Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015) ---&RPaward

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Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:15 pm

Point of view: Crenna
Main character: Crenna
Main character: Lucie

After trying to rid the city of Dougan, Lucie and Crenna went on patrol.

On Patrol with Lucie (Jan. 9, 2015)
As the ancient tree avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

The ancient tree avoids being bashed by Lucie who loses her balance and falls!
What's bothering you?

Lucie says 'I need to mend, what's your excuse?'

Crenna's bash at the ancient tree sends it sprawling!

Crenna says 'Lack of skill, I think.'


In the Caves
The floor is slippery due to all the water dripping from the ceiling and one
must be careful not to lose ones balance and break a leg. If you do you are
doomed. Hunger and cold will wear you out and kill you if the horrible
creatures dwelling in these caves don't get to you first. A horrible death
indeed. Tunnels continues to the north and west.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
|1|.A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
Lucie Dechaine the Lieutenant is standing here.
A bloodstock stallion has arrived from the north.

Lucie sits down and rests.

Crenna says 'Drillmaster Theq is awake. He...'

Lucie says 'He?'

Crenna says 'It might be good to ensure he's okay, Lieutenant.'

Lucie says 'The man surely can take care of himself. We are not wet-nurses, are we?'

Crenna says 'Of course not. I wasn't sure if you've heard about his amnesia.'

Crenna says 'Or him thinking of leaving the Winged Guard.'

Crenna frowns.

Lucie says 'He assured me he was fit for duty when we last met.'

Lucie says 'As for leaving, that wasn't on the table.'

Crenna says 'I spoke to him yesterday and he mentioned the possibility.'

Crenna sits down and rests her tired bones.

Lucie looks at you with narrowed eyes and asks 'Are you in the business of driving men away?'

Crenna says 'Excuse me, Lieutenant?'

Lucie says 'Joryn. Theq. Now you have Aldwyn wrapped around your finger.'

Lucie says 'I'm not sure what your great game entails, but it seems alot like leading people on and then dashing their heart to pieces.'

Crenna says 'Do you really respect Lord Cuebiyar a'Ayende to think he could be wrapped around anyone's finger?'

Crenna frowns.

Lucie says 'I respect him.'

Lucie stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Crenna says 'Good. But it sounds like not enough.'

Crenna stops resting, and stands up.

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Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:22 pm

**Story by Santino, including it in this thread since the majority of the rp surrounding it appears in these logs**

Santino sat before his writing desk in the study of the House Du Lis. It was a sparse room both in attraction and space. Four stone walls, a writing desk, maps of different sizes strewn randomly along the walls, a scroll rack, and one very old general. It was bare and practical. Just like the man himself. A blank sheet of paper sat before the old noble, and yet as was his habit, quill in hand, he wrote nothing.

His mind turned and tumbled, twisted and writhed. He was always at war with himself. An eternal battle that never calmed and never let go. Memories of battles won and lost played through his mind. Memories of fallen comrades. And then memories of the screams of women and children, he could almost feel his lip begin to twitch into a ruthless smirk, just as it did that day. "No!" He snarled, slamming his fist upon the desk in front of him. The general began to shake uncontrollably, he squeezed his eyes closed and ground his teeth as tremors wracked his body.

"There isn't always a battle going on somewhere, I can't wait for forever." Santino spun in his chair, his anger and rage forgotten and looked to the doorway leading out of his den. The heavy oaken door was still closed. Santino shook his head in an attempt to clear it. The silence in the room was heavy. Santino slowly turned in his chair and resumed facing his desk as the silence taunted him. He knew she thought her words went ignored, but he remembered them still. They reverberated in the old man just as they did the walls of his den. The general slowly stood and walked towards his door, he pulled on the handle and cracked it open to look onto the world beyond. His bed lay just on the other side and on that bed a sleeping form could just be seen beneath the sheets.

Santino eased it closed and stood for a moment looking at the door. He nodded slowly and returned to his desk. A blank sheet of paper sat before the old noble, and yet as was not his habit, quill in hand, he wrote.


Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:28 pm

** Included for same reason as above**

Point of view: Santino
Main character: Santino
Main character: Lucie
Passerby: Kanae

Santino has his talk with Lucie


The Dancing Badger
This busy tavern is a large room, with rows of tables and chairs, battered
and beaten from years of constant use and abuse. The smell of stout ale
fills the tavern, and the place looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years.
All sorts of ruffians and lowlife visit this establishment, and it seems to
have been the site of several recent fights, judging by the bloodstains on
the floor. Illumination is provided by cracked lanterns.

Santino has arrived from the west.

Santino looks around at the mugs, and kegs surrounding Lucie.

Santino says 'Been here long?'

Santino grins evilly.

Lucie lazily looks up at Santino.

Lucie says 'Long enough.'

Santino walks towards Lucie and takes a seat next to her.

Santino nods slowly.

Lucie watches him move, her eyes settling upon his hands.

Santino watches Lucie and grins wide.

Lucie forces a bright smile and offers a tankard.

Santino shifts his weight and bumps his shoulder into hers.

Santino nods in agreement.

Santino takes the tankard and drinks deep.

Santino says 'So what are we celebrating?'

Lucie sets her tankard on the table and shrugs.

Lucie says 'Do we need a reason?'

Santino shrugs a shoulder.

Santino says 'I've never known you to drink like this. Not that I'm disappointed.'

Santino grins evilly.

Lucie curls her hands around the ale and chuckles darkly.

Lucie says 'I used to.'

Kanae has arrived from the west.

Lucie says 'Before you.'

Lucie looks at the newcomer.

Santino nods slowly.

Santino looks at Kanae.

Lucie says 'What can we get you, stranger?'

Santino nods at Kanae.

Kanae gives a plain look towards the speaker, before ignoring it all together.

Kanae buys a choice steak.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.

Kanae leaves west.

A bartender locks down the merchandise in his shop and closes up.

Santino says 'heh'

Lucie nudges Santino and says 'She's young looking'

Lucie drops a small keg.

Santino frowns and shrugs a shoulder.

Santino says 'I've got a young woman right here.'

Santino grins at Lucie.

Lucie frowns.

Santino takes a long drink from his tankard.

Lucie Looks at Santino.

Lucie's countenance falls as she looks at herself.

Santino glances at Lucie and grins once more.

Lucie says 'You don't'

Lucie says 'You don't have to say that anymore.'

Lucie says 'I know it's not true.'

Santino arches an eyebrow.

Santino says 'You're still young. All the guards glance after you whenever you're around.'

Lucie says 'They call me sir!'

Lucie snarls like a vicious animal.

Lucie feels sober again.

Lucie looks down at the keg on the ground.

Lucie drinks the dark beer.
Lucie drinks the dark beer.

Santino raises his mug and grins once more, before taking another drink.

Santino says 'They'd be foolish not too eh?'

Lucie stands up.

Santino says 'Speaking of those who call you sir.'

Lucie says 'Yeah?'

Santino says 'Heard some interesting things lately.'

Lucie says 'I'm sure.' She turns away towards the bar.

Lucie whispers something to the bartender.

Santino frowns.

buy goblet
A bartender tells Lucie 'The cook says this is delicious. Enjoy!'
Lucie now has a wooden goblet.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.

Santino glances after Lucie and shakes his head, his jaw tightening.

Santino sighs loudly.

Santino says 'Tell me about your issue with Crenna and Aldwyn girl.'

Lucie sighs heavily as she lifts the cup to her mouth.

Lucie pauses before taking a drink. And then another drink.

Lucie's fist tightens around the goblet. 'Don't call me girl.'

Santino grins evilly.

Santino says 'Then don't act like one woman. Speak up.'

Lucie looks over her shoulder at the General. 'I don't trust her.'

Santino shifts his mug across the table and slides his chair back a little.

Santino continues to watch Lucie.

Santino nods slowly.

Santino says 'Why?'

Lucie turns to face Santino. She stands haughtily. 'She twists words to her pleasure, to deceive and get her way.'

Lucie spits 'This isn't Cairhien.'

Lucie says 'Theq is going.'

Lucie says 'Joryn left.'

Santino cocks his head to the side.

Lucie says 'Aldwyn and her are staring puppy eyed at each other all day and night.'

Lucie walks towards Santino steadily and continues 'I don't like it. There's been more drama here in the last month since she's come about.'

Lucie's voice raises 'I don't trust her to have my back in combat...'

Lucie continues 'The least I deserve is knowing I can trust she means what she says.'

Santino grins slowly and tips his head, glancing to the floor and back.

Lucie shakes her head and turns aside, eyes closing momentarily.

Lucie blinks and takes a deep breath.

Santino says 'Why don't you trust her to watch your back?'

Santino says 'before I start on anything else..'

Lucie says 'She's green.'

Santino nods in agreement.

A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Lucie says 'And don't you dare say her experience is in any way related to me. '

Santino grins evilly.

Lucie says 'I'm not going to be the one to take her out of Lord Aldwyn's presence.'

Lucie says 'Every time I walk through the streets it's like some bloody love convention.'

Santino shrugs and shifts forward, resting his elbows on his knees and looks to the floors.

Santino begins cleaning his nails and nods.

Lucie glares at Santino.

Lucie says 'Don't patronize me.'

Santino glances up at Lucie before returning his gaze down.

Santino says 'Sit down Lucie.'

Lucie slowly and clearly says 'No.'

Santino frowns.

Lucie's eyes glimmer with challenge.

Santino sits up and leans back in his chair, his eyes narrow as he meets Lucie's gaze.

Santino says 'I'm not going to have you standing over me and seething. Sit.'

Lucie's chest rises and falls swiftly. She looks at the chair.

Lucie looks at Santino.

Lucie pulls the chair away, opposite Santino and sits obediently.

Santino shakes his head and leans forward once more.

Santino says 'I've heard multiple things now.'

Santino says 'She's green, love convention, she's deceptive.'

Santino looks at Lucie flatly.

Santino says 'When you came here you were just as green woman.'

Santino says 'She's deceptive? I'll admit she's starry eyed, but I haven't seen a bit of deception from the woman.'

Santino says 'And Aldwyn's no fool.'

Lucie scowls.

Santino glares at Lucie.

Santino says 'Aldwyn guided me into the man I am today. Between him and Breckon, I wouldn't be here if not for them.'

Santino says 'Who are you to judge him?'

Lucie looks away sullenly.

Lucie quietly protests 'I'm not judging him. I'm judging her.'

Santino frowns.

Santino says 'Which is a reflection on Aldwyn.'

Santino says 'If she's all of these things then he's a fool no?'

Lucie shakes her head.

Lucie says 'That's not how I meant it.'

Lucie looks up at Santino 'And you know it.

Santino nods slowly.

Lucie says 'I get that I was green, but guess what?'

Santino arches an eyebrow clearly interested.

Santino says 'What?'

Lucie says 'I always said what I meant and meant what I said. None of this great game nonsense.'

Lucie says 'And as for the love convention...'

Lucie says 'Dennel specifically ordered me to stay away from you.'

Santino grins wide, showing all of his teeth.

Lucie voice lowers 'My first day.'

Lucie she glances downward and says 'And I tried. For a long time.'

Santino says 'well..'

Lucie looks at Santino.

Lucie says 'And I've given you all of me.'

Santino frowns and nods, his gaze never leaving Lucie's.

Lucie says 'Now things are different.'

Santino says 'Different?'

Lucie nods.

Santino says 'How?'

Lucie sighs.

Lucie says 'Our most passionate moments revolved around war.'

Lucie smiles sadly to herself.

Santino frowns.

Santino leans over the table slightly his face softening.

Lucie says 'What's left? '

Santino says 'Look Lucie..'

Santino seems to struggle with himself for a moment.

Lucie says 'I'm a shell of who I used to be, and I don't trust that I can be who you need anymore.'

Lucie says 'I might as well be as green as I was.'

Lucie leans forward and places her head in her hands.

Santino frowns once more his face growing concerned.

Lucie says 'I told Aldwyn I ate a dagger in battle up north.'

Lucie says 'I am trained better, smarter.'

Lucie says 'I don't know what's going on with me.'

Lucie says 'I've no assurances with you.'

Lucie says 'Why would you stay?'

Lucie's mouth works soundlessly as words fail.

Santino sighs loudly.

An Elite Winged Guard has arrived from the west.

Lucie angrily wipes at tears upon her cheeks.

Lucie looks at a Winged Guard

Santino stands up pulling his chair with him and sits once more by Lucie.

Santino says 'So that's what this is about.'

Santino looks at you and then back to the table before him.

Santino settles back into his chair and raises an arm, resting it across Lucie's shoulders.

Lucie reflexively reaches to grasp Santino's hand.

Santino nods slowly.

Lucie softly cries and says 'I don't want what they have.'

Lucie says 'I want what we had.'

Santino smiles softly, releasing Lucie's hand and begins playing with her hair.

Santino says 'We never lost that Lucie.'

Santino says 'You know what kind of man I am. Like no one else.'

Lucie chuckles.

Lucie whispers 'No truer words...'

Santino says 'I've allowed one woman to ride at my back in all my years. And if I have my way she'll be there at the end riding the chair by my bed, or on a mount at my side as I pass.'

Santino says 'I've let you down.'

Santino grins sadly and cocks an eyebrow.

Santino shrugs helplessly.

Lucie hastily disagrees.

Lucie says 'You haven't.'

Lucie says 'I knew life with you wouldn't be like with anyone else.'

Santino nods slowly.

Lucie says 'I just have fears.'

Lucie says 'I'm sorry.'

Lucie adds 'I still don't really like Crenna.'

Lucie coughs loudly.

Lucie says 'But for appearances sake, I'll make it seem like I do.'

Santino grins at Lucie.

Santino says 'No'

Santino says 'No you will not.'

A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Santino says 'I would never ask you to pretend. And I love Aldwyn as much as I do my own blood. But even he wouldn't want that.'

Santino says 'Instead I think you should work with her.'

Lucie groans loudly.

Santino says 'Knock a bit of that star light from her eyes. Make her into a soldier.'

Lucie says 'Tino.'

A bartender returns from his break, re-opening the store.

Lucie says 'I'm not sure I have what it takes anymore.'

Santino pokes Lucie in the back of her head.

Lucie rubs her head.

Santino says 'You do. I believe in you.'

Santino resumes playing with Lucie's hair and sighs deeply.

Lucie says 'I believe we've grown soft.'

Lucie leans in to Santino and curses softly.

Santino says 'heh'

Santino closes his eyes and shrugs his free shoulder.

Lucie says 'When, in all our time could we have sit this long without interruption?'

Lucie asks in resignation 'Are they really getting married?'

Santino grins wide, showing all his teeth.

Santino says 'They are.'

Lucie sulks.

Santino says 'And you know how I feel about Aldwyn.'

Lucie says 'Yes. I do.'

Santino says 'So for his sake, condone it. Aldwyn's no fool.'

