Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015) ---&RPaward

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Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:39 am

Point of view: Racquel
Main character: Racquel
Major participant: Aldwyn
Major participant: Xoco
Participant: Crenna

Aldwyn doesn't know something he should...


This is the prelude to the actual log below. You may or may not need to read it for it to make sense...

Racquel bit her lip, concentrating. ’Three’, she thought, ’I can do three. The group of bandits advanced on her as she backed further away into the shadows. The light in the blighted forest was dim, but she had every sense that the bandits could still see her as clearly as if it were the middle of the day in an open field. Racquel drew her blade from its sheathe, exhaling deeply and slowly, Here we go again, she thought. Racquel stopped retreating and turned her attack towards the bandits. Her blade struck the first bandit swiftly and smoothly, catching him by surprise. Racquel turned her attention to the next bandit as the first dropped to the ground, trying desperately to keep the blood from flowing from his neck, making only a soft gurgling sound. Racquel watched as the remaining bandits steeled themselves towards her, knowing that these two wouldn’t make the same mistake as their fallen comrade. Racquel didn’t let them weigh her for more than a second, dropping her sword and raising her palm and embrace the One Power. With only a second of a thought, flames leapt from her fingertips and the second bandit dropped.

Finally, Racquel turned towards the third bandit, looking him in the eye. Racquel paused, looking again – or rather, where its eyes would have been. Smirking, the fade drew its blade and advanced. Racquel’s eyes widened as she started to panic, ’A fade… I can’t fight a fade… I…’. Racquel drew more of Saidar into herself, giving herself away to it. She raised her palm towards the fade, willing the flames to form. But nothing happened. Racquel could feel the panic building, sweat pouring down her forehead. Racquel had never needed to depend on the One Power before. It hadn’t been that long ago she despised it, and the witches who wielded it. But the Wise Ones had changed that. Even still, she was no Aes Sedai. She wasn’t trained in the Power, not really. The thought of a fade on its own might have been enough to disrupt her weaves, but facing one in person wasn’t in her plans when she left Mayene searching for Theq’s answers. ’Theq…’. Racquel lifted her blade and advanced on the fade. Smirking the fade hissed, ‘You’re mine.’

Racquel’s blade turned the first strike away. The fade was stronger and faster, but Racquel was more determined. She parried the second, third and fourth strikes. The fight seemed to go on for hours, and the fade didn’t seem to tire. Racquel parried, but was never able to land a blow of her own. She saw an opening and went for it, feeling the jar of her blade as it struck true. Twisting herself around the fade using all that was left of her strength she took the head off the body. Backing away and embracing the Saidar Racquel raised her palm as flame leapt from her fingertips burning the flailing corpse into ashes.

Racquel turned and backed away from the remains of the fade, as she felt a pain in her side. Touching her side, Racquel looked at her fingertips seeing her own blood. Racquel dropped to her knees, watching as the poison of the fade’s sword leeched into her. Racquel’s head started to spin, she started to breathe faster. Heavier. ’It shouldn’t work this quickly… I can’t die yet…. Racquel embraced Saidar once more, concentrating on the weaves of earth and fire, grimacing as she lost control of the Power. Grimacing, she failed again as the weaves slipped away. Racquel leant forward from her knees, collapsing onto the ground. Turning onto her back, she starred at the sky, ‘I’m not ready to go yet…’. Racquel watched as the weaves slammed into place. Racquel lost consciousness, the pain in her side and the effort from using Saidar overcame her.

In the darkened alley of Mayene, Theq watched as a flash of light enveloped the air in front of him. He watched as a figured crumpled to the ground. Theq moved towards the figure on the ground, crouching down as he reached the body. Theq rolled the figure towards him, ‘Racquel?’. Noticing the blood, Theq checked her breath. There was shallow breathing, but breathing nonetheless. ‘I’ll get you help, Racquel. It will be okay.’ Theq collected Racquel’s lifeless form in his arms, and hurried towards the Barracks of the Winged Guard.

Weeks later…

The Northern Gate of Mayene
The massive north gate is heavily guarded. Tall iron portcullises protect
the city from attack, and small murder holes above the gate are barely
visible. A small alley leads off to the west, and looks to lead to seedier
parts of town. Tall towers dominate the view of the city to the south. The
stone road here is worn smooth.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Aldwyn the Azure Shadow of Mayene {Winged Guard Council} is resting here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Crenna the Squad Leader is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

nod crenna
You nod at her.

