An Auction for Maerone

... your local hustling, bustling marketplace, filled to the brim with rare and precious items from the four corners of the known world.
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An Auction for Maerone

Post by Theresa » Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:01 pm

Mixed within the many stores throughout the bazaar you catch the scent of fresh picked flowers decorating a stall. A young lady is standing with some wares. You hear her telling everyone of the plight of a town called Maerone and how the profits made from this auction will aid in helping the town and its people recover from the decimation that has taken place since the war. As you look at the stall and its ware you see:

a feathered Kandori paramerion
[2] a razor-sharp longsword
a massive war maul
[2] a darkened steel trident

She is also handing out papers with information on how you can help if you are not interested in bidding.