Lucie says 'Do I have to attend?'

Lucie looks into Santino's eyes, silently pleading.

Lucie waggles her brows at him.

Lucie says 'Do I?'

Lucie giggles.

Santino says 'Well seeing as I'm officiating..'

Lucie whines pitifully.

Santino seems to think a moment.

Santino says 'Yep'

Santino says 'You do'

Lucie says 'May I be sufficiently inebriated? '

Santino says 'I would be disappointed otherwise woman.'

Santino grins wolfishly and pokes Lucie in the head once more.

Lucie says 'That will do.'

Lucie grins evilly.

Santino says 'I was thinking though..'

Lucie says 'Hrm?'

Lucie stands and moves away.

Lucie says 'No...'

Lucie says 'No.'

Lucie says 'No thinking.'

Santino scratches at a scar near his ear.

Lucie gets a cinnamon honeycake from a small purse.

Lucie coughs loudly.

Santino grins evilly.

Lucie eats the honeycake.

Santino says 'Worried about something?'

Lucie wipes crumbs off her tunic.

Lucie says 'Nope.'

Lucie says 'Not worried about a thing.'

Lucie licks her fingers.

Lucie says 'I think I'll be on my way, love.'

Santino shrugs a shoulder and nods slowly.

Santino says 'Where are you off to now?'

Santino smiles happily.

Lucie moves towards Santino and leans close.

Lucie gets a wicked grin.

Lucie whispers to Santino 'To my room in the barracks.'

Santino cocks his head to the side and reaches out grabbing Lucie's tunic roughly.

Santino smiles happily.

Lucie snickers softly.

Santino leans forward and kisses her hard.

Santino says 'Very well then.'

Santino grins wide, showing all of his teeth.

Lucie says 'Tino.'

Santino says 'Hmm?'

Lucie says 'Forgive me for being childish.'

Santino says 'I have no idea what you're talking about.'

Santino smiles at Lucie.

Lucie chuckles politely.

Lucie says 'okay.'

Santino says 'You're exactly as you've always been.'

Santino says 'Exactly as I want you.'

Lucie's cheeks are burning.

Lucie says 'Ok.'

Lucie says 'I think Aldwyn thinks you've died.'

Lucie smirks.

Santino says 'I'm sure he's terrified right now yes.'

Lucie snickers softly.

Lucie says 'We need a vacation.'

Santino nods slowly.

Lucie says 'something with lots of slaying involved.'

Santino says 'I was thinking we should ride north soon.'

Lucie says 'I need to rediscover my roots.'

Lucie says 'and my sword hand.'

Santino says 'I've heard those Lancer sissys need help of late.'

Santino grins at Lucie.

Lucie says 'I will follow you to Shayol Ghul.'

Santino says 'That's my girl.'

Lucie's cheeks color faintly as she smiles.

Lucie runs her fingers through Santino’s hair and kisses him tenderly on the lips.

Lucie says 'Good bye

Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:37 pm

Point of view: Crenna
Main character: Crenna
Main character: Aldwyn

Aldwyn meets Crenna's Father (Jan. 11, 2016)
Barracks of the Winged Guard
A sign hangs on the wall, begging to be read.
[ obvious exits: S ]
A thick, leather backpack lies abandoned here.
A fine-grained oilstone lies upon the ground.
A lantern has been left here.
A minor lord stands here, trying to seem important.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster stands here, expertly folding sheets.

Aldwyn has arrived from the south.

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Perhaps we should travel to Cairhien today?'

Crenna is just too cute.

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Aldwyn says 'The boats are on standby'

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Perhaps later today. I should freshen up first before the trip.'

Crenna stops using a full metal helmet and visor.

Crenna runs her fingers through her hair and grimaces.

Crenna says 'Yes, most definitely.'

Aldwyn nods and looks at himself, covered in dirt and bits of blood.

Crenna looks at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'I think I may need to as well.'

Crenna says 'The things we get used to serving in the ranks.'

Crenna says 'Oh, your shield is looking a bit beat up.'

Aldwyn says 'A fade and two trollocs will do that'

Crenna 's eyes widen.

Crenna says 'I am glad you are skilled.'

Aldwyn says 'I still maintain lucky'

Aldwyn winks suggestively at Crenna.

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna says 'I'll take either if it returns you to me.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Well, time to get ready. '

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I need to go to my quarters as well'

Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster gives Aldwyn an offer.

Crenna leans in for a quick peck on your cheek.

Crenna waves.

Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster stores your belongings and helps you into your private chamber.


Barracks of the Winged Guard
A sign hangs on the wall, begging to be read.
[ obvious exits: S ]
A thick, leather backpack lies abandoned here.
A fine-grained oilstone lies upon the ground.
A lantern has been left here.
Lucie Dechaine the Lieutenant is standing here.
A minor lord stands here, trying to seem important.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster stands here, expertly folding sheets.

Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster grins at Crenna.

Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster says 'Morning, Crenna! I can hear those Tairen dogs trembling from here.'

Lucie glares icily at Crenna, she feels cold to her bones.

Crenna salutes.

Lucie says 'Why does he say something to you and not me?'

Lucie snarls angrily at Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster.

Lucie gives a respectable salute.

Crenna says 'That I do not know. I think he only tends to talk when one first awakens.'

Lucie says 'As I have just done before you.'

Lucie sighs loudly.

Lucie leaves south.

-+- removed spam of Crenna swapping to informal clothing and walking to the throneroom.

The Throneroom of the First of Mayene
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Lucie Dechaine the Lieutenant is standing here.
A young woman walks by.
Lord Aldwyn the Lord Lieutenant is standing here.
A man is here.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron, the First of Mayene, ponders the situation.

Crenna salutes.

Lucie steps aside.

Lucie shoots Crenna a thinly-veiled glare.

Aldwyn says 'Lady Berelain award 2 qp to Lucie for interactive rp with Aldwyn at the Badger'

Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron says 'So be it, Councillor Aldwyn. I have awarded lucie 2 qp.'

Aldwyn says 'since there's no log'

Crenna is dressed for traveling and smiles at Aldwyn.

Lucie looks at Crenna and rolls her eyes.

Lucie says 'Excuse me please.'

Lucie bows deeply.

Aldwyn nods at Lucie.

Lucie leaves west.

The Thronedoor closes quietly.

Crenna looks in the direction Lucie went and sighs.

Crenna says 'Well, I'm not going to let her ruin my spirits.'

Aldwyn nods at Crenna.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Duty first. Come find me when you're done?'

Aldwyn says 'I think I'm finished now'

Crenna says 'Oh, that is good timing then.'

Aldwyn says 'I have only Santino to catch up with, but he hasn't woken yet.'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'Do you need to change before we leave?'

Crenna looks at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn smirks.

Aldwyn says 'is that a hint?'

Aldwyn says 'Let me go speak to Talhar'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Aldwyn opens the Thronedoor.

Aldwyn leaves west.


The Golden Armory
[ obvious exits: N ]
Lord Aldwyn the Lord Lieutenant is standing here.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
Havien Nurelle, Lord Lieutenant of the Winged Guards, stands here.
A man is here.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
An armorer stands here, working hard.
The Winged Guard blacksmith stands in the back working with a new blade.

Havien Nurelle snaps to attention and salutes Crenna.

Havien Nurelle says 'Greetings, comrade Crenna.'

Crenna salutes Havien.

Crenna salutes Aldwyn.

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna now follows Aldwyn.

Crenna gives a plate of roast potatoes and turnips to Aldwyn.
Crenna gives a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly to Aldwyn.

Havien Nurelle leaves north.

Crenna says 'I made us food for our journey.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn says 'smells delicious'

Aldwyn gets a large slab of meat from a backpack.

Crenna smiles.

Aldwyn gives a large slab of meat to an Elite Winged Guard.

Aldwyn gives a receipt to an armorer.
An armorer gives a silver etched shield to Aldwyn.

Aldwyn gives a silver etched shield to Master Talhar.

Master Talhar says 'Now the world will you know who you serve, Aldwyn!'

Master Talhar gives a crimson shield emblazoned with a golden hawk to Aldwyn.

Aldwyn binds a crimson shield emblazoned with a golden hawk to his arm.

Crenna looks at Aldwyn.

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna rocks back and forth on her feet a bit.

Crenna says 'I admit...'

Crenna says 'I'm a bit nervous.'

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Aldwyn says 'You're their daughter. They're going to love you either way.'


The Northern Gate of Mayene
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
|1|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Lord Aldwyn the Lord Lieutenant is standing here, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.
A little boy plays here.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn looks at Crenna.

Aldwyn says 'Ready?'

Crenna says 'Yes.'

Crenna nods.


The River Stork
[ obvious exits: ]
|1|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Lord Aldwyn the Lord Lieutenant is standing here, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.
Crenna steps off a gangplank unsteadily.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn sits down and rests.
Aldwyn sheathes a shard of sapphire shaped like a talon with a golden hilt into a blue cape featuring a golden hawk in flight.

A sailor climbs into the ship's mast and looks out over the water.

Sweeps churning the water steer the ship onto the river.

Aldwyn says 'And now we wait'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Crenna sits down and rests her tired bones.

Crenna says 'I wonder...if they will think it's scandalous that you're my commanding officer?'

Crenna says 'Although it shall be interesting to see their faces and reactions.'

A sailor calls out the depth of the river.

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Ropes are pulled to adjust the sail as the ship sails north against the current.

Aldwyn says 'Well in fact you would fall under Santino's troops, as per your fighting style.'

A sailor climbs into the ship's mast and looks out over the water.

Crenna says 'That is a good point.'

Crenna looks at you, her gaze serious.

Crenna says 'You do know, that I am committed to marrying you regardless of any outcome from speaking to my parents?'

Aldwyn nods with a nervous smile.

Aldwyn says 'That is not my worry.'

A sailor climbs into the ship's mast and looks out over the water.

Aldwyn says 'I told you the other night, once we wed, they will be the first family I've had other than the Guard.'

Aldwyn says 'So it's important to me that they like me.'

Aldwyn winks suggestively at Crenna.

A sailor stuffs his pipe with tabac and lights it.

Crenna says 'I'm sure they will. Just know that they might be reserved at first.'

Sails are lowered and sweeps steer the ship towards the Cairhien docks.

Aldwyn nods at Crenna.

A sailor neatly coils a rope on the front deck.

Crenna says 'Especially in Cairhien, they...will probably hold many of their thoughts close.'

A sailor stuffs his pipe with tabac and lights it.

The sun rises over the water, sending it into glittering shards of clear light.

A sailor climbs into the ship's mast and looks out over the water.

Aldwyn smiles when a sailor comes over and whispers to him.

The day has begun.

Aldwyn says 'We're here.'

A sailor sings hoarsely as he works.

Crenna smiles nervously.

Crenna stops resting, and stands up.

Aldwyn stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

A gangplank is extended and Aldwyn leaves the ship.
A gangplank is extended and Crenna leaves the ship.


Docks On The Alguenya River
[ obvious exits: E ]
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
|1|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
Lord Aldwyn the Lord Lieutenant is standing here.
|2|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A fool dances behind his master here.
A lord makes his way through the city.

l 2.lord
Short and pale-skinned, this lord walks haughtily through the streets of
Cairhien. He walks seemingly with his nose in the air, yet is surprisingly
aware of all around him. A few slashes of color cross his coat showing his
rank in the city's power structure.
A Cairhienin lord is in excellent condition.

Aldwyn looks at a lord's fool.

Crenna looks nervous and motions at the Lord.

Crenna stops riding her horse.

Aldwyn stops riding a gray palfrey.

A gray palfrey starts following Crenna.

Crenna says 'Would you mind waiting here for a moment?'

Aldwyn starts leading a gray palfrey.
A gray palfrey now follows Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'Of course'

Crenna walks up the the Lord who smiles and gives her a light hug upon seeing her.

Crenna says 'Father, it is so good to see you.'

Aldwyn moves to the side of the dock to keep the walkways clear for the workers.

Crenna tries not to look nervous as her Father says, 'Back after your year away, are you? The Feast will be soon and there are people for you to meet.'

Crenna says 'Actually, Father, I have much to tell you and there's someone very important to me for you to meet.'

Crenna turns to smile at Aldwyn and then walks over to stand by his side.

Crenna looks at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn shifts idly, smiling as Crenna walks towards him.

Crenna says 'Father, this is Lord Lieutenant Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende of the Winged Guard.'

Crenna 's father looks from Crenna to Aldwyn, with a slight frown.

Aldwyn gives an elegant bow, "A pleasure to meet you."

Landwin has arrived from the east.

Landwin bows deeply.

Landwin says 'good day fair lady'

Landwin bows before Crenna.

Landwin says 'my lord.'

Landwin nods at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Good day, sir.'

Aldwyn inclines his head in greeting to Landwin.

Landwin leaves east.

A rowdy group of youths pass nearby proudly proclaiming their allegiance to house Saighan to anyone who might be listening.

Crenna 's father returns the bow shallowly, and says, 'Crenna, you know how I felt about you joining the Winged Guard. Your place is to marry and not run off fighting battles.'

Landwin has arrived from the east, riding a |3|.gray palfrey.

Landwin says 'Do you any ofyou wish to accompany me when I sail for tear?'

Landwin says 'I have chartered the river sun.'

Crenna says 'My apology, Sir, but I need to speak to my parents.'

Landwin nods at Crenna.

Aldwyn shakes his head at Landwin.

Aldwyn says 'We will be staying for a time.'

Crenna motions to the Lord.

Landwin says 'very well.'

Landwin smiles at Crenna.

Crenna says 'Safe journey to you though.'

Landwin says 'The lights blessing be upon the both of you. '

Landwin hurries on a plank towards the River Sun.

Aldwyn turns back to Crenna's father.

Crenna looks up at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'She is making quite the name for both herself and your family, sir. She is quickly becoming a star that rises through our ranks for her intelligence and diplomatic ability.'

Crenna says 'I am currently a Squadman, Father, and expect I may be promoted again in the near future to Bannerman.'

Crenna 's father listens, his eyes and face revealing nothing.

Aldwyn says 'I believe she is going to be a fine Ambassador in the not so distant future.'

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Father, I need to tell you...that after this year away, as per our family's tradition, I have decided to make Mayene my home and the Winged Guard my new family.'

Crenna says 'It's my hope, that you realize I am worthy of more than just being a man's wife.'

Crenna looks at her Father intently.

Crenna 's father looks at Crenna for a moment and then nods slightly.

Crenna 's father says, 'I want just what's best for you, Daughter.'

A lord's fool leaves east.

Crenna 's father adds, 'And would never have thought of you being capable as being just a wife -- but knowing how much you would be able to do behind the scenes as your Mother and I tried to teach you.'

Crenna says 'Father, there is more.'

