Crit kills

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:09 am

Re: Crit kills

Post by Eldred » Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:30 pm

Ugh! I was in another window when Sharae came in and asked me to spam, and I was on a work phone call when you were still in the city so I didn’t have time to chase. :(

Posts: 99
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:19 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Ghast » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:17 pm

Had a great fight with Magdan, several times was down to 10-20 hps, this is the tail end of it:

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
The Blighted Forest
The ground looks very dry and the little growth that remains looks like
it's about to die. The stench from the decaying leaves and wood is
unbearable for long periods of time. But, after having walked these lands
for some time one gets used to it and hardly notices it anymore. To the
west an even stronger smell of death originates and the decaying forest
continues to the east.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Magdan* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.
*Magdan* scythes your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Beaten >
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Beaten >
[bash h.light]

*Magdan* scythes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your bash at *Magdan* sends him sprawling!

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Beaten >

You slash *Magdan*'s head.

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Beaten >
change mood wimpy
You slash *Magdan*'s body.
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Beaten > You panic and attempt
to flee!

You flee head over heels.
The Decaying Forest
A never-ending forest stretches out to the east and the sense of evil is
strong. Even though it is dead, it makes lots of noises. Far away to the
southeast one can hear screams from humans, screams of death. All forests
have their secrets and so does this one. There is nothing but endless rows
of trees to the east. South and west the trees continue to look dead.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door north: deadtrees
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A snake is crawling through the water here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
The Decaying Forest
A small heap of stones is scattered around the dead trees. The branches of
these trees grow really close to the ground. Together with branches from
other trees, they form giant wood gates reinforced with stone at the foot.
Passing these giant gates to the west might prove a little too hard. To the
north and east the forest goes on, and to the south is a sloping hill.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A squirrel is here, chittering.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.
*Magdan* has arrived from the north, riding a bloodstock stallion.

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
You slash *Magdan*'s body.

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Beaten >
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Beaten > *Magdan* scythes your left arm.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You slash *Magdan*'s left arm hard.
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
Mephistopheles narrates 'pk ghast?'
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
You panic and attempt to flee!
*Magdan* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Magdan* leaves east riding a bloodstock stallion.

You flee head over heels.
The Decaying Forest
The black trees seem to grow in every direction and it's hard not to feel
lost even though one might know perfectly well where one is. Occasionally a
dead branch snaps and falls to the ground to ruthlessly crush anything
below it. There is a light fog in the air and it is impossible to see any
further than twenty feet or so. There are exits south and west but the fog
makes it hard to see anything in either direction. The forest seems to
continue anyway.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Magdan* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A snake is crawling through the water here.
A wilted tree leans to one side, on the brink of death.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
[k light]
You slash *Magdan*'s left arm hard.
*Magdan* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

*Magdan* leaves south riding a bloodstock stallion.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
The Blighted Forest
The smell of rotting meat and decaying leaves isn't as strong in these
parts of the forest as in others. The trees stand tall but still don't seem
that old. The slightly younger trees must have withstood the evil sliding
in over the area from the north better than other vegetation. West, north
and south the forest stretches out, but east one can see an open field.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
A young, agile hare leaves east.
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
A Small Trail
The main part of the trail is covered with dead leaves, making it hard to
see in some places. It leads off to the south where it meets up with othetrails in some sort of crossroads. To the west one can see an area of dead
forest where the ground looks soggy, with small gatherings of water here
and there. To the north the blighted forest takes over.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving north.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
The Crossroads
The animal path splits in four ways here, north, east, west and south. To
the north the deep forest continues as far as the eye can reach. To the
east another path, slightly wider than this one, stretches a long way,
ending by a large building of some sort. South the forest breaks up into a
light forest and to the west the ground gets a little sunken.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving north.
A large wooden catapult has been erected here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
A strong trolloc stands here, snout sniffing the wind.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >

Magdan bellows 'eek'

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
Path to the Old Monastery
This path looks very old and is well hidden from the world by the forest.
The big holes in the road indicate that it hasn't been used for a long
time. Grass and even young trees have begun to grow on it. Here and there
some scattered stones tell a story about a paved road, now long forgotten
by the outside world. The path continue to the east and west.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a populaplace to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A large stone well is here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Magdan* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
You slash *Magdan*'s body.
*Magdan* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[bash h.light]

*Magdan* leaves south riding a bloodstock stallion.


They're not here anymore!

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
The ancient tree tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Healthy >
The ancient tree tickles your body with its hit.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You slash the ancient tree's roots into bloody fragments!
The ancient tree tickles your right leg with its hit.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

[bash h.light]
Bash who?

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - the ancient tree: Hurt >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
A Pile of LumbeAmong the dead trees a pile of lumber stands. Although the wood in the
lumber pile is quite dead, it looks more alive than the trees, in a way.
The trees seem a bit undead, which is further from life than death is. The
brown lumber looks dry and has probably been piled here for quite some
time. The forest continues west, a withered path is east, and to the south
an old well stands.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[bash h.light]
Bash who?

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A large stone well is here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a populaplace to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
Path Before the Gate
The path ends here, in front of a ten-foot-high gate. The wood in the gate
looks really old and worn and it is placed in a stone archway. There is
something written on the archway but the weathered letters prove hard to
make out. The path leads of to the west and the gate is to the east.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door east: greatgate
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
scan e
Your eyesight is not so keen.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a populaplace to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A large stone well is here.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
A Pile of LumbeAmong the dead trees a pile of lumber stands. Although the wood in the
lumber pile is quite dead, it looks more alive than the trees, in a way.
The trees seem a bit undead, which is further from life than death is. The
brown lumber looks dry and has probably been piled here for quite some
time. The forest continues west, a withered path is east, and to the south
an old well stands.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
A Small Path
Behind some lumber there appears to be an old path. To the east is a small
stone wall. It has almost completely fallen apart, making it possible to
pass. The trees grow a respectful distance from the wall as if they were
afraid of something on the other side. To the west stands a large pile of
lumber almost hiding an exit, and to the east the broken stone wall opens a
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
Sickly, wilted grass blankets the ground, intermixed with dry sand.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
By the Apple Trees
In this part of the orchard some trees grow. Five large apple trees with
green, lush apples stand tall right next to the small stone wall that
separates the monastery from the forest. On the ground there are a few
rotten apples. The orchard goes on to the east and south, and to the west
the stone wall has fallen over, opening a small exit out into the forest.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
A juicy looking apple has fallen to the ground. [5]
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
Walking Through the Orchard
Berries of all sorts are planted in long rows here. By most of the rows a
small sign is standing. Some of them have fallen and a few are missing but
the main part is still here. A lot of weeds have spread all over the
orchard. The green continues to the north and east. To the south you see a
yard of some sort.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [3]
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
scan s
*Magdan* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
You have 78(400) hit, 128(128) dark power and 169(277) movement points.
You have scored 102681213 experience points and 90 quest points.
You need 818787 exp to level and 110 qp to rank.
You have amassed 352 Turn points to date.
You have played 56 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Ghast the Cor'sam [Myrddraal 2] (Level 49).
You are standing.

o R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Magdan* is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.
*Magdan* scythes your left leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[k light]

* R S HP:Beaten DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You slash *Magdan*'s right arm hard.
A Shienaran forward scout joins Magdan's fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
Ragan joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
*Magdan* scythes your left foot hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You flee head over heels.
Path Before the Gate
The path ends here, in front of a ten-foot-high gate. The wood in the gate
looks really old and worn and it is placed in a stone archway. There is
something written on the archway but the weathered letters prove hard to
make out. The path leads of to the west and the gate is to the east.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door east: greatgate
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a human leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
You have 56(400) hit, 128(128) dark power and 167(277) movement points.
You have scored 102680202 experience points and 90 quest points.
You need 819798 exp to level and 110 qp to rank.
You have amassed 352 Turn points to date.
You have played 56 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Ghast the Cor'sam [Myrddraal 2] (Level 49).
You are standing.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.
*Magdan* has arrived from the east, riding a bloodstock stallion.

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring > [k light]
You slash *Magdan*'s left hand.

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[k light]

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[k light]

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
[k light]

change mood berserk
* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

You barely slash *Magdan*'s head.

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >
Mood changed to: Berserk

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

You slash *Magdan*'s head.
*Magdan* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

*Magdan* scythes your left arm hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

*Magdan* stops using a wickedly scythed longsword.

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

*Magdan* draws a sharp pointy thing from an earthen brown mantle with a flash of steel.

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

*Magdan* pierces your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

*Magdan* pierces your right hand.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring - Magdan: Critical >

*Magdan* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You slash *Magdan*'s right leg.
*Magdan* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You slash *Magdan*'s body hard.
*Magdan* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Still better. Experience pays off.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Magdan*'s death cry.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
You have 7(400) hit, 128(128) dark power and 167(277) movement points.
You have scored 102681669 experience points and 90 quest points.
You need 818331 exp to level and 110 qp to rank.
You have amassed 450 Turn points to date.
You have played 56 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Ghast the Cor'sam [Myrddraal 2] (Level 49).
You are standing.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
change mood wimpy
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 200 hit points.

change mood wimpy
o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
Mood changed to: Wimpy
Wimpy reset to: 200 hit points.