Crenna stops riding a bloodstock stallion.

Crenna says 'I need to get to bed.'

l crenna
Lustrous, dark brown hair caresses sun kissed skin as it cascades around
this tall woman's curves. No hints of shyness or hesitation shine from the
depths of her warm rosewood eyes. She moves with purposeful precision and

Crenna has quite a few wounds.

Racquel says 'Yes.

Crenna says 'It's overdue.'

Racquel says 'You can't be too careful with all those wrin...

Racquel stops.

Crenna looks at you.

Racquel says 'Sleep well.

Crenna chuckles politely.

Crenna gets a Kandori snowflake necklace from a backpack.

Crenna gets a Kandori snowflake necklace from a backpack.

Crenna looks at you.

Crenna gives you a Kandori snowflake necklace.

Crenna gives you a Kandori snowflake necklace.

Xoco has arrived from the south.

Xoco hops around like a bunny.

Crenna gets a silver Kandori wristcuff from a backpack.

Crenna gives you a silver Kandori wristcuff.

Racquel says 'And what am I to do with these?

Aldwyn beams a smile at Xoco.

You arch an eyebrow.

Xoco hops all around with you.

smile xoco
You smile at her.

Xoco says 'conquer the world with them!'

Xoco nods to herself, she must need reassurance.

Crenna says 'I saw you are wearing similar -- and I do not need them.'

Racquel says 'I see. Well. Thankyou.

Xoco says 'NO'

Xoco says 'Thank YOU'

Crenna smiles happily.

You blink your eyes innocently.

Xoco throws back her head and cackles with insane glee!

Xoco looks at Crenna.

Xoco says 'Hi Crenz'

Xoco nods in agreement.

Xoco says 'new nickname'

Racquel tilts her head.

Xoco says 'bam!'

Aldwyn puts a thin, black chain in a wooden barrel.

Xoco nudges Aldwyn suggestively with her elbow.

Aldwyn blinks his eyes innocently.

Xoco winks suggestively at you.

Xoco stares at the sky.

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna snaps to attention and salutes Xoco.

Crenna says 'It's nice to see you again.'

Xoco snaps to attention and salutes Crenna.

Crenna beams a smile at Xoco.

Xoco smiles happily.

Xoco says 'ditto'

Xoco hops around like a bunny.

What's bothering you?

Xoco says 'Just need a mirror first!'

Xoco says 'Ar-har-har-har-har'

Racquel says 'Lord Aldwyn. Have you seen my...

What's bothering you?

Aldwyn says 'Your?'

Racquel says 'Nothing. I meant. Have you seen Theq?

Racquel says 'He was with you, yes?

Aldwyn says 'I still can't read minds, Wisdom. Though it would be nice'

Aldwyn says 'Earlier yes.'

Aldwyn says 'he seemed in a mood'

Xoco says 'When is he not!?!'

What's bothering you?

Xoco winks suggestively at you.

Racquel says 'And where is he now?

Crenna smiles happily.

Xoco says 'Same place we'll all be, four minutes from now.'

Aldwyn puts a silver Kandori wristcuff on around his right wrist.

Crenna says 'Well I need to hit the barracks. Have a good night.'

Aldwyn says 'Well he came back here I think.'

Xoco says 'Wish I'd been there to get killed in Murgoz'

Crenna snaps to attention and salutes Aldwyn.

nod crenna
You nod at her.

Crenna snaps to attention and salutes Xoco.

Crenna waves goodbye to you.

Xoco snaps to attention and salutes Crenna.

Racquel says 'Sleep well.

Aldwyn says 'Might have stayed in Caemlyn. We got seperated.'

What's bothering you?

Aldwyn hugs Crenna.

Aldwyn beams a smile at Crenna.

Crenna leaves south.

Xoco says 'waaa'

Xoco says 'how did you'

Racquel says 'How could you get separated? You were leading, yes?

Xoco says 'do that'

What's bothering you?

Racquel stands up sharply, wincing a little.

Aldwyn frowns.

Aldwyn says 'Your side still, Wisdom?'

You nod in agreement.

Racquel says 'It's nothing.

Xoco says 'What's wrong with your side?'

Aldwyn says 'If it's still there it's not nothing'

Xoco looks at Racquel's side, clearly concerned.

Racquel says 'I was on the wrong end of my knitting needle. It's nothing.

What's bothering you?

Xoco says 'Oh dear..'

Xoco says 'That sounds like quite the acccident.'

