An Accepted has Questions for the Winged Guard ---&RPaward

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An Accepted has Questions for the Winged Guard ---&RPaward

Post by Aldwyn » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:28 am

Point of view: Theq
Main character: Ali
Major Participant: Theq
Major Participant: Santino
Major Participant: Caia

Accepted Ali meets with a group of Winged Guards


A large wharf surrounds the harbor, which leads into the River Erinin to
the south. Two large gatehouses at the end of the Shining Walls guard the
mouth of the harbor. Off to the east and west, dock workers move busily
around on the wharf, while a large boulevard leads north towards the White
Tower. A faded sign stands at an angle.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Ali San, the Journey Accepted is standing here.
Caia the Soldier is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze, being ridden by you.
Lord Santino Du Lis, General of Mayene is standing here, riding a warhorse.

Ali bows deeply.

Santino nods at Ali.

Ali says 'Oh, oops'

Santino says 'Accepted Ali.'

Ali curtseys gracefully.

Ali says 'Lords and soldiers, welcome to Tar valon.'

Caia beams a smile at Ali.

Theq looks around the city.

smile ali
You smile at her.

Theq says 'Thankyou.'

Santino says 'I believe you had some questions for the Winged Guard?'

Ali says 'If you will follow me, ill take you to a place we can talk.'

Santino nods in agreement.

Santino now follows Ali.

Ali beckons everyone to follow her.

Santino is now a member of Ali's group.

Caia stops following Santino.
Caia now follows Ali.

You stop following Santino.
You now follow Ali.

You are now a member of Ali's group.
Caia is now a member of Ali's group.

Ali leaves north.
You follow Ali.

Southharbor Boulevard
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze, being ridden by you.
Ali San, the Journey Accepted is standing here.
Caia has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Santino has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.

Ali leaves north.
You follow Ali.

Southharbor Boulevard
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze, being ridden by you.
Ali San, the Journey Accepted is standing here.
Caia has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Santino has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.

Ali leaves west.
You follow Ali.

Tavern Alley
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze, being ridden by you.
Ali San, the Journey Accepted is standing here.
A hunter from Illian searches for the fabled Horn of Valere.
Caia has arrived from the east, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Santino has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

Ali says 'please dismount.'

Caia stops riding a bloodstock stallion.

You stop riding him.

Santino stops riding a warhorse.

Ali says 'They are safe here.'

Caia smiles happily.

Ali leaves south.
You follow Ali.

The Tremalking Splice
[ obvious exits: N ]
A long wooden table offers room for patrons.
Ali San, the Journey Accepted is standing here.
A guardsman watches the streets for signs of trouble.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.
A sullen man is hunched over a tankard, sipping his ale.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
Caia has arrived from the north.
Santino has arrived from the north.

A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Ali inclines her head in greeting to a bartender.

Theq looks around the tavern, eyes lighting up.

Ali says 'Please order what you need, i can pay if needed.'

Santino closes the Woodendoor.

Santino grins at you.

Ali indicate the largest table.

Santino says 'I'm fine thank you.'

Theq steps up to the bar.

Theq says 'Barkeep!

Theq raises a hand.

Santino moves towards the table and takes a seat.

Ali sits at the table.

Santino sighs as he sits, kicking his feet out in front of him.

Theq says 'Your finest ale, my good man.

Caia pulls out a chair and sits.

Ali says 'There is two things that I would like to cover.'

Santino holds up his hand.

Theq looks at Caia.

Ali looks down at her notes.

Santino says 'Before you continue Ali.'

Theq says 'And something for her.

Santino says 'Please know that I plan on doing little to no speaking today.'

buy keg
A bartender tells you 'Just yell for me when you need another.'
You now have a small keg.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.

Santino gestures towards his companions.

buy goblet
A bartender tells you 'Just yell for me when you need another.'
You now have a wooden goblet.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.

give goblet caia
You give a wooden goblet to Caia.

Caia grins at you.

Santino says 'They will be doing the talking. So please address your questions to them.'