Aldwyn looks to Crenna, half-stepping forward as if to ask her permission.

Crenna nods at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'Sir, I came here not only to vouch for your daughter's abilities and value to Mayene as a member of the Guard.'

Aldwyn says 'But also...'

Aldwyn looks at Crenna and smiles.

Crenna bites her lip, smiling.

Aldwyn looks to her father, "I want to ask your blessing, as I've fallen for your daughter and wish to make her my wife."

Crenna 's father raises his eyebrows in surprise, but recovers quickly, his face a mask once more.

Crenna 's father says, 'And you Crenna? What do you have to say?'

Crenna looks at her father, her eyes shining with joy, and says, 'Nothing would make me happier Father.'

Crenna 's father remains silent for a moment with a slow look between the both of you.

Crenna stops breathing, her gaze on her Father.

Aldwyn reaches over and takes Crenna's hand supportively.

Crenna 's father looks around then back at his daughter and says, 'Your happiness, Daughter, has always been what is most important.'

Crenna 's Father says, 'You have my blessing.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna squeezes Aldwyn's hand and she smiles.

Aldwyn says 'Thank you, sir.'

Crenna says 'Thank you, Father.'

Crenna breaks protocol and crushes her Father in a tight hug and kisses him on his cheek.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

The River Lady has arrived at the docks.

It is 9 o'clock am, on the 20th day of the month of Choren, year 1093.
According to legend and prophecy, this is the Zunth Turn of the Wheel.
The official forums are now at '' enjoy!

(Server: Mon Jan 11 15:32:04 2016 EST, up for 15 hours, 27 minutes)

Crenna 's Father smiles and holds Crenna out at arm's length, 'I have never seen you so happy. I will of course talk to your Mother and tell her to call off the suitors.'

Crenna smiles at her Father.

Crenna says 'Thanks Father.'

Crenna says 'Now, there's still a few days before the Feast, but it's my hope it will be a time for you and Mother to get to know Aldwyn.'

Adaen snaps to attention and salutes grandly.

Aldwyn beams a smile at Adaen.

Crenna smiles at Adaen.

Crenna salutes.

Adaen smiles happily.

Adaen says 'Don't steal my boat!'

Adaen glares around her.

Adaen leaves east riding a gray palfrey.

Crenna says 'Father, we have other business to see to, but we'll catch up later. I have so much to tell you about this past year.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna 's Father looks from Aldwyn and Crenna and nods, 'When will you make a formal announcement? And have you set a date? We will need time to prepare.'

Crenna says 'Father, this might be hard for Mother when she hears, but we plan to wed in Mayene.'

Crenna says 'You and Mother of course are invited.'

Aldwyn says 'And I look forward to getting to know the people who raised such a lovely daughter.'

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn coughs at his interruption.

Crenna says 'Well, I'll leave you now to your business, Father, and I will appreciate you telling Mother?'

Crenna 's father nods.

Crenna says 'And I'll be back again soon for the Feast and see you then.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna hugs her father and then returns to Aldwyn's side.

Crenna 's father bows deeper than before to Aldwyn.

Aldwyn bows again to Crenna's father.

Crenna 's father says, 'A safe journey to you both, and I don't mean just the ship.'

Crenna 's father smiles slightly.

Crenna turns and walks to her horse.

A gray palfrey stops following Crenna.
Crenna starts riding him.

Aldwyn follows Crenna's lead.

A gray palfrey stops following Aldwyn.
Aldwyn starts riding a gray palfrey.

Aldwyn hurries on a plank towards the River Stork.

Crenna steps off a gangplank unsteadily.

The River Stork
[ obvious exits: ]
|1|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.

Sweeps churning the water steer the ship onto the river.

Aldwyn breathes a sigh of relief.

Crenna says 'That went better than expected.'

Crenna laughs slightly.

Crenna hugs Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'That went well I think. Although I get the impression your mother is going to be the harder sell.'

A sailor leans on the ship's railing and looks across the water.

Aldwyn hugs Crenna.

Ropes are pulled to adjust the sail as the ship sails west on the current.

Crenna says 'Mother is...ambitious.'

Crenna says 'And I expect she would prefer if I lived nearer as well.'

Crenna says 'But Father will know what to say to her.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

A sailor calls out the depth of the river.

Crenna says 'And like him, Mother loves me -- of that I have no doubt -- but she just has her own ideas of what would make for the happiest life for me.'

Ropes are pulled to adjust the sail as the ship sails south on the current.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Are we here?'

A gangplank is extended and Aldwyn leaves the ship.
A gangplank is extended and Crenna leaves the ship.


The Northern Gate of Mayene
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
|1|.A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

Crenna looks at Aldwyn, her eyes shining with happiness and love.

Aldwyn says 'Feeling better about that situation now I hope?'

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Crenna says 'It's now official with both of my families.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Although part of me feels like I'm too happy to sleep... I also know it was a long journey and that I should rest.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'Get some sleep, my love'

Aldwyn says 'Let's get you to the barracks'

Barracks of the Winged Guard
A sign hangs on the wall, begging to be read.
[ obvious exits: S ]
A thick, leather backpack lies abandoned here.
A fine-grained oilstone lies upon the ground.
A lantern has been left here.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here.
A minor lord stands here, trying to seem important.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster stands here, expertly folding sheets.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'I will rest better knowing there won't be a line of suitors waiting for me when we're next in Cairhien.'

Crenna is just too cute.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'Me as well'

Aldwyn smirks.

Crenna says 'And... whomever my Mother already may have told about my costume...will also recognize me and know to stay away.'

Crenna says 'Thank you Aldwyn for being willing to face my parents.'

Crenna grins.

Crenna leans closer looking up at Aldwyn.

Crenna kisses him.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn says 'It's just one of many things...'

Crenna says 'Oh?'

Aldwyn says 'That we'll face together...was what I was going to say'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn kisses Crenna.

Crenna nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'I should... get to bed.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna pulls away, sighing slightly.

Crenna winks.

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Crenna says 'Have a good rest of your day, my love.'

Aldwyn says 'One step closer to the day now.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna waves.

Aldwyn says 'Have sweet dreams, my peace'

Crenna looks up at you surprised for a moment and then nods.

Crenna says 'I hope that is always the case, even should we argue or have other conflict in the future.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna waves.

Priam al'Rhenos the Quartermaster stores your belongings and helps you into your private chamber.

Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:42 pm

Point of view: Raquel
Main character: Raquel
Main character: Aldwyn

Raquel speaks to Aldwyn about his engagement to Crenna


Aldwyn smiles at you.

The Northern Gate of Mayene
The massive north gate is heavily guarded. Tall iron portcullises protect
the city from attack, and small murder holes above the gate are barely
visible. A small alley leads off to the west, and looks to lead to seedier
parts of town. Tall towers dominate the view of the city to the south. The
stone road here is worn smooth.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

Aldwyn says 'Didn't think I'd be seeing you again anytime soon, Wisdom'

Racquel says 'Lord Aldwyn.

Racquel purses her lips.

Racquel says 'And why might that be?

Aldwyn says 'Last time I did you left in quite a hurry.'

Racquel hesitates.

Racquel says 'Well, I'm quite a busy woman.

Aldwyn smirks but nods, "I can only imagine."

Racquel says 'I trust that Theq has returned safely?

Aldwyn says 'Aringill is quite the thoroughfare of sailors and the like.'

nod aldwyn
You nod at him.

Racquel says 'It is. But alas, I haven't seen Aringill for some months.

You sigh.

Aldwyn says 'Yes he made it back safely. We're quite happy to have him back.'

Aldwyn frowns.

Aldwyn says 'Why's that?'

Racquel tilts her head.

Aldwyn says 'That you haven't seen Aringill in months.'

Racquel says 'Well...

Racquel gestures around.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'It's clear to me that there's a few wool heads down here that need some...

Racquel pauses.

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Racquel says 'Guidance.

Aldwyn says 'I would have to agree with that assessment'

Racquel says 'I was thinking of, perhaps, staying for a while.

Racquel bites her lip in thought.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'But that might depend, I suppose.

Aldwyn hesitates.

Aldwyn says 'I do enjoy your presence, and truly agree that we could use a Wisdom here.'

Aldwyn says 'But...I do have to ask something first.'

You arch an eyebrow.

Racquel says flatly, 'What?'

Aldwyn says 'Is everything alright between you and Theq? We just got him back and I can't risk anything sending him off again.'

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'Why? Did he say something to you?

Racquel bites her lip.

Aldwyn says 'I don't mean to pry, but I feel I need to ask this just in keeping my duty to him as a Winged Guard.'

Aldwyn shakes his head.

Aldwyn says 'He's said nothing, that's why I don't know how things stand.'

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'Theq is the biggest wool head of you all.

Racquel purses her lips.

Racquel says 'But as far as I am aware, we are...

Racquel frowns, searching for the words.

Aldwyn says 'We have some pretty thick wool heads...'

Racquel says 'How was it you put it? Okay?

Racquel says 'We are okay, yes.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'Then I most graciously welcome your stay'

Racquel looks around.

Racquel says 'We shall see.

Racquel says 'I understand that you don't have suitable quarters for a Wisdom.

Aldwyn says 'I can arrange something temporary if you wish.'

Aldwyn says 'But no we have no permanent quarters.'

Racquel purses her lips.

Racquel says 'I'm sure the Inn will accommodate me if need be.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'Perhaps, if I do stay, we can discuss lodging further.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'Or, perhaps I can visit whoever the Wisdom of Zakin's Glade is. That would only be a day's ride from here.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'And Tear has far more woolheads than Mayene I'm sure.'

nod aldwyn
You nod at him.

Racquel says 'I have no doubt.

Racquel looks you up and down.

Racquel says 'And what of you, Lord Aldwyn? The people in the taverns speak of your recent engagement.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I am engaged to Crenna.'

Racquel narrows her eyes.

Racquel says 'I see.

Racquel tilts her head, considering.

Racquel says 'I suppose, that may do.

Racquel lifts her head, looking down at you.

Racquel says 'And you're ready to be a husband then?

Aldwyn says 'I feel that I am.'

You arch an eyebrow.

Racquel says 'And what exactly does that mean?

Aldwyn thinks hard.

Racquel frowns, 'How does one -feel- ready?'

Aldwyn says 'The same way I know most things, by following my instincts, Wisdom.'

You chuckle politely.

Racquel says 'I see.

Racquel says 'Well, I'm not the Wisdom here, so it's not for me to say...

Racquel continues on, 'But if I were, I would want a better answer than that.'

Aldwyn says 'To say what?'

Racquel stands straighter.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'If you were marrying me. I would demand a better answer than that.

You shrug.

Racquel says 'Perhaps that is something to consider.

Aldwyn says 'That seems a trap to reply to such a statement given recent events.'

You arch an eyebrow.

Racquel says 'I would lay no traps, m'Lord.

Racquel says 'It simply is, what it is.

Aldwyn says 'All people lay traps, some with sticks and rope, some with daggers and armor, and some with words.'

Racquel gestures to herself, 'I would do no such thing.'

Aldwyn says 'Sometimes whether they intended to or not.'

Racquel says 'Are you sure your hesitation doesn't betray your own thoughts more than my own?

Racquel tilts her head.

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Aldwyn says 'I am quite sure of how I feel for Crenna, Wisdom. '

Racquel says 'I see.

Racquel purses her lips.

Racquel says 'Perhaps I can offer your some advice then, m'Lord?

Aldwyn says 'She's helped me find peace in a lifetime of struggle and war.'

Aldwyn nods at you.

Aldwyn says 'Certainly'

Racquel steps forward, close to you.

Racquel places her hand delicately on your cheek.

Racquel breathes, 'When you stand on your wedding day. With your wife to be.'

Racquel breathes, 'When the First asks you to declare you love for your beloved.'

Racquel breathes, 'And when she asks you what your love about her.'

Racquel breathes, 'My advice would be to have a better answer than 'instinct'.'

Racquel says 'Women prefer a man who has convictions.

Racquel lets her fingers run down your cheek softly as she backs away.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I didn't know you were asking me to profess my love'

Racquel says 'Is that not what is required of a husband?

Racquel purses her lips.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'Love is a necessity, of course.

Racquel says 'Along with your ability to protect her.

Racquel says 'Can you protect her, m'Lord?

Aldwyn says 'I can move forward with her. As she doesn't want me to protect her as much as my heart wants me to.'

What's bothering you?

Racquel says 'How sure are you of that?

Aldwyn says 'I'm quite sure of what she has told me she wants.'

Racquel smiles wryly.

Aldwyn says 'Or rather what she told me she didn't want after I told her I would.'

Racquel says 'And what about what she -hasn't- told you, m'Lord?

Racquel steps forward again.

Racquel places a hand on your chest.

Racquel says 'Can you read her body language?

Racquel says 'Can you answer her thoughts before she's thought of them?

Racquel runs her hand across your chest.

Racquel says 'Are you -sure- you're ready?

Aldwyn says 'I can tell what she's thinking most of the time.'

You arch an eyebrow.

Aldwyn takes your hand from his chest, "And I know she would not appreciate you doing that?"

Racquel drops her hand down.

Racquel says 'Is that a question or a concern, m'Lord?

Racquel says 'Or are you perhaps not as sure as you should be?

Aldwyn says 'You are overstepping yourself, Wisdom.'

Racquel says 'Perhaps.

Racquel says 'But you need to be sure, m'Lord.

Racquel says 'You owe that to your beloved.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'And I am very sure.'

smile aldwyn
You smile at him.

Racquel says 'Good.

Aldwyn says 'I'd carve a path to Shayol Ghul if I had to for her, Wisdom'

Racquel says 'I'm sure you'll make a fine husband.

Racquel says 'And I look forward to your wedding day. If I am still in Mayene, I will be delighted to witness it.

Racquel says 'Now.

Racquel says 'I should speak to the innkeeper about that room.

Racquel smiles again, 'I think I'm going to like it here.'

wink aldwyn
You wink suggestively at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'I'm sure I will see you soon.

Aldwyn says 'Take care, Wisdom.'

You nod in agreement.

Racquel says 'And you, Lord Lieutenant.

Racquel leaves south.

Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:47 pm

Point of view: Crenna
Main character: Crenna
Main character: Racquel
Main character: Aldwyn
Passerby: Contra

Racquel continues to test the engagement, trying to make Crenna jealous


The Northern Gate of Mayene
The massive north gate is heavily guarded. Tall iron portcullises protect
the city from attack, and small murder holes above the gate are barely
visible. A small alley leads off to the west, and looks to lead to seedier
parts of town. Tall towers dominate the view of the city to the south. The
stone road here is worn smooth.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is resting here, riding a |1|.gray palfrey.
Racquel A'Hara, Senior Wisdom is standing here.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

Racquel places her hand on Aldwyn's arm.

Crenna salutes Aldwyn.

