Roberto the Wisdom??!?? ---&RPaward

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Roberto the Wisdom??!?? ---&RPaward

Post by Arelis » Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:56 pm

Ely edit 21 Jul 2024:

1-8 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : o
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o
Part of a series +1 qps: o

Summary: +1 qps : x

Total: 2 qps


Seeking Janric (South Spine): Roberto and I were exping and he then decided to help me with the following since we were already in the area. This was an off the cuff exchange and with a twist that caught me by surprise as I had not planned this before hand with Roberto nor we knew of any items Janric may require, I did some minor editing but Roberto's reactions/action were all spontaneous.

At the Bottom of a Desolate Valley
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Desolate Valley in the Spine
A clear pond lies undisturbed here, unmarred waters offering a clean reflection.
A Domani razor stands here, eyes keen and swishing its tail, being ridden by you.
Roberto al'Farath of Malkier is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Janric the herbalist is resting here.
A young thieftaker has arrived from the west.

Arelis says ‘Do you need any assistance'

Glazed, delirious eyes look at you.

Janric the herbalist says 'My wife...'

Arelis starts paying increased attention to her surroundings.

Janric the herbalist says 'I ran out of water days ago and I'll die of thirst soon, long before the
leg takes me.'

Janric the herbalist says 'We'll be together again soon, my Love.'

A warhorse lays its ears flat against its neck.

Janric the herbalist says 'If only you were really here and could PROVIDE me with WATER.'

Roberto says ‘Hope you got some water'

Arelis stops using a leather water flask.

Arelis fill the man's water skin from the pond and then hold it to his lips tilting it gently.

Extremely hot with fever, the man first licks at the water slowly and then starts to drink it in

Janric the herbalist shakes his head slightly as if to clear it and then focuses his gaze on you.

Janric the herbalist says 'Thank you, stranger, for your aid.'

It starts to rain.

Janric the herbalist says 'If you have the stomach and strength for it, please RESET my LEG.'

Roberto says ‘Do it DO IT'

Arelis glares at Roberto and whispers: “Behave Roberto.”

Arelis carefully position the man so that his broken leg is through the low v-shape of the tree trunk.

The man places a stick between his teeth and braces himself for what he knows is coming.

Arelis pull his leg with all your might, the man's body too big to follow.

The man screams and loses consciousness as his leg is pulled back into alignment.

Times passes and then he awakens. His face is flushed with fever.

Janric the herbalist says 'Thank you for your courage and strength.'

Roberto says ‘p*$$*’

Arelis looks at Roberto with eyes wide open and whispers loudly: “ROBERTO!”

Janric the herbalist says 'I don't know if you have the ability, but I am still too weak from fever
to withstand Healing.'

Janric the herbalist frowns at his pouches and sighs.

Janric the herbalist says 'Tragically I do not have the herbs needed to aid my recovery. I'll be a
dead man unless you can find some willow bark and give it to me.'

Janric the herbalist says 'Please don't leave me here to die. I will ensure you are rewarded.'

Janric the herbalist looks at you with a pleading expression.

Arelis says 'let me locate a willow bark in the area.”

Arelis feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Roberto nods in agreement.

Arelis begins to weave the appropriate flows...


Roberto gets a piece of white willow bark from a small purse.

Arelis stops weaving abruptly.

Arelis gasps in astonishment.

Roberto gives you a piece of white willow bark.

Arelis says ‘WOW!’

Arelis says “From now on I shall call you Roberto the Wisdom.”

Roberto says 'im a f*ck*ng god'

Arelis gives a piece of white willow bark to Janric the herbalist.

Janric the herbalist says 'Thank you. This will help greatly.'

Janric the herbalist takes the herb and chews it slowly.

Arelis says ‘Yes. Yes you are, Roberto.’

Janric the herbalist spits out the pulp and then falls asleep.

The flush in his skin slowly dissipates and then he wakes.

Janric the herbalist says 'I feel the grip of my fever fading and my strength returning, perhaps
your healing will work now, Accepted?'

Arelis feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Arelis begins to weave the appropriate flows...


Arelis channel flows of Air and Spirit into Janric the herbalist, healing him.

Janric the herbalist sags from the toll the Healing took on his body.

Janric the herbalist looks in wonderment at his now healed leg.

Janric the herbalist says 'Thank you for saving my life and for using your Gift for such good

Janric the herbalist gives you a paper wrapped herb.

Janric the herbalist says 'Please take this to Romanda Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. She will be very
interested to examine this and be relieved to know I'm alive.'

Janric the herbalist says 'Again, thank you.'

Lightning starts to show in the sky.

Arelis nods at janric and says her goodbyes.

Arelis says ‘Let’s go back to Tar Valon, Roberto’

At the Bottom of a Desolate Valley
Amazingly, a small clear pond at the base of the valley has formed here,
ignorant of the dry and desolate climate. Tall mountains rise on each
side, to the east and west. Far to the south, the valley path stops at
a cliff wall. The path follows back around a bend to the west and north
as well, snaking it's way through the mountains.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Desolate Valley in the Spine
A clear pond lies undisturbed here, unmarred waters offering a clean reflection.
Janric the herbalist is resting here.
A nondescript young man makes inquiries here.
A Domani razor stands here, eyes keen and swishing its tail, being ridden by you.
Roberto al'Farath of Malkier is standing here, riding a warhorse.

Arelis says ’Thank you Roberto’

Roberto nods in agreement.