Aldwyn says 'And a week ago it was a scratch'

Xoco ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aldwyn says 'A scratch that is still troubling you'

Xoco says 'A scratch that found a knitting needle?'

Racquel grumbles, 'And two weeks ago it was a gaping hole...'

Xoco boggles at the thought.

Aldwyn says 'And how'd that happen?'

Racquel says 'I told you.

Racquel says 'Knitting.

Xoco looks at Aldwyn and rolls her eyes.

Racquel folds her arms across her chest, trying to not wince with the movement.

Xoco mimics Racquel's pose.

Racquel says 'In any case, my scratches aren't a concern for a Lord such as yourself.

Racquel says 'My one concern is making sure Theq isn't doing something silly.

What's bothering you?

Aldwyn says 'And why do you think he would be?'

Racquel says 'Because he has a habit of taking revenge.

You sigh.

Aldwyn says 'And you fear he'd want revenge on your knitting needle?'

Racquel says 'You last saw him in Caemlyn? How many days ago?

Racquel says 'My knitting needle?! I don't knit... I...

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'Yes, something like that...

Aldwyn arches an eyebrow.

Racquel looks at her fingers.

Aldwyn says 'Wisdom...?'

Racquel says 'At least a days ride to Tar Valon...

Aldwyn says 'You aren't making a lot of sense, are you sure you're ok?'

Aldwyn says 'And who would he want revenge on?'

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'How many days from Tar Valon to Fal Dara?

Racquel says 'Surely he would go through Fal Dara, yes?

Racquel turns up her fingers, inspecting them carefully.

Racquel says 'Three days.

Aldwyn says 'That would depend where he's traveling to.'

Racquel says 'Well, to the Blight, of course.

Racquel says 'He'd have to stop a day for supplies...

Xoco boggles at the thought.

What's bothering you?

Aldwyn says 'Were you attacked by the Shadow?'

Racquel says 'I'll have to catch him.

You sigh.

Racquel says 'Be an eyeless.

Racquel says 'It's dead.

Racquel says 'I can't think what he'd be going after. But it can't be good.

Xoco says 'I'm sorry, can I butt in? Who is going to the Great Blight?'

Aldwyn says 'She fears Theq is'

Xoco ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aldwyn says 'To get revenge on something...'

Racquel says 'All this talking is not catching my... Is not catching Theq.

Aldwyn says 'For doing something...'

Xoco says 'Theq, on a revenge mission?'

Xoco says 'That's..'

Xoco says 'rather out of character..'

Racquel lifts her shirt, revealing an infected black scar.

Xoco cringes in terror!

Racquel says 'From a black sword.

Racquel says 'It's as better as it will get.

Aldwyn frowns.

Aldwyn says 'Wisdom! You need to see a Sedai!'

Xoco stares in disbelief at the scar.

Racquel says 'Theq can't fix it by getting himself killed.

You shake your head.

Xoco nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'It's dealt with. And beyond their help anyway.

Xoco says 'How long ago was that wound inflicted?'

Aldwyn says 'I appreciate herbs but some things require the Power.'

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'Sedai aren't the only people with the One Power, Lord Aldwyn

Xoco says 'Those blades can kill a woman with just a scratch..'

Racquel gestures to herself.

Racquel says 'And yet here I stand.

Xoco ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Xoco says 'You treated yourself?'

Racquel says 'Of course not.

You sigh.

Xoco nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'I see there's no getting away from this.

Xoco spreads her hands.

Xoco says 'I don't know anything about the ways of a Wisdom..'

Xoco says 'Away from what, sorry?'

Racquel says 'I was attacked in the Blight. By a fade. I was ambushed, really.

Xoco nods slowly.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'I killed the eyeless by setting it on fire.

Xoco says 'May I ask what in the Light a Wisomd was doing north of Shienar?'

Racquel says 'But not before it stabbed me.

Racquel says 'I was helping Theq...

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'Nevermind that.

Xoco says 'Bloody ashes..'

Xoco says 'Theq, in the borderlands..'

Xoco shakes her head in disbelief.

Racquel says 'I fought. I won. I got a black sword for my trouble.

Xoco nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'I used what strength I had to travel here.

Xoco says 'Though I can't imagine why you would want to be in possession of such an item..'

Racquel says 'Theq found me kept me safe.

Xoco nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'The Aiel Wise Ones healed me. In Tel'aran'rhiod.

Racquel says 'Not quite the same as an Aes Sedai. But good enough with the time we had.

Xoco nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'Now.

