How long have you played and what are your goals?

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Sarryn » Wed May 22, 2024 9:02 am

Hrm think I've played since I was like 14-15? Going on 37 now ugh. So basically way to long. I've enjoyed most of my time here. It's an addiction, I wish I'd of never entertained lol. I read WoT as my first ever fantasy series. Actually got me into reading a good bit, didn't really enjoy it till then. I figured I'd search for a game for it. Few friends tried it in high school, they left pretty quickly. I stayed unfortunately lol. I've sunk way to much time into this game. Like way to much :p I don't think I've accomplished a whole lot for all the time spent. There have been plenty of goals I'd of thought I'd of gotten by now. But some clans just don't seem very attainable. Which is wild, for a game as small and silly overall as this. I'd still like to shawl, thought I had it at one point after investing a lot of time and effort. Wouldn't mind getting in a few clans, I've not had yet but ya. Honestly wouldn't really mind calling it a wrap at this point. But this is a little reprieve from life's mundane bullshit. And a really great time killer. Which probably isn't a good thing lol.

I started out on a char named Jadek I think? Didn't really accomplish a whole lot with him, think I eventually clanned him as a companion maybe got rank 5-6? Became really good at acquiring gear and being a pack rat. Mainly through smobbing and trades early. Raiden was my lady of wares. Didn't really get into pking to much until it was more forced on me. Eventually I was like I gotta learn after Raolin, Atkins, Zork, Jestkryyg etc kept killing me. Think I was whitebridge militia for awhile, kept getting the beats down. Many many bad guys back then lol. Was in the hay days of 100-200 and lots of murderers etc. Decided if you can't beat em join em. Traded for Devoler and did pretty well on him, though never clanned sadly. Isaah kinda got me in that whole mind set, and moved on to Brand. Had some good times. Eventually went back to the justice side with Tadr. Really died a lot up north with him lol. Started to learn the ins and outs of n pk and pk in general. Think I did fairly well towards the end with him till I got demastered for farming a justice mob lol. Ahh viv truly loved me.

Moved on to many different chars from there, got into Gaidin with Javier. Did fairly well, had a ton of chars and things. Got into DS/SS side finally with toons like Fenrir/Jarar etc mastered them (think Jarar didn't get officially mastered deleted around that time, lost my grandpa) Eventually had a bit of a mental thing/real life dung and deleted all my dung. Left for like 6 months-year? Got back into it hot and heavy lol. Branched out to other sides a bit more heavily. Struggled getting back into clans I'd already mastered in before deletion. Took Sarryn companions after being denied from lancers for whatever dumb reason. Eventually got back pretty much everything I'd deleted and then some. Over all I've mastered 21+? chars that I can think of. So yeah way to much time and effort invested. That's a bit silly heh. Should hang em up! Overall though I mostly enjoy my time pking or just doing some mundane things nowadays. Not sure where it goes from here.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Frey » Wed May 22, 2024 12:27 pm

Nice topic for a thread :)

I started in 2006. Late 2006? I haven't accomplished as much as many, but for the amount of play time I can get in, as limited as it is, I feel like I've done okay. I'm happy that I can hold my own in PK, even though I don't plan on really ever being 'elite', but there are some aspects of the game I feel like I've mastered completely. I have a rank 8 MC (which is pretty uncommon), a handful of masters (4 or 5?) including a Sedai, and a remort.

As for goals, I spend the majority of the time I'm on helping out friends and stuff, but personally, I have a goal of finishing mastering my troll warrior, getting rank 8 on Frey since he's getting fairly close as my first clanned character, first real character I played, first master, etc. Otherwise I might pick away at rank 8 on my sedai, but it's not a high priority, and reranking and potentially shawling my Accepted. I'll probably just PK and try to keep up on the latest, explore, update wotmud resources, etc. anything that sounds fun as I go.
Last edited by Frey on Wed May 22, 2024 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Bumper » Wed May 22, 2024 12:35 pm

I'm enjoying reading these, keep them going!

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Dartes » Wed May 22, 2024 2:58 pm

Vala wrote:
Tue May 21, 2024 7:42 pm

Only one of those early characters is close to being on par with prerolled stats. It was a tremendous disappointment to learn that rerolls are broken and you only get 10 rolls because half of them fail. They’ll probably never be anything more than storage alts because their stats are bad and there’s very little hope of improvement.
If you're below prerolled stats, I believe you can ask to be bumped up to match prerolled!

