Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon ---&RPaward

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Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon ---&RPaward

Post by Ismael » Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:29 pm

Ely edit 18 Jul 2024:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Potential +1 qp: if part of a series: x (*5)

Total: 15 qps for stories


Ely edit Dec 18 Jul 2024:

1-8 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : o
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o
Part of a series +1 qps: x (*2 for rp logs)

Summary: +1 qps : o

Total: 8 qps, Fian, Jaimz, Kitiara also awarded.


Participants: Ismael, Koezh, Serge, Fian, Jeia
POV: Ismael

🎭 - Left Mask


Ismael bellows 'Come all who might!'

Koezh narrates 'Do you bring them food?'

Serge narrates 'I shall help preach the His gospel, brother Ismael.'

Ismael narrates 'Yes, they are hearing the words of the Karaethon Cycle and the Prophecy therein.'

Fian has arrived from the west, riding a bloodstock stallion.

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Fian the Dragonsworn is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze, being ridden by you.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.

Serge has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.
Koezh has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.

sit bench
Ismael sit down on a bench.
Ismael sheath a ring-quilloned sword into a heron-engraved scabbard.

Ismael draw a ring-quilloned sword from a heron-engraved scabbard with a flash of steel.

Koezh gives an apple to a worker.

Koezh wields a ring-quilloned sword.

Fian wields a ring-quilloned sword.

Koezh sits down and rests.

The fountain splashes merrily, light sparkling beautifully on the surface of the water.

Koezh looks at Ismael.

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Koezh Vukotic, The Servant is resting here, riding a gray palfrey.
Serge the Initiate is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
Fian is standing here, preaching, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze, being ridden by you.
A worker busily earns a day's pay.

Koezh looks at Fian.

Koezh nods in agreement.

A bloodstock stallion lays its ears flat against its neck.

Koezh stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

Ismael shifts his pose and is now sitting here, preaching.

Koezh sits down and rests.

Serge nods in agreement.

Serge looks at a worker.

Serge gets a wealth of gold crowns from a backpack.

Koezh stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

Serge gives some coins to a worker.

Koezh stops riding a gray palfrey.

Koezh leaves north.

Ismael drinks the water.

Ismael drinks the water.

Ismael bellows 'People of Tar Valon!'

Koezh has arrived from the north.

Ismael bellows 'It is time for you to hear the Truth'

A man has arrived from the south.

Koezh starts riding a gray palfrey.

Fian snickers softly.

Serge narrates 'Gold is being spread throughout the workers of Tar Valon. Let them know that He is compassionate.'

Ismael bellows 'And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered,'

Ismael bellows 'and the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age,'

Ismael bellows 'and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man.'

Ismael bellows 'Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth.'

Ismael bellows 'Neither shall anything stand or abide...'

A worker leaves west.

Koezh snickers softly.

Koezh bellows 'Hear hear.'

Fian wields a ring-quilloned sword.

Ismael bellows 'The Shadow shall rise across the world, and darken every land, even to the smallest corner, and there shall be neither Light nor safety.'

Ismael bellows 'And he who shall be born of the Dawn, born of the Maiden, according to Prophecy,'

Koezh leaves south riding a gray palfrey.

Ismael bellows 'he shall stretch forth his hands to catch the Shadow,'

Ismael bellows 'and the world shall scream in the pain of salvation.'

Ismael bellows 'All Glory be to the Creator, and to the Light, and to he who shall be born again. May the Light save us from him.'

Ismael nods at Serge.

Fian looks at Serge.

Koezh has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

Fian nods at Serge.

Fian looks at Koezh.

Fian looks at Ismael.

A sailor has arrived from the west.
A smartly dressed man has arrived from the south.

Fian says 'hello sailor'

Serge gives some coins to a sailor.

A gray palfrey lays its ears flat against its neck.

Ismael bellows 'Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow,'

Ismael bellows 'born once more as he was born before,'

Ismael bellows 'and shall be born again, time without end.'

Ismael bellows 'The Dragon shall be Reborn,'

Serge narrates 'Golden crowns to the sailors, for their work.'

Ismael bellows 'and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth.'

Koezh says 'Have you come for sustenance? '

Ismael bellows 'In sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the people,'

Ismael bellows 'and he shall break the world again by his coming,'

Ismael bellows 'tearing apart all ties that bind.'

Koezh looks at a sailor.

Ismael bellows 'Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us, and burn us,'

Ismael bellows 'yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle,'

Ismael bellows 'and his blood shall give us the Light.'

Ismael bellows 'Let tears flow, O ye people of the world.'

Ismael bellows 'Weep for your salvation.'

Koezh says 'You are now protected.'

Ismael takes a deep breath.

Koezh leaves north riding a gray palfrey.

Ismael bellows 'On the slopes of Dragonmount shall he be born'

Ismael bellows 'born of a maiden wedded to no man.'