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
nar rip magdan
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
You narrate 'rip magdan'

o R S HP:Critical DP:Bursting MV:Tiring >
get all corpse
You get three gold crowns from the corpse of Magdan.
You get eight copper pennys from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a coach ticket from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a wickedly scythed longsword from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a pair of thick metal boots from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a bronze belt of odd design from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a sharp pointy thing from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a sungwood bracelet from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a sungwood bracelet from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a pair of heavy metal gauntlets from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a pair of ebony-steel plate vambraces from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a backpack from the corpse of Magdan.
You get an earthen brown mantle from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a shining steel breastplate from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a torc of gleaming steel from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a torc of gleaming steel from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a full metal helmet and visor from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a gold ring delicately carved with ivy from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a gold ring delicately carved with ivy from the corpse of Magdan.
You get a brass storm lantern from the corpse of Magdan.

Posts: 73
Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:08 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Magdan » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:26 pm

Tragic indeed, nicely timed zerk made the difference.

Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2016 5:49 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Revescaal » Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:21 am

Solid pk!

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Revescaal - On A Balcony
Rig - On A Balcony
You catch a faint scent of a horse nearby.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
*Vincen* has arrived from the south.
You are a 737 year old female trolloc hunter.
Your height is 6 feet, 1 inches, and you weigh 170.0 lbs.
You are carrying 0.8 lbs and wearing 71.5 lbs, light.
Your base abilities are: Str:19 Int:7 Wil:10 Dex:16 Con:19.
Offensive bonus: 192, Dodging bonus: 6, Parrying bonus: 1
Your mood is: Berserk. You will flee below: 0 Hit Points
Your armor absorbs about 80% on average.

You are subjected to the following effects:
Rig tries to cleave *Vincen*, but he parries successfully.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
You try to hack *Vincen*, but he deflects the blow.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Rig: Beaten - Vincen: Wounded > [k light]
You do the best you can!

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Rig: Beaten - Vincen: Wounded >

You try to hack *Vincen*, but he parries successfully.
*Vincen* pierces Rig's body hard.
Rig tries to cleave *Vincen*, but he parries successfully.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Rig: Critical - Vincen: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Vincen* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Sharae* has arrived from the south.
*Vincen* leaves south.

*Sharae* barely scythes your left foot.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Sharae* scythes your left leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Vincen, but he deflects the blow.
A ramshorned trolloc joins a Dha'vol trolloc's fight!
A ramshorned trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A myrddraal joins a Dha'vol trolloc's fight!
Rig tries to cleave *Vincen*, but he deflects the blow.

*Sharae* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Vincen* pierces a Dha'vol trolloc's right arm very hard.
As *Vincen* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Sharae: Beaten >
*Sharae* leaves south.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

*Vincen* panics, and attempts to flee!

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

*Vincen* leaves south.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

*Vincen* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded >
*Vincen* pierces your left arm.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A Dha'vol trolloc says 'You Vincen!!! You will die before your time!! '
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Vincen, but he dodges the attack.
*Sharae* has arrived from the south.
*Sharae* scythes Rig's right leg hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded > Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded > [k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded > [bash ]

A fade has arrived from the south.

*Sharae* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Vincen* avoids being bashed by Rig who loses his balance and falls!

A fade slashes Sharae's left leg.
A ramshorned trolloc joins a fade's fight!
A ramshorned trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A myrddraal joins a fade's fight!
A Dha'vol trolloc tries to cleave Vincen, but he dodges the attack.
*Vincen* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Sharae* leaves south.

A fade leaves south.
*Sharae* has arrived from the south.
Your bash at *Vincen* sends him sprawling!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded >
*Sharae* tickles Rig's body with her scythe.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Wounded >

Rig cleaves *Sharae*'s right leg hard.
A ramshorned trolloc joins Rig's fight!
A ramshorned trolloc joins a ramshorned trolloc's fight!
A myrddraal joins Rig's fight!
*Sharae* scythes Rig's body.
A Dha'vol trolloc cleaves Vincen's left arm into bloody fragments!
*Vincen* panics, and attempts to flee!
You hack *Vincen*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Vincen* panics, and attempts to flee!
A fade has arrived from the south.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!
Rig narrates 'i zerk'

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered >
Rig cleaves *Sharae*'s right arm hard.
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered > [k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered > [k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Battered > A fade slashes Vincen's right arm into bloody
*Vincen* panics, and attempts to flee!
A myrddraal barely slashes Sharae's body.
A ramshorned trolloc barely cleaves Sharae's body.
A ramshorned trolloc cleaves Vincen's body extremely hard.
Rig cleaves *Sharae*'s right leg hard.
*Sharae* scythes Rig's left leg hard.
A Dha'vol trolloc cleaves Vincen's body extremely hard.
You hack *Vincen*'s body into bloody fragments!
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Beaten > *Sharae* panics, and attempts to flee!
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Beaten > [k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Beaten >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vincen: Beaten > *Sharae* leaves south.
*Vincen* leaves south.
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > A Dha'vol trolloc leaves south.
A fade leaves south.
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > You have 9(403) hit and 177(247) movement points.
You have scored 104668303 experience points and 800 quest points.
You need 3831697 exp to level and 200 qp to rank.
You have amassed 1 Turn point to date.
You have played 25 days and 6 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Revescaal the Grotesque Torturer [Dhai'mon 6] (Level 50).
You are standing.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

nar 9
o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You narrate '9'

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Revescaal - On A Balcony
Rig - On A Balcony
You catch a faint scent of a horse nearby.

scan s
o HP:Critical MV:Full > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
A wolfish trolloc is here, howling for blood.

o HP:Critical MV:Full > [k light]
They aren't here.
Rig narrates '17'

o HP:Critical MV:Strong >
Branch in Dark Path
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving north.
*Sharae* is here, fighting Rig, riding a warhorse.
Rig the Shar'cor'sam is sitting here, riding a shadow stallion.
*Vincen* is sitting here, riding a warhorse.
Erevos the Master Torturer is here, fighting a soldier.
A soldier is sitting here.

* HP:Critical MV:Strong > [k light]
You hack *Sharae*'s body hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Rig: Critical - Sharae: Beaten > You hack *Sharae*'s
*Sharae* scythes Rig's body.
A soldier barely scythes Erevos's body.
Erevos pounds a soldier's body into bloody fragments!
[bash ]

Rig panics, and attempts to flee!

*Vincen* barely pierces Erevos's body.


*Vincen* pierces Erevos's body.
A soldier scythes Erevos's body.
Erevos pounds a soldier's body extremely hard.

As *Sharae* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong >

*Sharae* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

Rig narrates 'ow'

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

*Sharae* scythes your head hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A soldier barely scythes Erevos's body.
Erevos tries to pound a soldier, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

Rig tries to cleave *Vincen*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >
Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >
[bash ]

Rig panics, and attempts to flee!

*Vincen* pierces Rig's body.
*Sharae* scythes your right hand.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A soldier scythes Erevos's left foot.

Rig leaves north riding a shadow stallion.

*Vincen* pierces Erevos's right leg.

Your bash at *Sharae* sends her sprawling!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

Erevos sends a soldier sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

*Vincen* pierces Erevos's body.
You hack *Sharae*'s right hand.
Erevos pounds a soldier's left hand hard.

nar bashed
* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

Rig narrates 'eek'

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >
You narrate 'bashed'

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

Rig narrates 'super crit'

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Beaten >

You hack *Sharae*'s body hard.
Erevos pounds a soldier's right leg into bloody fragments!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
[cha mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
You panic and attempt to flee!
Rig tries to cleave *Vincen*, but he deflects the blow.

nar fleeing
You flee head over heels.
Entrance to Dark Path
[ obvious exits: E W ]
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving west.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
You narrate 'fleeing'

o HP:Critical MV:Strong >

*Sharae* has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

scan e
* HP:Critical MV:Strong >

*Sharae* scythes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
Rig the Shar'cor'sam is here, fighting Vincen, riding a shadow stallion.
*Vincen* is here, fighting Rig, riding a warhorse.
Erevos the Master Torturer is here, fighting a soldier.
A soldier is here, fighting Erevos.

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical > [k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
[cha mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
[bash ]
Rig narrates 'vincen abshed '

*Sharae* barely scythes your left foot.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Rig narrates 'vincen abshed '

You hack *Sharae*'s left arm.
*Sharae* scythes your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Your bash at *Sharae* sends her sprawling!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >

Rig cleaves *Sharae*'s body hard.

nar 1w
* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
You narrate '1w'

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
nar bashed

Rig narrates '1w '

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
You narrate 'bashed'

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical >
[k light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Strong - Sharae: Critical > Rig cleaves *Sharae*'s left leg very hard.
You hack *Sharae*'s head.
*Sharae* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Sharae*'s death cry.


Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full > [k light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Critical MV:Full >
You have 22(403) hit and 227(247) movement points.
You have scored 105183789 experience points and 800 quest points.
You need 3316211 exp to level and 200 qp to rank.
You have amassed 21 Turn points to date.
You have played 25 days and 6 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Revescaal the Grotesque Torturer [Dhai'mon 6] (Level 50).
You are standing.

Posts: 68
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:18 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Yaerin » Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:58 am

Props to this guy for going down swinging and doing what darkside couldn't.


You are interrupted in your attempt at treatment!

treat castien
* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical >
treat castien
treat castien
Arlon tries to scythe the forest dweller leader, but he parries successfully.
Gretchen tries to strike the forest dweller leader, but he parries successfully.
Draz crushes a forest dweller's right arm into bloody fragments!
A forest dweller tickles Draz's left leg with his blast.
The forest dweller leader barely slashes your body.
Castien lies immobile on the ground, suffering...
Castien is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear Castien's death cry.
You stop following Castien.
Treat who?

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical > Treat who?

treat castien
* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical >
Treat who?

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical >

Arlon tries to scythe the forest dweller leader, but he parries successfully.
Gretchen strikes the forest dweller leader's body hard.
Draz crushes a forest dweller's head into bloody fragments!
A forest dweller is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear a forest dweller's death cry.
You slash the forest dweller leader's body hard.
The forest dweller leader barely slashes your body.
Gretchen gets a dark pair of steel boots from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a pair of steel-plated greaves from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a small purse from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a bronze belt of odd design from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets the ancient greatsword, Justice from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a sungwood bracelet from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a sungwood bracelet from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a pair of steel-plated gauntlets from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a pair of steel-plated vambraces from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a sword sheath from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets an earthen brown mantle from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a torc of gleaming steel from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a torc of gleaming steel from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a polished, slitted great helm from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a gold ring delicately carved with ivy from the corpse of Castien.
Gretchen gets a gold ring delicately carved with ivy from the corpse of Castien.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical >
nar I tried :P
You narrate 'I tried :P'

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical >

Arlon panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical >
Arlon scythes the forest dweller leader's right leg very hard.
Gretchen tries to strike the forest dweller leader, but he parries successfully.
You try to slash the forest dweller leader, but he deflects the blow.
The forest dweller leader tickles your head with his slash.

* HP:Wounded MV:Fresh - the forest dweller leader: Critical >

Arlon scythes the forest dweller leader's right leg.
The forest dweller leader is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear the forest dweller leader's death cry.

Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:37 am

Re: Crit kills

Post by Hackett » Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:59 pm

Funny ending to a 2v2.
Everyone is CRIT
Not sure if Seroma lagged a bit there? or was just hoping i'd miss.


*Seroma* scythes your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

[k dark]
You do the best you can!
*Ghast* scythes Sraeyn's body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Seroma: Critical >
[k dark]
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Seroma: Critical >
[bash ]


*Ghast* gazes deeply at Sraeyn...
The gaze of *Ghast* fails to affect Sraeyn.
*Ghast* scythes Sraeyn's left arm hard.
*Seroma* scythes your right arm hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!


Your bash at *Seroma* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Seroma: Critical >

*Ghast* avoids being bashed by Sraeyn who loses his balance and falls!

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Seroma: Critical >
You pound *Seroma*'s left leg very hard.
*Seroma* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
You gain a level!
Your blood freezes as you hear *Seroma*'s death cry.
The Blighted Forest
The ground looks very dry and the little growth that remains looks like
it's about to die. The stench from the decaying leaves and wood is
unbearable for long periods of time. But, after having walked these lands
for some time one gets used to it and hardly notices it anymore. To the
west an even stronger smell of death originates and the decaying forest
continues to the east.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving west. WEST
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving west. WEST
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. EAST
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving west. WEST
The corpse of Seroma is lying here.
*Ghast* is here, fighting Sraeyn, riding a shadow stallion.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Sraeyn al'Sev is sitting here, riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full >

Sraeyn avoids being bashed by *Ghast* who loses his balance and falls!

* R HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k dark]
You pound *Ghast*'s body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >

Someone is now a member of Sraeyn's group.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >
[change mood brave]
Mood changed to: Brave

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >

You pound *Ghast*'s head.
Sraeyn narrates 'rip'

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >

*Ghast* gets a pair of thick metal boots from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a bronze belt of odd design from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a wickedly scythed longsword from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a pair of ebony-steel plate vambraces from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a backpack from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a shining steel breastplate from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a Kandori snowflake necklace from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a Kandori snowflake necklace from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a full metal helmet and visor from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets an emerald ring from the corpse of Seroma.
*Ghast* gets a jade signet ring from the corpse of Seroma.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical > HP:Critical MP:Full
You have scored 103906650 experience points and 1234 quest points.
You need 4593350 exp to level and -234 qp to rank.
You have amassed 246 Turn points to date.
You have played 82 days and 5 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Hackett the Cavalryman [Shienaran Lancer 6] (Level 50).
You are fighting Ghast.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >
[k dark]
You do the best you can!
*Ghast* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >

*Ghast* leaves east riding a shadow stallion. EAST

* R HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k dark]
They aren't here.
Sraeyn scythes *Ghast*'s body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full >
[k dark]
You pound *Ghast*'s body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >
[k dark]
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >
[k dark]
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Sraeyn: Critical - Ghast: Critical >

You pound *Ghast*'s body hard.
*Ghast* barely scythes Sraeyn's left foot.
Sraeyn barely scythes *Ghast*'s body.
*Ghast* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

* R HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Critical >
[bash ]


Sraeyn narrates 'rip'


Sraeyn scythes *Ghast*'s body hard.
*Ghast* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Ghast*'s death cry.

Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:11 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Doyl » Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:43 pm

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
You have 62(386) hit and 116(158) movement points.
You have scored 108353600 experience points.
You need 146400 exp to level and 359 qp to rank.
You have amassed 382 Turn points to date, ranking you Ta'veren Sixth.
You have played 5 days and 23 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Doyl(Level 50).
You are standing.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

Ted says 'where other mobs'

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

Ted leaves north riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

A Curve in the Camp
Here, near the northwest corner of the clearing, you can see more tracks
all over. The signs of habitation are everywhere. The place looks like it
was very hastily cleared out. The dug out sides of the land show it was
done in haste and with limited effort or concern.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.
Ted leaves west riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

A Path
You breathe a sigh of relief as you glimpse a clearing to the north, at the
end of the path. The trees around you seem to close in on you, and you wonder
why these trees seem so different, so evil, compared to the trees around the
main road.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
Door down: pittrap
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.
Ted says 'ok'

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.
Ted leaves north riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

A Cleared Campsite
The campsite shows the signs of newly growing plants surrounding the edge
of an area that has recently been given a facelift. It is a good spot to
set camp, with all sides protected. The only way to enter or leave is to
head out down the path to the south.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv
A campfire burns slowly, sending smoke into the sky.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.
Ted leaves south riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

A Path
You breathe a sigh of relief as you glimpse a clearing to the north, at the
end of the path. The trees around you seem to close in on you, and you wonder
why these trees seem so different, so evil, compared to the trees around the
main road.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
Door down: pittrap
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.
Ted leaves south riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

A Path
The dark, twisted path is surrounded by a wall of gnarled, evil-looking trees
to both sides. As you cautiously walk down the path, your boots stick slightly
to the damp ground, prompting you to look down. Here, the path continues north
and south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.
Ted leaves south riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

Branch in Dark Path
Here, the dark path branches. To the south, it joins with another path, and to
the north and west, the path continues. The looming, gnarled trees block out
all light. For some reason, little clumps of dirt stick to your boots with
each step you take.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

Ted leaves south riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

Path Junction
Two paths run into each other here. To the north, you can see little more than
a dark hole under the trees, although you can tell that there is a path there.
To the east and west, this path continues, and you can just barely see what
seems to be a clearing to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a
A Shienaran scout blends into the surroundings here.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.
Ted leaves west riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

Bend in the Path
The path bends back to the west here. You can't see the tower anymore, with
the ancient trees around you looming way overhead, but the sky is still barely
visible through the trees. As you walk on, you get a bad feeling, as you can
see many, recent, tracks on this path, proving that this area is far from
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Honey has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Sqwak has been spotted!'
They aren't here.
Ted leaves east riding a warhorse.
You follow Ted.

Path Junction
Two paths run into each other here. To the north, you can see little more than
a dark hole under the trees, although you can tell that there is a path there.
To the east and west, this path continues, and you can just barely see what
seems to be a clearing to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is standing here, riding a
*Sqwak* is here, fighting a sergeant.
*Dredge* is standing here.
*Honey* is standing here.
A Shienaran scout blends into the surroundings here.
A sergeant is here, fighting Sqwak.
*Dredge* blasts your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >
k dark

*Honey* leaves north.
Ted hacks *Sqwak*'s body with The Courtier Taps His Fan.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >

*Honey* has arrived from the north.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >
You panic and attempt to flee!
*Honey* hacks Ted's body hard.