Found the mud around 2006, though didn't start really playing until 2007-2008. Didn't have a clanned character until I think I clanned Dartes in 2009? Could have been 2010 - gets a bit fuzzy. Was my only clanned character for ages, until I mastered and then I branched out a bit. Ended up somehow at Rank 8, then mastered/remorted a trolloc, as well as a mini-goal of improving at RP and mastering a character in each of the main RP clans (Wisdom/Gleeman/Illuminator). Couple other clanned characters/masters/Aes Sedai later, and I'm down to some small goals with 2 characters very close to master that I hope to knock out this summer. After that it's mostly just playing whoever is needed on whichever side things are happening on, with no other true goals to seriously work toward for myself.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by myzec » Wed May 22, 2024 3:31 pm

Fun thread Bumber!

I started in 2002 when I walked past a guy I knew from school in the University computer lab playing a weird game. I asked him what it was and he explained he had just started and managed to reach level 7 in 2 days! I tried it out and before long we were part of the amacidian arm. Feeder to the children of the light. About a year later after dying to DS on repeat we felt we wanted to make the leap to DS and we never really went back. Both of us stopped playing many times over the years but I kept coming back to DS. Over time I managed to Master in each DS clan, get 2 Rank 8s, get a fade and a dreadlord and a known DF. I don’t really play anymore as a few players make the space not fun for me to be in and with no more goals left it’s not an enjoyable place to be in for me anymore. That being said the journey has been 95% amazing and I am glad I had the opportunity to be a part of it.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Aira » Wed May 22, 2024 4:22 pm

I started in December 2001. I have a few masters and a rank 8. Never really had any ambition towards secret clans or bonuses. Maybe I'll try to get 1k rp qps so I can have a custom Larry mob. But I'm also the type to let things like RP opportunities come as they are, so that'll take years...

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Aldevir » Wed May 22, 2024 5:56 pm

I started in ~2002 when I was reading Wheel of Time and decided to search for Wheel of Time games. My first character was a 18 18 warrior and I think the first goal I ever had was figure out how to get from EF to Caemlyn. The next goal was to get to level 30, but I spent so much time dying that I usually hovered around 28-29. I would die to Stomp around Andor like everyone else, Archon stabbing me several times when I didn't even know backstab was a thing, Rogu stabbing me on Old Road while I kept trying to "k seachan", or just dying to large groups of trollocs while trying to force my way into FD via Malkier gate. I once died 16 times in a day and probably got pissed and posted a farewell on forums every time. As someone mentioned, the game was an addiction so I never actually quit, and instead just embarassed myself by being a whiner. While I was busy dying I would always look forward to the evenings when Flarn and Feryl would come online, because they would often take me smobbing and help me build up some abs an a weapon. It was basically the coolest thing ever to see her WvD Flarn and have him go in with his binnol and multibash to kill smob after smob. That's where my first goal of being a Warder came from. I really wanted to be able to take people smobbing like that and help them gear up, but I was really terrible at PK. I continued to PK and die up around Fal Dara without really getting any better at it. At some point Jason and Nevelo? gave me some feedback that I was not good enough to be a Gaidin applicant, because I was bad at PK, died too much, and theatened to quit all the time. I gave up on being a Gaidin at that point and a few days later Cyrilla zapped all my characters to level 1 after I multiplayed for a minute to transfer some gold to an alt so that I could rent. I ended up letting my characters delete.

Having lost my characters and given up on being a Warder, I created Torevi (17 18 18 rogue) with the goal of joining the least important clan possible and mastering. I settled on the Wall Guard who existed and had been populated with members of the Baerlon Town Watch, but none of them really played. I ended up establishing the clan a bit and slowly mastered off of purely Andor and same side PK. Around that same time I also set a goal of being a Lion Warden (Queen's Guard), so Mesa helped me stat Aldevir (19 19 abs hunter with bad hps). I ended up clanning in Lion Warden and met my goal of mastering there. Once I had mastered in those clans I thought it would be funny to have a Wall Guard Ta'veren and set that as a goal. I also thought it would be funny to have a crappy abs QG hunter on Ta'veren so that was another goal. I tried to focus on getting better at leading and faster at chasing and I think I got Aldevir to ta 6 while Torevi was ta 4 before I stopped. I think I maybe got to be above average at those things in Andor specifically, but overall not really a great PKer. I think I took the "dying too much" feedback to heart a little too much and went to an extreme opposite where I really only achieved those goals through an ultra conservative PK style centered around not taking risks. I don't think I need to tell any of you how boring it is to PK against that type of player, but that was the route I went, and in the end the extreme aversion to risk is what ended up killing my enjoyment of the game. I spent more time worrying about not dying than I did playing and just enjoying the game. Ended up taking a break, I came back and set a goal of joining Kin and did that. I forget what exactly happened, but I ended getting mad and giving away everything and took an extended break.

