 'You know which is the right path for you when your... spirit resonates with the cause.'
Melosa says 'That was my experience'
Melosa says 'One day, when you reflect on your own experiences, you come to that realization.'
Melosa says 'It is not something that happens over the night, but a gradual change.'
Arelis says 'I completely understand Aes Sedai.'
Melosa says 'And so on that note, continue to reflect and contemplate'
Arelis says 'Will Do Melosa Sedai!'
Melosa nods at Arelis.
Arelis says 'Thank you again'
Melosa says 'Good, good, child'
Arelis says 'and I hope to keep learning from you as time goes by. If you allow me of course'
Arelis smiles at her.
Melosa says 'I am pleased to see that you continue to mature'
Melosa says 'Of course. My door is always open'
Arelis thanks Melosa heartily.
Melosa says 'And with that.'
Melosa gestures with her hand.
The door smoothly swings open.
Arelis stands up.
Arelis curtseys before her.
Arelis waves.
Melosa clambers to her feet.
A Meeting About The Future
Re: A Meeting About The Future
Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : 1
Length bonus +1-2 qps : x
Summary: +1 qps : x
Please say "RECEIVE" at a silver-haired sedai located in every Ajah wing.
Arelis 2
Melosa 1
Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : 1
Length bonus +1-2 qps : x
Summary: +1 qps : x
Please say "RECEIVE" at a silver-haired sedai located in every Ajah wing.
Arelis 2
Melosa 1