Ismael bellows 'He will be of the ancient blood, and raised by the old blood.'

Ismael bellows 'When the winds of Tarmon Gai'don scour the earth,'

Ismael bellows 'he will face the Shadow and bring forth Light again in the world.'

Koezh has arrived from the north, riding a gray palfrey.
Ismael bellows 'For he shall come like the breaking dawn,'

Koezh leaves south riding a gray palfrey.

Ismael bellows 'and shatter the world again with his coming, and make it anew.'

Koezh has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

Ismael nods at Fian.

Fian nods at Ismael.

Ismael bellows 'Twice and twice shall he be marked,'

Ismael bellows 'twice to live, and twice to die.'

Ismael bellows 'Once the heron, to set his path.'

Ismael bellows 'Twice the heron, to name him true.'

Ismael bellows 'Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost.'

Ismael bellows 'Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay.'

Koezh bellows 'Sister!'

Ismael bellows 'Five ride forth, and four return.'

Ismael bellows 'Above the Watchers Over the Waves shall he proclaim himself,'

Ismael bellows 'bannered 'cross the sky in fire.'

Koezh bellows 'Have you come to hear his message?!'

Ismael bellows 'The Stone of Tear will never fall, till Callandor is wielded by the Dragons hand.'

Ismael bellows 'The Stone of Tear will never fall, till the People of the Dragon come.'

Koezh leaves east riding a gray palfrey.

Koezh has arrived from the east, riding a gray palfrey.

Ismael bellows 'Into the heart he thrusts his sword,'

Koezh leaves south riding a gray palfrey.
Ismael bellows 'into the heart, to hold their hearts.'

Ismael bellows 'who draws it out shall follow after,'

Ismael bellows 'What hand can grasp that fearful blade?'

Ismael bellows 'Any questions so far?'

Fian bellows 'young Jeia are you here to learn about the teachings of the prophet?'

Fian bellows 'and to prepare for the coming of the dragon reborn?'

Koezh bellows 'We have come to spread his message'

Serge narrates 'And his paths shall be many, and who shall know his name, for he shall be born among us many times, in many guises, as he has been and ever will be, time without end. His coming shall be like the sharp edge of the plow, turning our lives in furrows from out of the places where we live in silence. The breaker of bonds'

Ismael bellows 'It is not too late for you, leave the unstained tower that will be broken before it is too late!'

Koezh bellows 'We bring food and protection.'

Serge narrates 'The forger of chains, the maker of futures, the unshaper of destiny.'

Ismael stands up.

Standing on a pike in the square is the head of Benjen.

Ismael bellows 'Jeia, have you returned for more information or an informational packet?'

Koezh says 'Go and spread his word, brother.'

Ismael bellows 'We have brochures.'

Koezh leaves west riding a gray palfrey.

Serge narrates 'A reminder, our peaceful sermon of the Lord Dragon continues at the Tar Valon Square.'

Koezh has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.

Serge narrates 'All are welcome.'

Fian bellows 'Jeia you have nothing to worry about, we will not attack you, we have come to spread the word'

Fian bellows 'come to the square our voices tire'

Fian bellows 'we have food'

Serge bellows 'We come to spread peace and word of His coming.'

Fian bellows 'perhaps you are tired? i can wash away your fatigue'

Fian bellows 'the creator has granted me gifts'

Fian bellows 'the same gifts he granted you'

Koezh bellows 'Fear not, Jeia. The dragon accepts all.'

Koezh bellows 'Behold! Fian appears much more impressive through his belief!'

Fian looks at Koezh.

Serge narrates 'We ask that you do not come to us wielding weapons, but opening your heart to the message we bring. He shall be Reborn, to fight the ever encroaching Shadow.'

The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.

Ismael narrates 'The sun begins to set, the gates begin to close, the citizens of Tar Valon are left with a lot to contemplate.'

Ismael nods in agreement.

Jeia has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.

Jeia gestures and you begin to lose your balance.
The earth trembles and shivers beneath your feet..!
A gray palfrey vibrates and is knocked about.
Koezh vibrates and is knocked about.
A bloodstock stallion vibrates and is knocked about.
Ismael vibrate and are knocked about.
A gray palfrey vibrates and is knocked about.
Serge vibrates and is knocked about.
A bloodstock stallion vibrates and is knocked about.
Fian vibrates and is knocked about.
Last edited by Ismael on Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:16 pm

Re: Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon

Post by Ismael » Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:22 pm

🎭 - Right Mask

Light flashes and the man in red strides towards the note nailed to his door. It figures, he thought. Not everybody wants to be out of the Shadows yet. He began reading.

