A Notice Regarding Dragonsworn and Hunting Wanteds in Tear

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A Notice Regarding Dragonsworn and Hunting Wanteds in Tear

Post by Fuujin » Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:19 am

It has been declared on multiple occasions, but let it be known: Dragonsworn are banished from Tear. Dragonsworn may not, under any circumstances, visit nor seek shelter in Tear or you will be warranted.

Additionally, hunting wanteds in Tear without permission from a Defender of the Stone or without a treaty with the Defenders is strictly prohibited. Those caught hunting wanteds without permission will face punishment up to and including a warrant. This prohibition does not apply to Darkfriends nor Known Male Channelers. Nations and organizations wishing to establish a treaty may begin the process by contacting the Defender's Council.

Lady Fuujin Oaks
Councilor of the Defenders of the Stone