*Sqwak* panics, and attempts to flee!

Ted hacks *Sqwak*'s body hard.
A Shienaran scout stops using a torch.
A sergeant barely pounds Sqwak's body.

A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Honey has been spotted!'
Ted says 'use mobs 1n'

You flee head over heels.
Branch in Dark Path
Here, the dark path branches. To the south, it joins with another path, and to
the north and west, the path continues. The looming, gnarled trees block out
all light. For some reason, little clumps of dirt stick to your boots with
each step you take.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
Path Junction
Two paths run into each other here. To the north, you can see little more than
a dark hole under the trees, although you can tell that there is a path there.
To the east and west, this path continues, and you can just barely see what
seems to be a clearing to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran scout blends into the surroundings here.
*Honey* is here, fighting Ted.
Ted Ted "The Bear", Aspiring Lieutenant of the Shienaran Lancers is here, fighting Honey, riding a
*Dredge* is standing here.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You barely lance *Honey*'s head.
Ted leaves west riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Beaten >

*Honey* hacks your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A sergeant barely pounds Honey's body.
You dodge a bash from *Dredge* who loses his balance and falls!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!


*Sqwak* has arrived from the west.
Ted has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

Ted hacks *Sqwak*'s body hard.

*Sqwak* crushes Ted's left foot.
Ted hacks *Sqwak*'s left arm.
*Dredge* tries to blast you, but you deflect the blow.
A sergeant barely pounds Honey's body.
*Honey* tries to hack you, but you parry successfully.
You lance *Honey*'s body hard.
As *Honey* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Beaten >

*Sqwak* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Beaten >

A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Sqwak has been spotted!'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Beaten >

*Sqwak* leaves west.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Beaten >
A sergeant pounds Honey's body.
You lance *Honey*'s left arm hard.
You panic and attempt to flee!

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

You dodge a bash from *Honey* who loses his balance and falls!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You flee head over heels.
Bend in the Path
The path bends back to the west here. You can't see the tower anymore, with
the ancient trees around you looming way overhead, but the sky is still barely
visible through the trees. As you walk on, you get a bad feeling, as you can
see many, recent, tracks on this path, proving that this area is far from
[ obvious exits: E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Sqwak* is standing here.
*Sqwak* barely crushes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Sqwak: Critical >

Ted has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Sqwak: Critical >

Ted spins on one heel, changing forms to Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose.
Ted hacks *Sqwak*'s right arm hard.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Sqwak: Critical >
Ted hacks *Sqwak*'s right leg with Stones Falling from the Cliff.
*Sqwak* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
You gain a level!
Your blood freezes as you hear *Sqwak*'s death cry.
Path Junction
Two paths run into each other here. To the north, you can see little more than
a dark hole under the trees, although you can tell that there is a path there.
To the east and west, this path continues, and you can just barely see what
seems to be a clearing to the east.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran scout blends into the surroundings here.
*Honey* is here, fighting a sergeant.
*Dredge* is standing here.
A sergeant is here, fighting Honey.
*Dredge* blasts your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >

*Honey* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Beaten >
You panic and attempt to flee!
*Honey* leaves east.

Ted has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

*Dredge* tries to blast you, but you deflect the blow.
A Shienaran scout stops using a torch.
A sergeant barely pounds Dredge's body.
Ted hacks *Dredge*'s body with Lizard in the Thornbush.

*Honey* has arrived from the east.

A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Honey has been spotted!'
*Honey* barely hacks Ted's body.

You flee head over heels.
End of Branch Path
You stand at the entrance to a clearing that is obviously being used as a
campsite. The trees overhead separate enough that you can see the sky here,
and signs of recent habitation abound. New footprints are all over the path,
as well as the signs of objects being dragged around. To the west, the path
continues into the forest.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Here, you stand in a clearing that is pretty obviously inhabited. Looking
around, you spot the ring of stones in the center of the clearing where there
was obviously a very recent campfire, as well as the many and varied booted
tracks in the dirt of the clearing. It looks like a pretty big group of men
use this clearing as a camp.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Here, in the northwest corner of the clearing, you can see more tracks all
over. The signs of habitation are everywhere, with a discarded oiling rag
discarded here, a toothpick there. The place looks like it was very hastily
cleared out. You don't feel very comfortable here, as if the clearing feels
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A Lancer officer commands a unit of heavy cavalry here.
A chestnut stallion trots about.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
You have 25(386) hit and 100(158) movement points.
You have scored 108851673 experience points.
You need 1726967690 exp to level and 359 qp to rank.
You have amassed 396 Turn points to date, ranking you Ta'veren Sixth.
You have played 5 days and 23 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Doyl(Level 51).
You are standing.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark

Lord Kajin stops using a lantern.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 62.185 seconds.

k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
nar 20 hps
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 38(386) hit and 116(158) movement points.
You have scored 108851673 experience points.
You need 1726967690 exp to level and 359 qp to rank.
You have amassed 396 Turn points to date, ranking you Ta'veren Sixth.
You have played 5 days and 23 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Doyl(Level 51).
You are standing.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
A Curve in the Camp
Here, near the northwest corner of the clearing, you can see more tracks
all over. The signs of habitation are everywhere. The place looks like it
was very hastily cleared out. The dug out sides of the land show it was
done in haste and with limited effort or concern.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

Ted narrates '40'

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
A Path
You breathe a sigh of relief as you glimpse a clearing to the north, at the
end of the path. The trees around you seem to close in on you, and you wonder
why these trees seem so different, so evil, compared to the trees around the
main road.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
Door down: pittrap
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
A Path
The dark, twisted path is surrounded by a wall of gnarled, evil-looking trees
to both sides. As you cautiously walk down the path, your boots stick slightly
to the damp ground, prompting you to look down. Here, the path continues north
and south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 38(386) hit and 113(158) movement points.
You have scored 108851673 experience points.
You need 1726967690 exp to level and 359 qp to rank.
You have amassed 396 Turn points to date, ranking you Ta'veren Sixth.
You have played 5 days and 23 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Doyl(Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
scan s
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
Branch in Dark Path
Here, the dark path branches. To the south, it joins with another path, and to
the north and west, the path continues. The looming, gnarled trees block out
all light. For some reason, little clumps of dirt stick to your boots with
each step you take.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark

Ted narrates 'brt'

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
scan s
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
A Shienaran scout blends into the surroundings here.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Doyl - Branch in Dark Path

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Doyl - Branch in Dark Path

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
nar where u
k dark

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Ted - The Dusty Road
Doyl - Branch in Dark Path

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
A Path
The dark, twisted path is surrounded by a wall of gnarled, evil-looking trees
to both sides. As you cautiously walk down the path, your boots stick slightly
to the damp ground, prompting you to look down. Here, the path continues north
and south.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 38(386) hit and 111(158) movement points.
You have scored 108851673 experience points.
You need 1726967690 exp to level and 359 qp to rank.
You have amassed 396 Turn points to date, ranking you Ta'veren Sixth.
You have played 5 days and 23 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Doyl(Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Ted - Little Path
Doyl - A Path
Ted narrates '2n 2e 2n'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
A Path
You breathe a sigh of relief as you glimpse a clearing to the north, at the
end of the path. The trees around you seem to close in on you, and you wonder
why these trees seem so different, so evil, compared to the trees around the
main road.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
Door down: pittrap
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
A Curve in the Camp
Here, near the northwest corner of the clearing, you can see more tracks
all over. The signs of habitation are everywhere. The place looks like it
was very hastily cleared out. The dug out sides of the land show it was
done in haste and with limited effort or concern.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Here, in the northwest corner of the clearing, you can see more tracks all
over. The signs of habitation are everywhere, with a discarded oiling rag
discarded here, a toothpick there. The place looks like it was very hastily
cleared out. You don't feel very comfortable here, as if the clearing feels
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A member of the Lancer heavy cavalry patrols the area.
A Lancer officer commands a unit of heavy cavalry here.
A chestnut stallion trots about.
Ted narrates 'come'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Honey has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Honey has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Here, you stand in a clearing that is pretty obviously inhabited. Looking
around, you spot the ring of stones in the center of the clearing where there
was obviously a very recent campfire, as well as the many and varied booted
tracks in the dirt of the clearing. It looks like a pretty big group of men
use this clearing as a camp.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Entrance to Campsite
There are many fresh tracks here, leading towards the south, down the path.
The trees abruptly come to an end around you as you reach the end of the path.
You can see a large campsite to the north, and you can clearly see the signs
of very recent habitation. To the south, the path continues into the woods.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A tough Shienaran soldier waits here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring > Little Path
The trees above you are starting to grow together again, but you can still see
the sky through them. To the south, the path gets dark as the trees block out
all light, but to the north, you can see a clearing through the trees.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