Aldwyn blinks his eyes innocently.

Xoco says 'Tel'aran'rhiod..'

Racquel pauses for a breath.

Xoco says 'How did you end up there?'

Xoco says 'I'm sorry. don't let me interrupt you.'

Racquel says 'We must find my husband.

You arch an eyebrow.

Aldwyn says 'Husband?!'

Racquel says 'In the Dreamworld? I can travel there. I studied for a period of time in the Waste.

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'Theq. We need to stop him.

Xoco ponders life, the Wheel, and everything.

Aldwyn says 'I know Theq had sought to find you not long ago...but when did...'

What's bothering you?

Xoco says 'How do you propose that we go about finding him.. and stopping him?'

Aldwyn says 'But you said you don't know what he would be after'

Racquel says 'I... I don't know.

Xoco says 'Say we *do* find him.. what if he doesn't want to be stopped?'

Racquel says 'The fade is dead. He can't kill it again.

You sigh.

Xoco says 'Maybe the sight of you and.. your black sword.. will only serve to remind of him of his mission.'

Xoco grumbles under her breath about certain people.

What's bothering you?

Xoco says 'Whatever that mission is.'

Racquel says 'His mission.

Racquel pauses.

Racquel says 'That's it.

Xoco says 'Yes?'

Racquel says 'He's not going to the Blight.

Aldwyn says 'What were you two working on up there in the first place?'

Xoco says 'No?'

Aldwyn says 'Perhaps he's gone to finish that?'

nod aldwyn
You nod at him.

Racquel says 'You remember the bandit crew from Arad Doman?

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I do'

Racquel says 'I don't know how much he told you.

Xoco peers at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'They're back.

Aldwyn says 'I know a fair bit, but I thought...I see'

Racquel says 'They were in Mayene. At least, Theq thought so.

Xoco boggles at the thought.

Xoco says 'A crew of bandits, from Arad Doman....'

Racquel says 'We tracked them. Well, Theq mostly.

Xoco says 'in Mayene?!'

Xoco says 'What in the Light would they want here..'

Racquel says 'We tracked them to another band near Fal Dara.

Aldwyn frowns.

Aldwyn says 'Not much happens here without me hearing about it, they must be more skilled than the two of you let on when we last spoke of them'

Racquel says 'Theq couldn't get there easily, so I went instead.

Racquel says 'But, the ambush. The fade.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'There's more going on than we thought.

Xoco thinks hard.

Aldwyn says 'So he blames them for you being up there to be in harm's way'

Aldwyn says 'And himself likely, knowing him.'

Racquel says 'No. Yes. Probably.

Xoco's eyes widen.

Racquel says 'Maybe he's gone to their camp.

Xoco says 'All this is speculation, Wisdom..'

Aldwyn says 'Perhaps.'

Aldwyn nods at Xoco.

Aldwyn says 'But speculation is what it often takes to get ahead of another's plan.'

Xoco says 'Do you even know that he blames himself?'

Xoco says 'If he doesn't, what is to say he is off with some dangerous monomania?'

You sigh.

Racquel says 'Xoco's right. He might still be in Caemlyn where you left him.

Xoco says 'Maybe he's at the Queen's Blessing in Caemlyn, burying mugs of beer?'

Aldwyn says 'Is there any reason he would have issue with the Tower during all of this?'

Xoco arches an eyebrow.

Xoco says 'The Tower?'

You arch an eyebrow.

Racquel says 'What did he do?

Aldwyn says 'We did a slight bit of travel with an Accepted before we parted.'

Aldwyn says 'And he was acting strange'

Aldwyn says 'When we gave introductions he gave a false name'

Xoco boggles at the thought.

Xoco says 'A false name?'

A bloodstock stallion cocks its head up sharply.

Aldwyn says 'Which is especially odd given that we were acting as a diplomatic envoy at the time.'

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'I'm sure it's nothing...

Aldwyn says 'I didn't question it at the time as I didn't want to draw attention.'

Xoco says 'A diplomatic envoy to where, if I may ask, Lord Aldwyn?'

Aldwyn says 'Andor'

Xoco nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'The Accepted was asking us for aid on a mission she couldn't complete herself, but Theq seemed very wary of her.'

Xoco says 'Who was it?'

Aldwyn says 'Almost paranoid'

Aldwyn says 'Nama'

Xoco ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Xoco says 'I've never heard of her..'

Xoco says 'Why was he paranoid?'

What's bothering you?