The air was thick with dust and despair as I descended into the wreckage that once stood as a fountain square in front of the majestic White Tower. The magnitude of destruction was overwhelming, a heartbreaking testament to unthinkable events. What had caused this? One moment, it was a troupe of garishly dressed men standing among a group of citizens -- entertaining, if nothing else, and then suddenly the earth was quaking and the city itself seemed to heave. With these thoughts in my mind, my heart raced with a mix of adrenaline and trepidation as I prepared to dig through the remnants of what was once a symbol of strength turned into wanton violence.

The scene before me was apocalyptic—a landscape of twisted rocks, smoldering debris, and the haunting echoes of screams piercing through the heavy air. The magnitude of the devastation struck me like a physical force, but I couldn't afford to let it consume me. There were lives to be saved, and every second counted. My eyes burned from the relentless dust that hung in the air from the earth itself quaking and launching itself into the air. The muffled cries for help resonated like ghosts through the wreckage, urging me forward. Each step felt like a burden, a reminder of the weight of responsibility that rested on my shoulders.

The task of digging out survivors seemed insurmountable, but with a deep breath, I plunged into the chaos. The jagged edges of twisted stone and shattered glass threatened with every move, but I pressed on, fueled by a sense of duty and compassion. As I scraped away debris with my bare hands and the few tools at my disposal, the gravity of the situation sank in. The lives I sought to save were real, tangible souls whose existence was hanging in the balance. A sailor on shore leave who may never see the sea again. A young mother crying out for her child. A mix of fear and hope fueled my efforts as I crawled through the wreckage, my senses heightened to every sound, every movement.

I stumbled upon pockets of darkness where the cries for help were more pronounced. Each discovery fueled a renewed determination to save those trapped within this macabre maze. The weight of the responsibility was almost suffocating, but the resilience of the human spirit shone through in those moments. I did not notice the piece of building that broke off and hurtled my way until it was frozen in the air directly above the pocket I had discovered. But…how? Had the Aes Sedai finally responded to the human tragedy the quaking earth had created?

No…there was a man. I recognized his face, but not what he was wearing. The red coat abandoned, he stood, eyes locked on the piece of building threatening to drop. He should have been long gone, what was he still doing here? I never got to ask my question as with a grunt of effort, the man caused the rubble to land mere feet away from the entrance the pocket. Sweating and shaking visibly he nodded slightly towards me and disappeared back into the fading light, obscured by the dust in the air.

I shook my head and continued my task. It was not just about rescuing bodies; it was about salvaging hope from the ruins. As I unearthed a survivor, the fleeting glimpse of gratitude in their tear-streaked eyes reminded me that even in the face of unspeakable tragedy, the indomitable human spirit could prevail.

"I just wanted to hear what they had to say," the survivor sobbed. "We thought the girl in the white dress just wanted to listen to and then...and then...oh Light, where is my daughter? She was right next to me!" He frantically scampered away, and I imagined a lifetime of curses in my name for saving him and continuing his thread if his daughter is not found.

Evening turned into night, and the lucky few I found told me a story. Different pieces, different perspectives, but the same story. They had been caught blindsided, but not by the preaching men. The cycle of digging, searching, and rescuing seemed endless. Exhaustion clawed at my every step, but the desperate pleas for help from beneath the rubble kept me going. Each life we saved became a beacon of light in the suffocating darkness of that day. The emotional toll was immense, and the scars left by that experience would forever mark my soul. Yet, in the midst of the devastation, a profound realization hit me.

That brings me to you. I don’t believe in fairy tales, there’s no room for that when the work you do calluses your hands. When you do not spend your days in a literal ivory tower. The Wheel is uncaring and the Pattern was not shaped with the common man in mind. If someone is going to reshape it, well, I would cast my lot with you and your man who stayed long beyond the need to be helper. You can believe in your Dragon all you want, that is not me. It can't be. But I believe in the change you represent and I can be convinced of more. Until then, I will do what I can from beneath the shadow of this Tower. This Tower that must fall.
Last edited by Ismael on Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:16 pm

Re: Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon

Post by Ismael » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:46 pm

🎭 - Right Mask

A flash of light on a clear night breaks the monotony of the hills outside of the village Alindaer, illuminating everything nearby as the man in a red coat strides out. The light disappears and the man allows his eyes to adjust for a moment before orienting himself and heading into the village. He pauses a moment as if making a decision. He grimaces and puts on a dark hooded cloak over his red coat.

Ismael knocked on the door and waited for the answer, trying to decide if now was even the right time to do this. But he did not have long and the reports he received had mentioned a survivor that had haunted him for every moment. He cursed the Aes Sedai. He cursed himself.

The door opened slowly. A young woman, shorter than Ismael by at least a head, looked up.

"May I help you, sir?"

"Yes...is your father the farrier that works...worked...near the Square in Tar Valon?"


"I just wanted a moment of his time...is he well and awake?"

The girl appraised him before shrugging slightly and inviting him in. It was not an assessment of the danger Ismael presented -- he had no illusions about how he appeared to this girl -- child, really -- in the dead of night. It was an indictment of what this girl and her family had lost and whether they had anything left to lose. She had decided this man did not appear intent on taking what little they had left.