Ted has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
Little Path
This path is a rough, but well-traveled path. You can see lots of footprints
that no one has bothered to erase and hide, and the trees looming overhead
block any and all light from entering. To the south, you can see a very dark
alcove, and to the north, you can barely make out the end of this path and a
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Dredge* is standing here.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.
A tough Shienaran soldier waits here.
A Shienaran sergeant watches for the enemy here.
*Honey* has arrived from the south.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You lance *Honey*'s right arm hard.
*Dredge* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Dredge* leaves north.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >

A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Honey has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Honey has been spotted!'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >

Ted has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >
k dark

Ted hacks *Honey*'s right leg.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >
k dark

*Honey* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Dredge* has arrived from the north.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Honey: Critical >
You do the best you can!
*Honey* leaves south.
Ted gracefully changes forms to Low Wind Rising.
Ted hacks *Dredge*'s body hard.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
You lance *Dredge*'s body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
A sergeant joins Ted's fight!
A soldier joins a sergeant's fight!
A soldier barely scythes Dredge's body.
A sergeant tickles Dredge's head with his pound.
You lance *Dredge*'s right hand.
*Dredge* blasts Ted's body.
Ted is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...
Ted regains consciousness.
You do the best you can!
Ted hacks *Dredge*'s left arm with The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
You do the best you can!
*Dredge* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Ted: Critical - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
k dark
You do the best you can!
*Dredge* leaves north.
*Dredge* has arrived from the north.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
You lance *Dredge*'s right leg.
Ted hacks *Dredge*'s right arm hard.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
Ted hacks *Dredge*'s left leg.
*Dredge* panics, and attempts to flee!
A sergeant joins Ted's fight!
A soldier joins a sergeant's fight!
You lance *Dredge*'s right leg.
You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Dredge: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!
*Dredge* leaves north.
*Dredge* has arrived from the north.

k dark
k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
A sergeant bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dredge has been spotted!'
You lance *Dredge*'s body.
*Dredge* is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Ted hacks *Dredge*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Dredge* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Still better. Experience pays off.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Dredge*'s death cry.

Posts: 125
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2020 12:55 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by Atkins » Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:44 am

* R HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
The Blight
Although the edge of the blight is not far to the south, the sickly yellow
has almost completely obscured the healthy land here. The air is foul and
ripe, yet sweet. All around you are sickly and broken trees with black and
red leaves. It would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set
off a massive forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Vyxir* is standing here.
*Kultunk* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.

* R HP:Wounded MV:Strong >
Your mount is too exhausted.

* R HP:Wounded MV:Strong >

*Vyxir* blasts your left arm hard.
Someone narrates 'they together'
*Kultunk* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* R HP:Battered MV:Strong - Vyxir: Scratched >

A shrill piercing scream reverberates through the area.
*Kultunk* crushes your body hard.
*Vyxir* blasts your left hand.

* R HP:Battered MV:Strong - Vyxir: Scratched >

*Kultunk* crushes your left hand.
*Vyxir* blasts your body hard.
*Kultunk* crushes your body hard.

* R HP:Battered MV:Strong - Vyxir: Scratched >
You stop riding him.

* HP:Battered MV:Strong - Vyxir: Scratched >
You panic and attempt to flee!

Someone narrates 'went trail beat'

You flee head over heels.
The Blight
This deep in the Blight it is impossible to see anything except the stunted
growths rising about you. Sickly pale yellow trees with black and red leaves
creak noisily about you. Far off to the distant north you can see the
Mountains of Dhoom. It would not take much more than a smouldering cinder
to set off a massive forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
The corpse of the blighted tree is lying here. [2]

* HP:Battered MV:Strong >
The Blight
The verdant green of the southern regions is all but invisible here, swallowed
by the foulness of the Blight. Dark shapes stir in the trees, and you feel
extremely uneasy. A large rocky hill prevents movement to the north.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
A small stick is lying on the ground here.

* HP:Battered MV:Strong >
The Blight
This deep in the Blight it is impossible to see anything except the stunted
growths rising about you. Sickly pale yellow tree with black and red leaves
creak noisily about you. Far off to the distant north you can see the Mountains
of Dhoom.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<

* HP:Battered MV:Tiring >
nar lol
You narrate 'lol'

* HP:Battered MV:Tiring >
nar hagged on them
You narrate 'hagged on them'

* HP:Battered MV:Tiring >
nar they orch ent

*Kultunk* has arrived from the west, riding a shadow stallion.
*Vyxir* has arrived from the west.

* HP:Battered MV:Tiring >
*Vyxir* blasts your body hard.
You narrate 'they orch ent'
*Kultunk* barely crushes your body.

* HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Scratched >
HP:Battered MP:Tiring
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 176 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are fighting Vyxir.

* HP:Battered MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Scratched >
You panic and attempt to flee!

*Kultunk* crushes your body.
Someone narrates 'doh where'

*Kultunk* crushes your body.
*Vyxir* blasts your body hard.

You flee head over heels.
The Blight
The ground is slightly depressed here, and the rotting forest seems to
suddenly spring up around you. Several exceptionally large trees grow here,
barks broken with thick black sap oozing out. The forest seems rife with
movement. The gaps through the trees provide good views of the blight.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: The Blight
A black tree with bloated leaves sprouts from the ground, branches quivering.

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

Someone narrates 'coming'

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

The blighted tree barely hits your body.

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the blighted tree: Healthy >

You hack the blighted tree's roots into bloody fragments!
The blighted tree tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the blighted tree: Scratched >

*Kultunk* has arrived from the south, riding a shadow stallion.
*Vyxir* has arrived from the south.

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the blighted tree: Scratched >
*Vyxir* blasts your body.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
*Kultunk* barely crushes your left hand.

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the blighted tree: Scratched >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the blighted tree: Scratched >
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - the blighted tree: Scratched >
You panic and attempt to flee!


Someone narrates 'you good?'


(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

*Kultunk* crushes your right hand.
*Vyxir* blasts your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

The blighted tree barely hits your right hand.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Kultunk* crushes your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You flee head over heels.
The Blight
This deep in the Blight it is impossible to see anything except the stunted
growths rising about you. Sickly pale yellow tree with black and red leaves
creak noisily about you. Far off to the distant north you can see the Mountains
of Dhoom.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
The Blight
The verdant green of the southern regions is all but invisible here, swallowed
by the foulness of the Blight. Dark shapes stir in the trees, and you feel
extremely uneasy. A large rocky hill prevents movement to the north.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving vvSOUTHvv
A small stick is lying on the ground here.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
The Blight
This deep in the Blight it is impossible to see anything except the stunted
growths rising about you. Sickly pale yellow trees with black and red leaves
creak noisily about you. Far off to the distant north you can see the
Mountains of Dhoom. It would not take much more than a smouldering cinder
to set off a massive forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
The corpse of the blighted tree is lying here. [2]

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
The Blight
Although the edge of the blight is not far to the south, the sickly yellow
has almost completely obscured the healthy land here. The air is foul and
ripe, yet sweet. All around you are sickly and broken trees with black and
red leaves. It would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set
off a massive forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
In a Dying Orchard
This orchard reeks of the blighted land to the east, and is laden with
thorny brambles and dying trees. The grass is unusually high and sharp,
with some nettles spread out in it. To the west there seems to be a couple
of apple trees that yet cling to life.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a horse leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.
Sickly, wilted grass blankets the ground, intermixed with dry sand.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
A Potato Field
Being left to grown on their own, most of the potato plants here have died.
Only a few survive, and they are now large green bushes hiding potatoes
under their arms. There is also a hole in the ground which looks like the
beginning of a tunnel leading down into the nest of some animal. The way
west seems to lead to more rows of dirt, but to the north a darker part of
the orchard is situated.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a horse leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A potato is here. [3]

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Walking Through the Orchard
Berries of all sorts are planted in long rows here. By most of the rows a
small sign is standing. Some of them have fallen and a few are missing but
the main part is still here. A lot of weeds have spread all over the
orchard. The green continues to the north and east. To the south you see a
yard of some sort.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a horse leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [3]
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[ride horse]
You start riding him.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 56(404) hit and 91(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 176 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
nar crit
A mole leaves north.
Weak light filters through the hazy sky as the sun rises.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.214 seconds.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
You narrate 'crit'

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
cw 20
change wimpy 20
You will now flee if you go below 20 hit points.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
nar am ragan
nar tic beat
You narrate 'am ragan'

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
You narrate 'tic beat'

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
Players in your Zone
Atkins - The Yard Before the Monastery

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
You start paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
Players in your Zone
Atkins - The Yard Before the Monastery

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
You have 69(404) hit and 108(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 176 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
Players in your Zone
Jaxon - The Sunken Forest
Atkins - The Yard Before the Monastery

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
You have 69(404) hit and 108(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 176 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Jaxon - The Crossroads
Atkins - The Yard Before the Monastery

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
scan n
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

Jaxon has arrived from the west.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
Jaxon starts following you.
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
Jaxon nods in agreement.
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
diag jaxon
Jaxon looks pretty hurt.
Jaxon is beat.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
group all
Jaxon is now a member of your group.
A raven is now a member of your group.
A crow is now a member of your group.
A rat is now a member of your group.
A rat is now a member of your group.

scan n
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
*Vyxir* is standing here.
*Kultunk* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
Players in your Zone
Jaxon - The Yard Before the Monastery
Atkins - The Yard Before the Monastery

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
'are 1n
You say 'are 1n'

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

*Vyxir* has arrived from the north.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

*Vyxir* blasts Jaxon's right leg hard.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
csanb n
k h.dark
Jaxon nods in agreement.
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
You barely hack *Vyxir*'s right leg.
*Kultunk* has arrived from the north, riding a shadow stallion.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Beaten - Vyxir: Scratched >

*Kultunk* crushes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Kultunk* crushes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A Shienaran forward scout joins your fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
Ragan barely slices Kultunk's body.
*Kultunk* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Vyxir* blasts Jaxon's right leg hard.
*Kultunk* leaves east riding a shadow stallion.