Aldwyn says 'I was just curious if you knew of any way it could be tied in with what's going on?'

Aldwyn says 'As it was quite out of character'

Xoco looks to Racquel.

Racquel says 'I'm not sure.

Aldwyn says 'And just since sometimes the little details are important...'

Aldwyn says 'Does the name Steve mean anything to you?'

You shake your head.

Xoco stifles a laugh.

Racquel says 'Where did the Accepted want you to go?

Aldwyn says 'That was the name he gave her'

Aldwyn says 'Tremalking'

Aldwyn says 'She's not permitted by Tower regulations'

Xoco says 'Tremalking?'

Aldwyn says 'But she needed an item from there'

Xoco ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Xoco says 'Were Seber or Raek there at the time?'

Racquel taps her lip.

Racquel mumbles, 'Tremalking would make sense.'

Xoco says 'Wait a moment.'

Xoco says 'You mean to suggest that Theq has gone off to Tremalking?'

Xoco says 'Because of some Accepted?'

Racquel mumbles, 'A large island. No many people. Easy access to Bandar Eban.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'That is true.'

Racquel says 'I'm saying, perhaps he was wary of the girl for good reason.

Aldwyn says 'But I thought the base in Bandar Eban had been wiped out?'

Xoco boggles at the thought.

Racquel says 'It's a little odd, isn't it? A random girl finds you and asks you to travel such a difference simply because she 'can't'?

nod aldwyn
You nod at him.

Xoco strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Racquel says 'distance*

Aldwyn says 'The Tower is odd in general. It's hard to read much into things, but it's not impossible I suppose.'

Xoco says 'So what do you think was waiting for him in Tremalking?'

Racquel says 'I don't know.

Xoco shakes her head.

Racquel places her hand on her side.

Racquel says 'But I'll find out.

Aldwyn says 'We have a good relationship with the Sea Folk. I could send word to see if they've seen him. They know all who set foot on those islands.'

Racquel says 'I could get there much faster than a pigeon or a messenger.

Racquel says 'I...

Racquel squeezes tighter on her side, letting her knuckles turn white.

Aldwyn frowns.

Xoco looks in concern at Racquel.

Racquel says 'I just find it a little harder to concentrate that before.

Racquel relaxes her grip.

Racquel says 'Perhaps...

Racquel says 'A messenger would suffice.

Xoco says 'I'm inclined to agree..'

Racquel says 'Those big ships to Tremalking are slow.

Xoco says 'The state you're in.'

Aldwyn slowly moves closer to Racquel, "Wisdom we need to get you into a bed."

Racquel says 'A faster sea folk vessel will get there in time.

Xoco ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Racquel stands up straighter.

Racquel says 'I don't need to be taken to any bed.

Aldwyn says 'You need to rest, you're no good to him like this.'

Xoco eyes Aldwyn defensively.

Racquel looks flustered.

Xoco moves closer to Racquel.

Racquel says 'And he's no good to me on a boat to Tremalking, either.

What's bothering you?

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I understand'

Aldwyn says 'And I promise you I'll have my networks on it immediately once I know you will be okay.'

Aldwyn says 'You said that you're nothing a lord need concern himself with.'

Aldwyn says 'But you are wrong'

Racquel mutters, 'I'll be fine.'

Xoco hides a grin.

Racquel says 'I can stand a bit of pain.

Aldwyn says 'As once you chose to be down here, you became one of the people under my protection.'

Racquel says 'It's not getting worse.

Xoco coughs loudly.

Xoco says 'Excuse me.'

Aldwyn says 'Yes, Xoco?'

Xoco says 'Hm?'

Xoco says 'No, I just coughed.'

Xoco says 'Throat was a little scratchy.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Xoco says 'A little hungry, actually, would either of you care for something to eat?'

nod xoco
You nod at her.

Xoco nods at you.

Racquel says 'That would be welcome.

Aldwyn says 'Please'

Xoco says 'Lord Aldwyn?'

Xoco nods in agreement.

Xoco says 'I'll be back in a moment.'

Xoco snaps to attention and salutes grandly.

Xoco leaves south.

Racquel closes her eyes and breathes in deeply.

Racquel slowly exhales and opens her eyes.

Aldwyn looks at you.

Xoco has arrived from the south.

Racquel says 'Make sure your messenger gets to Tremalking, m'Lord.

Xoco gives you a plate of vegetables in tangy sauce.

Racquel says 'Thank you, Xoco.

Aldwyn says 'You have my word, Racquel.'

