Updated costs for treasurer / clan coffer purchases.

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Updated costs for treasurer / clan coffer purchases.

Post by Elysia » Sun May 21, 2023 4:48 pm

With the automatic clearing of inactives, it has become apparent that many clans have only a few active members, whereas others have a lot. E.g. Gaidin, Lancers, Red Eagles, Civil Watch and Queen's Guard vs clans like Defenders, Wall Guard and any of the smaller Ajahs. It's unfair to expect a clan of a handful of people to have the same money making capabilities as a clan that has double, triple or even quadruple the members.

To rectify that, we're going to make the cost of purchasing things for clans based on the amount of active players. Things that benefit everyone in the clan, like buying qps, previously also benefitted those who were inactive, but we're going to stop that in order to keep players from being 'inactive' to game the cost of purchase.

The previously posted costs are going to remain the same for clans with 20+ members, but scale down proportionally for clans with fewer members. E.g.:

Put a heron on a cityhead in your city for 1 month. (100,000)

is going to remain 100,000 for clans with over 20 active members, but would be 25,000 for a clan with 5 members.

E.g. (full cost/ 20) * active clan members

In addition to this, we're changing the "50 qps for 200k" purchase to the following, splitting it up into:
100,000 gold crowns - ability for council to set 25 qps worth of additional council quests for one RL year, must be approved by imms* (max 2 per year)
200,000 gold crowns - ability for council to set 50 qps worth of additional council quests for one RL year, must be approved by imms* (max 1 per year)

*You know, so we don't get "bring me a slab of meat for 1 qp" type quests. They have to be actual quests, but they can be smobbing, pk related, RP related, fetch item quests, whatever suits your clan's RP and activities.

In addition to the above changes, as a special promo, we're doing a promo of a 25% discount for purchases using clan coffers until July 1st 2023.

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