Citizens and Soldiers of the Empire,
By decree of the Empress, may She live forever, those known as the Dragonsworn are to be brought before the Crystal Throne and kneel. The Empress, may She live forever, will offer double merit awards for all Dragonsworn soldiers who resist in the near future. Steel yourselves and be at the ready.
High Lady Suroth.
The weekend of Fri Oct 8th through to midnight Oct 11th (Server time) will be double Qp pk scalp awards for Seanchan who turn in Dragonsworn player scalps. The Dragonsworn will have incentive to mobilise their forces at the same time, so expect to fight if you come across one. Merit awards will follow a log of the kill/scalp turn in with a timestamp to Siro. Unlike previous pk weekends, the location of the kill is irrelevant.