Discussion Log: Instructing Novices

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Discussion Log: Instructing Novices

Post by melosa » Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:54 am


Melosa continues her efforts to instruct the recent class of Novices by seeking permission from Sarinda on supervised mock battles. She reflects on the past classes and take advice on improving the outcomes for the Novices.

Participants: Melosa, Sarinda


The Warders' Practice Yard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: White Tower Ground Floor
Door east: officedoor
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

Sarinda has arrived from the south, riding a pale destrier.

Sarinda touches her hand to her forehead, lips, and heart in greeting.

Sarinda assumes a defensive striking posture.

Sarinda puts a mirrored lantern in a backpack.

Melosa curtseys before her.

Melosa says 'The Light shine on you Sarinda Sedai'

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda says 'Well met, Accepted. If it pleases the Light, what do you need this evening?'

Melosa says 'I am looking to follow up with our discussion the last time.'

Melosa says 'I've had some classes with novices and I would like to seek your permission to perhaps move forwards with supervised spars, within the island of Tar Valon of course'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, let us meet in the Red Ajah den and we can discuss this further.'


Den of the Red Ajah
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Lady Sarinda din Rovan is standing here.
Galina Casban completely ignores you.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Red Sister stares down here nose here.

Sarinda gestures and the door slams shut from an unseen force.

Sarinda greets Galina Casban with a light kiss on her cheek.

Melosa curtseys before Galina.

Sarinda motions for you to take a seat while she does the same.

Melosa says 'Thank you, Sarinda Sedai'

Sarinda nods at Melosa.

Melosa sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I first want to hear from your perspective how the lessons have been going, and your questions regarding instruction.'

Melosa says 'Certainly, Sarinda Sedai'

Melosa says 'I've conducted two elementary classes for the novices'

Melosa says 'Hadley, Maddy and Skyra in particular'

Melosa says 'The first was a practical exercise in evasion.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Is this the class you led on evasion, and a game of tag?'

Melosa says 'Yes indeed, Sarinda Sedai. This was more... exercise'

Melosa says 'The novices looked like they could use a good workout'

Melosa smiles slightly.

Melosa says 'In the second class, we had discussed the theoretical use of weaves in battle and how one should consider their repertoire of weaves'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'These are excellent topics, especially for those novices, given their level of training and experience in the world.'

Sarinda says 'It was a pedagogy approach that is very popular with students, the applied lesson.'

Melosa says 'I also had set Maddy and Skyra an assignment to speak with you on your seminal weather report'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Melosa twists her Great Serpent ring around her finger as she thinks.

Melosa says 'I hoped that they had done it'

Sarinda says 'I unfortunately have not had the chance to speak with them yet, but I did see your message about that.'

Melosa says 'I will be certain to remind them once again'

Sarinda says 'Tell me, Melosa. What were some of your observations of the novices when you taught them?'

Melosa says 'Novice Skyra, while younger, has a better sense of movement.'

Melosa says 'Perhaps from her time, growing up'

Melosa says 'Novice Maddy requires more... training'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Certainly, within these girls, there is something I, we can work with and nurture and help them to be safe in their handling of the One Power'

Sarinda says 'How involved were they in the lessons, from your point of view? How much did they actively participate?'

Melosa says 'They have both been engaging well'

Melosa says 'Both do not seem to have deep experience in wielding the One Power, so they did walk away with useful insights'

Melosa twists her Great Serpent ring around her finger as she thinks.

Melosa says 'Or so I would like to think...'

Sarinda smiles and nods, leaning forward in her chair as she rests her hands on the table.

Melosa says with deep conviction 'They are on the right path'

Sarinda says 'I believe that all of our Accepted who wish to one day wear the shawl, regardless of their Ajah, should have at least some experience with the activities that Aes Sedai are expected to participate in. This includes teaching and mentorship, if even informally.'

Melosa nods her head seriously, "Indeed Sarinda Sedai. I do see these lessons as valuable experience and my desire to one day wear the shawl is certain"

Sarinda says 'When I have interacted with an Accepted who are more strongly skilled at one facet of preparing for Aes Sedai, be it interpersonal skills or combat, I often try to give tasks and training to help that Accepted grow and demonstrate her skills in the other domain.'

Melosa nods vigorously in agreement, "One must be well-rounded."

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I have no doubt about your combat prowess or your ability to weave quickly and effectively. You have already shown that. So, this has been why I have inquired more about your communication, and considered tasks for you that will push you just as hard in that domain.'

Melosa smoothens her skirts and composes herself.

