Trollocs, assuming you can read at all, can check in-game at the Command Chamber in Thakan'dar for this exact information.
The trolloc can begin attempting to amass altqps once he or she has 1500 qps.
To remort into a Myrddraal, he or she must have:
- 1500 qps
- 500 altqps
- 6 months as a Master in his or her clan
- Have completed at least two city head hits
250 altqps maximum from city heads
- 125 each; no repeats
- The list of available city-heads is Tear (Duberman), Cairhien (Galldrian), Illian (Mattin), Bandar Eban (Alsalam), Caemlyn (Gawyn, not Morgase), or Tar Valon (Siuan).
- Located in Thakan'dar (say issue quest)
- Each target may be turned in up to ONCE only
- Trolloc Masters with 1000+ qps will gain altqps for every grouped leading kill. A group member must be in the room for the kill and the group must land a killing blow. The altqps will be automatically awarded.
75 altqps maximum for Fade Candidate logs posted on Art of War Forum
- Trolloc Masters with 1000+ qps may post 1 log per month on the Art of War forum for Immortal review and awards. Title of log must begin with “Fade Candidate” and will be awarded 0-25 altqps in increment of 5 based on quality of log.
In the process of killing target rulers for altqps (city heads), the Master must be leading if there are other trollocs involved, there must be no remorts present in the zone or city leading up to, during, or after the hit.
For city head turn-ins, turn the proof in to Shaidar and mail the Staff the log of this plus a timestamp as well as the log of the kill. The Master must be alive and present when the target dies, and cannot die in the city afterwards or on the way back to Thakan'dar. The entire log of the combat (INCLUDING THE WALK BACK TO SAFETY) must be mailed to Staff.
Lastly, please make sure you lead when killing the plotting fades' notable targets, and no fade or dreadlords are present in the zone or city leading up to, during, or after the hit - in a similar manner like city hits.
Upon completing these requirements, contact a Watcher and you will be summoned by Shaidar Haran to become a Myrddraal.
(Last updated 2024-03-11)