Ali says 'I appreciate all help, Lord Santino.'

Theq saunters over to the table.

Theq sits down heavily.

Santino nods in agreement.

Theq lifts his keg.

Theq says 'CHEERS! BIG EARS!

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.

Santino says 'aye'

Ali says 'Lights blessings.'

Ali drinks a glass of milk.

Caia says 'Cheers'

Theq leans forward over the table, eyeing Ali.

Caia drinks mulled wine from a wooden goblet.

Theq says 'So...

Theq says 'You have some questions, then?

Ali says 'The first i would like to know.'

Santino looks around the table and grins broadly.

Ali says 'Is the yellow ajah has found a man that was bitten by an insect in Mayene.'

Santino shifts down in his chair and tilts his head back, closing his eyes he sighs.

Theq nods carefully.

Ali says 'Are you aware of any insects that are dangerous in mayene?'

Theq tilts his head.

Theq says 'Well...

Theq pauses.

Santino grins again, his eyes still closed.

Theq takes a long swig of his ale.

Theq says 'How much time have you got?

wink ali
You wink suggestively at Ali.

Theq says 'We Guard are tough, you know.

Santino smiles happily.

Ali says 'A brief description of the ones you know would be appreciated.'

Caia says 'The insects I am aware of are mostly just painful when they bite.'

You sigh.

Theq says 'Yes, there are those annoying ones.

Ali says 'Do these have a name, Theq?'

Caia says 'I have not heard of anyone being poisoned. '

Caia thinks hard.

Ali writes in her notebook.

Theq says 'Well...

Theq thinks a moment.

Ali says 'Kathala Sedai stated the man is in Cairhien at this time.'

Theq says '-I- call them the 'annoying ones I like to step on'.

Theq leans over the table.

Theq says 'Are you writing this down?
You feel sober again.

peer ali
You peer closely at her, trying to figure her out.

Ali nods in agreement.

nod ali
You nod at her.

Ali says 'Yes, i did promise to investigate.'

Theq says 'But...

Ali says 'Though writing its a insect to be stepped on is hardly an apt description.'

Theq says 'I believe the official name of the annoying ones I like to step on, is the biteme.

Caia nods at you.

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.

Theq leans back in his chair.

Theq says 'But...

Theq says 'Those are just the annoying ones.

Theq says 'A tough soldier like myself... Well...

Ali says 'That sounds awfully like bi-time.'

Ali looks at Theq intensely.

Ali looks at you.

Theq says 'I have tangled with spiders, giant ants and also a giant flying insect.

Theq glances at Caia, 'Because I'm tough.'

Theq says 'Oh!

Theq stands abruptly.

Ali says 'In the marshlands near Mayene? I think its insects that are the culprit here.'

Santino opens his eyes a moment and looks at Theq.

Santino rolls his eyes...sheesh!..

Theq says 'I have scars!

Theq says 'Would anyone like to see?

Theq fumbles with his belt.

Caia looks into her goblet, trying to hide a grin.

wink caia
You wink suggestively at Caia.

Santino closes his eyes once more, shaking his head as he does.

Ali shakes her head.

Theq tilts his head.

Theq says 'No?

You sigh.

Ali says 'Please, no. The illness is more important.'

Caia whispers to Theq, "I don't think this is quite the time for your war wounds."

Theq mutters, 'No one ever wants to see...'

You feel sober again.

Theq sits back down.

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.

Theq says 'Anyway, yes girl. Big insects.

Ali says 'Is it possible to capture them?'

Theq gestures with his hands the size, spreading his arms wide.

You blink your eyes innocently.

Theq leans forward.

Theq says 'Capture them?!

Theq says 'Whatever for?!

Caia shakes her head and sighs to you.

Theq says 'Don't they feed you properly in the Tower, girl?

Ali says 'I know that some animals can carry a disease and if its alive, it can be studied.'

Theq tilts his head the opposite way.

Ali smiles happily.

Caia says 'Maybe, I have never tried to though.'

You blink your eyes innocently.

Ali looks down at her skinny frame.