Melosa says 'Yes and hence, I was hoping to move to more supervised training with the novices, with the use of perhaps several weaves and others, forbidden'

Sarinda leans back, studying you with Aes Sedai calm. 'If it pleases the Light, if you were to lead sparring with novices, what would you do specifically to make the lesson successful?'

Melosa chews on her lower lip while adjusting her headscarf slightly.

Melosa says 'I would break up the class into several lessons.'

Melosa says 'The first, simply on weaving, dexterity and timing.'

Sarinda smiles knowingly.

Melosa says 'The second, on how one would fight... stationary. I would ask them to weave at me while I Sliced their weaves.'

Melosa says 'The third, to move and Weave all together.'

Melosa says 'I would keep the first two parts together and have the third done on another day.'

Melosa says 'Throughout, no novice should drop below battered.'

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda says 'These answers please me, Melosa.'

Melosa smiles slightly.

Sarinda says 'In particular, I agree with your suggestion to break up the key components of sparring into digestible lessons, with both discussion and applied examples.'

Sarinda says 'You will likely find that for novices who truly have no genuine experience with combat, you may need to review some very basic fundamentals, such as common strategies for when to flee instinctually, mental tricks for pairing activities to increase efficiency, and so on.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, how much practice do you have at giving feedback? Especially constructive criticism?'

Melosa says 'Certainly not as much practice as I would have liked. I would greatly welcome any advice you may have, Sarinda Sedai'

Sarinda says 'How do you think you could help a novice grow if they perform particularly poorly in the lesson?'

Melosa says 'I would seek to understand the problem first. In my personal experience, much of the understanding of the One Power begins with the basic understanding of what it means to Weave.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Some of that, you could probably ascertain just from the interaction yourself'

Sarinda says 'May I offer some advice based on personal experience?'

Melosa says 'Yes certainly, Sarinda Sedai'

Sarinda says 'First, it may help to give them an opportunity to reflect and share their own perspectives on what they did well and what they could improve upon before you offer any feedback. This can help you gauge not only their combat skill, but their awareness and self-reflection, which is a vital skill to facilitate growth.'

Melosa bows her head, committing the advice to memory.

Sarinda says 'In my experience, most women will rapidly share their perspectives on what they could improve upon, even if they objectively fought well. But even for women who are in dire need of basic training and help, try to instill confidence and support by providing positive but accurate feedback on something they did in fact do well. Even if that thing is very basic.'

Sarinda says 'Novices, especially novices who are new to battle, may be particularly nervous or uncertain of themselves. Our job at this level of training is to foster confidence, curiosity, and growth.'

Melosa nods eagerly.

Sarinda says 'Second, they will accept and entertain your feedback more if it is solicited and specific. Especially among peers or those in similar positions within an organization, asking if they would like advice or feedback will make it much easier to accept, and you will have greater leverage to provide instruction in a meaningful way.'

Melosa says 'As you say, Sarinda Sedai, it shall be done. This too is helpful for my own learning as well.'

Sarinda smiles and comments, 'I have seen the logs of your classes, Melosa, and can tell that you genuinely want the novices to improve. For that, I admire your efforts and respect them.'

Melosa says 'Thank you, Sarinda Sedai'

Melosa says 'Yes, it is my sincere hope that these girls see this as a first step in their journey of learning in the Tower. I too know how difficult novice training can be and any help is always appreciated'

Sarinda nods in understanding.

Sarinda says 'I do also agree with your suggestion to limit sparring to stopping at Battered with the novices, at least for now, if an Aes Sedai is not available to supervise or join you.'

Sarinda says 'Do you know why I specifically advise combatants in our spars to not use long weaves on a target who is already Battered?'

Melosa twists her Great Serpent ring around her finger as she thinks.

Melosa says 'Some of the most deadly weaves known to the Tower... fluctuates. If I were to guess, Sarinda Sedai, it is so that no incidents happen'

Sarinda's Aes Sedai stoicism briefly breaks as a frown flashes across her face.

Sarinda admits softly, 'I made a mistake, once. One that I will not repeat, if it pleases the

Melosa nods sadly, 'I did not know this.'

Sarinda's calm expression returns as she replies sternly, 'See that no incidents occur with the novices, Melosa.'

Melosa says 'As you command, Sarinda Sedai. We shall exercise utmost care'

Sarinda nods decisively.

Sarinda says 'Very well. If it pleases the Light, I would be glad to spar now, if you have no further questions.'

Posts: 486
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Discussion Log: Instructing Novices

Post by Chloro » Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:49 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : +
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : -
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : +

Melosa 1
Sarinda 1

Please say "RECEIVE" at a silver-haired sedai located in every Ajah wing.

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