Theq Awakens. ---&RPaward

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Re: Theq Awakens. ---&RPaward

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:13 pm

**Story by Theq**

Theq swirled his ale around, watching the bubbles agitate the sides of the mug. Eventually, the ale came out over the side and onto the table. Sighing, Theq dropped the mug and ignored the mess. He turned his attention to the rest of the tavern. It was busier and noisier than usual. The men playing dice in the corner were getting louder as the stakes went up with each roll and the barmaids had to work harder than usual to avoid any unwanted hands. Mostly, Theq just felt on edge. He felt on edge a lot lately. As if around every corner was a thug with a knife, or even just a drunk looking for a fight. Theq didn't mind, he welcomed the fights. They gave him something to do - somewhere to feed his anger. On the outside, he was a picture of calm. His face betrayed nothing of the inferno he felt on the inside, even an Aes Sedai would be proud of his composure.

Theq surveyed the room again, looking carefully at the patrons. Even secretly hoping that just one of them would give him an excuse. He slowly eased his sword from its sheath, just to be sure it was free, before letting it slide back in. Theq waited. Waited for something to happen. Waited for a reason to look for the Void, waited to direct his anger into it. Sighing again, Theq turned back to his ale. The tavern was rowdy, but there were no brawls tonight. Taking a last look at the ale he still hadn't drunk, Theq eased his way towards the door and out into the street. Darkness had come quickly tonight and but for the light directly under the lamp posts, the shadows had taken over. Theq pulled his hood over his head, looking towards the barracks of the Winged Guard. Frowning in thought, he turned in the other direction towards the North Gate of Mayene. He wasn't ready to find his bed yet.

Theq moved about the city without a light. His eyes had adjusted enough, and he knew the city well enough, that he did without. As he neared the gate, Theq sensed something wasn't quite right. Even in the dark, the North Gate should be well-lit. There were also sentries on duty here. But tonight, the main lamp was off. 'Odd', Theq thought to himself, as he got closer. Frowning deeply, Theq also realised the usual benign chatter of the gate guards was missing. Theq drew his sword, moving into the guard house were he saw two bodies slumped. Feeling the necks of both men and noting the swallow breaths they made, he assumed them alive. Muttering to himself, 'Damn guards are asleep again...'. Theq kicked the first man roughly as he stirred, groaning. Theq kicked the second harder, saying, 'Wake up you lazy oafs! I'll be letting Lord Santino know of this!' Groaning again, both men stirred slowly. Theq glanced around the room, noticed the mugs on the table. Muttering louder, Theq picked up the first mug to sniff it, 'And drunk...'. Theq stopped, smelling the faint scent of sleepwell powder. Theq dropped the mug and drew his sword before exiting the guardhouse.

In the centre of the open gate was a burly figure, dressed in bandit garb. Theq eyed the man, 'You're the excuse I've been looking for. Thank you.' The bandit replied, 'Theq. I have a message for you,' holding out his hand with a folded piece of paper. Theq ignored the man, raising his sword. He was no blademaster, not yet, but in the Void he was focused. Theq moved towards the figure, attacking almost instantaneously. The bandit parried the first, second and eve third swings of Theq's blade, but the fourth strike was true. The bandit crumpled to the ground, still holding the folded message in his fist as his blood soaked into the paper.

Theq ignored the now-dead bandit and the message as he turned his attention towards the guardhouse. 'It's time for me to return to the Barracks. I will send more guards to relieve your post for the evening.' Theq turned on his heel and headed for the Barracks.

Posts: 267
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Theq Awakens.

Post by Aldwyn » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:16 am

Point of view: Livae
Main character: Theq
Main character: Livae

Theq meets a young Wisdom


Livae nods.

Livae says 'Hello there Theq.'

l theq
A rough-looking man with stubble lining his face. His skin and clothes look
as if they've spent more time outdoors than in. His dark eyes exude an aura
of calm and, perhaps, kindness.

