Coding: Stealing Money, Slice Weaves Stun, and Autodraw

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Coding: Stealing Money, Slice Weaves Stun, and Autodraw

Post by Aureus » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:27 pm

Some code changes are now live:
  • You can now steal money from other characters' inventories, as the help file has indicated since time immemorial. The amount you can steal is dependent on your skill in steal (more steal = more money that can potentially be stolen at once). You will find you cannot steal overly large sums all in one attempt: instead you will steal a portion of the money with each successful attempt. Thieves and brigands, rejoice. Suggestion to all others: putting money in your backpack is a wise idea. As Riper's whois used to say, "If it is not nailed to the floor, it's mine. If I can pry it loose, it is not nailed down."
  • Autodraw now prioritizes the sheathed weapon class you have the most skill in. In the case of a tie between two or more weapon classes, it will prioritize projectiles last, then short blades second last, then everything else still happens in the usual "worn" order. This means you will be significantly less likely to draw a sheathed butchering knife (or a projectile if you're inclined towards throwing sharp objects at others). I will admit this will make some PK logs significantly less entertaining, but should be a quality of life improvement for all other uses.
  • Slice Weaves has been tweaked again since we were not happy with how it was competing given the tricky timing, SP cost, and lack of damage involved (it was almost always better to just flame strike). At the same time, we did not want a spammable weave that overtook damage weaves. So:
    • Slice Weaves is now much faster and, on the first successful slice against someone, will stun (not bash) them for a little under 1 round. You will see different messages a bit like when Nynaeve was slicing Moghedien's weaves in Tanchico: the cut weaves rebounding with the force of a hammer-blow.
    • After being sliced, the victim gains immunity to these effects for 3 rounds (or exiting combat, similar to weave damage resistance). The slice timer against someone with stun resistance is also its old, longer time (just under an earthquake), and therefore functions similar to Slice Weaves before these changes. This means spamming it is not optimal, and in fact each additional slice also adds another combat round to the stun resistance duration (so you cannot simply spam it until the stun resistance wears off, because it never will).
    • Slice Weaves' SP cost has been reduced to 3.
    • If the slicer is Red Ajah, it will also sap some SPs from the victim (Red Ajah also continue to be less likely to fail the weave).
    • Slice Weaves is also no longer affected by the foxhead medallion, since you are slicing the weaves and not weaving on the foxhead wearer's person.
    • Our feeling is this bundle of changes should make it more strategic as a weave, useful in channeler fights (especially for channelers like White Tower for whom earthquaking indiscriminately isn't an option), while also not crowding out more direct damage weaves.

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