She led Ismael into the two room home and into the first bedroom where a man lay on the bed. His left arm was in a splint and his head was bandaged. He was awake. His eyes glanced over at Ismael. He peered until recognition finally set in and then his eyes widened. He bolted upright, wincing in pain.

"You! Haven't you done enough?"

This was playing out exactly as Ismael's recurring nightmares had played out. He had been hoping he was wrong -- that this man would understand that his loss could not be laid at his feet. He had been hoping this man understood why the earth had shook inside Tar Valon that day. He had been a fool to assume there was ever a chance.

Ismael did not speak.

"We came to see you!" The man yelled, spittle flying into the air. "You said the Dragon will care for us, that our fate was not to just be insects disregarded by seats of power!"

Ismael did not speak.

"If you cared for us, you would have never come. You would have never made a show of your Dragon, your Prophet. You would have never let the earth fall from under us!"

Ismael did not speak.

It was no use trying to disabuse this man of his notions. Even if there was some use, Ismael would not have tried. He was right. His actions and the actions of the True Believers had been reckless and inconsiderate. Yes, they had simply preached as was their duty -- he had shouted the Karaethon Cycle until his throat was hoarse -- but he knew exactly what response displays like that would incite. It was like baiting a feral dog and then bearing no responsibility when it bit somebody else.

Still, Ismael did not speak.

"Have you nothing to say for yourself?"

Ismael finally spoke.

"My words cannot replace your loss, farrier. I will not try. I am here to pay my respects."

The farrier stared. Ismael continued.

"It is one thing to view the righteousness of your actions in the abstract and then see the human consequences of it firsthand. It's a lesson for me. We could have prevented what happened from occurring, but we held out hope that by not acting in violence, we would beget something similar."

Ismael paused.

"That was my mistake. What happened was my responsibility. It will not happen again."

Ismael took a step forward.

"I am sorry. I cannot replace what you lost. But I can heal your wounds, if you will allow me."

The farrier spit on the ground, fury coloring his face. "You have done enough! Leave my house now!" And his eyes rolled back into his head. He began convulsing in his bed. Behind Ismael, the farrier's daughter screamed and rushed towards her father as Ismael himself stepped forward and quickly knelt to examine the convulsing man, whose mouth had begun foaming. Ismael glanced at the bandaged head and cursed himself once again.

"Stay calm. Get the pillow under his head." Ismael ripped the man's shirt in the neck area to remove ay potential restraint. "Gently, do not restrict him too much. He is having a seizure."

The girl sobbed, but did as he asked. "Let me help him. He cannot say anything, but you can. Let me help him."

The girl continued crying but nodded her head.

Ismael dove through the layer of darkness and seized Saidin. The torrent of power pulsed through him and he took a split second to enjoy the feeling before he refocused. He wove Fire and Earth into a complicated tapestry that he directed towards the seizing farrier. His experience was battlefield injuries, but the principle should be the same. The farrier's body stopped convulsing and he broke out into a sweat, a great wave of heat rippling through his body as Saidin healed him. He fell back, asleep.

Ismael wiped sweat from his brow and released Saidin. "Thank you, you may have saved your father's life." He removed the now useless splint from the man's arm.

"Things will not be safe for awhile." Ismael said retrieving a large pouch of crowns from a pocket in the coat underneath his cloak. "Tell your father that I bear the responsibility of my inaction."

He handed the pouch gently to the sniffling girl. "Or tell him nothing at all. Your father is healed, but he will be tired to the bone for days when he wakes up. Rest for a few days and then go somewhere else. Far away from Tar Valon."

Ismael stood up and paused. "It's not my place to ask anything of you, but I need to say it: I am truly sorry for the loss of your sister."

With nothing else remaining to be said, wondering if he had made yet another mistake, Ismael left the house and walked towards the fields again. A flash of light and then he was gone.
Last edited by Ismael on Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:16 pm

Re: Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon

Post by Ismael » Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:02 pm

🎭 - Left Mask

Ismael rode. He was late for a meeting, but he was already tired and the distance did not justify rending holes in the very fabric of space and time, as it were. He was a big believer in multi-tasking, so riding was not all he did. He was drinking his morning kaf and catching up on the latest missives from his friends and True Believers embedded in Tar Valon.

Shattered porcelain...? He thought.

His stomach grumbled and he glanced at the kaf in his hand.

Well, that is a sign to go shatter some porcelain of my own.

He tucked away his mug and loose papers in his saddlebag, spurred his trusty steed dramatically, and sped towards his destination.


"I know that some of you want to take action." Ismael started, looking around at the room full of familiar faces. "We feel responsible, even though we did not indiscriminately make the earth quake and bring down those buildings. We feel like we put those citizens at risk by our mere presence and words. I get it." He licked his lips and went on. "But we need to exhaust all options first."

