Upcoming Roleplay Events

... used for in character crossrace announcements, such as events, quests, storylines and so on...
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Upcoming Roleplay Events

Post by Elysia » Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:40 pm

This is a heads up for a series of RP related events that will be kicking off this weekend. The concept plays off an incident that took place earlier this week, where a group consisting of Tower and a Lancer killed Child of Light held Baerlon. Certain npcs would obviously leap at such an excellent opportunity. >:

It just so happens that this coincides with two people from these respective clans also needing a master quest. Hence why I will be 'stirring up dung' to set the stage for them to play off off and to serve as a backdrop for a few RP events that can involve a number of different clans.

Along with imm run RP events, one of which will be a tournament, there will be double RP qps (for the RP, not the editing) for roleplay pertaining to this situation by logs either in Roleplay Forum, or rp logs/ in character discussion/ copies of mails sent on clan boards.

To reflect the changing political landscape, there will be some ingame changes. I'll post these as they are put in once the IC posts are going up one by one, starting this weekend.

The express goal here is NOT to have players punish this group of players, but to have something refreshing and fun come of what otherwise would just be the umpteenth eyeroll-worthy situation.

I'm hoping that by stating the endgame, players will have no misunderstandings (like Dragonsworn possibly wanting to follow Portal Dragon Reborn Saniago Torres, whiiich would've been bad) and be a bit more laid back about what is happening. This is the endgame:
  • This is purely an RP event. Not a global quest, no plans to take over or change the world.
  • No stakes. There's nothing to gain here except RP qps and some fun and equipment at a tournament. No territory shifts, no replacing cityheads, zip, zilch.
  • Everything returns back to normal once we're done. All the ingame changes will be temporary.
Each clan that I'm going to use will have their own separate IC and OOC posts, so while there will be a clear kick off, it will slowly 'escalate' as 'news spreads', aka as I post in more places over the next few days. While a few clans will spearhead the conflict, everyone is welcome to participate.

If anyone has questions, feel free to start a thread in Player's Lounge and I'll answer there.

Posts: 8018
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: Upcoming Roleplay Events

Post by Elysia » Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:46 pm

A few officer mobs in Andor and the Baerlon town crier will now do a negative social on % when a Tower associated clanned enters the room.

*oL can now summon a flavor mob with torches and pitchforks in several cities in Andor.
Child Galadedrid Damodred, Queen Morgase's oldest son, has been sent to Baerlon for 'diplomacy' reasons. He will now load both when Baerlon is *oL as well as Andor held.
The Winding ctf now defaults to CoL.

The Red Sister that was on Illian Road was replaced with a Hand of Light mob.

Posts: 8018
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: Upcoming Roleplay Events

Post by Elysia » Sat May 06, 2023 4:32 pm

These were all undone, although the armbands will vanish on boot.

Posts: 8018
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Re: Upcoming Roleplay Events

Post by Elysia » Fri May 19, 2023 6:27 pm

Elysia wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:40 pm
The express goal here is NOT to have players punish this group of players, but to have something refreshing and fun come of what otherwise would just be the umpteenth eyeroll-worthy situation.
I'm quoting myself here and posting for complete transparency.

As I initiated this RP event, all I knew is that a few people had killed inno mobs in Baerlon. I had assumed that the Sedai were smart enough to not weave on mobs. Aside from the basic RP of the Oaths, the Erulisse discussions are all over Tower forums.

Turns out I was a fool to assume and a player investigation revealed that one of the Sedai -had- in fact woven on these innocent mobs. This lead to a few problems. For one, it turned an international incident into an Oath violation investigation in the Tower and completely shifted the focus from international politics to Tower RP. For another, if one player (Erulisse) gets one punishment for the same RP violation, it becomes problematic to not apply the same to another player doing the same RP violation. It would be easy to claim favoritism or inconsistency on part of imms, plus there's the whole issue of player agency after a whole investigation, Hall discussion, vote and even an ingame session of the Hall."

Between us, Staff weighed the word of an immortal against the benefits of players having agency and consistency in punishments and we felt that the latter is more important for the game. It's not perfect, but ignoring the decision of an entire Hall of players is not a good look, and neither would it be if Erulisse got slapped one way for this, and the other player didn't.

Therefore, I'm being transparent and going public with saying that yes, I did originally state that this RP event wasn't about players punishing players, but given the information that wasn't known to me at the time and the necessary RP involving that information, I will unfortunately be going back on my word and the player voted punishment for the RP violation will be enacted.

In the future, I suppose I'll have to try to not assume the best of people. :?

Posts: 8018
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: Upcoming Roleplay Events

Post by Elysia » Sat May 27, 2023 7:30 pm

Noting down here which forums I've checked for event related stuff:

Queen's Guard
Roleplay Forum
Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Red, White, Yellow Ajah forums.
Hall forums.

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