Theq is in excellent condition.

Livae ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Theq nods at Livae.

Livae stops riding him.

Theq says 'Greetings, girl.'

Livae pats a bloodstock stallion on his head.

Livae blinks.

Livae says 'Girl?'

Livae looks around.

Theq stares through you blankly.

Livae shrugs slightly 'Are you quite alright?'

Theq says 'I'm fine.'

Theq pauses momentarily.

Livae nods absently.

Theq says 'Girl.'

Livae says 'If you say so boy!'

Theq turns his attention towards the gate.

Livae says 'What a fine way to talk to someone new.'

Livae turns to the gate.

Livae says 'Expecting someone?'

The day has begun.

Theq mutters, 'Not really.'

Livae says 'You seem somewhat bitter.'

Livae rummages in her pack.

Livae looks up 'Sure I have some honey somewhere!'

Theq turns his head to look at you.

Theq says 'I won't be needing any honey, girl.'

Livae gets a section of red and yellow sunburst root from a pouch.

Livae frowns.

Livae says 'That's not honey!'

Theq appears to add some extra emphasis on 'girl'.

Livae gets a metal helmet from an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Livae puts the helmet next to your head.

Livae says 'Seems to fit, it's a child's size though.'

Livae gives a metal helmet to Theq.

Theq frowns.

Livae nods in agreement.

Livae puts a section of red and yellow sunburst root in a soft leather pouch.

Theq turns the helmet over in his hands.

Livae gets a tincture of a thick yellow liquid from a soft leather pouch.

Theq says 'The Guard supplies me with plenty of well-fitting helmets.'

Livae says 'Ah!'

Livae leans forward inspecting your head.

Livae says 'Not quite the right size!'

Livae shows a tincture of a thick yellow liquid to Theq.

Livae says 'There some nice honey to sweeten your..erm everything!'

Theq eyes the tincture carefully.

Theq says 'I learnt long ago not to accept vials of things from strange girls.'

Theq frowns.

Livae turns the tincture around in her hand.

Livae frowns.

Theq says 'Just who are you, anyway? And what is your business here?'

Theq says 'Hrmm?'

Livae says 'Strange I may be! I am no girl!'

A black cat plays with a terrified mouse.

Livae pokes Theq slightly.

Theq looks you up and down carefully.

Livae says 'Me, aren't visitors allowed in Mayene?'

Theq purses his lips.

Livae says 'Tis a lovely City after all!!'

Theq says 'You certainly look like a girl to me.'

Livae rolls her eyes.

Theq says 'And of course we allow visitors.'

Livae says 'I can see this could go on for hours, ah well not pressed for time.'

Theq says 'Provided your business is to visit.'

Livae says 'Even girls? We might like to play in the park!'

Livae hops around like a bunny.

Theq turns to the south-west.

Livae skips around with Theq.

Theq says 'You'll find it in that direction.'

Livae says 'Mummy said so!'

Theq points towards the park.

Livae turns her head in your direction and nods blandly.

Theq nods in agreement.
Livae says 'My business, is my business. Unless it is your business!'

Theq says 'As you wish.'

Livae unties her tongue from the roof of her mouth.

Theq says 'Just ensure you break none of the laws of Mayene, and I don't have a care for what you do.'

Livae says 'I do however have a perchance for sword fighting.'

Theq frowns.

Livae says 'Can you show me where they might have displays?'

Livae claps approvingly.

Theq tilts his head.

Theq says 'Of sword fighting?'

Livae sighs 'A law breaker I am not good boy!

Livae nods in agreement.

Livae says 'Aye sword fighting, you know swish swoosh..'

Livae says 'All that kind of thing.'

Theq says 'You might find to the east a jousting tournament. But no sword fighting, I'm afraid.'

Livae sighs.

Livae says 'Jousting will do! Come take me there Theq!'

Livae says 'Be a good tourist guide.'