You panic and attempt to flee!


You flee head over heels.
Walking Through the Orchard
Berries of all sorts are planted in long rows here. By most of the rows a
small sign is standing. Some of them have fallen and a few are missing but
the main part is still here. A lot of weeds have spread all over the
orchard. The green continues to the north and east. To the south you see a
yard of some sort.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a horse leaving vvSOUTHvv
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [3]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Bash who?

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Kultunk* is here, fighting Jaxon, riding a shadow stallion.
*Vyxir* is sitting here.
Jaxon Lane is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
Ragan is here, fighting Vyxir.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
You hack *Kultunk*'s left leg hard.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Beaten - Kultunk: Beaten >

Ragan slices Vyxir's right leg hard.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's right leg.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's body hard.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's body hard.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's left foot.
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s body very hard.

Jaxon avoids being bashed by *Kultunk* who loses his balance and falls!


As *Kultunk* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Beaten - Kultunk: Beaten >

Ragan slices Vyxir's right leg.
A Shienaran forward scout barely slashes Vyxir's left hand.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's body.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's left leg hard.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's left leg.
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s left arm.
*Vyxir* blasts Jaxon's right leg.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Beaten - Kultunk: Beaten >

*Kultunk* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Beaten - Kultunk: Beaten >

*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Kultunk* leaves west riding a shadow stallion.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >

*Vyxir* leaves east.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
Bash who?

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
You are already standing.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
Bash who?

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark

*Kultunk* has arrived from the west, riding a shadow stallion.

k dark
* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
Jaxon crushes *Kultunk*'s body.
You hack *Kultunk*'s body hard.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Beaten >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Beaten >
A Shienaran forward scout joins your fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Beaten >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Beaten >


A Shienaran forward scout slashes Kultunk's left leg hard.
A Shienaran forward scout barely slashes Kultunk's right hand.
*Kultunk* crushes your left leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Kultunk* barely crushes Jaxon's body.
*Kultunk* tries to crush a Shienaran forward scout, but he deflects the blow.
*Kultunk* crushes a Shienaran forward scout's left leg extremely hard.
*Kultunk* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Kultunk* leaves south riding a shadow stallion.


k dark
*Vyxir* has arrived from the east.
They're not here anymore!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
*Vyxir* blasts your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Wounded >
k dark
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s body hard.
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Wounded >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Wounded >
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s left arm hard.
A Shienaran forward scout joins your fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
You barely hack *Vyxir*'s head.
*Vyxir* blasts your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Wounded >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Wounded >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
On the Stone Steps
The stairs leading up to the entrance are made of the same stone that the
monastery was built with. There are thirteen steps up to what once was a
gate, but now is only a gateway. Bones and marks of blades on the steps are
witness of some fight taking place here long ago. To the west there is a
yard, and to the east the gaping hole that was once the entrance to the
monastery awaits.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Vyxir* is here, fighting Jaxon.
Jaxon Lane is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Walking Through the Orchard
Berries of all sorts are planted in long rows here. By most of the rows a
small sign is standing. Some of them have fallen and a few are missing but
the main part is still here. A lot of weeds have spread all over the
orchard. The green continues to the north and east. To the south you see a
yard of some sort.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [3]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Vyxir* is here, fighting Jaxon.
Jaxon Lane is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
A Shienaran forward scout is here, fighting Vyxir.
Ragan is here, fighting Vyxir.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You hack *Vyxir*'s body hard.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Battered >
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!

Jaxon sends *Vyxir* sprawling with a powerful bash!

Jaxon narrates 'am crit too.'

Ragan slices Vyxir's left leg.
A Shienaran forward scout barely slashes Vyxir's right leg.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's body hard.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's body.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's left arm hard.
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s left leg hard.
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!


*Vyxir* leaves east.

They're not here anymore!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
You have 40(404) hit and 95(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 176 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
*Vyxir* has arrived from the east.
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s body hard.
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!
You hack *Vyxir*'s left foot very hard.
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Beaten >
k dark
You hack *Vyxir*'s body hard.
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!
A Shienaran forward scout joins your fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s left arm hard.
You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Beaten >
You nod in agreement.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Beaten >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Beaten >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Beaten >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Beaten >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Vyxir: Beaten >
k dark

*Vyxir* leaves east.
*Vyxir* has arrived from the east.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark

*Vyxir* blasts your left leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Beaten >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Beaten >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Beaten >
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Beaten >
k dark
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s body hard.
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Critical >
k dark
k dark
k dark
A Shienaran forward scout joins your fight!
A Shienaran forward scout joins a Shienaran forward scout's fight!
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's body.
A Shienaran forward scout slashes Vyxir's body.
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s left hand.
You hack *Vyxir*'s body hard.
The day has begun.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.414 seconds.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Critical >
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Vyxir: Critical >
k dark
*Vyxir* leaves north.
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Walking Through the Orchard
Berries of all sorts are planted in long rows here. By most of the rows a
small sign is standing. Some of them have fallen and a few are missing but
the main part is still here. A lot of weeds have spread all over the
orchard. The green continues to the north and east. To the south you see a
yard of some sort.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [3]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Bash who?

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark

*Vyxir* has arrived from the east.
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s head hard.
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
A Potato Field
Being left to grown on their own, most of the potato plants here have died.
Only a few survive, and they are now large green bushes hiding potatoes
under their arms. There is also a hole in the ground which looks like the
beginning of a tunnel leading down into the nest of some animal. The way
west seems to lead to more rows of dirt, but to the north a darker part of
the orchard is situated.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of a horse leaving <<WEST<<
A potato is here. [3]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
In a Dying Orchard
This orchard reeks of the blighted land to the east, and is laden with
thorny brambles and dying trees. The grass is unusually high and sharp,
with some nettles spread out in it. To the west there seems to be a couple
of apple trees that yet cling to life.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of a horse leaving vvSOUTHvv
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Sickly, wilted grass blankets the ground, intermixed with dry sand.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
A Potato Field
Being left to grown on their own, most of the potato plants here have died.
Only a few survive, and they are now large green bushes hiding potatoes
under their arms. There is also a hole in the ground which looks like the
beginning of a tunnel leading down into the nest of some animal. The way
west seems to lead to more rows of dirt, but to the north a darker part of
the orchard is situated.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
A potato is here. [3]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A young and strong buck is here, munching some grass.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Walking Through the Orchard
Berries of all sorts are planted in long rows here. By most of the rows a
small sign is standing. Some of them have fallen and a few are missing but
the main part is still here. A lot of weeds have spread all over the
orchard. The green continues to the north and east. To the south you see a
yard of some sort.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [3]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Vyxir* is here, fighting Jaxon.
Jaxon Lane is here, fighting Vyxir.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
*Vyxir* blasts Jaxon's right arm.
Jaxon crushes *Vyxir*'s left arm hard.
*Vyxir* panics, and attempts to flee!
You hack *Vyxir*'s right arm hard.
*Vyxir* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Vyxir*'s death cry.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 43(404) hit and 103(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 203 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
Passing Some Tombstones
The wind and the rain have been hard on the small tombstones standing up
out of the ground. The names of the deceased monks are unreadable. The soil
around every tomb is hard and covered with dead grass. One can see a yard
to the north and the burial site stretches out to the south and east.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Kultunk* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.
*Kultunk* crushes Jaxon's left leg.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You hack *Kultunk*'s left arm.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Kultunk: Beaten >


*Kultunk* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Kultunk* crushes Jaxon's left leg.
*Kultunk* crushes your right leg hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Kultunk* leaves north riding a shadow stallion.


k dark
The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.
Ack, you lost Jaxon!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Bash who?