Racquel notices movement and eyes Crenna.

Racquel drops her hand slowly.

Crenna looks at Racquel.
A young woman with long, straight, brown hair and emerald eyes is here.
She absently plays with a small silver chain around her neck.
<worn on feet> a set of soft velvet slippers (frayed)

Crenna says 'Good day, Wisdom.'

Racquel says 'Good day, Squadwoman.'

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Crenna looks down at her slippers and frowns.

Crenna says 'I suppose I should wear something more sturdy for traveling.'

Crenna gets a pair of gleaming metal boots from a backpack.

Crenna says 'Even if they clash with the dress.'

Crenna grins.

Aldwyn looks at Crenna.

Aldwyn thinks hard.

Racquel arches an eyebrow.

Aldwyn gets a pair of animal-fur boots from a backpack.

Aldwyn gives you a pair of animal-fur boots.

Crenna says 'I'm a soldier first, so no matter.'

Crenna says 'Or those.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Racquel says 'What an ugly pair of boots.'

Racquel screws up her nose.

Aldwyn peers closely at Racquel, trying to figure her out.

Crenna looks at Racquel.
<worn on feet> a set of soft velvet slippers (frayed)

Racquel is in excellent condition.

Crenna says '(ooc oh lol..was looking at Racquel's feet not mine..I blame that it's 2 am.)'

Crenna gives a pair of animal-fur boots to Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Actually my shoes look fine.'

Crenna says 'My mistake.'

Racquel looks at Crenna.

Aldwyn puts a pair of animal-fur boots in a backpack.

Aldwyn looks at Racquel.

Crenna grins at Racquel.

Racquel bites her lip.

Aldwyn says 'Your slippers are frayed, Wisdom.'

Racquel says 'I see.'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'They are well-used, m'Lord.'

Racquel says 'But I do like them.'

Racquel bends her knee slightly, lifting her leg just off the ground.

Racquel says 'They show off my ankles nicely.'

Racquel says 'Wouldn't you agree?'

Crenna says 'Yes, very pretty. '

Racquel smiles at Crenna.

Crenna says 'But I'm not really attracted to women.'

Racquel nods at Crenna.

Racquel says 'Luckily for you.'

Racquel says 'As I'm told you're marrying a man.'

Crenna walks to stand beside Aldwyn.

Crenna 's eyes shine in happiness.

Crenna says 'You heard correctly.'

The sun slowly sinks behind the majestic towers of Mayene.

Racquel purses her lips.

Racquel says 'Well. You're not married yet...'

Racquel pauses.

Crenna says 'One I trust completely. I hope you find something similar, Wisdom.'

Racquel says 'So anything might happen, I suppose...'

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Racquel trails off.

The night has begun.

Crenna says 'Of course. The Feast tomorrow shall be interesting. Perhaps you'll meet someone there, Wisdom.'

Racquel arches an eyebrow.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'What makes you think I need to meet anyone, Squadwoman?'

Racquel frowns.

Aldwyn wraps his arms around Crenna.

Crenna says 'I assume one who needs validation from others about her ankles is lonely.'

Crenna says 'Perhaps I assumed incorrectly?'

Racquel smiles wryly.

Crenna says 'I mean it is far better to feel good about your ankles without needing such validation, yes?'

Racquel says 'How could I be lonely when Mayene has welcomed me so kindly?'

Crenna says 'Ah, well I would expect nothing less than a warm welcome from my family.'

Racquel says 'And especially a Lord of Mayene, himself. Even offering me accommodation far and above my station.'

Racquel smiles broadly at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Of course. We don't have a proper area for you to do your work, unfortunately.'

Aldwyn says 'Now I said I'd help you find something more comfortable. Perhaps with the House Mardukis.'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'Is that not what I said?'

Racquel tilts her head.

Crenna looks at Racquel in pity.

Crenna whispers to Aldwyn 'Does this mean Theq and her...haven't made amends?'

Aldwyn shakes his head at Crenna.

Aldwyn whispers to you, 'All she would admit to is that they are...okay now.'

Racquel frowns.

Crenna says 'I'm sorry, it is not polite to whisper. Wisdom, are you...well?'

Racquel arches an eyebrow.

Racquel says 'Why would I not be?'

Crenna says 'I do not know you well enough to say, but you do not strike me as being happy.'

Crenna says 'Granted, it could just be that I am so happy, that others pale in comparison.'

Racquel narrows her eyes.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'Happiness is a relative term, girl. Especially in marriage, this is something you will come to know soon enough.'

Crenna considers and nods.

Racquel says flatly, 'Has either of you seen Theq?'

Racquel says 'I had hoped he might be available to me.'

Crenna says 'I don't believe he's asked for me lately.'

Crenna says 'I can let you know if he does though.'

Racquel narrows her eyes.

Aldwyn says 'He has been around though I don't know where he is now.'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'What? '

Contra has arrived from the north, riding a Domani razor.

Contra bows deeply.

Crenna says 'He's my Squad Leader -- of course he asks for me whenever he needs me to do something.'

Contra says 'good day, my lord.'

Aldwyn stops resting, and clambers on his feet.

Contra bows before Crenna.

Crenna looks at Contra.

Contra says 'my lady'

Aldwyn inclines his head in greeting to Contra.

Racquel nods at Crenna.

Contra gets a backpack from a backpack.

Contra says 'My lady!'

Racquel says 'And if he hasn't asked for you, he clearly does -not- need you.'

Contra says 'I bring a gift for you!'

Crenna says 'Good day, Contra. It's good to see you again.'

Contra smiles at Crenna.

Racquel folds her arms across her chest.

Crenna says 'I'll let him be the judge of that, not you, Wisdom.'

Contra tosses a backpack over to crenna.

Contra gives you a backpack.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn thanks Contra heartily.

Contra says 'For the feast of light. '

Crenna says 'Oh how wonderful!'

Racquel says 'No need to be hostile, Squadwoman. I was simply restating what you had already said. He had not asked for you. But he would if he needed you.'

Crenna says 'Thank you so much for your generosity, Contra.'

Racquel states pointedly, 'But he has not asked for you.'

Contra says 'It is nothing Crenna, I wanted to do somethign and this is the only way I can contribute. '

Crenna says 'Of course, I am not on duty Wisdom which is a factor as well.'

Racquel nods at Crenna.

Crenna says 'Well it will certainly be put to good use.'

Racquel smiles at Crenna.

Contra smiles at Crenna.

Racquel says 'Yes. I'm sure that's it.'

l in 2.pack
backpack (carried) :
a wealth of gold crowns (3000)

Aldwyn says 'Wisdom, we spoke yesterday about you overstepping yourself.'

Crenna says 'I will give this to Aldwyn for safekeeping.'

Crenna gives a backpack to Aldwyn.

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn puts a backpack in a backpack.

Crenna says 'So you will attend then Contra?'

Racquel says 'My apologies, m'Lord, if you have inferred that I have overstepped.'

Racquel says 'That was not my intention.'

Contra leaves north riding a Domani razor.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I welcome your talents here and hope you may come to find it a happy home, but I will not stand for agitating things between my guards.'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'Again, I apologise m'Lord. I was merely repeated what I was told to ensure it was straight in my head.'

Racquel purses her lips.

Racquel says 'I am new to Mayene you see, and I'm still learning the ways of the city.'

Crenna doesn't look concerned.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'It is no trouble, just try to look to it in the future, if you please.'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel looks towards Crenna.

Racquel says flatly, 'I do hope there is no misunderstanding between us.'

Crenna says 'I'm pretty sure I understand you clearly, Wisdom.'

Racquel nods at Crenna.

Racquel says 'And I, you, Squadwoman.'

Racquel smiles.

Racquel says 'See, Lord Aldwyn. We understand each other.'

Racquel says 'I'm sure everything will be as it should be.'

Aldwyn nods slowly, muttering something about two cats and a sack.

Crenna says 'We really could use a Wisdom here and it's my hope that you will adapt as needed as we will need to adapt to you in turn.'

Racquel nods at Crenna.

Crenna says 'A wise person once told me, that for every new person added to our family, some adapting is needed.'

Racquel nods at Crenna.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'A wise person, indeed.'

Aldwyn smiles and cups Crenna's cheek with his hand.

Crenna looking at Aldwyn says, 'Now when would you like to journey North? Tonight or tomorrow morning?'

Aldwyn says 'I was going to travel in the morning as I have some things to attend to still tonight.'

Crenna says 'I will wait then as well.'

Crenna says 'I certainly would rather you with me, should I run into Mother.'

Crenna winks.

Aldwyn winces a little, "I...look forward to meeting her."

Racquel arches an eyebrow.

Racquel mutters, 'Woolhead.'

Crenna says 'I'm sure she will come to love you as I do.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Well then, a good night to you both.'

Racquel nods at Crenna.

Racquel says 'Goodnight, Squadwoman.'

Aldwyn whispers to you, 'I'll see you in the morning, my peace'

Crenna smiles and nods at Aldywn.

Crenna salutes him.

Crenna says 'My Lord and heart.'

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Aldwyn snaps to attention and salutes grandly.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Crenna smiles slightly at the Wisdom and departs.

A bit later...
The Weapons Room
This room is filled with weapons of all shapes and sizes. Some of the
larger or more antique items are hanging on the walls. However, many are
propped against wooden holders or in a corner. Burnished bits of armor
hang on cloth-covered hooks. Worn leather chests holding the various
tools of war are pushed against the walls at odd intervals. A tall
workbench holds a chipped blade and an oilstone. Though seemingly full
of equipment, the large expanse that is the center of the room is
perfectly clear. Faint traces of paint are visible on the floor where
there was once a bright red circle.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A woman stands here, holding your gaze as she stacks papers.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Aldwyn, I was hoping to speak with you before I slept...'

Crenna says 'But I couldn't ask you to leave the Wisdom as she would have misinterpreted that as weakness on my part.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'She left almost immediately after you.'

Crenna says 'Ah. Interesting.'

Aldwyn says 'What is it you needed to say, my love?'

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Crenna smiles in spite of herself.

Crenna says 'I want to ask you something seriously.'

Aldwyn looks at Areya sur Raellin.

Areya sur Raellin does a quick search and hands Aldwyn a tunic of finely-crafted chain.

Aldwyn thanks Areya sur Raellin heartily.

Aldwyn continues getting changed as he listens.

Aldwyn wears a tunic of finely-crafted chain on his body.

Crenna watches you smiling wider.

Areya sur Raellin does a quick search and hands Aldwyn a rimmed round helmet.

Crenna says 'I do have an important question.'

Crenna says 'Well two questions.'

Aldwyn says 'You can ask me anything'

Areya sur Raellin does a quick search and hands Aldwyn a pair of riveted chainmail sleeves.

Crenna says 'I don't mean this as an insult...but... are you comfortable disciplining me if necessary, telling me if I over stepped myself, and other things that might be more difficult considering our relationship?'

Crenna says 'My second question of course is, did I overstep myself with the wisdom?'

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Aldwyn says 'I was going to reign you in if it went further, and was also planning to speak to you about her being an asset to Mayene despite personal feelings.'

Aldwyn says 'But...'

Aldwyn says 'You reached that conclusion on your own before I had to'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'In truth, I think we were just... playing a game with each other with none of us being harmed.'

Crenna says 'Much as one might see in Cairhien.'

Crenna says 'She does seem to be a player of the Great Game...although I do not think she is very skilled at it.'

Aldwyn says 'Let me ask you something, Crenna.'

Aldwyn says 'Something important.'

Crenna says 'Anything.'

Aldwyn smiles and steps close to you.

Aldwyn whispers to you, 'You know that married or not I am yours right? And that you have absolutely nothing to worry about from her or any other, barring our duties.'

Crenna smiles and nods.

Crenna whispers to Aldwyn 'I know and it need not have been said, but I appreciate you ensuring I know regardless.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna whispers to Aldwyn 'I was in no way concerned at what the Wisdom tried to insinuate. That is why I felt pity for her.'

Crenna whispers to Aldwyn 'Pity due to her thinking to try...but also for her not realizing the depth of what we have...indicating she may not have experienced similar in her own life.'

Aldwyn nods at Crenna.

Crenna says 'I saw her pain...from before regarding Theq.'

Crenna says 'I do not know what her game is...but it seems clear to me she is hurting.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'I left you without kissing you...'

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Crenna says 'Because I did not feel a need to... assert my place with you in front of her.'

Tarak bellows 'scum!'

Crenna says 'And I left you alone with her so you would know I trust you and so she would realize that as well.'

Aldwyn wears a pair of riveted chainmail sleeves on his arms.

Aldwyn wears a rimmed round helmet on his head.

Crenna starts strapping on gear.

Crenna gets a full metal helmet and visor from a backpack.
Crenna gets a pair of heavy metal gauntlets from a backpack.
Crenna gets a blue cape featuring a golden hawk in flight from a backpack.
Crenna gets a burnished metal breastplate from a backpack.
Crenna stops using a colorful dress.
Crenna stops using a pair of soft, light shoes.
Crenna puts a colorful dress in a backpack.
Crenna puts a pair of soft, light shoes in a backpack.
Crenna wears a burnished metal breastplate on her body.
Crenna wears a blue cape featuring a golden hawk in flight around her body.
Crenna puts a pair of heavy metal gauntlets on her hands.
Crenna wears a full metal helmet and visor on her head.
Crenna puts a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves on her legs.
Crenna wears a pair of gleaming metal boots on her feet.
Crenna wields an enormous double-bladed battleaxe with both hands.

Crenna now follows Aldwyn.

Z = k tarak, ZZ = k h.tarak

Aldwyn shakes his head.

Crenna says 'Duty calls.'

Aldwyn says 'It's ok, it's just one of them. I can take care of it easy enough if you're tired.'

Aldwyn puts a pair of dark gloves on his hands.

Areya sur Raellin stores a camouflaged hood away for the clan.

Areya sur Raellin stores a set of cloth sleeves away for the clan.

An Elite Winged Guard bellows 'The criminal Tarak is at Along the Winding Boulevard.'

Areya sur Raellin stores a pair of earthen colored breeches away for the clan.

Areya sur Raellin stores a bearskin tunic away for the clan.

Aldwyn stops using a black pair of silver-tooled boots.

Areya sur Raellin stores a black pair of silver-tooled boots away for the clan.

Aldwyn gets a pair of animal-fur boots from a backpack.

Aldwyn wears a pair of animal-fur boots on his feet.

Aldwyn leaves west.
Crenna follows Aldwyn.