Theq frowns.

Livae pouts.

Theq says 'I'm afraid I must guard the gate.'

Theq says 'And at sunset, I have another...'

Theq pauses.

Theq says 'Another engagement.'

Livae says 'From what? attacking leaves?'

Livae says 'Is that your bedtime then?'

Livae says 'Sunset?'

Theq turns back towards the gate.

Theq says 'Sure. The leaves. I'm guarding against the leaves.'

Livae nods in agreement.

Theq mutters, 'And the odd bandit or three.'

Livae eyes sparkle slightly.

Livae says 'Ah those pesky bandits, yes I have come across some of those . lurking in the bushes.'

Livae says 'Mmm or is that just men!'

Livae says 'I get confused sometimes.'

A little girl has arrived from the south.

Livae says 'See there is a girl!'

point girl
Livae points at her.

smi girl

Livae smiles at her.

Theq arches an eyebrow.

Livae says 'Aww such a sweet thing.'

Theq says 'It's a relative term, -girl-'

Livae says 'I can bring you a toy like that?'

Livae frowns.

Livae says 'Oh come on, why so grumpy?'

Livae says 'Guard duty wearing you down?'

Theq frowns.

Theq sighs loudly.

Theq turns back towards you.

Livae gazes at you as she ponders.

Theq says 'I'm waiting on someone.'

Theq says 'Someone who is running an errand for me.'

Livae says 'Ah'

Theq says 'A dangerous errand.'

Theq pauses.

Livae says 'You have errand runners!?'

Livae gasps in astonishment.

Theq turns away, 'An errand she shouldn't be doing...'

Livae says 'So then while your here and I am here, we can chat yes?'

Theq stares out towards the gate again.

Theq says 'If you must.'

Livae turns towards the gate and frowns.

Livae smiles slightly.

Livae says 'So tell me, about the errand? Or is it hush hush!!'

Theq says 'It's more a favour than an errand.'

Livae says 'Ah! I hope it's a worthy one then!?'

Theq says 'I think it important, yes.'

Livae says 'Well you would, wouldn't you silly!'

Livae says 'Is it honourable?'

Theq says 'But... I should be the one doing it.'

Livae says 'Ah you feel guilt, this is why your grumpy?'

Theq growls softly, 'Blast that infernal woman... Where is she?!'

Livae grins slightly.

Livae says 'This woman, a friend is she?'

Livae stands back slightly.

Theq purses his lips.

Theq says 'Something like that.'

Livae looks you up and down.

Livae nods in agreement.

Livae says 'Ah is that what they call it these days, something like that!'

Livae chuckles politely.

Livae says 'Oh men!'

Theq seemingly ignores the retort, 'You never told me your name.'

Livae coughs loudly.

Livae says 'I am Livae, an apprentice to the Lady Racquel!'

Livae smiles.

Theq stares at you blankly.

Livae blinks.

Theq growls, 'Oh Mother's Milk in a cup...'

Theq turns away.

Livae says 'You're Theq a Winged Guard!'

Livae frowns.

Theq mutters, 'Like I said, infernal woman...'

Livae places a gentle hand on your shoulder.

Theq mutters, 'Doesn't show up herself and sends her blasted apprentice...'

Livae says 'OK do tell!'

Livae gasps in astonishment.

Livae says 'What..what is this?'

Livae says 'I know nothing of anything for anyone?'

Livae looks at her feet as she jumbles the words.

Theq says 'You said you were Racquel's apprentice, so you know more than you're letting on.'

Theq frowns.

Livae looks up.

Theq looks at you intently.

Theq says 'Where is she?'

Livae says 'Mmm something seems familiar!'

Theq gives you a menacing look.

Livae says 'Although I confess, it has become lost to me.'

Livae looks you in the eye.

Livae says 'Don't get all manly on me!'

Livae tuts.

Theq glares around him.

