Craftables and Token Usage

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Craftables and Token Usage

Post by Feneon » Tue Sep 13, 2022 5:38 pm

The innkeeper in the Ruined Keep (among other locations) will now trade a vial, a strength tea, and a 50% to provide a second vial in exchange for a crafting token.

We know there is little on the game that is more frustrating than dying haggard. Our pullback of vials has flushed a fair amount of hoarding, but it has made it more difficult for people to feel that they can raid effectively. This mechanic should make it easier to generate vials on Dark Side via PK.

You should not use this as a method to generate vials to trade or sell by alting them to LS. It is not the intended function.

Posts: 1808
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:02 pm

Weapons Collector Update

Post by Feneon » Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:47 pm

Starting today the Weapons Collector will now exchange a rare for the token amount of the LS crafting cost less 2 (e.g. if a weapon cost 7 tokens, it will now give 5 tokens). The quest point reward has been removed.

We will roll out some crafting changes that will separate the crafting experience for each side. These changes include a shift to Dark Side crafting where each craftable can be generated by lump tokens without materials. It will be paired with Light Side adjustments that will be announced at a later date.

On Friday we will also remove the ability to turn in rares for gold at your clan treasury and Harley, who currently exchanges rares for gold. If you'd like to take advantage of these mobs while they still function this way then do so.

POD value has not changed.

Posts: 1808
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:02 pm

Craftable Rare Recipes

Post by Feneon » Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:26 pm

For consistency sake we will keep ingredients and recipes posted and updated here. It's not very clean, but should function for control + F or search through the forums.


Light Side
  • a pair of gold-hilted hooked swords
    cost: 5 crafting tokens, a claymore, two bars of iron, a gold ring, two belt hooks, a two-fisted flamberge, and five crafting tokens.
  • a silver sai
    cost: a large sparkling diamond, a jeweled wristcuff, two silver-winged basilards, a silver crafting token, a piece of silver bullion.

  • a darkened steel trident
    cost: a large sparkling emerald, a blue steel trident, a dull black shield, 2 thin black chains, a bar of iron, 6 crafting tokens
  • a partisan bearing the arms of Ghealdan
    cost: a mahogany-shafted spear, a partisan, a shimmering chain of gold, a large sparkling ruby, bar of iron, 7 crafting tokens

  • an obsidian encrusted sungwood staff
    cost: a staff of sungwood, a large sparkling sapphire, a braided leather band, two shimmering pendants of obsidian, and a silver crafting token

  • a nimble blade with a cuendillar pommel
    cost: sparkling diamond, cuendillar belt, bar of iron, kris-edged flamberge, cutlass, bone-handled blade, 5 crafting tokens
  • a razor-sharp longsword
    cost: a jeweled wristcuff, a long, thin sword, a diamond wedding ring, a brass hilted general's sword, a bar of iron, 5 crafting tokens
  • a feathered Kandori paramerion
    cost: sabre, emerald-hilted foil, bar of iron, polished onyx-inlaid shield, Kandori snowflake necklace, Kandori wristcuff, 5 crafting tokens
  • a steel-banded club with multiple spikes
    cost: a bronze belt, a shining steel breastplate, a steel flanged mace, a shimmering chain of gold, 4 throwing spikes, and 5 crafting tokens

  • A diamond-tipped lance
    cost: diamond ring laced with emeralds, a hollow steel lance, a ridged steel bracer, a bar of iron, a torc of gleaming steel, a large sparkling diamond, 4 crafting tokens

  • a crimson-hafted battleaxe
    cost: a red robe, a finely crafted axe, a saw tooth axe, a long-stemmed crimson rose, an ivy bracelet, a bar of iron, 5 crafting tokens
  • a pair of long-handled war axes
    cost: a dark, grim axe, an earthen brown mantle, a heavy axe with a dark serrated blade, a pendant of black quartz, a large sparkling ruby, 2 bars of iron, 5 crafting tokens
Dark Side
  • Garoz, the Weapons Master:
  • a nimble blade with a cuendillar pommel
    cost: 1 silver crafting token
  • a razor-sharp longsword
    cost: 1 silver crafting token
  • a feathered Kandori paramerion
    cost: 1 silver crafting token
  • a steel-banded club with multiple spikes
    cost: 1 silver crafting token

    Zhareh the Adept:
  • a pair of gold-hilted hook swords
    cost: 1 silver crafting token
  • a silver sai
    cost: 2 silver crafting tokens

    Ragar, a huge, axe-wielding trolloc:
  • a crimson-hafted battleaxe
    cost: 1 silver crafting token
  • a pair of long-handled war axes
    cost: 1 silver crafting token

    Uldon the Myrddraal:
  • a darkened steel trident
    cost: a silver crafting token and two crafting tokens
  • a partisan bearing the arms of Ghealdan
    cost: a silver crafting token and five crafting tokens
  • an obsidian encrusted sungwood staff
    cost: two silver crafting tokens
If any outliers to crafting are not labeled here please let us know.

Posts: 1808
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:02 pm

Re: Craftables and Token Usage

Post by Feneon » Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:52 pm

Two quick exchange updates:

A whistling merchant will exchange a shirt of overlapping black scales for a thick, steel-plated breastplate
A hard-working tailor will exchange a coat bearing the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai for a half-cape of silk-lined leather

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Re: Craftables and Token Usage

Post by Korsik » Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:06 pm

Paramerion and Nimble blade exchange has been removed from crafting mobs.

War Maul Crafting is now added


A diamond-tipped lance
cost: diamond ring laced with emeralds, a hollow steel lance, a ridged steel bracer, a bar of iron, a torc of gleaming steel, a large sparkling diamond, 4 crafting tokens

A massive war maul
cost: a silver-banded mallet, an enormous double-bladed battleaxe, an iron bar, a silver bullion, 2 shimmering chains of gold, and 8 crafting tokens


Ragar, a huge, axe-wielding trolloc:
a crimson-hafted battleaxe
cost: 1 silver crafting token
a pair of long-handled war axes
cost: 1 silver crafting token
a massive war maul
cost: 1 silver crafting token and 5 crafting tokens

Posts: 545
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:46 pm

Re: Craftables and Token Usage

Post by Korsik » Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:47 am

Darkside cost reduction:

Ragar, a huge, axe-wielding trolloc:
a crimson-hafted battleaxe
cost: 8 crafting tokens
a pair of long-handled war axes
cost: 8 crafting tokens
a massive war maul
cost: 1 silver crafting token and 2 crafting tokens

Zhareh the Adept:
a pair of gold-hilted hook swords
cost: 8 crafting tokens

Posts: 545
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:46 pm

Re: Craftables and Token Usage

Post by Korsik » Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:59 pm

Weapons Collector Update, more tokens will be returned when handing in the below weapons;

a feathered Kandori paramerion - 2 tokens to 5 tokens
a nimble blade with a cuendillar pommel - 3 tokens to 5 tokens
a crimson-hafted battleaxe - 3 tokens to 5 tokens
a pair of gold-hilted hooked swords - 3 tokens to 5 tokens
a razor-sharp longsword - 3 tokens to 5 tokens
a pair of long-handled war axes - 3 tokens to 5 tokens
a darkened steel trident - 4 tokens to 5 tokens

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