(I tell him I'm not going to sleep with someone attacking the city. hehe)

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:50 pm

Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:59 pm

Point of view: Crenna
Main character: Crenna
Main character: Aldwyn
Participant: Raquel

Crenna and Aldwyn seek out her mom between festivities so that he can meet her

**This session takes place in between the Feast of Lights Session 1 and Session 2.**


The Cityguard Stables
The stables house the horses that are reserved for the guards of the city.
The clean stalls and lack of remaining refuse indicates the meticulous
nature of the stable hands. Horses of every size and breed are boarded
here, taken good care of until their masters are in need of them. The sigil
of the guard stands out above the entrance of the rock barn.
[ obvious exits: W ]
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A watchguard surveys the city streets here.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here, riding a |1|.gray palfrey.
A man walks among the horses here feeding them and rubbing them down.
A black stallion prances about.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.
A man stands here ready to make you a deal on a horse.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Aldwyn says 'Have a good rest?'

Crenna says 'I think I was too excited and happy to really rest.'

Crenna smiles.

Crenna says 'I did not in any way anticipate the turnout we received.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'Me either'

Crenna says 'Nor that level of engagement nor for so long.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn says 'Be interesting to see how tonight turns out'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'So any thoughts on how earlier went?'

Crenna bites her lip, smiling.

Aldwyn says 'Hmmm...'

Aldwyn says 'I think it went rather well, though we did miss a possible Illuminator show.'

Crenna nods.

Crenna says 'I will mail Brie and apologize.'

Aldwyn says 'I don't think that's necessary but I'm sure she will appreciate it'

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna sits down with a piece of a paper and her pen.

Aldwyn says 'She was just disappointed at not getting to perform.'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Aldwyn takes a seat on a stable pen and just watches Crenna write, smiling to himself.

Crenna blots the paper carefully and affixes her house seal.

Crenna says 'I'll be back in a moment.'

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

-+- Crenna walks off to 'mail' the letter and returns.

The Cityguard Stables
The stables house the horses that are reserved for the guards of the city.
The clean stalls and lack of remaining refuse indicates the meticulous
nature of the stable hands. Horses of every size and breed are boarded
here, taken good care of until their masters are in need of them. The sigil
of the guard stands out above the entrance of the rock barn.
[ obvious exits: W ]
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A man walks among the horses here feeding them and rubbing them down.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here, riding a |1|.gray palfrey.
|2|.A black stallion prances about.
|3|.A shaggy brown mare stands here.
A man stands here ready to make you a deal on a horse.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Crenna says 'I mailed the letter and then bought another piece of paper for later.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn hops down from the pen and walks to you.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'Should we...try to find your mother?'

Crenna says 'We should.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Aldwyn starts following Crenna.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn is now a member of your group.

ride shaggy
Crenna starts riding her.

shaggy is now set as your Horse Target.


Jangai Road
A thick stream of people and wagons clogs the road around the Jangai gate
that lies to the north. A few small stores line the road, trying to entice
the many people that are entering or leaving the city. A tall fence blocks
off a fragrant park that lies off to the southwest. Only the tops of the
trees can be seen over the gated park. The wide road runs along the stone
wall that protects the city of Cairhien.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
|1|.A shaggy brown mare stands here, being ridden by you.
A watchguard surveys the city streets here.
A short woman glides by here, her face hidden by a drawn hood.
Aldwyn has arrived from the south, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.

Crenna points at her.

Aldwyn looks at a quiet noble woman.

l short
Though her hood is pulled close to face, you can make out steely green eyes.
They are cold and have a purpose. It would not be wise to disturb her for
any prolonged period of time. Thankfully she did not notice you staring at
her...this time.
A quiet noble woman is in excellent condition.

Crenna whispers to Aldwyn 'I know how Mother looks, but she does tend to brighten up when she sees me.'

Crenna stops riding her.

Aldwyn nods at Crenna.

Aldwyn stops riding a gray palfrey.

Crenna walks up to her Mother and embraces her warmly kissing her on her cheek.

Aldwyn looks at Crenna.

Crenna says 'Mother, I assume Father has spoken to you?'

Aldwyn watches as Crenna's mother smiles and returns the embrace.

Crenna says 'This is Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende.'

Crenna walks to stand beside Aldwyn.

Aldwyn smiles and takes a step forward, but falters as Crenna's mother starts to look him over as if weighing him.

Aldwyn says 'Hello...Lady Balvari'

Aldwyn stands straighter as she walks around him before walking back to Crenna, "So this is him?"

Crenna says 'Yes, Mother. Aldwyn is the man of my heart, mind, and spirit and whom I will wed.'

Aldwyn watches as Crenna's mother looks into Crenna's eyes before returning her gaze to Aldwyn, "I see...I hear you're a Lord of Mayene?"

Aldwyn says 'Yes, Lady Balvari. I was given the title by Lady Berelain herself.'

Aldwyn tries not to fidget as Crenna's mother turns back to Crenna, "And this is what you want?"

Aldwyn seems to try to stand taller under Lady Balvari's gaze.

Crenna says 'This and more. Mother, I have sworn an oath to Berelain and the Winged Guard as well. My life will be entwined with my new family. Aldwyn also shares a keen sense of duty and so we will be partners in work as well as our home life.'

Aldwyn smiles slightly as he sees Lady Balvari's features lighten a bit, "I love that you have chosen such a path, dear. What of this home life though? What will that be like? Have you thought that through?"

Crenna says 'As we are in the Ranks and are soldiers, we do not know what our future holds.'

Crenna says 'Someday, we may choose to have children, but that time is not now.'

Aldwyn stays still as Lady Balvari leads Crenna a step or two away, whispering to her, "But you do plan have them right? You know you're our only daughter and so the line must live on through you, dear."

Crenna says softly, 'Aldwyn has been completely honorable, Mother, and once we marry, I will see a herbalist or wisdom, but to answer your question...'

Aldwyn frowns a little, but stays where he's at and waits for them to finish their private discussion.

Crenna says 'We have not decided whose name we will take upon marriage.'

Crenna says 'Mother, however, you can say anything you would to me, in front of Aldwyn.'

Crenna recaps what was said to Aldwyn.

Aldwyn looks towards Lady Balvari, "I cannot say what will happen in the future. I wish I could, but my life has always been just a series of moments leading from one to the next. The more recent ones led me to your daughter, and I want to have and share as much as possible with her as we go forward."

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Mother...'

Aldwyn stands beside Crenna, placing an arm around her as Crenna speaks.

Crenna says 'I am not marrying Aldwyn for his name, prestige, or status, but for who he is as a person and how we've built a relationship on mutual respect, trust, and love.'

Aldwyn finally relaxes a little as Lady Balvari smiles warmly, "I am happy to hear that, dear. I just hope that you still keep in mind who you are and try to uphold our name."

Crenna says 'Of course, Mother.'

Aldwyn steps aside as Crenna's mother comes to embrace her once more, looking away from her gaze as it drifts to his missing hand and then up to him with a curious expression.

Crenna returns her mother's embrace warmly, unable to see the direction of her mother's gaze.

Aldwyn meets her gaze again and realizes she won't say anything as it's not the proper thing at this time, smiling slightly.

Crenna returns her mother's embrace warmly, not seeing the direction of her gaze.

Aldwyn steps back to Crenna, "Lady Balvari, I love your daughter, and will do everything I can to make sure she lives up to your family name. And so much more as I try to help her reach her great potential."

Aldwyn slips his arm back around Crenna as her mother smiles slowly and nods to him, "See that you do." She pauses a moment before continuing asking Crenna, "So when is the date?"

Crenna says 'It wasn't proper to set a date without talking to you first, Mother.'

Crenna says 'And so we haven't as of yet.'

Crenna says 'Although Aldwyn has a better sense of when The First may be able to marry us than I do.'

Aldwyn laughs as Crenna's mother waves her hands, "And now we've talked, there's a lot to prepare, we need a date. Will it be a wedding in Cairhien or...of course it won't, you'll be getting married in Mayene."

Aldwyn holds back a grin as her eyes light up, "The going to marry you?"

Crenna looks around and says quietly, 'Of course Mother. You as I am Mayener first, and Cairhien second.'

Aldwyn says 'Possibly, she has a lot of commitments.'

Aldwyn says 'But she has told me she will at the very least be in attendance.'

Crenna says 'If not the First, then Lord General Santino Du Lis will marry us.'

Aldwyn can't hold back his grin as Lady Balvari shakes her head in disbelief, looking Aldwyn over once again, "You are well connected."

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Aldwyn says 'You haven't the slightest idea, my Lady.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna says 'And well liked and well respected, Mother.'

Crenna 's eyes shine with pride and love as she looks at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna, her mother taking in the look they share and beginning to smile wider, coming back in and giving Crenna a tight hug, "I'm so happy for you, dear!"

Crenna returns her mother's hug tightly.

Aldwyn hides a chuckle behind a hand as Crenna's mother begins to talk to her again about kids and how they need to get past this nonsense about it not being right.

Crenna laughs, 'Mother!'

Crenna says 'Perhaps once...I'm an ambassador...'

Crenna says 'And move to more of a leadership role with administration more than being on the front lines...'

Aldwyn smiles happily, Lady Balvari's eyes lighting up even more as she hears Crenna's plans for the future.

Crenna says 'In just the year, I've already been promoted twice and have met most if not all requirements to be promoted again.'

Crenna says 'But, more than that, Mother...there is something to be said for having time on the marriage before bringing kids into it.'

Aldwyn smiles and walks up beside Crenna again, Lady Balvari turning to face him, she reaches up and takes his head in her hands, looking him directly in the eyes, "You take good care of her and make sure she doesn't just become a content housewife or anything or I'll have your hide!"

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Aldwyn says 'Of course. You have my word.'

Crenna chuckles and says, 'But Mother, you raised me better than that. You know full well why I joined the ranks in the first place and it wasn't to become a wife!'

Aldwyn smiles as Lady Balvari smiles widely, "I do indeed. And I am -so- proud of you!"

Crenna beams under her mother's praise.

Aldwyn nods in acceptance when Lady Balvari says, "I should really be getting back to things. So much to take care of with the estate here. You are staying for the Feast?"

Crenna says 'Yes, mother. Aldwyn and I played a role in organizing the Feast this year.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'I've already met 20 or so new people today, many of them Aes Sedai.'

Crenna says 'And many of them showing appreciation for our efforts. It's my hope to form stronger alliances with influential people while also identifying potential recruits for our Ranks.'

Aldwyn says 'There have already been envoys from Tar Valon, Amador, and Saldaea at the parties your daughter put together, with more expected this evening.'

Crenna says 'That I put together with your support and assistance, Aldwyn. Don't minimize your own role.'

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn steps back as Crenna's mother positively beams, taking Crenna's face in her hands now, "Oh, dear. That's so wonderful to hear! You must keep me updated regularly! I'm afraid I really must go though. Duty never waits!" She kisses Crenna's forehead and then smiles and gives a slight curtsey, before turning to leave.

Crenna watches as her mother walks off.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn looks at Crenna.

Crenna hugs Aldwyn.

Aldwyn hugs Crenna.

Crenna says 'I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. I knew she'd be so happy once she got to know you.'

Crenna says 'I think the horses look thirsty. We can talk in the stables.'

Aldwyn says 'I suspect she'll still have some questions for you, but yes that went well.'

A shaggy brown mare stops following Crenna.
Crenna starts riding her.
A gray palfrey stops following Aldwyn.
Aldwyn starts riding a gray palfrey.


The Cityguard Stables
The stables house the horses that are reserved for the guards of the city.
The clean stalls and lack of remaining refuse indicates the meticulous
nature of the stable hands. Horses of every size and breed are boarded
here, taken good care of until their masters are in need of them. The sigil
of the guard stands out above the entrance of the rock barn.
[ obvious exits: W ]
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A shaggy brown mare stands here, being ridden by you.
A man walks among the horses here feeding them and rubbing them down.
Racquel A'Hara, Senior Wisdom is resting here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A black stallion prances about.
A man stands here ready to make you a deal on a horse.
Aldwyn has arrived from the west, riding a |4|.gray palfrey.

Aldwyn blinks his eyes innocently.

Crenna is beaming at Aldwyn that she doesn't notice the Wisdom at first.

Aldwyn says 'Are you up here for the Feast, Wisdom?'

Crenna looks at Racquel.

Racquel blinks her eyes innocently.

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'I was visiting the Wisdom here and heard there was a Festival.'

Racquel says 'I was thinking of staying on for a short time.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Aldwyn says 'You should, it has been quite entertaining so far.'

Crenna grins.

Racquel nods in agreement.

Racquel says 'I'll see.'

Aldwyn says 'I didn't expect to see Sedai act in such a way.'

Crenna says 'Earlier today a Hand of Light kissed a Warder.'

Aldwyn nods at Crenna.

Aldwyn says 'That as well'

Racquel arches an eyebrow.

Crenna says 'I never thought I'd ever see something like that.'

Racquel says 'How unbecoming...'

Aldwyn says 'Honest! It really happened.'

Crenna says 'It was when Warder Flarn was the judge of the female division of the kissing contest.'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel frowns.

Racquel says 'I'm surprised his Aes Sedai he is bound to would allow such behaviour.'

Racquel shrugs helplessly.

Racquel says 'But what am I to know of the White Tower.'

Crenna says 'And of course some women were walking around with their chests bare and dripping with wine.'

Crenna says 'The festival in Cairhien is like nowhere else in the world, I've been told and I believe it.'

Aldwyn says 'I imagine she was feeling quite some strange things through that bond of theirs. As he was certainly a....happy man.'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Is it true then that a bonded Aes Sedai can feel what her Warder feels?'

Aldwyn says 'It's what I've been told when I talked with some in the past.'

Racquel says 'Well, having met Flarn before, I'm sure his Sedai feels lots of... interesting... things.'

Racquel smirks.

Aldwyn says 'And what I found when some warders would glare at me as I left the Tower.'

Crenna says 'Based on how many women he kissed himself... certainly.'

Crenna chuckles politely.

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'Strictly on diplomatic missions'

Crenna laughs and elbows Aldwyn.

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Crenna looks at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'I can imagine.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna says 'Now I wonder if such diplomatic missions will be more difficult once word of our engagement reaches more ears?'

Crenna winks suggestively at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'Assuredly, but it will open up doors as well.'

Aldwyn says 'There were always the ones that wouldn't speak with me as they felt I was a philanderer for some reason.'

Aldwyn says 'I assume word of our coming wedding will put them at ease.'

Crenna says 'And for the will of course play The Great Game.'

Crenna says 'I mean you do have a reputation to uphold.'

Crenna winks suggestively at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn smirks.

Aldwyn says 'I will do what is needed for the mission still.'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'Just as I would expect you to when you become an Ambassador'

Crenna says 'Well I meant what I said earlier during the kissing contest. There are some lines I am not willing to cross.'

Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:06 pm

Point of view: Crenna
Main character: Krop
Major participant: Dare
Participant: Crenna
Participant: Aldwyn
Passerby: Blayke

Crenna and Aldwyn take a break from everything to support a Gleeman apprentice.