Livae says 'Give me something to work on, or even better tell me what it is!'

Theq turns away.

Theq says 'Forget it. You know nothing.'

Livae says 'I know nothing? Of men it seems or just you, yes!'

Livae says 'I do know other things.'

Livae says 'Test me sir!'

Theq stares off into the distance, 'Unless you can tell me where your Mistress is, I'm not sure what you do or don't know is of use to me.'

Livae says 'Drillmaster! don't let me have to do the drilling.'

An Elite Winged Guard has arrived from the south.

An Elite Winged Guard has arrived from the south.

A little girl leaves south.

Livae says 'My mistress as you call her is either sleeping, eating or something!'

Theq turns around and strides up to you.

Livae says 'She did mention Mayene in passing, I must of forgotten . Although my steps brought me here.'

Theq says 'If she's sleeping or eating, I have no care. It's the 'something' that concerns me.'

Livae looks at you flat on.

Alas, you cannot go that way...

Livae isn't in touch with saidar to release anything.

Theq glowers, 'She darts off at a moments notice, hunting bandits on my behalf.'

Livae says 'I am sure she is well though.'

Theq says 'I haven't seen her in weeks.’

Livae says 'Ah bandits, well I heard of no accidents!'

Theq says 'And...'

Livae says 'She has been sampling the new ale that Lidea has brewed.'

Theq pauses.

Livae cringes in terror.

Theq says 'And the people of Mayene need her assistance.'

Livae says 'She may have erm slumbered to long'

An Elite Winged Guard leaves south.

Livae glances around the square.

Theq frowns.

Theq says 'Lidea?'

Theq rolls his eyes...sheesh!..

Livae says 'So what does Mayene need?'

Livae nods at him.

Theq says 'How many of you girls has she taken in?!'

Theq gestures around.

Livae says 'Yes Lidea, she is somewhat well..funny, although she is a good egg.'

Theq says 'Mayene needs a Wisdom.'

Livae nods in agreement.

Livae says 'I thought she was your Wisdom, Racquel that is!'

Livae says 'That and Tear’s!'

Livae says 'Perhaps Illian too!'

A Winged Guard pauses and says 'Isn't that the coastal town of wickedness and loose morals?'

Livae gasps in astonishment.

Theq raises his voice, 'And she's not here, is she?!'

Livae says 'Calm down dear, before your pants get all twisted.'

Livae says 'You will scare the children.’

Theq turns red in the face.

Livae says 'Or the dog.'

Livae says 'You my good man are going to blow a fuse!'

Livae says 'Mind telling me what it is your City needs right now?'

Theq frowns, backing down.

Theq sighs loudly.

Livae relaxes slightly.

Theq says 'I don't know. Something, I'm sure.'

Livae says 'So lets see what this something is? A more relaxed gate guard?'

Livae chuckles politely.

Theq says 'There must be a child with a sore tummy or something.'

Livae bellows 'Anyone with a sore tummy, I can help!'

Livae cringes in terror.

Theq mutters, 'I shouldn't be standing here guarding a gate whilst my lov...'

Livae says 'I shouted that to loudly.'

Theq stops.

Livae says 'Low?'

Livae blinks her eyes innocently.

Theq says 'The town Wisdom should not be hunting bandits.'

Livae says 'Oh lov...'

Livae coughs loudly.

Livae says 'Yes indeed, I imagine she can look after herself , yes?'

Livae says 'So then we can play this guessing game all day, night and beyond.'

Theq says flatly, 'She has a unique set of skills.'

Livae says 'Although it would be more beneficial if we work together.'

Livae coughs loudly.

Livae says 'I don't wish to know about those!!'

Livae arches her brows.

Livae arches an eyebrow.

Theq frowns.

Livae says 'Or do you mean..'

An Elite Winged Guard leaves south.

Livae says 'Erm well.'

Livae giggles nervously.

Theq arches an eyebrow.