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
Walking Through the Orchard
Berries of all sorts are planted in long rows here. By most of the rows a
small sign is standing. Some of them have fallen and a few are missing but
the main part is still here. A lot of weeds have spread all over the
orchard. The green continues to the north and east. To the south you see a
yard of some sort.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
The corpse of Vyxir is lying here.
Several blackberries grow on a nearby vine. [3]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.
A squirrel is here, chittering.
A brazen young hare thumps his powerful hind legs nearby.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Bash who?

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
get all corpse
You get a chocolate chip cookie from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get six gold crowns from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a pair of thick metal boots from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a pair of steel-plated greaves from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a brightly-colored sash from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get an enormous double-bladed battleaxe from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a pair of heavy metal gauntlets from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a pair of steel-plated vambraces from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a backpack from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a dust-covered cloak of the whirlwind from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a shining steel breastplate from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get a strange, insectoid helm from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get an emerald ring from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get an emerald ring from the corpse of Vyxir.
You get an oilstone from the corpse of Vyxir.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring > The Yard Before the Monastery
Inside the gate there is a small yard where the ground is paved with big,
flat stones. To the east a monastery is situated. Although it has been
deserted for many years, the monastery spreads the feeling of not being
alone here. To the north there are some remains of the the monks' orchard,
to the south there looks to be some sort of burial site and there is a gate
to the west.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door west: greatgate
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving vvSOUTHvv
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving >>EAST>>
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A large slab of meat has been placed here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
A Shienaran scout keeps a constant watch here.
The Shienaran forward scout commander stands ever vigilant.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
hide abseq
hide abseq
hide abseq
You hide a strange, insectoid helm.

hide abseq
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
hide abseq
You hide a shining steel breastplate.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
hide abseq
hide abseq
You hide a pair of steel-plated vambraces.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
hide abseq
hide abseq
You hide a pair of heavy metal gauntlets.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You hide a pair of steel-plated greaves.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You hide a pair of thick metal boots.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You don't seem to have an abseq.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You don't seem to have an abseq.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You don't seem to have an abseq.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
hide axe
You hide an enormous double-bladed battleaxe.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You are carrying:
an oilstone
[2] an emerald ring
a dust-covered cloak of the whirlwind
a backpack
[2] a silver Kandori wristcuff
a brightly-colored sash
a large number of gold crowns (50)
a chocolate chip cookie
seven copper pennys

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

Jaxon narrates 'he is 1n well'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You stop paying increased attention to your surroundings.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Path Before the Gate
The path ends here, in front of a ten-foot-high gate. The wood in the gate
looks really old and worn and it is placed in a stone archway. There is
something written on the archway but the weathered letters prove hard to
make out. The path leads of to the west and the gate is to the east.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
Door east: greatgate
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving <<WEST<<
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving <<WEST<<
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A lynx creeps low to the ground, hunting for food.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring > Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a popular
place to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A large stone well is here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Jaxon Lane is standing here.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
An ancient, gnarled tree looms over you.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 45(404) hit and 95(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 203 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
You start paying increased attention to your surroundings.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
diag jaxon
Jaxon is in awful condition.
Jaxon is critical.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
'on tic?
You say 'on tic?'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

Jaxon nods in agreement.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
'he be zerk
You say 'he be zerk'

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You have 45(404) hit and 95(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 203 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.
*Kultunk* has arrived from the north, riding a shadow stallion.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You hack *Kultunk*'s right leg.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Beaten >

Jaxon crushes *Kultunk*'s right leg.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Beaten >

*Kultunk* crushes your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Kultunk* crushes Jaxon's body.
The ancient tree barely hits Kultunk's left foot.
The ancient tree joins the ancient tree's fight!
You hack *Kultunk*'s body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Critical >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

*Kultunk* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Kultunk: Critical >
You panic and attempt to flee!

k dark
You flee head over heels.
Path to the Old Monastery
This part of the path is in even worse condition than the road continuing
to the east and west. A small stream crossing the path cuts it in two. The
faint animal tracks in the soft soil suggests that this could be a popular
place to drink for forest animals. To the north is an old well.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some bloody traces of A HUMAN leaving >>EAST>>
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving ^^NORTH^^
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving >>EAST>>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Bash who?

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
By the Deserted Well
It seems that someone lived in these parts long ago. An old stone well
stands here in the middle of nowhere, almost completely overgrown by the
grass and small trees around it. Strangely, the trees and grass all seem to
be dead. North, a large field full of stumps opens up, and to the south is
an old path in terrible condition.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some tracks of A RIDDEN MOUNT leaving vvSOUTHvv
The corpse of a rat is lying here.
A large stone well is here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Kultunk* is sitting here, riding a shadow stallion.
Jaxon Lane is here, fighting Kultunk.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
The ancient tree is here, fighting Kultunk.
The ancient tree is here, fighting Kultunk.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.
A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You hack *Kultunk*'s body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Kultunk: Critical >
They already seem to be stunned.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Kultunk: Critical >
k dark
k dark
You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Kultunk: Critical >
k dark
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Kultunk: Critical >
You do the best you can!

k dark
* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Critical - Kultunk: Critical >
k dark
You hack *Kultunk*'s left hand.
*Kultunk* barely crushes Jaxon's body.
*Kultunk* crushes your right leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Kultunk* crushes the ancient tree's branch into bloody fragments!
*Kultunk* crushes the ancient tree's trunk into bloody fragments!
The ancient tree barely hits Kultunk's left leg.
*Kultunk* is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...
The ancient tree hits Kultunk's left leg.
*Kultunk* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Kultunk*'s death cry.
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
You snicker softly.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.680 seconds.
Jaxon narrates 'rip'
You have 39(404) hit and 107(162) movement points.
You have scored 108717574 experience points and 1339 quest points.
You need 1727101789 exp to level and 1661 qp to rank.
You have amassed 203 Turn points to date.
You have played 51 days and 20 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Atkins the Lieutenant [Child of Light 7] (Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
[l in corpse]
corpse (here) :
a pair of thick metal boots
a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves
a bronze belt of odd design
a two-handed binnol
[2] a sungwood bracelet
a pair of heavy metal gauntlets
a pair of ebony-steel plate vambraces
a backpack
an earthen brown mantle
a thick, steel-plated breastplate
[2] a torc of gleaming steel
a full metal helmet and visor
[2] a jade signet ring

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

Jaxon grins evilly.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
remove sword
draw dagger
scalp 1.corpse
sheath dagger
wield sword
Jaxon stops using a massive war maul.
You stop using a pair of gold-hilted hooked swords.

* R HP:Critical MV:Tiring > You try to quietly draw a shiny copper dagger from an earthen brown

Posts: 66
Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:05 am

Re: Crit kills

Post by Kiltwich » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:03 pm

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
Before a Split in the Road
The road splits to the west and south around a large hill with sheer cliffs
on all sides as if the earth decided to suddenly thrust itself upwards from
the core. The road appears more paved to the west while to the south a
thinner earthen road shadows the hill.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A black wolf growls loudly, poised to leap.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The road plods on to the south towards a large hill and bends to the north
to avoid a sharp incline. A dark forest shadows the road to the east. The
forest once extended into these rolling hills, but large fires seem to have
cleared the area leaving only small saplings struggling to survive. It
would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive
forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Byrg* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
Fight!? Are you crazy?? You can barely hold yourself together.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
Fight!? Are you crazy?? You can barely hold yourself together.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
Fight!? Are you crazy?? You can barely hold yourself together.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
Before a Split in the Road
The road splits to the west and south around a large hill with sheer cliffs
on all sides as if the earth decided to suddenly thrust itself upwards from
the core. The road appears more paved to the west while to the south a
thinner earthen road shadows the hill.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A black wolf growls loudly, poised to leap.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
n;charge dark Well, if he's not spamming, let's be cheeky!