Grumbling throughout the bar's common room indicated that there was some dissent on the course of inaction.

Ismael looked serenely out at the crowd of red-coated rabble. "Believe me friends, I am simply one voice. A mere pawn. Masema will guide us. In the meantime, I think we must consider all options."

On cue, a man stepped in from back of the bar. Small in stature, and impeccably dressed, the man strode in to the room with confidence. His clean and garish jacket with horizontal slashes seemed out of place, but the golden dragon was present, pointing to his faith. He walked up and stood next to Ismael, who clapped the man on the shoulder.

"There were a lot of people hurt in those earthquakes and they need just recompense. And I do not mean the just recompense the working class heroes around the world will receive when the Lord Dragon is reborn and will reshape the Pattern in their favor for once. That is to come, but it's their gold crowns and they want it NOW." The new man proclaimed.

Ismael nodded emphatically.

"Here is the fate we offer the uncaring and unfeeling Tower. Here is the fate worse than battle. Don't worry, there may be plenty of that. But first, my friends, we do a lot worse."

A grin crept up Ismael's face, the first of its kind since the events in Tar Valon.

"First, we send in the lawyers."

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:35 pm

Re: Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon

Post by Jaimz » Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:31 pm

Participants: Jaimz Mcgyl III, Kitiara, Coshe
POV: Jaimz

Log of Jaimz going to the Blue Sedai to ask for a removal of his warrant from when he obtained blanket warrant just for being Dragonsworn. Also additional story on Jaimz and some of the surrounding incidents in response to earlier evetnts in this thread plus world events..


Jaimz was happy to see the back of the man that had insisted he escort him to near Tar Valon as he vanished back through the waygate. It had been a… trying day to say the least. For years, Jaimz had been working to quiet the attention around the Lord Dragon and those that followed him. It was obvious that time was now over. Deep down, he knew, he had always known. He knew the rabble would once again become riled up and he knew that all eyes would once again focus on the Lord Dragon. One does not raise armies to fight at the last battle quietly, one does not break chains quietly, and certainly one does not get Masema Dagar to do anything quietly.

Yet still, that man started the day by spouting populist messages and promises that he, Jaimz, would be able to get everyone paid for injuries from the earthquake caused by the Accepted in Alindaer. Yes, it got them worked up, but people were cheering who were not even there, a few even began limping. That was completely wrong messaging! The primary concern was obviously the civilians, not that rabble, as winning over civilians is what would change the hearts and minds and lead to more fighting for of the Lord Dragon. Obviously, he was going to try to milk this for every copper it was worth, but you don’t talk about it! With how seriously the Tower takes injuring others with the power he wanted 20 times the true value. None for the rabble though, the Lord Dragon’s coffers needed to be filled. He knew most of the rabble didn’t even realize where their food and all that drink came from, they weren’t going to see any of this gold.

After the fervor of the group had finally died down, he made some cursory remarks most wouldn’t understand, and left that meeting as soon as he could. It was not long later that he received some good news. The Blue Ajah had finally accepted his request to meet. He immediately went to his room, grabbing his legal documents, then packing his briefcase and bag. He put on his most expensive coat and went to report to Masema. Rather than listen, Masama immediately began raving about an incident at a fortress somewhere in the Spine where some believers had been peacefully staying. He had been told that a force had shown up and just slaughtered everyone, no matter the age. Jaimz was to join the man so that a proper report could be made and assist the man in any manner that he saw fit. Jaimz did exactly that.

The moment the waygate door closed and he was finally alone he felt his hands start to shake as his façade broke. He tore off his jacket throwing it to the ground as if it was paupers rags. It carried a vile stench and was covered in several different fluids; he would never touch it again. After taking a moment to control his breathing he moved on to what he knew would certainly calm him down, an emergency washing kit and a new outfit. The Game of Houses prepares you for everything, including emergency outfit changes, and soon Jaimz was dressed in what he considered his third nicest coat. Just like that, He was once again Jaimz McGyl III, Dragonsworn Relations, and he calmly rode into the Village of Alindaer to wait for Kitiara Sedai.

Village of Alindaer
Here you find a peaceful haven away from the steady flow of mule-driven wagons, travelers and marching patrols. According to the townsfolk, the village of Alindaer has lain beside the river almost as long as Tar Valon has occupied its island. Yet, its been completely sacked and put to the torch on many occasions during various wars against the Aes Sedai.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon
East: A bearded coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.
A glowing portal hovers here forming a gateway to another place.
A large stone well is here.
A young Tower Guard is on duty here.l whois jeia

Kitiara has arrived from the east.
Coshe has arrived from the east.
A young Tower Guard has arrived from the east.

Kitiara nods in agreement.

Kitiara looks at you.

Coshe looks at you.