The Black Fox Tavern
Crenna ease your way into this dark and cool tavern. There were several
conversations going when you entered, but every single person in the room
has now turned and looks appraisingly at you. You don't feel at all
welcome. The barkeep seems in no particular hurry to take your order, and
it's certainly not because he hasn't seen you.
A small sign hangs by the doorway.
[ obvious exits: S ]
|1|.A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here.
|2|.A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
Krop Da'Condar Scythe {Apprentice to Dare} is standing here.
A gleeman is here, wearing a cloak of different colored patches.
Lord Dare Imsoen,Mahdi'Tuatha'an,Der'd Daes Dae'mas,e'Mahdi'd Domorakoshi,Bardmaster {RP} is standing here.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A sullen man is hunched over a tankard, sipping his ale.
A shapely young woman skillfully weaves amongst the chaos, taking orders.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.
A gray palfrey has arrived from the south.

Krop makes a flourishing bow.

Crenna smiles happily.

Krop says 'My lord Aldwyn!'

Krop says 'My lady Crenna!'

Crenna does a curtsey fit for a ball.

Krop bends over lady Crenna's hand briefly brushing it with his lips.

Crenna says 'It's good to see you again.'

Crenna looks at Dare and smiles to see him as well.

Krop says 'That it is. '

Aldwyn beams a smile at Krop.

Krop says 'Thank you both for comming. '

Dare stands off to the side speaking quietly with a gleeman.

Dare says 'Krop, what is this I head about you and the First?'

Krop shuffles around nervously, looking at Dare and the Gleeman.

Dare says 'I hope these two are here for the performance not to enforse some kind of warrant.'

Crenna now has a wooden goblet.
Crenna now has a wooden goblet.
Crenna gives a wooden goblet to Aldwyn.

Krop says 'I just commented on her wonderful voluptuous aspects, Master!'

Krop says 'mainly her lips!'

Krop says 'What other people make of it I leave up to them!'

Dare says 'She does have a pretty mouth.'

Dare nods to himself, he must need reassurance.

Krop says 'I meant no insult!'

Krop says 'Least of all, some even agreed it was a nice compliment!'

Krop gives an impish grin. How adorable.

Aldwyn nods at Dare.

Crenna says 'I doubt the First minds that people find her attractive.'

Crenna smiles.

Aldwyn says 'She is a very beautiful woman.'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Krop says 'That she does. Who ever denies that the thought of a woman such as her is enough to keep him warm at night is either gelded or made of stone. '

Dare says 'I got the privilege of having a semi-private audience with her once upon a time.'

Krop perks up in interest asking 'You did?'

Dare says 'Most unnerving thing i've ever done.'

Aldwyn says 'She entertains many private audiences. Keeps people guessing.'

Aldwyn winks suggestively.

Dare says 'The Queen here in Andor always gets private shows.'

Dare mutters if you know what i mean.

Crenna says 'And of course she is most impressive -- most Mayener women are.'

Dare says 'But it wasn't private!'

Crenna grins.

Krop says 'Queen Morgase? She seems like a ballbreaker, pardon my language. '

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Dare says 'She made... I mean she allowed her servants to watch.'

Krop grins at Dare.

Crenna chokes on her drink slightly and coughs.

Krop says 'Well you do put on a good show'

Krop nods to himself, he must need reassurance.

Dare puts a crystal lightstick in a backpack.

Dare gets several colored balls from a backpack.

Dare stops using a golden flute.

Dare grabs several colored balls.

Dare starts juggling several balls.

The balls spin at a fantastic pace.

Flashes of blue, green, red and white spin by as Dare deftly keeps the balls aloft.

Krop turns to Dare in attention.

Dare sends the balls soaring into the air, and with a flourish of his cloak catches them as they descend.

Krop claps Dare on the back.

Krop applauds Dare.

Crenna smiles happily.

Krop says 'Shall I sing a song for the lord and his lady? '

Krop says 'Soldiers both they are?'

Dare says 'I usually save this show for the folk down south, and Styve, but these Mayene folk likely know what a bout is so we'll do it.'

Krop says 'I think I have jsut the thing. '

Crenna says 'That is correct, and I'd like that, Krop.'

Dare says 'Go right ahead Krop.'

Krop speaking with a voice that seems to fill the air says 'What soldier does not know his name! Jak o'the shadows! Come with me I say and dance with us! Come lasses and boys, come soldiers and friends lets throw up a fuss!'

Krop produces a flute from somwhere, setting it to his mouth.

Krop starts playing the flute in a rhythm best fit for marching

Krop sings 'We'll drink the wine till the cup is dry'

Krop sings 'And kiss the girls so they'll not cry'

Crenna sways to the music and stomps her feet in time.

Krop sings 'And toss the dice until we fly'

Krop sings 'To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'

Krop winks at Aldwyn.

Krop plays a couple of notes, the cadance increasing.

Krop sings 'We'll dance all night til the moon runs free,'

Krop sings 'And dandle the lasses upon our knee,'

Krop sings 'And then you'll ride along with me'

Krop sings 'To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'

Krop looks around the crowd, smiling as he puts his lips back to the flute.

Aldwyn smiles and claps his hand in time on his leg.

Krop sings 'We'll sing all night, and drink all day,'

Krop sings 'And on the girls we'll spend our pay'

Krop sings 'And when it's gone, then we'll away,'

Krop sings 'To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'

Dare stops using several colored balls.

Dare grabs a golden flute.

Dare places the flute to his lips.

Dare begins to play a striking march.

Krop finishing playing the flute, making a flourishing bow.

A quick, upbeat marching tune rides on the winds.

Krop speaking with a voice that seems to fill the air says 'Shall we continue my friends and companions? Shall we go on an adventure? On a march with old Jak o'the Shadows!'

Krop starts playing the flute in a rhythm best fit for marching

Krop sings 'There's some delight in ale and wine,'

Krop sings 'And some in girls with ankles fine,'

Krop sings 'But my delight, yes, always mine,'

Krop sings 'Is to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'

Crenna claps and changes her dancing to match the next song.

Krop plays on while he starts tapping his boot in the rhythm of a march.

Krop sings 'We drink all night and dance all day,'

Krop sings 'and on the girls we spend our pay,'

Krop sings 'and when we're done, then we'll away,'

Krop sings 'To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'

Krop looks around the crowd, stomping his boot on in the rhythem of a march while he puts the flute back to his lips.

Krop sings 'We'll toss the dice however they fall,'

Krop sings 'And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,'

Krop sings 'Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,'

Krop sings 'To dance with Jak o'the Shadows.'

Crenna joins in, 'To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'

Krop finishes playing the flute, twirling it between fingers.

sip wine
It tastes like mulled wine.

Krop bows as he makes the flute disappear from his hands.

Krop grins evilly.

Dare claps approvingly.

Crenna claps enthusiastically.

Aldwyn cheers for Krop, causing quite a ruckus.

Aldwyn says 'Always a favorite.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Krop says 'one of my favorite songs. '

Crenna looks about the Tavern, 'It certainly is a crowd pleaser.'

Dare pulls up a chair and sits leaning his cheat against the backrest.

Krop grins evilly.

Dare says 'It was a rainy Monday morning.'

Dare says 'Not unlike today.'

Dare says 'A pirate captain walks into a bar with his first mate and they sit down at the bar. '

Krop hops onto a chair sitting on it's backrest.

Dare says 'Not all that unlike this bar.'

Crenna leans against Aldwyn.

Dare says 'Now, the pirate captain has been a little down on his luck in the world of women, know what I mean? '

Crenna smiles at Aldwyn.

Dare says 'His first mate notices some lovely piratical wenches across the bar.'

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Dare says 'not unlike this one.'

Aldwyn wraps his arm around Crenna as he listens.

Dare points at Crenna.

Aldwyn gasps in mock shock, stepping back and looking at Crenna.

Dare says '"Arr, cap'n, you should go o'er thar and talk to her, ask her to dance, aye?" says his first mate.'

Crenna says 'Who knew?'

Krop grins at Aldwyn.

Crenna chuckles politely.

Dare says 'The captain replied "Arrrr, but what about me one eye? What if she makes fun of it?"'

The gleeman says 'Oh nice choice!'

The gleeman says 'But, what shall I fold?'

Krop sushes the gleeman.

Dare says '"Don't worry cap'n," said the first mate. "She only has one leg! She won't say anything with that one peg leg." Comes back the copilot of a first mate. '

Crenna watches Dare with a slight smile on her lips.

Dare says 'Convinced, the captain went over and immediately impressed the lady as pirates will do. He asked her if she'd like to dance.'

Dare says '"Would EYE, Would EYE!" she exclaimed.'

Dare says '"Oh yeah? Well... Peg Leg! Peg Leg!" replied the insulted captain!'

Dare bows deeply.

Krop grins evilly.

Crenna nods and chuckles politely.

Krop snickers softly.

Aldwyn laughs.

Crenna says 'A nice play on words.'

Dare says 'Two Pirates on a ship, one says "Yarrr!"'

Dare says 'The other says "I was just thinkin' the same thing matey"'

Krop grins at Dare.

Dare says 'We all here know the dread pirate Styve right? or know of him at least?'

Crenna says 'His reputation is vast.'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'I've sailed with him a few times.'

Krop says 'I've heard of him.'

Dare says 'Many of the stories that are known of his happened much later in life, but I have a story of his youth!'

Dare says 'Even as a boy Styve dressed up as a pirate.'

Dare says 'He had a bit of a speech impediment back then, but anyway, you'll catch on. '

Dare says 'he was walking around on all hallows even begging the sea villages for candy.'

Dare says 'The first house he goes to he says, "I'm a birate. This is my barrot. Can I have some bandy?" '

Dare says 'The woman looks at him and says, "My my aren't you cute. But where are your buccaneers?" '

Dare says 'Styve looks are her angrily and says "On the side of my buckin head you buckin dumass."'

Dare bows deeply.

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Krop giggles.

Crenna grins.

Krop coughs to produce a somewhat more manly sound.

Aldwyn winks at Krop.

Dare says 'A pirate walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened, you look terrible!"'

Crenna winks suggestively at Krop.

Dare says '"What do you mean?" the pirate replies, "I'm fine."'

Dare says 'The bartender says, "But what about that wooden leg? You didn't have that before."'

Dare says '"Well," says the pirate, "We were in a battle at sea and a cannon ball hit my leg but the surgeon fixed me up, and I'm fine, really."'

Dare says '"Yeah," says the bartender, "But what about that hook? Last time I saw you, you had both hands."'

Dare says '"Well," says the pirate, "We were in another battle and we boarded the enemy ship. I was in a sword fight and my hand was cut off but the surgeon fixed me up with this hook, and I feel great, really."'

Dare says '"Oh," says the bartender, "What about that eye patch? Last time you were in here you had both eyes."'

Dare says '"Well," says the pirate, "One day when we were at sea, some birds were flying over the ship. I looked up, and one of them shat in my eye."'

Crenna looks up at Aldwyn to gauge his reaction.

Dare says '"So?" replied the bartender, "what happened? You couldn't have lost an eye just from some bird dung!"'

Dare says '"Well," says the pirate, "I really wasn't used to the hook yet."'

Dare bows deeply.

Krop falls down laughing.

Aldwyn grins and laughs.

Crenna grimaces, but laughs.

Krop says 'Excuse me'

Dare says 'Hey Krop, How does a gleeman get a promotion?... if he's also a pirate...'

Krop says 'I need ot go to the bathroom'

Krop winks suggestively.

Krop moves to the back

Dare nods in agreement.

Dare says 'Crenna, same question seeing how my apprentice feels the need to relieve himself durring my performance. '

Crenna thinks.

Crenna shrugs, 'Nothing is coming to mind, I'm afraid.'

Blayke has arrived from the south.

Dare says 'Lots of HAAARRRRGGhhd work and dedication.'

Dare says 'What did the pirate say, when asked about why the sun is rising in the east??'

Crenna chuckles politely.

Dare beams a smile at Blayke.

Crenna shakes her head again, 'I don't know.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Blayke wiggles his bottom at Dare.

Dare says 'Light, I don't know! That's just the way things ARRRRR!! '

Crenna chuckles politely.

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Blayke tosses a rotten tomato at Krop.

Blayke tosses a rotten tomato at Dare.

Blayke leaves south.

Dare grins evilly.

Dare thinks hard.

Dare says 'I know i have another good pirate joke somehwere.'

Dare thinks hard.

imp Dare
I don't know how they can resist you now.

Crenna grins at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn grins evilly.

Dare sings 'Oh if I weren't a gleeman I'd tell you what i'd be, for if I weren't a gleeman, a Pirate I would be,'

Krop disappears into the void.

Krop has returned.

Crenna smiles at Dare.

Dare sings' Arg, me maties, giv me all yee bootie!'

Dare sings 'Oh if I weren't a gleeman I'd tell you what I'd be, for if I weren't a gleeman, an Illuminator I would be,'

Dare sings '*BOOM* *KERPOW* I just blew off a finger!'

Dare sings 'Oh if I weren't a gleeman I'd tell you what I'd be, for if I weren't a gleeman, a Novice I would be,'

Dare sings 'Curtsy, bow, Good day Master Gleeman!'

Dare sings 'Oh if I weren't a gleeman I'd tell you what I'd be, for if I weren't a gleeman, a Child of The Light i would be,'

Dare sings, 'Haw! DARKFRIEND! Come back here that's an order!'

Crenna smiles at Dare.

Dare sings, 'Oh if I weren't a gleeman I'd tell you what I'd be, for if I weren't a gleeman, a Warden I would be,'

Dare sings, 'Hey, You there, Bow before your Queenie!'

Dare sings, 'Oh if I weren't a gleeman I'd tell you what I'd be, for if I weren't a gleeman, a Seanchan I would be,'

Dare sings. 'Quick, they're coming, spam back to the patty!'

Dare bows deeply.

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Crenna claps and laughs.

Dare says 'Thank you, That ends my performance.'

The bartender says 'All right folks, if you enjoyed the performance SAY VERY WELL DONE Dare.'

The bartender says 'If I nod at you it means I heard you, if not just say it again in a second.'

Aldwyn says 'Very well done dare'

A bartender nods at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Very well done Dare.'

A bartender nods at Crenna.

Crenna smiles happily.

Dare smiles happily.

Dare says 'thank you all for coming.'

Dare says 'And by all i mean the both of you.'

Dare grins evilly.

Crenna says 'Thank you for your unending stamina for performing.'

Crenna grins.

Dare says 'Sorry krop here wasn't more interactive...'

Aldwyn says 'His Jak o' the Shadows sets a fine mood though'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'I think he'll make a wonderful Gleeman.'

Krop grins evilly.

Krop says 'thank you all!'

Dare pokes Krop in the ribs.

Krop needs to watch what happens better.

Dare says 'say very well done dare of your out of the program'

A bartender nods at Dare.