Theq says 'I mean... She is quite adept with her blade.'

Livae says 'That guard just left, fear I have embarrassed him!'

Livae says 'Least you didn't say hands!'

Livae pokes him in the ribs.

Livae grins evilly.

Theq gives you a confused look.

Livae says 'I know my sword well enough, to stick em with the pointy end.'

Theq glances at the sky.

Livae examines the epee.

Livae cringes in terror.

Livae says 'Ouch.'

Livae draws her fingers away.

Theq says 'It's about time for a change of the guard.'

Livae nods at him.

Theq says 'Is there perhaps anything else I can assist with?'

Livae says 'So are you going to tell me what you need?'

Livae says 'Show me how adept at sword work?'

Livae says 'Something that men do to show off when they feel silly!'

Theq says 'What I mostly need, is Racquel to find her way back from the Blight or wherever she found herself.'

Theq frowns.

Livae says 'I can see if I can find her soon, let her know her lov..friend is concerned?!'

Livae says 'Send a pigeon?'

Theq says 'You want me to show you how to fight?'

Livae says 'Surely it won't get lost.'

Theq says 'She moves too fast for a pigeon.'

Theq makes a zooming motion with his arm.

Livae stands back and nods 'Go on then show me what you can do!'

Livae giggles.

Theq makes a second motion in the opposite direction.

Livae says 'She can be fleet as a fox.'

Livae shakes her head as her vision gets blurry. 'That is fast.'

Livae nods in agreement.

Theq says 'I think, perhaps, a sword lesson might wait for another time.'

Theq glances at the sky again.

Livae says 'Oh I sense Liena is awake, maybe she will know about Racquel.'

Livae pouts.

A well-traveled merchant has arrived from the south.

Theq says 'She promised she would return in the night, and...'

Theq stops.

Theq nods in agreement.

Livae gingerly comforts you with her hand.

Livae removes her hand from your shoulder.

Theq says 'It is best I go. Perhaps you can find out from Wisdom Liena if she's seen Racquel. Liena is the Northern Wisdom, after all.'

Livae nods in agreement.

Theq nods in agreement.

Theq says 'Farewell.'

Livae says 'I shall follow the yellow bricked road.'

Theq waves.

Livae boggles at that.

Livae waves.

Theq leaves south.

Posts: 267
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Theq Awakens.

Post by Aldwyn » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:42 am

Point of View: Racquel
Main character: Racquel


In the Private Quarters
This is a very tidy room, lined with neatly made bunks and sparkling clean.
Jurien the Innkeeper must clean this area constantly. The floor is scrubbed
clean and the wood shines with a glowing patina from years of travel and
care. A few pieces of furniture stand in the center of the room to be used
by Wisdoms and students alike.
A board is mounted on a wall here.

A crumpled note lies on the floor.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
A small, somewhat rickety table wobbles on unsteady legs.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
An elaborately worked box stands here, ready to receive your vote.
The local wisdom is here, caring for the village.
Jurien the Innkeeper stands here inspecting the quarters.

Racquel staggers into the room, swaying a little.

glare jurien
You glare icily at her.

Racquel says 'Don't just watch me.

Racquel says 'Help me to my chambers.

Racquel takes Jurien's arm, leaning on her heavily as she crawls into bed.

nod jurien
You nod at her.

Racquel says 'Please have Neela bring me the teas I prepared.


Racquel watches as Jurien leaves.

Racquel closes her eyes, trying to ignore the pain in her side.

Racquel startles.

Racquel opens her eyes to Neela.

You glare at nothing in particular.

Racquel says 'What, girl?

Racquel frowns as Neela stutters, 'I... I... I'm sorry, Mistress. I brought the teas you asked for. Should I not have woken you?'

You sigh.

Racquel says 'No, girl. You should have. Thank you. Leave them with me.

Racquel takes the various teas and boiled water as the girl leaves.

Racquel looks at the pouches on the bed.

