Cutting short the RP event due to RL.

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Cutting short the RP event due to RL.

Post by Elysia » Thu May 04, 2023 11:31 pm

I'm so terribly sorry to have to do this, as I know some people were really enjoying the imm interactions, but the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, as they say.

After kicking off the RP event mid-March, my father, who I was taking care of, got worse and worse, ending up in the hospital and eventually dying last weekend. This already caused delays and shuffling things around for the RP event, which ended up a way more Tower centric affair than originally planned as I couldn't invest in getting other clans involved. While I now suddenly have oodles of time, my brain isn't exactly cooperating, so I figured that instead of just vanishing into thin air for a bit, I would post.

I'll do the Shienaran tournament some time over summer and start reverting ingame changes when I can. Depending on capacity, I'll round things off for Brend, Samon, Gaebril and Shienar with a few RP posts at some point. And I'll get to the outstanding RP bonus qps rewards and other loose ends, of course, just way more slowly than I would like.

I really loved the way the Companions, Children, Lancers and Tower participated pro-actively and seeing them have fun with things and I would like to thank all participants, large and small. I'd love to continue to foster an RP environment to keep those who returned interested, but I'm going to be realistic and say that's just not in the cards right now.


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