Theq Pranks the Newest Members ---&RPaward

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Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Theq Pranks the Newest Members ---&RPaward

Post by Aldwyn » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:23 am

*Log posted by Theq in our old clan forums. It's more for a laugh than anything. Theq is hiding in the dark yelling at our new members*


Didn't know where else to put this, but I had to post it somewhere...

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Seber - The Dancing Badger
Owouminil - The Dancing Badger
Marie - The Northern Gate of Mayene

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > It is pitch black...

You bellow 'I'm coming for you...'

Someone bellows 'who you be?!'

You bellow '...'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Seber - The Dancing Badger
Marie - The Northern Gate of Mayene

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > It is pitch black...

You tell Seber 'He left you? :P'

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Seber - The Dancing Badger

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > It is pitch black...

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Owouminil - The Northern Gate of Mayene
Seber - The Dancing Badger

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > It is pitch black...

Someone bellows 'if you're coming, quit hiding'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Owouminil - Along the Winding Boulevard
Seber - The Dancing Badger

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > It is pitch black...

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Owouminil - The Golden Armory
Seber - The Dancing Badger

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > It is pitch black...

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

Seber tells you 'Heh. What's going on here?'

You tell Seber 'it's just me yelling from a dark room :P shhh...'

Seber tells you '*grin* '

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Owouminil - Market Square
Seber - Road Through a Residential Area

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > It is pitch black...

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Guards!!! To arms!!!'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Full > Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Seber - A Small Plaza
Owouminil - The Bank of Mayene

You bellow 'I'm bored of this. I'll be back. With friends...'

Someone bellows '...'

Someone bellows 'show yourself'

Someone bellows 'quit being in the dark'

You bellow 'The name's Stomp. You'll hear of me soon enough.'

You bellow 'STOMP MADE OF DOOM!!!'

Someone bellows 'weak'

You bellow 'See you soon, ladies...'

Someone bellows 'hold up'

Someone bellows 'let me kill you before you leave'


The Dancing Badger
[ obvious exits: W ]
Owouminil O'dwallah {Winged Guard Applicant} is standing here.
Eyes keen, a Domani razor stands here swishing its tail.
Seber the Recruit is standing here.
A grand master of the guild ambles by with confidence.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

You blink your eyes innocently.

Seber grins at you.

You say 'Fade tracks outside?'

Owouminil snaps to attention and salutes you.

Owouminil says 'apparently the one known as Stomp'

What's bothering you?

Owouminil says 'wouldn't fight me'

You say 'You were on him?'

Owouminil says 'He ran before i could find him'

You arch an eyebrow.

You say 'You had a solo fade INSIDE Mayene... And he got away without even finding him?'

Seber mutters to himself in complete disgust.

Owouminil smirks.

Seber says 'Well...'

Seber sighs loudly.

What's bothering you?

point seber
You point at him.

You say 'And what were you doing?'

Seber says 'Maybe you will get a chance at redemption when if he returns, as promised.'

You say 'He's returning?'

You arch an eyebrow.

Seber ponders life, the universe, and everything.

You say 'Stomp is old. Like really old.'

Seber says 'So he claims.'

Seber says 'That's what I was thinking...'

You say 'He'll probably return with Dagre.'

Owouminil falls down laughing.

Owouminil says 'Dagre is old news'

Seber grins evilly.

You say 'Well, you did let one of them get away...'

You say 'Anyway. See it doesn't happen again.'


Players in your Zone
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Marie - The Northern Gate of Mayene
Owouminil - The Dancing Badger
Seber - The Dancing Badger

It is pitch black...

You bellow 'STOMP MADE OF DOOM!'

You bellow 'Oh, ffs, shut up. What if they're still here?'

You bellow 'STOMP MADE OF DOOM!'

You bellow '...'

You bellow 'Argh!!! A fade!!! Guards!!!'

Someone bellows 'you actually going to fight this time or run like a coward?'

Seber tells you 'ba-hahaha'

You bellow 'Help!!! *Someone* is attacking me!!!'

You bellow 'Told you they'd still be here...'

You bellow 'STOMP MADE OF DOOM!'

In a Secret Passage
[ obvious exits: N W D ]

* HP:Healthy MV:Tiring > Players in your Zone
Seber - Nearing the Palace Gates
Theq - In a Secret Passage
Owouminil - Along the Winding Boulevard
Marie - The Northern Gate of Mayene

It is pitch black...

You bellow 'We'll be back... With friends...'

Someone bellows 'you pussies'