Kitiara says, 'Dismount and follow me, Jaimz.'

Jaimz bows very slightly to the Sedai and gives the Accepted a nod.

Jaimz dismounts from his house, taking a briefcase from the panniers on the horse.

Jaimz follows Kitiara.

Kitiara says, 'Your safety is ensured for the duration of this meeting, as much as I can ensure it.'

A bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.

Kitiara steps through the gateway.
You follow Kitiara through the gateway.

Meeting Room
A finely carved table with matching chairs sits in the center of the room, and eight lit lanterns are along the wall, illuminating the room.
[ obvious exits: S ]
A glowing portal hovers here forming a gateway to another place.
Lady Kitiara the Honored Sister is standing here.
Coshe follows Kitiara out from the gateway.
A young Tower Guard follows Kitiara out from the gateway.
Kitiara nods in agreement.

Jaimz says, ‘I believe I won’t take up too much of your time today. ‘

Kitiara says, 'We should not be disturbed here.'

You nod in agreement.

Kitiara motions for the Guard to keep watch to the South.

Jaimz says, ‘This is regarding my personal warrant with Tar Valon. If I may speak?'

Kitiara says, 'What is it you would like to discuss?'

Kitiara nods.
Jaimz sets down a briefcase on the table, taking a pair of reading glasses and a legal binder fill with bylaws by nationality and area out. He flips to a page he had marked before looking up and continuing.

A glowing portal fades from existence.

Jaimz says, ‘My warrant was set on me by a draconian law that is no longer practiced by the Tower. '
Kitiara says 'Oh?'

Kitiara shares a look with Coshe before turning back to the Dragonsworn.

Coshe watches Jaimz carefully.

Jaimz says, ‘I was warranted without even being seen by someone from the tower, nor have I ever interacted in person with one before. '

Jaimz says, ‘I would like to put forward to have it removed, and as such, am willing to turn myself over to the red to prove that I do not have the ability to wield any one power. '

Kitiara says, 'Tell me Dragonsworn, what is your relationship to the Dragonsworn known as Ismael?'

Jaimz says, ‘I want nothing more than the White Tower to stand strong for the last battle, and do not wish to be at odds. I am something of a pacifist myself. I prefer the pen to the sword or dagger.

Coshe looks at you.

Jaimz says, ‘He is a member of the rabble. I have met with him before, as I have met with many. One
cannot judge an entire nation, or group of people by one within their ranks. '

Jaimz says, ‘This is the same thing I speak of when others point out Dreadlords that were once in the
Tower. I do not judge the whole for that. '

Jaimz says, ‘I have come here today on personal business, to prove my innocent before the tower of any wrongdoing. '

Kitiara says 'And when we discovered their treachery, we as a whole descended on them to correct their failure. Yet your Dragonsworn continue to support and interact with these men who can channel.
Jaimz says, ‘We will need all types, everyone must unite under the banner of the Dragon Reborn. When that day comes, I will fight with white cloaks if they do not stab me in the back.

Kitiara says, 'Ismael is not an isolated case, there are a number of recent additions to the Dragonsworn... men who can channel who have reacted quite violently to the Tower trying to gentle them, a procedure needed for the safety of all. '

Kitiara says, 'that day has not come though, has it?'

Jaimz says, ‘I am not the Dragon Reborn, I do purport myself to be that important. I have no say on who believers are. I believe that the dragon will break all chains, and your past will be wiped clean as we move forward. '

Jaimz says, ‘The prophecies speak of the need of male channelers for the last battle. The signs show it is coming. I do not have an answer for how it will work. '

Kitiara says 'As prophecy states he will... one day... when he is reborn as the wheel turns. However
that time is not today. And today the White Tower must protect the world from the inevitable danger men who can channel will unleash as their minds are lost. '

Jaimz says, ‘If the Dragon accepts them, I must as well, for he is who I believe in.'

Kitiara says, 'The Dragon does not exist yet to accept anyone.'

Jaimz waves aside her comment.

Jaimz says, ‘A discussion for another day.'

Jaimz says, ‘If you would like to hear my beliefs on the Lord Dragon I would love to sit and peruse you with an analysis of the prophecies and what we see before us. '

Coshe whispers something to Kitiara.

Kitiara says 'A discussion for now. For it is now that Dragonsworn march towards Haddan Mirk, it wasnot so long ago that Dragonsworn fielded channelers in a war against Mayene. '

Jaimz says, ‘I am here on this legal matter alone. '

Kitiara nods at Coshe.

Jaimz says, ‘The spine is unclaimed territory and neither Tear nor Mayene actually have any sort of
legal justification to that territory. '

Jaimz says, ‘They swarmed believers that were there, minding their own business, and murdered them in
cold blood. '

Kitiara says 'And the legal matter you refer to is moot. While you may have been warranted
prematurely, know that I would warrant you now. You are count yourself among the Dragonsworn who openly field Male Channelers who violently refuse to be gentled. Crimes related to the One Power are the purview of the White Tower.'