This time around my current goals are to get some new characters and level them up, learn all the new things that have happened in the MUD, find a fun clan to join, try to get good at leading smob trains, and lastly learn to PK properly where I'm taking risks and not worrying about dying, and maybe one day I'll actually be decent at it. The main goal is to just not be that same risk averse player I was and have fun.
Last edited by Aldevir on Wed May 22, 2024 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Aldevir » Wed May 22, 2024 5:56 pm

Jeez that turned into a wall of text. Sorry about that.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Shaxx » Wed May 22, 2024 9:15 pm

I had this idiot cousin that we will call Bumper and his dad (my uncle) showed me this game. Smh.

Played on and off for years. Way more off than on, but usually enjoy the 3-4 months that we play every few years.

Never really tried to accomplish much of anything. Never applied for a single clan until EVA became auto-clan.

Used to draw maps on pieces of paper because I didn’t realize maps were a thing until like 2018. My mind was blown that I had played in the dark all those year.

Somehow, we’ve made lifetime memories as cousins playing this really niche game.

I have no goals. Like a lot of people said, it’s just turned into a distraction from adult life. Way to waste a couple of hours.

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Re: How long have you played and what are your goals?

Post by Eros » Thu May 23, 2024 3:13 pm

Ayyyy Yooooo!!! Sup Sup!

Its funny cause this thread is really things we talk about amongst each other in the MUD as far as goals we may still have. :lol:

So, it seems 2006 was an influx year in the MUD as I also started this year on another Alt who clanned Winged as my first clan ever (shout out to those guys over there Breck (clanned me), Ald, Tino, Mary, Naomi, Dennel etc). One of my best friend was always talking to me about this game. He had started playing in the mid/late 90's or so. He was well known back then on LS as a murderer stabber. Before CCS was no hide. Heard stories of the piles of bodies that were murdered in CCS by him and his friends until Imms made it no-hide. *snicker* Enjoyed listening to those stories.

I always thought this game looked like the Matrix since it seemed things were coming at you at a million miles per hour. I felt like I had an advantage by having him teach me as the learning curve for this game was off the chart. I've never played a text based game before but I picked it up quick. I started learning PK before anything else but Statting, Exping, and Smobbing were really enjoyable as well back then.

We leave for extended periods since life happens (marriage, kids etc) but we always come back. I was gone for a long while but now I'm back and want to accomplish those goals that I was not able to before. I've Mastered in LS then left to DS where I truly evolved. I had goals to clanned on all 5 clans (excluding remorts). I did reach my goals as I clanned on all 5 clans and Mastered in 3. To take my Master Ko'bal to rank 8 is another goal. Also, I eventually want a remort as a new goal in DS. I know that with the blessings of the Dark Lord, I will reach that goal at some point. *grin*

I really have the bulk of my goals on LS as I devoted most of my time to DS. I want to finish Shawling my Tower Accepted. Eros is close to 2k qps and rank 8 is meaningful now. I only think of the hundreds and hundreds of scalps that were given away back then cause rank 8 was not meaningful as it was more of a title/rooms. :lol:

I do not know if anybody else does this, but I create my alts (Name and class/setup) based on the clan I have planned out in my head for said alt. I still have about 4 clans (pk oriented clans) that I will continue to work hard towards this time around and hopefully clan the alts I've created for them. I want to see the game through the eyes of those characters. Enjoyed the game in a different light (pun intended). It is a different experience for me based on the alt that I am in. I truly enjoy that.

In one way or another, we all LOVE this game! Period! Like I said on a previous thread recently, We are lucky that this game is still around. Hopefully, we all reach our respective goals before one day we wake up and the game is down...for good.

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