Racquel purses her lips.

Racquel says 'Something for sleep. Something for pain.

Racquel carefully measures out the doses.

Racquel murmurs, 'It will have to be strong this time. But not too strong so as I...'

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Racquel says 'Bah! Who am I talking to?

You roll your eyes.

Racquel says 'Pull yourself together, woman!

Racquel prepares the tea and drinks it.

Racquel settles back into the bed and closes her eyes.

Racquel focuses on her breathing, doing her best to ignore the pain.

You go to sleep.

A Low-Ceiling Tent
Tassled cushions lay scattered about, upon a rich, silk carpet, which covers
the rocky ground beneath the tent. Stone or wooden bowls and plates are
arranged about the center of the floor in a circular pattern, filled with the
remains of a meal, which the gai'shain scurry about to clean.
An aiel Wise One is resting here.
An aiel Wise One is resting here.
An aiel Wise One is resting here.
[ obvious exits: N ]

You blink your eyes innocently.

Racquel says 'Wise Ones.

Racquel joins the other women, taking her place in the tent.

Deserie says 'Welcome back, Child.

Racquel nods to Deserie.

Joleen says 'How do you fare?

You sigh.

Racquel says 'The pain gets worse, Wise One. I require more healing. The wound is open again.

Joleen nods gravely.

Joleen says 'I see. Well. You best show us.

You nod in agreement.

rem cloak
You stop using a dark grey travelling cloak with silver lining.

rem bra
You stop using a red bra of lace and silk.

Racquel reveals her infected wound.

Deserie says 'Dear child, it looks worse than before. The infection is spreading...

You nod in agreement.

Racquel says 'I know.

Racquel says 'Please... Do what you can.

Racquel watches as the Wise Ones share a look.

Joleen says 'Child, you must know we can not heal this from Tel'aran'rhiod. You need to seek us in the waking world.

Racquel says 'I'm afraid that is not an option I have. The Aiel Waste is too far for me to travel either on foot nor by other means. The sickness makes me too weak. And... I have other matters to attend... Theq...

Racquel trails off.

Deserie says 'You are no good to him if you are dead, child. Come. We will do what we can.

Racquel lays down in the tent, watching as the glow of Saidar surrounds the three women.

Racquel feels the warm flows of Saidar touch her.

Racquel closes her eyes, letting the healing work.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Racquel opens her eyes as the warmth slowly recedes.

Racquel looks around.

A Low-Ceiling Tent
Tassled cushions lay scattered about, upon a rich, silk carpet, which covers
the rocky ground beneath the tent. Stone or wooden bowls and plates are
arranged about the center of the floor in a circular pattern, filled with the
remains of a meal, which the gai'shain scurry about to clean.
An aiel Wise One is here, exhausted.
An aiel Wise One is here, exhausted.
An aiel Wise One is here, exhausted.
[ obvious exits: N ]

Racquel slowly stands up.

Racquel inspects her side, placing her fingers onto the now-healed scar.

Racquel says 'It's still a little dark. But the pain is gone.

Racquel says 'Thank you, Wise Ones.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Joleen says 'Child, you know the sickness will return until you are healed properly. Don't leave it too long to come to us.

Racquel nods at Joleen.

Racquel says 'Yes, Wise One. Thank you all.

Racquel stands straighter.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Racquel says abruptly, 'Now I must go.'

Racquel says 'I will return tomorrow as we arranged.

Racquel says 'Deserie Child. You must rest now. You know the sleep you have here is not the replenishing sleep you need.

Joleen says 'Yes Child. When did you last properly sleep?

You sigh.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Racquel says 'I do what I must. I...

Racquel is cut off.

Racquel says 'Deserie You will go now and sleep. You will not waste the work we just spent on you.

You sigh.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Racquel says 'Yes, Wise One. I shall seek a proper rest. Thank you once more.