Theq says 'I'm afraid you're likely to lose something important if you try capturing them.

Theq says 'I wouldn't recommend it.

Ali says 'I will be heading down to Mayene in the next few days. (28th tue). May i ask for an escort in your lands?'

You feel sober again.

What's bothering you?

Theq glances at Caia.

Caia nods at you.

Santino opens his eyes and frowns at the barkeep.

nod ali
You nod at her.

Theq says 'I'm sure someone will be available.

Santino closes his eyes once more, settling deeper into the chair.

Ali says 'I might be then able to capture or investigate these insects.'

Ali nods in agreement.

Theq says 'Well... Perhaps...

What's bothering you?

Caia says 'I did see a glowbug in a jar once.'

Theq says 'Are you -sure- you don't want to see my scars?

Ali says 'The second matter, which is less importance now, but critical for my own knowledge.'

Theq moves to stand again.

Theq says 'Let you see what you're getting into and all...

Ali backs off a step.

Theq lifts his hands.

Caia nudges you suggestively. You two have an understanding.

Ali says 'You do really want those scars shown dont you.'

Theq says 'Fine, fine...

Caia shakes her head at you.

Theq says 'No scars.

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.

You drink the dark beer.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

You feel sober again.

Ali says 'Is justice.'

Caia drinks mulled wine from a wooden goblet.

Ali says 'How the Winged guard views justice in your lands and how you enforce it.'

Santino frowns.

What's bothering you?

Theq says 'This is your second question?

Ali says 'Yes.'

What's bothering you?

Theq stares into his keg.

Theq says 'Ooo... Ale!

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

You blink your eyes innocently.

Ali says 'I want to study under the Blue ajah and its their purpose to know and enforce justice in the lands.'

Ali smiles happily.

Theq says 'Caia? Perhaps you can answer this one?

Theq sits back in his chair.

Ali gets a plate of yellow peppers and pork from a backpack.

Ali says 'Is anyone hungry?'

Caia says 'We...'

Caia says 'If i may ask, first.'

Caia says 'What exactly do you mean by justice?'

Ali says 'I have spoken to lord Santino a few months ago on your warranting system and criminals.'

Ali says 'Those that break your rules and how its dealt with.'

Theq whispers towards Caia, 'You know... Those times we send Aldwyn outside to show his white shaven legs and blind the enemies...'

Ali says 'In that regard, I would like to understand your point of view.'

Theq nods knowingly at Caia.

Caia looks at Theq and tries to stifle a giggle.

Caia nods at Ali.

You sigh.

Caia shrugs helplessly.

Theq says 'Your question is, how do we deal with those who are criminals towards Mayene?

Caia says 'Different situations require different resolutions.'

Theq stands abruptly again.

Theq thrusts his sword.

Ali says 'Please give me an example of how you have dealt with one before.'

Theq says 'If they don't submit, we stick them with pointy things!

Santino opens one and peers out at Theq.

Theq looks down at his body and frowns.

Theq says 'In fact!

Ali glances briefly at Santino.

Caia says 'I stuck it to a criminal Defender and took his head.'

Theq raises a finger.

Theq says 'I think I have a scar from that.

Theq looks around.

Theq says 'Would anyone like to see?

Theq tilts his head.

Caia shakes her head and sighs to you.

You sigh.

Theq sits down again, deflated.

Santino raises a hand and waits for silence.

Ali says 'Is that it, just ..'

Theq mutters, 'I am tough, you know...'

Ali sticks her hand into somebody.

Caia nods at Ali.

Santino says 'Basically yes Accepted.'

Santino says 'If you have a warrant on your head from Mayene.'

Santino says 'And we catch you in our lands.'

Santino says 'You will die.'

Santino says 'No questions, no mercy.'

Theq makes a thrusting gesture with his arm, and says, 'Ha!'

Ali says 'Does this mean all defenders have warrants?'

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

Santino says 'There have been very few who did not.'

Santino says 'One in my memory.'

You feel sober again.

Santino says 'His name was Nzame al'Farath.'