Dare grins evilly.

Krop says 'very well done dare'

A bartender nods at Krop.

Dare says 'wtf?'

Dare pokes a bartender in the ribs.

Crenna chuckles politely.

Dare says 'need to get that fixed....'

Krop says 'can I do my story?'

Krop grins at Dare.

Dare says 'Sure!'

Krop says 'It' a nice story!'

Crenna smiles happily.

Krop says 'Not mine! but one of my favorites!'

Krop says 'here we go...'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'Welcome any and all! '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'Listen, boys and lasses for I will tell you a story.'

Krop makes a broad wave as if to encompas the room.

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'A story made by the great Rothfuss about the boy who fell in love with the moon and stole her for himself.'

Krop flourishes his red robe in an elaborate bow, preparing himself.

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'There once was a boy called Jax, Jax was a lonely boy who had no happiness in his life. The boy lived alone in an old house at the end of a broken road, the world passing by his door.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'Year after year passed and still Jax could not find a reason for happiness.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'One day, a weary Tinker came upon his house.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'the Tinkers packs were filled to brim with wonderful objects from all corners of the world!'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'upon seeing the boy the tinker mused, 'Now there is a sad boy if I ever saw one in my life! What ailes you my boy?''

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'Jax replied 'I am unhappy tinker, there is nothing in this world that can bring delight and happiness to my life.''

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The Tinker clapped his hands saying 'This can not be! See my packs boy, they are filled with wonderous items I will bet you everything I own that I have something that can bring joy to your life!''

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''Lets make a wager', the Tinker said. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The Tinker continued 'If I cannot find anything that can make you laugh I will give you all that I own. If I do you will give me your broken house.''

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'Jax aggreed with the wager and the Tinker set out to showing all the items from his packs. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'pack after pack emptied but still nothing could bring joy to the boy. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'After quite some time the Tinker arrived at his last pack. The tinker was not worried for in this last pack he held his most valuable items.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The Tinker took out the first item from his pack: A beautiful box made of fine jewels.The box however did not interest jax so the tinker moved on.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'next he took out magic plank, the plank it seemed was a folded up house and the Tinker told in detail about what it could become. Still the boy did not laugh or look in wonder.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'En so finaly with a heavy heart the tinker took out the final item. Slowely he took out a pair of glasses. These were a wonderful thing, allowing a person to see that which is far away.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The boy put on the glasses and stared up in wonder. 'What are those?' He asked.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The Tinker answered 'Those are the stars.''

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'the boy looked on, 'And that? What is that?' he exclaimed.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''That is the moon.' the Tinker answered.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''that's it! If anything will me happy it's the moon.' Jax said. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''Well then there you have hit the glasses!' the Tinker said.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''I want the moon Tinker not to see it.' Jax said. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''I'm afraid I cannot help with that. My packs and all I have is yours.' the Tinker answered. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'While exchanging the Tinker asked if he could keep his hat, Jax responded however, 'A deal is a deal Tinker the hat too. I will leave you with my house, it is up to you how you mend it.''

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'the Tinker's face darkened but he did as he was told.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'After Jax received all the packs he set out to see the world and to capture the moon. The Tinker he left behind in his broken house.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'After traveling far and wide Jax came upon a clearing on a mountain. It's wide open space ideal for a house.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'He set to the unfolding of his house. After weeks of work Jax finally managed to finish the house. It had not been easy.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'Wether he hadn't listen close enough to the Tinkers instructions or if the house was just the way it is no one knows. But when he finished the house stood.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The house was filled with run down corridors, doors and walls at odd angles and bizar turns in the halls.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'He moved into the house and on exploring he discovered the highest tower in the house with a balcony open to the air. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'standing on the balcony he noticed a round shape in the sky. Wondering what it is he put on the glases from the tinker and for the first time in his life Jax saw the Moon. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'A smile crept on the boys face, the beauty of the moon entrancing him. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''How beautiful you are, so round and white up in the sky!' Jax said. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The moon was intrigued and they started talking. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'After a while the moon started to feel sad. She liked the boy Jax but soon she had to leave. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'Jax distraught by this pleaded and begged for the moon to stay but it could not be. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''Atleast give me something to remember you by! Your name perhaps!' Jax asked.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'The Moon cared so much for this dear boy that she complied telling him her name. '

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice ''now I have you with me for ever!' He exclaimed as he caught the last part of her name in his jeweled box and locked it away.'

Krop speaks in a resonating deep voice 'And from that day on the moon was caught between this world and other world. To this day she is bound to our world by that part of her name. With Jax forever looking up at his beloved moon. '

Krop falls quiet as the final words of his tale die out.

Krop makes a flourishing bow.

Dare claps approvingly.

Krop wipes some sweat from his forehead.

Crenna smiles.

Dare says 'Light lad you talk fast.'

Crenna says 'That is a beautiful tale.'

Krop says 'It seems I'm somewhat too eager.'

Crenna nods in agreement.

Dare says 'Do as I do, drink a lot before hand.'

Krop says 'I'll learn. In time. '

Krop nods at Dare.

Krop says 'That helps!'

Krop says 'Alot!'

Dare says 'That way when you think you're talking too fast, you're not.'

Krop nods at Dare.

Crenna chuckles politely.

Dare says 'Just make sure people can still understand your slurred speach.'

The gleeman says 'Oh nice choice!'

The gleeman says 'But, what shall I fold?'

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Krop nods at Dare.

Dare says 'speech.'

Dare grins evilly.

Krop says 'Good things to keep in mind!'

Crenna says 'I just was transfixed as I heard that tale.'

The gleeman nods at Dare.

Dare looks at the gleeman and rolls his eyes.

Dare says 'This one needs to learn to speak louder.'

Krop shrugs helplessly.

Krop says 'Everyone learns'

Krop says 'Until the day they lie down and rest. '

Aldwyn nods at Krop.

Aldwyn says 'sometimes lessons they never thought they needed...'

Aldwyn winks suggestively at Crenna.

Krop nods at Aldwyn.

Krop grins evilly.

Krop thinks hard.

Dare says 'Well.'

Krop grins at Dare.

Dare says 'Thank you, I will be performing again later.'

The bartender says 'Here is what you've earned.'
A bartender gives some coins to Dare.

Krop looks at Dare.

Krop grins at Dare.

Krop says 'Thank you all for comming. '

Crenna smiles at Dare.

Crenna says 'It is a pleasure to support you both.'

Krop smiles at Crenna.

Krop says 'Ever so kind my lady!'

Dare says 'A pleasure to have it.'

Crenna says 'And the least I can do for how your actions helped make the Feast a success.'

Crenna grins.

Krop says 'Pardon my saying but lord Aldwyn sure is a lucky one. '

Krop grins at Crenna.

Crenna winks, 'He is.'

Aldwyn nods at Krop.

Aldwyn says 'I can't argue with that.'

Krop winks at Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'As am I.'

Crenna says 'We haven't set a firm date yet...'

Crenna says 'But I don't suppose you'd both like to perform for an upcoming wedding?'

Krop says 'I should see if I can compose a song about you both!'

Dare says 'Well when you do maybe they'll be an extra gleepeople walking around the world and able to perform in their own right.'

Krop says 'If I may be so bold!'

Krop nods at Dare.

Aldwyn says 'I am trying to remember which Gleeperson it was...'

Dare says 'of Would eye! would eye!'

Dare grins evilly.

Crenna laughs, a musical sound, 'But you don't know us well enough I'm sure to tell our story.'

Aldwyn says 'But someone had been taking down stories from the Winged Guard and working on making them into a song...'

Crenna smiles at Dare.

Krop grins at Aldwyn.

Krop says 'It shall be one of love then!'

Krop says 'Love in it purest form!'

-+- removed ooc

Crenna says 'Well, I think it's time I get back to Mayene.'

Krop nods in agreement.

Krop says 'I might join you both'

Crenna smiles happily.

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'for me as well.'

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna says 'That would be wonderful.'

Krop grins at Crenna.

Aldwyn says 'Care to come along? We have a boat in Aringill if they haven't grown bored and left without us.'

Krop says 'Have you come by ship?'

Krop says 'I think the river sun is in the docks'

Krop nods at Aldwyn.

Krop now follows Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'In Mayene you would find quite a few people who would love to give you an opportunity to hone your skills.'

Posts: 263
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:17 pm

Re: Aldywn/Crenna (Social Chat Dec. 27, 2015)

Post by Aldwyn » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:12 pm

Point of view: Crenna
Main character: Crenna
Major participant: Racquel
Major participant: Aldwyn
Major participant: Santino
Participant: Carlia
Participant: Phyl
Passerby: Marcus

Crenna and Aldwyn return from time travelling to find many things have changed...


The Northern Gate of Mayene
The massive north gate is heavily guarded. Tall iron portcullises protect
the city from attack, and small murder holes above the gate are barely
visible. A small alley leads off to the west, and looks to lead to seedier
parts of town. Tall towers dominate the view of the city to the south. The
stone road here is worn smooth.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A gleeman is here, wearing a cloak of different colored patches.
|1|.A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
Racquel A'Hara, Wisdom of the South is standing here.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

salute aldwyn
Crenna salutes him.

Aldwyn snaps to attention and salutes Crenna.

Aldwyn smiles at Crenna.

Crenna says 'Reporting for Duty, my Lord.'

smile aldwyn
Crenna smiles at him.

Racquel hops on top of the barrel and smoothes her skirts.

Racquel crosses her legs and begins cleaning her nails.

l racquel
A young woman with long, straight, brown hair and emerald eyes is here.
She absently plays with a small silver chain around her neck.

Crenna says 'How are you today, Wisdom?'

Aldwyn says 'Just stretching out some kinks before I decide what to get up to today.'

Racquel says flatly, 'I'm fine.'

Crenna looks at Racquel and shrugs slightly.

Crenna turns to Aldwyn.

Crenna says 'Have you seen Lord Du Lis about? I have yet to start my combat training with him.'

Racquel raises an eyebrow.

Racquel turns her attention to Aldwyn, 'Lord Lieutenant. I have an urgent need for nightsbane. Perhaps you can arrange some fresh samples for me?'

Aldwyn starts rotating at the waist, "I believe he went with Lucie to the north recently. Should be back any day though."

Aldwyn looks to Racquel.

Aldwyn says 'Nightsbane, eh?'

Racquel nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel says 'That's the one.'

Crenna says 'I think I once saw some near Tear.'

Crenna thinks.

Racquel turns towards Crenna.

Racquel says 'Then perhaps you would be a good girl, and fetch me some?'

Racquel says 'And mind to bring the whole root.'

Racquel turns back to her nails.

Aldwyn says 'I think I know a few areas it grows.'

Crenna says 'I suppose if it's too difficult for you and you need a soldier to get it.'

Racquel says 'That would be excellent.'

Aldwyn looks at Racquel.

Aldwyn looks at Crenna.

Aldwyn whispers to you, 'No blood.'

Aldwyn says 'I'll return shortly.'

Aldwyn leaves north.

Crenna looks to the North and sighs slightly.

Racquel holds her hand out in front of her face, inspecting her work.

Racquel purses her lips in thought.

Racquel begins work on her other hand.

Crenna looks at Racquel.

Racquel glances around.

Racquel murmurs, 'It's getting dark.'

Racquel frowns towards the gate.

Crenna doesn't look concerned.

Crenna says 'Did you need a lantern, Wisdom?'

Crenna looks at Racquel.

Racquel says flatly, 'I'll be fine thankyou.'

Santino calls for the gate to be opened.

Santino has arrived from the north, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.

salute santino
Crenna salutes him.

Racquel lifts her hand palm up, concentrating.

Racquel pauses.

Santino snaps to attention and salutes grandly.

Racquel lowers her hand.

Santino smiles happily.

Crenna smiles happily.

Racquel beams a smile at Santino.

Crenna says 'It's good to see you, Santino.'

Santino whispers something to Racquel.

Racquel says 'Hello, m'Lord.'

Santino says 'You as well Squadman Crenna.'

Santino smiles happily.

Racquel feigns a look of shock.

Santino nods agreeably.

Santino says 'Wisdom.'

Racquel shakes her head at Santino.

Racquel murmurs, 'Too messy.'

Carlia calls for the gate to be opened.
A Mayene gatekeeper unlocks the Northgate.
A Mayene gatekeeper opens the Northgate.

Carlia has arrived from the north, riding a |3|.bloodstock stallion.
Phyl has arrived from the north.

Crenna smiles happily.

Santino looks at Carlia.

Carlia head in greeting to Crenna.

l carlia
Curly blonde hair frames the pale face of this woman. Deep blue eyes set
above a small angular nose and full lips lend a look of innocence to her
round face. Short with a lithe build she is the epitome of petite.

Santino says 'You bonding this one Carlia?'

Santino points at Phyl.

Crenna says 'Aes Sedai, it is good to see you again.'

Carlia shakes her head.

Crenna says 'And Phyl, once again thank you for your donations for the Feast.'

Carlia says 'The pleasure is mine '

Phyl says 'a pleasure to assist m'lady'

Crenna smiles happily.

Phyl offers a formal bow.

Carlia says 'Lord Santino, where would be the appropriate place to open a gateway in this city?'

Santino says 'Inside?'

Santino says 'or in Mayene?'

Carlia says 'In Mayene'

Crenna says 'Your business is of course your own, but if you would like me to direct you to any of the services our city has to offer, I would be happy to show you. Perhaps I can show you to a Serene Park?'

Santino says 'North west south of here.'

Carlia nods in agreement.

Carlia says 'My thanks'

Santino says 'I'm sorry.'

Santino says 'It used to be at the Serene Park.'

Santino says 'But after Tar Valon was banished from Mayene for two years, a few things were changed.'

Phyl ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Carlia nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'I would be happy to take you to the new location, Carlia Sedai, if you like. Or it's as the directions Lord Du Lis gave you.'

Crenna curtseys deeply.

Aldwyn has arrived from the north, riding a |4|.bloodstock stallion.

Carlia says 'I believe I can find it. I shall return momentarily.'

Carlia leaves north riding a bloodstock stallion.
Phyl leaves north.

l aldwyn
A gleam of sapphire blue flashes as he casually brushes dark hair from his
eyes, his broad shoulders amidst his lean figure reveal the hidden strength
of discipline. A rougish grin there that distracts you, and he is gone.

Aldwyn gives a handful of dark blue juniper berries to Racquel.
Aldwyn gives a black belladonna berry to Racquel.
Aldwyn gives a section of red and yellow sunburst root to Racquel.
Aldwyn gives a sack of green ivy to Racquel.
Aldwyn gives a sprig of green nightsbane to Racquel.

Aldwyn says 'I got the nightsbane then figured I'd gather the other things I saw along the way.'

Racquel eyes the herbs carefully.

smile aldwyn
Crenna smiles at him.

