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Post by plando » Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:58 am

It's a really under utilized zone. I like how remote it is, but I just wish there was more reason for people to trek out there and spend time in the area. Maybe if there were some trees or something to exp on in the far east zone or a capture the flag type city style like baerlon. I would love to hear other people's ideas, usually they're better and more creative than mine.

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Re: tremalking

Post by Prykor » Wed Aug 09, 2023 11:02 pm

WIth how chokey and limited in size of that area, it would make for a very one-sided pk affair in most cases. The mob support is barely sufficient for a 1v1, and xpers who get jumped generally have a 100% chance of death or being trapped at a patty with no hope of escaping the conflict. It is a little island, so that part shouldn't come as too much of a surprise, but there should be some level to reward tied to that risk. currently its safety via obscurity, and your only risk is a SS checking the island and finding you.

Adding a CTF style city wouldn't do much other than make people alt to a SS to scout who owns the thing to see if it's worth the effort to portal stone a group to the island for easy baerlon qps without the risk of a group of trollocs appearing at blod and interrupting.

It would be nice if a few more smobs were added to the island, perhaps add an island wide smob chain that can be solo stabbed (the removed Seandar tower/atlar zone could be repurposed for this!), or repurpose the king of illusions zone, making all the mobs much lower level and add in a cryer quest so lowbie xp + a smob (maybe add in another smob or two that fits the KoI theme, or beef up the gatekeeper!) give some more incentive to have sporadic groups of smobbers, cross race solo stab artists, and maybe one or two lowbies visit the island without needing to really change too much about it.

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Re: tremalking

Post by Sanguine » Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:46 am

I've always liked rewarding smobs to be on the outskirts of the world, but I contend that drawing groups to islands with as small of a playerbase as we have at the moment is a bad thing. Islands should thematically (and mechanically) be harder to come and go from, as they mostly are. But they just don't foster the best environment for PK or really much of anything, except a relative safety net. Tremalking used to have the volcano/angreal smob that is now near EF (but loads worse), and lots of people (myself included) spent time out there farming it w/o repercussion, even before we had as bad of numbers.

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Re: tremalking

Post by Korsik » Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:51 pm

Sanguine wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:46 am
I've always liked rewarding smobs to be on the outskirts of the world, but I contend that drawing groups to islands with as small of a playerbase as we have at the moment is a bad thing. Islands should thematically (and mechanically) be harder to come and go from, as they mostly are. But they just don't foster the best environment for PK or really much of anything, except a relative safety net. Tremalking used to have the volcano/angreal smob that is now near EF (but loads worse), and lots of people (myself included) spent time out there farming it w/o repercussion, even before we had as bad of numbers.
You touch on a few key points here, drawing a small playerbase to a remote area and farming without repercussion. I'd use the word risk instead of repercussion.

We specifically made a change to loads on some far flung smobs in November to move trinket loads to more centralized smobs. Tremalking and the amount of risk less idle/trigger play was a big reason for this. We are closer to the point of removing the island than making any adds.

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