Santino says 'He was a bookmaster of sorts.'

Santino says 'Intelligent man.'

Caia drinks mulled wine from a wooden goblet.

Santino says 'besides that, yes all have had warrants.'

Ali ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Ali says 'Theq and Caia have you served warrants on anyone before?'

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

Santino tilts his head back once more, and closes his eyes.

Theq says 'Ah!

Theq stands again.

Theq says 'Finally!

Theq says 'You want to see my scars!

Theq grins broadly.

Theq fiddles with his belt buckle and drops his leggings.

Ali says 'Only if they are tied to my question, Sir.'

Santino mutters, 'Creator help me, he's taken the same madness as Emdawe.'

Theq points to a large scar on his thigh.

Theq says 'This one.

Theq says 'I got fighting the Defender Carl.

Theq purses his lips.

Theq says 'Not from Carl, mind you.

Theq says 'A blasted tiger did it when I was looking for him.

You mutter in disgust.

Ali hands a drink to Caia.

Theq says 'But Carl died shortly after.

Theq points to another scar.

Caia thanks Ali heartily.

Theq says 'This one...

Theq frowns at the scar, thinking.

Theq says 'This one is from Joreer's horse.

Ali schools her features.

Theq says 'Joreer was already dead, of course...

Theq trails off.

Theq says 'You get the idea.

Theq sits back down, leaving his pants off.

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

Caia shakes her head and sighs to you.

Theq says 'Did you have any other questions, girl?

Caia looks at Ali.

Ali says 'Caia.'

Caia says 'Yes?'

Theq looks down at his leggings around his ankles.

Theq wiggles his feet.

Theq mutters, 'Bet I can still catch a Defender with my pants down there.'

You snicker softly.

Ali says 'You have not said much on the subject.'

Theq tilts his head.

Theq says 'I have another scar if you like?

Theq leans closer, 'But it's on my rear...'

wink ali
You wink suggestively at Ali.

Caia thinks hard.

Santino says 'another thing he's learned from Emdawe it seems.'

Ali says 'I tied justice to warranting. Then Theq here covered how defenders have died to his sword and a scar from a kitty , i mean a tiger.'

drink keg
You drink the dark beer.
You don't feel thirsty any more.

drink keg
You're not thirsty.

Caia grins at Ali.

Caia says 'I have stuck it to a few Defenders. Just as they try to stick it to me.'

Ali says 'I have yet to understand more about justice. Thus i am limited in my questions. As i learn more, I will have to seek your counsel at another time.'

nod ali
You nod at her.

Theq says 'That's all of your questions?

Ali curtseys deeply.

Theq says 'I hope we have been useful for you.

Caia stops using a lantern.

Ali says 'Thank you for your time. I appreciate the bonds between the White tower and Mayene.'

nod ali
You nod at her.

Caia beams a smile at Ali.

Theq says 'Of course.

Ali inclines her head to the barkeep.

Theq stands up.

Santino opens an eye.

Santino says 'are we finished?'

Theq throws his empty keg, missing Santino by an inch.

Theq says 'Wake up, old man.

Ali says 'Thank you, Lord Santino and Theq, caia.'

Theq says 'We're done here.

Santino grins evilly.

Theq moves towards the door, tripping over his pants.

Caia takes to her feet.

Ali curtseys gracefully.

Theq falls flat.

Theq says 'OOMPH!

Your cheeks are burning.

Ali pays for the bill.

Santino stands up, stretching as he does.

Theq gingerly pulls his pants up.

Theq stands up.

Ali grumbles about the cost of things.

Theq mutters something about a new scar.

Santino comforts you.

Caia gets a large number of gold crowns from a backpack.

Ali mutters about another kitty attack.

Caia gives some coins to Ali.

Caia puts some coins in a backpack.
Caia puts a lantern in a backpack.
Caia puts a wooden goblet in a backpack.
Caia puts a mirrored lantern in a backpack.

Caia smiles happily.

Ali opens the Woodendoor.

Caia gets a wooden goblet from a backpack.

Ali leaves north.