Racquel says 'I suppose these will have to do.'

Racquel says 'My thanks, m'Lord.'

Carlia has arrived from the north, riding a |4|.bloodstock stallion.
Phyl has arrived from the north.

Crenna whispers to Aldwyn 'You can bet if I had gotten them she would have said I had ruined them somehow.'

smile carlia
Crenna smiles at her.

Carlia smiles at Crenna.

Crenna says 'I will return in a moment with refreshments.'

Crenna salutes.


The Northern Gate of Mayene
The massive north gate is heavily guarded. Tall iron portcullises protect
the city from attack, and small murder holes above the gate are barely
visible. A small alley leads off to the west, and looks to lead to seedier
parts of town. Tall towers dominate the view of the city to the south. The
stone road here is worn smooth.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Phyl of Tarabon is standing here.
Carlia Al'Dai is standing here, riding a |1|.bloodstock stallion.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here, riding a |2|.bloodstock stallion.
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
Lord Santino Du Lis, General of Mayene is standing here, riding a |3|.gray palfrey.
|4|.A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
Racquel A'Hara, Wisdom of the South is standing here.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

Carlia puts a map fragment of a part of Kinslayer's Dagger in a small purse.

Crenna walks in carrying a tray.

Carlia smiles at Crenna.

Crenna gives a choice steak to Santino.

Racquel nods at Santino.

Crenna gives a choice steak to Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'Our duties are quite varied, Wisdom.'

Crenna gives a choice steak to Carlia.

Crenna gives a choice steak to Phyl.

Crenna gives a choice steak to Racquel.

Phyl thanks Crenna heartily.

Phyl bows before Crenna.

Carlia says 'Thank You.'

Carlia tastes a little bit of a choice steak.

Crenna gives a cup to Carlia.

Racquel raises her eyebrows at the steak.

Crenna gives a cup to Racquel.

Racquel tastes a little bit of a choice steak.

Crenna gives a chunk of cheese to Carlia.

Carlia sips from the cup.

Aldwyn whispers something to Santino.

Santino eats a choice steak.

Carlia tastes a little bit of a chunk of cheese.

Santino nods at Aldwyn.

Racquel eats a choice steak.

Carlia says 'It is all very delicious.'

Carlia puts a water skin on her belt.

Racquel sniffs the cup.

Crenna says 'Forgive me, my Lords, if you would like a drink, please let me know what you would prefer? I am not sure if you are on duty or not.'

Crenna nibbles a little bit of the shank.

sip cup
It tastes like hot, bitter tea.

Racquel murmurs, 'I see the First is encouraging her Guard to have multiple career options...'

Aldwyn says 'I am fine, Carlia shared some water with me in Tear.'

Racquel sips from the cup.

Crenna smiles happily.

Carlia beams a smile at Aldwyn.

Aldwyn says 'We prefer to think of it as a multi-faceted career, Racquel'

Crenna says 'Now, Carlia, if you would be more comfortable, I could show you our Tavern, The Dancing Badger. '

Crenna says softly, 'Or just good manners.'

Carlia says 'I actually must be leaving shortly.'

Crenna says 'My apology, Carlia Sedai.'

Crenna says 'Of course.'

Santino frowns.

Carlia says 'I wished to stop in Mayene on my way to the Stedding in the Spine of the World.'

Carlia says 'I must meet with the Ogier.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna whispers to Carlia 'My apology Aes Sedai. I didn't mean to address you so informally. What happens at the Feast....stays at the Feast.'

Santino looks thoughtful.

Santino says 'Stedding eh?'

Aldwyn whispers something to Santino.

Carlia nods at Crenna.

Aldwyn whispers something to Santino.

Santino says 'Good place to ambush a Sedai.'

Santino says 'Be careful there Carlia.'

Aldwyn nods at Santino.

Aldwyn says 'Although I don't think many would have the nerve in front of the Ogier.'

Carlia says 'I am far from helpless, but thank you Lord Santino for your advice. '

Carlia nods at Aldwyn.

Carlia says 'Ogier are fierce when angry.'

Phyl says 'I will watch her back, of course'

Phyl beams a smile at Carlia.

Santino looks at Phyl.

Santino says 'Ah'

l phyl
A tall man, dressed in faded finery with ink blotches all over it. He
pushes a pair of spectacles up his nose as he regards you with inquisitive,
clear, blue eyes. His unkempt black hair flies madly as he returns to his

Santino raises his eyebrows and nods slowly.

Aldwyn looks at Phyl.

sip cup
It tastes like hot, bitter tea.

Aldwyn says 'A soldier are you?'

Crenna nibbles a little bit of the shank.

Carlia tastes a little bit of a choice steak.

Carlia eats a choice steak.

Phyl says 'out of necessity'

Carlia drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup.

Carlia drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup.

Phyl says 'the things I do to have a look at the White Tower's library'

Phyl grins at Carlia.

Carlia grins at Phyl.

Aldwyn chuckles politely.

Carlia says 'Perhaps we shall return after I meet with the Ogier.'

Aldwyn says 'I do not laugh at you, my friend, just that many a man has tried various tactics to sneak peeks within the Tower.'

Carlia says 'Lord Santino, Lord Aldwyn, Crenna. Stay safe.'

Carlia smiles happily.

Santino nods in agreement.

Phyl says 'sneak? '

Carlia says 'May the Light Illumine you all.'

Santino assumes an offensive striking posture.

Phyl looks scandalized.

Racquel drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup.

Racquel drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup.

Carlia leaves north riding a bloodstock stallion.
Phyl leaves north.

Carlia has arrived from the north, riding a |5|.bloodstock stallion.
Phyl has arrived from the north.

Crenna says 'I hope to see you again soon, Aes Sedai and Phyl.'

Carlia gives you a cup.

Aldwyn eats a choice steak.

Phyl grins at Carlia.

Phyl says 'like the wind she is'
Carlia says 'I do not wish to steal your cup.'

Racquel purses her lips.

Phyl winks at Carlia.

Crenna nods her head slightly.

Aldwyn gives a strange, insectoid helm to Santino.

Carlia says 'Thank you again for the refreshments'

Racquel says 'Perhaps with all this providing food and drink, I have found my new apprentice?'

Racquel tilts her head.

Carlia leaves north riding a bloodstock stallion.
Phyl leaves north.

Racquel looks Crenna up and down.

Crenna says 'Are you done with your cup, Racquel? If so I might as take it as well.'

Crenna says 'Sorry, I mean Wisdom.'

Racquel looks into her cup.

Crenna frowns slightly.

Racquel says 'Yes, I suppose I am.'

Racquel gives you a cup.

Crenna says 'Excuse me, my Lords.'


The Dancing Badger
This busy tavern is a large room, with rows of tables and chairs, battered
and beaten from years of constant use and abuse. The smell of stout ale
fills the tavern, and the place looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years.
All sorts of ruffians and lowlife visit this establishment, and it seems to
have been the site of several recent fights, judging by the bloodstains on
the floor. Illumination is provided by cracked lanterns.
[ obvious exits: W ]
An Elite Winged Guard stands here, defending his country with his life.
A drunken fool staggers in no particular direction.
Weary and coated in dust, a merchant stands here.
A grand master of the guild ambles by with confidence.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Santino has arrived from the west.

Santino says 'Crenna.'

Santino says 'Let me borrow you a moment.'

Crenna says 'Of course.'

Crenna now follows Santino.

Santino gestures towards the front door with his thumb.

Santino says 'All of that bowing and scraping just now.'

Santino says 'Care to explain that?'

Crenna says 'She is Aes Sedai and I am trying to ensure our relations are good.'

A drunken fool hiccups.

A drunken fool says 'Bah! Stop talking about them.'
A drunken fool says 'You trying to bring trouble around here!'

Santino frowns.

Santino says 'We have no relationship with Tar Valon.'

Crenna says 'I met her at the Feast and also thought that perhaps we could even--'

Crenna says 'Oh?'

Crenna says 'I did notice you didn't use an honorific when addressing her.'

Crenna frowns slightly.

Santino says 'I personally killed many Aes Sedai and Gaidin and Accepted and Novices, AND banished those Tar Valon from Mayene.'

Santino says 'Now with that being said.'

Santino says 'Understand, you may do as you wish in all things.'

Santino says 'But I never want to see a Winged Guard bow and scrape to those little cats ever again.'

Crenna says 'I...try to make any guest besides Defenders and Wanted people feel welcome here.'

Santino nods in agreement.

Santino says 'You have a beautiful voice.'

A mumbling lunatic has arrived from the west.

Santino says 'Use that'

Santino says 'You realize you curtsied to her yes?'

Santino frowns.

Santino shakes his head.

Crenna says 'Indeed. As you say, my Lord.'

salute santino
Crenna salutes him.

Santino sighs loudly.

Crenna says 'Of course, she is of higher standing than I. My parents would have curtsied to her as well.'

Santino grinds his teeth audibly.

Freja sur Tayna has arrived from the west.

Santino says 'No one is of a higher station than you. Other than other Winged Guard. And the First.'

Santino says 'You should take some time and ask yourself why we're at war.'

Santino says 'And see how it goes against that idealism you just spouted.'

Santino shrugs helplessly.

Santino says 'You may do as you wish.'

Crenna says 'This is the first I'm learning of this.'

Santino says 'But do not scrape and bow to them around me please. You are a higher rank than anyone here.'

Santino says 'Other than other Winged Guard of course.'

Crenna says 'I will remember that, my Lord.'

Crenna frowns slightly but nods.

Crenna is now a member of Santino's group.

Santino has disbanded the group.
Crenna stops following Santino.

Santino nods in agreement.

Santino leaves west.

-+- then ooc and sparring fun :)

The Northern Gate of Mayene
The massive north gate is heavily guarded. Tall iron portcullises protect
the city from attack, and small murder holes above the gate are barely
visible. A small alley leads off to the west, and looks to lead to seedier
parts of town. Tall towers dominate the view of the city to the south. The
stone road here is worn smooth.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A dirty rock lies here. [2]
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Marcus of the Borderlands is standing here.
Racquel A'Hara, Wisdom of the South is standing here.
Lord Aldwyn Cuebiyar a'Ayende is standing here, riding a |1|.bloodstock stallion.
Lord Santino Du Lis, General of Mayene is standing here, riding a |2|.gray palfrey.
|3|.A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.
A member of the Winged Guard stands here on guard.

Santino claps Marcus on the back.

Marcus says 'Greetings Lord Santino'

l marcus
Marcus is in excellent condition.

Santino says 'How are you Marcus?'

Marcus says 'I am well.'

Santino says 'Ok so someone said they wanted to smob?'

Racquel shrugs helplessly.

Crenna says 'It's good to see you again, Marcus.'

Racquel says 'I can for a bit.'

Crenna says 'It is late for me and I should turn in.'

Marcus says 'And you Crenna'

smile marcus
Crenna smiles at him.

Aldwyn nods at Crenna.

Crenna says '(2:26 am so off to bed)'

Crenna says 'I do hope to see all of you more often.'

Racquel says '(lame!)'

Crenna says '(<3)'

Racquel winks suggestively at Crenna.

Crenna says 'As our duties allow, of course.'

Racquel leaves south.

Aldwyn stops following Santino.
Aldwyn starts following Crenna.
Aldwyn is now a member of your group.

Aldwyn says 'I'll catch up with the smob group shortly'

Racquel has arrived from the south, riding a |4|.gray palfrey.

Crenna looks curious then nods.

Crenna salutes.

Crenna says 'A good night to you all.'

Marcus says 'Good night'


Barracks of the Winged Guard
Simple beds line the walls of this large room. At the foot of each bed is a
sturdy wooden chest, and several beds have small tables beside them. The
walls are scantily decorated with yellowed maps and a few tattered crimson
streamers. An aging member of the Winged Guard sits on a nearby bed,
polishing a crimson breastplate engraved with a golden hawk. A large iron
furnace stands in the middle of room, although it appears to be relatively

Aldwyn smiles happily.

Crenna frowns but smiles at seeing you smile.

Aldwyn says 'You did fairly well against Santino tonight. I hope you're not too beat up.'

Crenna says 'Nothing that time and sleep won't heal. It felt good to practice.'

Crenna says 'Even if I could see some mistakes and knew that you two could see so many more.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'But, I am very happy to learn.'

Aldwyn says 'We've all started from somewhere. Just have to pay attention and do your best to learn from the mistakes you see and what Santino tells you.'

Aldwyn says 'Couldn't have a better teacher.'

Crenna nods.

Aldwyn cups your cheek and smiles, "Why the frown just now though?"

Crenna says 'That fighting wasn't the only lesson I received today.'

Aldwyn says 'Oh?'

Crenna says 'I was called down by Lord Du Lis for curtseying to the Aes Sedai.'

Crenna says 'I explained that even my parents would curtsey to an Aes Sedai...and that I meant no offense.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Crenna says 'I didn't know... as he put it...that we are at War.'

Aldwyn blinks his eyes innocently.

Aldwyn says 'He used that term?'

Crenna says 'He said, 'You should take some time and ask yourself why we're at war.''

Aldwyn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aldwyn says 'I wasn't even aware we are at war. It seems I may have to have a talk with him about things as well.'

Crenna says 'Yes I explained this is the first I've heard of it.'

Crenna says 'He said...'

Aldwyn says 'I will say that I would be courteous to Aes Sedai but perhaps leave off the curtsey for the time being.'

Crenna says 'He said, 'I never want to see a Winged Guard bow and scrape to those little cats ever again.''

Aldwyn says 'Interesting...'

Aldwyn says 'As he hasn't spoken to me about my bowing.'

Crenna says 'He also said I can do as I wish, so perhaps he means only when he is present.'

Aldwyn says 'It is your decision to make, but he and some of the others are still upset from the time Lady Berelain went to Tar Valon.'

Aldwyn says 'As the Aes Sedai refused to let us see her while she was there.'

Crenna says 'Was the First held against her will?'

Aldwyn says 'I will talk to him as time has passed and perhaps I can convince him to bury the hatchet finally.'

Aldwyn shakes his head.

Aldwyn says 'From what I heard upon my return she went on her own, but was kept away in a locked area of the Tower and any requests to see her were denied.'

Crenna says 'It's just to alienate all Aes Sedai based on the actions of a few and actions in the past? I would want to know what the First thinks...not that it's my place to know that.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

Aldwyn says 'Do not take it to heart to much, but perhaps in front of Santino at least drop the curtsey.'

Aldwyn winks suggestively at Crenna.

Crenna says 'Of course.'

Aldwyn says 'Anyway, you should get some rest, my peace.'

Crenna nods.

Crenna says 'Indeed.'

Aldwyn says 'You're training has started and you'll need the rest to heal properly.'

Crenna smiles happily.

Crenna says 'And to ensure I think sharply as well it seems.'

Aldwyn nods in agreement.

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