You wear a red bra of lace and silk on your body.
You wear a dark grey travelling cloak with silver lining around your body.

open flap

Racquel leaves north.

Outside a Narrow Opening
This close to the mountain, a narrow opening, like a doorway, is visible.
Rough-hewn slits are cut to either side, where an archer can easily pick off
anyone in the open area before it. Their appear to be more openings up above,
but it is difficult to discern any path leading up there.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A well-tended herb garden emits fragrant scents here.
A bony woman with graying hair stands here, carrying a ledger.
The apprentice is here, tending the stores.

Racquel shimmered.

Inside the Large Cabin
This large cabin occupies the breadth of the ship's stern. Large windows
look out over the port outside. A small desk stands in one corner, covered
by charts and nautical instruments. In the middle of the room a large dark
wooden table stands surrounded by chairs that, like the table, have been
nailed to the floor. The chairs have swivelling armrests for easier access.
[ obvious exits: W ]

Racquel murmurs 'This is the only boat I know of to Tremalking. This must be it...'

Racquel wanders around the cabin.

What's bothering you?

exa table
There are papers strewn across the table here. The page on top catches your eye.

exa paper
Wife... Coming... Dangerous than we... Sorry... Theq.

Racquel frowns deeply at the paper.

Racquel says 'I need to see what else was written here. Tel'aran'rhiod has caused it to degrade.

Racquel frowns again, 'It must be at least a day old.

Racquel startles and turns quickly, sensing something.

Inside the Large Cabin
This large cabin occupies the breadth of the ship's stern. Large windows
look out over the port outside. A small desk stands in one corner, covered
by charts and nautical instruments. In the middle of the room a large dark
wooden table stands surrounded by chairs that, like the table, have been
nailed to the floor. The chairs have swivelling armrests for easier access.
[ obvious exits: W ]
An aiel Wise One is here.

Joleen says 'Child. We warned you. You MUST sleep.

Joleen places her hand on Racquel's chest.

Joleen says 'No more Dream Walking tonight.'

You blink your eyes innocently.

All you can do right now is think of stars!

All you can do right now is think of stars!

All you can do right now is think of stars!

In the Private Quarters
This is a very tidy room, lined with neatly made bunks and sparkling clean.
Jurien the Innkeeper must clean this area constantly. The floor is scrubbed
clean and the wood shines with a glowing patina from years of travel and
care. A few pieces of furniture stand in the center of the room to be used
by Wisdoms and students alike.
A board is mounted on a wall here.

A crumpled note lies on the floor.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
A small, somewhat rickety table wobbles on unsteady legs.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
An elaborately worked box stands here, ready to receive your vote.
The local wisdom is here, caring for the village.
Jurien the Innkeeper stands here inspecting the quarters.

Racquel sits up.

You glare at nothing in particular.

Racquel says 'Well. I suppose I will have to sleep then. At least I have a clue...'

Racquel leans back with her head on the pillow.

Racquel closes her eyes.

You go to sleep.

Posts: 8018
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: Theq Awakens.

Post by Elysia » Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:32 pm

Figured I'd post, since I'm doing all these Winger logs in an unusual and roundabout way. I'm first going through the entire actives list and tallying all the RP qps they were awarded in the past. Which sometimes requires deleting entries in people's notes, which is pretty time consuming.

I've done all the rank 7's and 8's to date, which probably have the most entries. Once all the actives have been done, I will go through the Winger logs and write down names to catch the RPers who are currently inactive then tally all their existing RP qps.

Then I'll award for posting these, separately. If I can deduce who posted/ edited originally and they're long logs, I'll award for that too. It's a bit of a mash up of the normal process, but it's being worked on. :)

Posts: 8018
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: Theq Awakens.

Post by Elysia » Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:33 pm

And done. All currently active WG members and participants in these logs tallied. Extra qps awarded to Aldwyn for posting these, as well as some editing qps for original posted. Whew. :mrgreen:

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