Kitiara says 'If you would like I will grant you a pardon, but know in will immediately reissue the
warrant, so the paperwork is likely unnecessary. '

Jaimz says, ‘So it is the Towers position that all Dragonsworn will be warranted regardless of their actions?'

Jaimz says, ‘This sounds like a blanket warrant.'
You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

Kitiara says, 'It is the Tower position that any who aid Male Channelers who refuse to be gentled will be warranted. '

Kitiara coughs loudly.

Jaimz says, ‘Very interesting. So, if a male channeler were to be gentled, you would still put out a
warrant on them on hunt them?'

Kitiara says 'Dragonsworn have twice now fielded Male Channelers in open combat with other Light facing Nations. The danger is real. '

Jaimz says, 'You do not give them much reason to allow themselves to be gentled do you. '

Coshe whispers something to Kitiara.

Kitiara says 'If a man is gentled there will likely be opportunity for him to be pardoned. However
if he continues to aid other Male Channelers his warrant would reapply. '

The Fal Dara alarm horn sounds loudly.

Kitiara says 'As with Tesyl, who we pardoned, and he had intended to stay with the Dragonsworn,
until the recent rash of Male Channelers joined your ranks.'

‘Jaimz says, ‘You keep speaking of assisting male channelers, but you have not defined it. How have I aided anyone by coming here?'

Kitiara says, 'At which time he wisely left your group.'

Kitiara says 'I need not explain myself to you nor define every rule. The answer to your question is yes. The White Tower currently sees any Dragonsworn as a danger, as their number is so infested with Male Channelers that no one could be innocent of aiding them. '

Kitiara says, 'We do of course retain the right to carve out exceptions for those of your group who can prove resistance to the current take over, however none have presented themselves.'

Jaimz says, ‘I see the Tower is slipping back into draconian ways of thinking. I will accept your
decision for now and think on what legal recourses I can take. The Dragon will not turn away those who flock to his banner. It seems as if I will be warranted for my faith. '

Jaimz says, ‘There is no take over. None have the power to usurp the Lord Dragon. '

Kitiara says, 'May the Creator guide you to a smarter path... and I hope your fellow Dragonsworn do not go mad and strike you down when your back is turned... hopefully we can get to them and gentled them first.'

Kitiara says, 'There is no Lord Dragon Jaimz, not yet.'

Jaimz says, ‘I will continue to do my best to aid all innocents, including those hurt in this very city by the earthquake that recently happened when someone from the Tower let her power loose amongst
civilians. '

Jaimz says, ‘That is a matter of belief Kitiara Sedai, I see prophecies being fulfilled before my very eyes. The shadow grows ever longer. '

Kitiara says 'Jaimz, I advise you do not enter the gate I am about to open, however there will be asecond that will appear shortly that will be safe for you to use. '

Jaimz says, ‘I will do as you command Sedai. '

A bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.

Kitiara rolls her eyes...sheesh!..

Jaimz stops following Kitiara.

A bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.

Kitiara steps through the gateway.
Coshe follows Kitiara through the gateway.
A young Tower Guard follows Kitiara through the gateway.

Jaimz shakes his head as he takes off his glasses and puts them and the legal folder away in his briefcase, closing it, and taking it off the table.

A glowing portal fades from existence.

A bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.
You step through the gateway.
Village of Alindaer
Here you find a peaceful haven away from the steady flow of mule-driven wagons, travelers and marching patrols. According to the townsfolk, the village of Alindaer has lain beside the river almost as long as Tar Valon has occupied its island. Yet, its been completely sacked and put to the torch on many occasions during various wars against the Aes Sedai.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon
East: A bearded coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.
A glowing portal hovers here forming a gateway to another place.
A large stone well is here.
A young Tower Guard is on duty here.l
Coshe Neofedd, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Lady Kitiara the Honored Sister is standing here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A grand master of the guild ambles by with confidence.

Kitiara says, 'The White Tower will not tolerate these Male Channelers, if you want peace, have them submit for gentling. '

Jaimz says, ‘Thank you for the safe conduct and meeting.'

Kitiara leaves east. >>
Coshe leaves east. >>
A young Tower Guard leaves east. >>

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:16 pm

Re: Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon

Post by Ismael » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:41 pm

🎭 - Right Mask

The man moved through the dimly lit corridors of the fortress, the air heavy with a metallic tang that clung to his senses. The outpost, so recently freed from the clutches of the Dark One, now bore the scars of a fierce battle, abandoned and haunted by the ghosts of conflict.

His footsteps echoed in hollow cadence, a detached rhythm in sync with the desolation around him. The walls, once sturdy and formidable, now bore the silent witness to the tragedy that had unfolded. The man's expression remained stoic, a shield against the grim reality that lay ahead.