Xoco looks with concern at Racquel.

Xoco gives a plate of kippered eel to Aldwyn.

Xoco nods at you.

Xoco says 'You're welcome.'

Xoco says 'There's pie, too, if either of you are so inclined.'

Racquel says 'Tell me, the rest of the Guard are well?

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'I have seen so few of you of late.

Xoco inspects her armor.

Xoco checks her boots.

Xoco nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'We are well. Crenna may be in need of you, though I think she's trying to hide it still'

Xoco says 'Actually, I don't believe we've even met, before now..'

nod xoco
You nod at her.

Racquel says 'Perhaps not.

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'What does Crenna need this time?

Xoco says 'I didn't want to say anything.. I have a rather poor memory.'

Racquel says 'I can't fix her age, m'Lord...

Xoco looks at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'Well she's been getting sick in the mornings, though she tries to make sure I don't notice'

Xoco gets a gleam in her eyes.

What's bothering you?

Xoco tries to keep her face straight.

Xoco breaks out in a grin.

Racquel says flatly, 'She shouldn't be. I warned her.'

Xoco says 'She's not.. really?'

Xoco says 'Come on..'

Xoco says 'Out with it, man!'

Xoco says 'Is she?'

Aldwyn says 'I've little experience with it and am uncertain about approaching her, since she obviously doesn't want me to know'

Xoco nudges you suggestively. You two have an understanding.

What's bothering you?

Xoco whispers to Racquel, 'He has no idea.'

Racquel says 'I will need to speak to her.

nod xoco
You nod at her.

Racquel says 'The instructions I gave her were quite complete. She must be unwell with...

Racquel trails off, 'Something else.'

Xoco looks solemn.

Xoco nods in agreement.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I've been worried'

Aldwyn says 'She would normally talk to me about anything'

Xoco beams a smile at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'Well, at least she's not running around the countryside looking for things to stick with her sword and not telling you.

Xoco grins evilly.

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Aldwyn says 'I suppose there's that'

Xoco says 'Lord Aldwyn, Wisodm.'

Xoco says 'Wisdom.'

Aldwyn says 'If you will look into helping her, while I seek out Theq?'

Xoco says 'I've got to be off.'

nod xoco
You nod at her.

Xoco says 'Good luck, Wisdom, with your search.'

Racquel says 'Of course I will see her.

Xoco says 'And good luck, Aldwyn, with your....'

Racquel says 'I...

Xoco winks suggestively at you.

Xoco coughs loudly.

Xoco nods in agreement.

Xoco snaps to attention and salutes grandly.

Racquel pales.

Xoco leaves south.

Aldwyn says 'I could concentrate on the task much more well knowing she was in capable hands'

Racquel says 'I...

Aldwyn blinks his eyes innocently.

Racquel says 'I think I might just sit down a moment.

Racquel slides to her knees.

Aldwyn moves quickly to support you.

Aldwyn says 'You are not okay, Wisdom. When did you last sleep?'

You arch an eyebrow.

Racquel says 'There... You... Go... Again...

Racquel starts to sweat.

Racquel says 'Wanting... to... take... me... to a bed...

Racquel waves you away.

Racquel says 'I'll... be alright... a moment...

Aldwyn picks you up, "You couldn't handle me, Wisdom"

Racquel closes her eyes.

You feel the flows of saidar coursing through your body.

Aldwyn gives a Winged Guard an order.

Aldwyn gives a Winged Guard an order.

Racquel breathes slowly, the color returning to her face.

Racquel opens her eyes.

A Winged Guard says 'Yes Sir!'

Racquel says 'You can put me down, m'Lord.

Racquel says 'Sometimes drawing on Saidar helps dull the pain.

Racquel says 'It... Just makes it hard to release it later.

Aldwyn looks at you quizzically, but slowly lowers your feet to the ground.

Racquel says 'But for now. Nevermind me.

Aldwyn says 'Wisdom, I need you to be okay to help my wife, so that I can help your husband with a clear and focused mind.'

You nod in agreement.

Racquel says 'Your wife will be well.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'Now, I should go.

Aldwyn says 'To rest I hope'

Racquel says 'The pains are better for now. But I will need something more permanent soon.

Racquel says 'I have some teas in Whitebridge.

Racquel says 'I should leave now, while I have the energy.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'Farewell for now, m'Lord. Please find my husband.

Aldwyn says 'I will do all in my power'

A flash of bright white light appears, and suddenly envelopes you.

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