As he ventured deeper into the heart of the fortress, he discovered the fallen bodies of his comrades. Each lifeless form spoke of a struggle that had transcended the limits of endurance. The man's gaze remained distant, a coping mechanism to navigate the harrowing scene without succumbing to the overwhelming sorrow.

They had arrived to this long-abandoned fortress in the unclaimed wilderness of the Spine and found it crawling with Shadowspawn. They found heads and limbs in the cookpot, red breastplates and red streamers amidst red splatters, indicating they were not the first to find these spawn here or be found by them. They had fought and won a victory in the name of the Light and the Lord Dragon, He Who Comes With Dawn. They had left a detachment of True Believers to guard the fortress. And then they had been slaughtered, but not by trollocs. They ate what they killed, at least in part. This was Baerlon all over again. How can one man endure two such tragedies and be cursed to live through both of them?

The fallen lay in twisted poses, their silent agony frozen in time. The fortress, once a bastion of strength, now cradled the weight of lost lives. Bloodstains painted a macabre tapestry on the cold stone floor. Weapons lay scattered, abandoned by hands that could fight no more. The man's movements were mechanical, a disconnected observer in this sepulchral maze. His mind seemed to dissociate from the horror, as if creating a buffer between himself and the stark brutality of the aftermath.

Silence enveloped him, broken only by the occasional creaking of the fortress, a mournful lament for the fallen. The man continued his journey until he finally found himself at the gate. He stumbled on to the Spine of the World, haunted by the shadows of a past that refused to be buried. He would find who had done this - he had already found clues, but he wanted to confirm. He would report back.

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:16 pm

Re: Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon

Post by Ismael » Sat Feb 10, 2024 12:35 am

🎭 - Left Mask

Another day, another mercenary troupe hired to do something they could not handle doing.

Ismael rolled his eyes as his horse plodded through the fetid swamp. Serge followed closely behind, hands on his weapon, something he refused to often do while preaching, looking out for an ambush.

"I don't like this. You spend a fortnight digging out some dusty fortress using your...gifts...Masema leaves mercenaries here to secure it and then they all stop responding?"

"Yes, well, that is why we get paid the big crowns, my friend." Ismael noted and frowned. That didn't sound right -- idioms were delightful, he was finding, but difficult to master. They did not get paid any crowns, let alone big ones -- that one was for the mercenaries, whose jobs Ismael and Serge were now being sent to do.

Before long the swamp broke into the foothills of a mountain range. Ismael led his companion up a trail. Eventually, an hour or two later, the two men in red coats directed their horses towards the gate of a massive fortress. The open, ajar gate.

"Rarely do I find that to be a good sign. Stay alert." Ismael muttered to Serge. This trail had not been accessible for a long time until he had accidentally gotten drunk and one thing led to another and he caused a landslide. That's how it was described to him anyways. He was not quite clear what had actually happened, but the men he had been ranging with told him it had been a very good time indeed. Curiously, every ounce of the oosquai they had traded for weeks prior before making their way from the Aiel Waste down through the Spine of the World had gone missing in the incident. Probably unrelated.

Ismael shook his head clear of the memories and rode forward and gagged slightly. Bodies. Lots of bodies. Some were the mercenaries hired and sent by Masema to defend this place, others looked like...Defenders of the Stone? Stranger and stranger. Further in he found the corpses of men or women (it was difficult to tell) in red breastplates...Mayeners. Lastly, he found the rotting corpse of the Dragonsworn contingent that had come with the mercenaries.

"Blood and ashes..." Serge said sorrowfully, looking down at the bodies. "So many dead...what happened?"

"It's tough to say, it looks like there have actually been several pitched battles in here, at least one with someone who could wield the One Power." Ismael gestured at the scorched stones. "Only flames of the Power can do that."

Serge said a quick prayer. "May the Lord Dragon be Reborn with utmost haste and protect us."

Before the prayer was fully out of his mouth, a horn sounded inside the fortress and battle chants suddenly filled the air. They were not alone.

"Well," said Ismael, unsheathing his sword. "I hope you managed to get some good sleep while worrying about those alligators last night...we're going to need our energy."

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:16 pm

Re: Karaethon Cycle in Tar Valon

Post by Ismael » Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:25 am

Ismael wiped the blood off on the tattered cloak of a trolloc, sheathed his blade, and exhaled. This would have been an easier fight if men were not too busy killing other men. If he had more bodies. The Dragon's Prophet foresaw this and saw the need for uniting under one banner. The proverbial need to kneel or be knelt. Ismael felt ashamed for his doubts that he had allowed. The doubts that stayed his blade and, metaphorically and literally, caused the innocent to be buried under rubble. But it had become clear that Masema was correct. He had his role to play and he had seen enough to justify it.

It was violence. They always chose violence.

The End

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