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The road plods on to the south towards a large hill and bends to the north
to avoid a sharp incline. A dark forest shadows the road to the east. The
forest once extended into these rolling hills, but large fires seem to have
cleared the area leaving only small saplings struggling to survive. It
would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive
forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Byrg* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
You struggle to line up your charge...
*Byrg* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
*Byrg* slashes your body.
Ouch! It appears someone beat you to an attack.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Full - Byrg: Beaten >
You lance *Byrg*'s head.
You feel less paranoid. Finally, some good news!
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 61.815 seconds.
A lantern has gone out!
You discard a lantern.
You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

o R HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >
[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy
*someone* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

o R HP:Battered MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >

*someone* slashes your body.

o R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >

*someone* slashes your left arm.

o R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >

*someone* slashes your body.

hold lantern
o R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You flee head over heels.
It is pitch black...
(wotmudmapper): (error): Multiple matches found.
You hold a lantern above your head.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
Pine needles mixed with hard-packed earth form the deeply rutted road.
Several trees have been burned down in this area, casualties of the war
that often rages in this area between the forces of Light and Dark. It
would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive
forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The paving stones that once formed the road are completely covered in dirt.
This stretch of the road continues its east-west path through the forest
between Fal Dara and Tarwin's Gap. The forest begins to thin out towards
the east, replaced by boulders and rough terrain. It would not take much
more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive forest fire in the
surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
In a Thick Forest
The pine trees are very tight knitted here, even more so to the south where
it becomes to difficult for passage. To the east the trees thin out as the
environment becomes too harsh to support life. The air is humid and carries
a sickly sweet smell eminating from the trees as the proximity to the
Blight taints the living even this far south. It would not take much more
than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive forest fire in the
surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A timber wolf is here, snarling hungrily.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
You have 106(427) hit and 154(154) movement points.
You have scored 108605562 experience points and 325 quest points.
You need 1727213801 exp to level and 75 qp to rank.
You have amassed 156 Turn points to date.
You have played 5 days and 12 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Kiltwich the Wall Guard [Wall Guard 5] (Level 51).
You are standing.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
You are a 34 year old male human warrior.
Your height is 6 feet, 0 inches, and you weigh 193.0 lbs. BMI: 26.198.
You are carrying 0.4 lbs and wearing 80.1 lbs, light. MUD BMI: 0.526.
Your base abilities are: Str:19 Int:14 Wil:11 Dex:19 Con:19. Total: 82.
Offensive bonus: 167, Dodging bonus: 65, Parrying bonus: 112. Total Defence: 177
Your mood is: Wimpy. You will flee below: 100 Hit Points
Your armor absorbs about 80% on average.

You are subjected to the following effects:

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
You barely lance *Byrg*'s body.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >
[k 1.dark]
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >
[k 1.dark]
You do the best you can!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Byrg: Beaten >

*Byrg* gazes deeply into your soul.. very chilling.
The gaze of *Byrg* fails to affect you.
*Byrg* slashes your right foot hard.
You panic and attempt to flee!
A timber wolf tickles Byrg's body with his hit.
*Byrg* slashes your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You flee head over heels.
Road to Tarwin's Gap
The paving stones that once formed the road are completely covered in dirt.
This stretch of the road continues its east-west path through the forest
between Fal Dara and Tarwin's Gap. The forest begins to thin out towards
the east, replaced by boulders and rough terrain. It would not take much
more than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive forest fire in the
surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
They aren't here.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
In a Thick Forest
The pine trees are very tight knitted here, even more so to the south where
it becomes to difficult for passage. To the east the trees thin out as the
environment becomes too harsh to support life. The air is humid and carries
a sickly sweet smell eminating from the trees as the proximity to the
Blight taints the living even this far south. It would not take much more
than a smouldering cinder to set off a massive forest fire in the
surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Parched Ground
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Byrg* is here, fighting a timber wolf, riding a shadow stallion.
A timber wolf is here, fighting Byrg.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
[k 1.dark]
You lance *Byrg*'s body.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - a timber wolf: Healthy - Byrg: Beaten >
You lance *Byrg*'s body.
*Byrg* slashes a timber wolf's body into bloody fragments!
A timber wolf tickles Byrg's body with his hit.
*Byrg* slashes a timber wolf's body into bloody fragments!
=+**+=- -
A timber wolf tickles Byrg's body with his hit.
Your bash at *Byrg* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - a timber wolf: Critical - Byrg: Critical >
[change wimpy 0]
You won't flee from any fight now.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - a timber wolf: Critical - Byrg: Critical >

You lance *Byrg*'s body.
A timber wolf tickles Byrg's body with his hit.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - a timber wolf: Critical - Byrg: Critical >
say hrm, wolf to the rescue
You say 'hrm, wolf to the rescue'

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - a timber wolf: Critical - Byrg: Critical >

You lance *Byrg*'s right arm hard.
A timber wolf tickles Byrg's body with his hit.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - a timber wolf: Critical - Byrg: Critical >

*Byrg* slashes your left arm hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Byrg* slashes your left foot.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A timber wolf tickles Byrg's body with his hit.
As *Byrg* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - a timber wolf: Beaten - Byrg: Critical >

*Byrg* slashes a timber wolf's body into bloody fragments!
A timber wolf is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear a timber wolf's death cry.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh - Byrg: Critical >
*Byrg* slashes your head.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

-=+**+=- -=
Your bash at *Byrg* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Critical MV:Fresh - Byrg: Critical >

You lance *Byrg*'s right arm very hard.
A black wolf has arrived from the west. Hey hey hey, what are you doing here

* R HP:Critical MV:Fresh - Byrg: Critical >

A black wolf barely hits Byrg's body.
You lance *Byrg*'s body.
*Byrg* is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...

* R HP:Critical MV:Fresh - Byrg: Critical >

A black wolf hits Byrg's right arm. Nooooo, my tps!
*Byrg* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Byrg*'s death cry.

Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:18 pm

Re: Crit kills

Post by elmer » Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:12 am

* R HP:Battered MV:Winded > The Dusty Road
The old road bends north and east here. To the north, over the trees, you
can see the top of a gray tower poking up through the trees. However, the
forest around you seems mostly impenetrable, except for a little trail
running south into the woods. The city walls of Fal Dara can be see through
the trees to the southeast, and looking up there is an old murder-hole
strutting out over the road.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Trill* is standing here.
*Noikkor* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.
A warhorse has arrived from the north.

* R HP:Battered MV:Winded > *Trill* pierces your head.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Battered MV:Winded - Trill: Wounded > No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Battered MV:Winded - Trill: Wounded > No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Battered MV:Winded - Trill: Wounded > I see no door here.

change mood wimpy
* R HP:Battered MV:Winded - Trill: Wounded > No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Battered MV:Winded - Trill: Wounded > You pound *Trill*'s body hard.
*Trill* pierces your body.
Mood changed to: Wimpy

You panic and attempt to flee!ill: Battered >

You flee head over heels.
The Dusty Road
To the north and south, the road bends back to resume its original east-west
Failed to correct map position after fleeing.
orientation. The trees bordering the road form an impenetrable wall, and the
only way you can move is along the road. Looking around, you can see the tip
of a tower poking up through the trees to the north.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Battered MV:Winded > s
The Dusty Road
The old road bends north and east here. To the north, over the trees, you
can see the top of a gray tower poking up through the trees. However, the
forest around you seems mostly impenetrable, except for a little trail
running south into the woods. The city walls of Fal Dara can be see through
the trees to the southeast, and looking up there is an old murder-hole
strutting out over the road.
[ obvious exits: N E S ]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
*Trill* is standing here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary >
*Trill* pierces your left arm.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > s

*Trill* pierces your body.
*Noikkor* slashes your head hard.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > change mood wimpy
Mood changed to: Wimpy

You panic and attempt to flee!ll: Battered >

*Trill* pierces your body.

You flee head over heels.
The Dusty Road
The ancient trees around the road don't seem to acknowledge the wind
Failed to correct map position after fleeing.
blowing around them, their branches and leaves barely moving. Here, the
road runs east and west, but, to the west, you can see that the road bends
north. A gray tower is visible over the trees to the northwest, and besides
that, you can only see the impenetrable forest all around the road.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
The Dusty Road
The road here continues to the east and west here, bordered by impenetrable
forest. Walking along the road, you notice the recent tracks of a couple of
wagons along the road, along with some horses. To your northwest, you can see
a tower poking up through the trees. To the south, you can see the spires
of Fal Dara poking over a hill.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A squat border stone juts from the soil.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary > The Dusty Road
To the north of the road, hedges and trees merge to become one, fading into an
impenetrable wall. The south is bordered by an almost identical wall of trees,
which seem as if they have grown into each other. You can spot the tip of a
tower poking up through the trees to the northwest. The road continues to the
east and west from here.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary > w
The Dusty Road
The road here continues to the east and west here, bordered by impenetrable
forest. Walking along the road, you notice the recent tracks of a couple of
wagons along the road, along with some horses. To your northwest, you can see
a tower poking up through the trees. To the south, you can see the spires
of Fal Dara poking over a hill.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
A squat border stone juts from the soil.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary > Dusty Road by Fal Dara
The road branches here, the main route leading north and south while a
wider offshoot leads up a hill to the west, approaching the gates of Fal
Dara. Despite the terrain, the ground appears well trodden and in good
repair, obviously worn down by constant use.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary > s
*Trill* barely pierces your right hand.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
*Noikkor* slashes your left leg hard.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
*Noikkor* closes the Malkiergate.

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > na on 1n
You narrate 'on 1n'

* R HP:Battered MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > change mood brave
change wimpy 0

You pound *Trill*'s right arm.
*Trill* pierces your left leg.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > Mood changed to: Brave

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > You won't flee from any fight now.

[bash ] y - Trill: Battered >

*Noikkor* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
*Noikkor* slashes your body hard.
*Trill* pierces your head hard.
*Trill* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

The Malkiergate is opened from the other side.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
Kiltwich has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
*Trill* closes the Malkiergate.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s body hard.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
The Malkiergate is opened from the other side.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
Bubba has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.
*Trill* closes the Malkiergate.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered > y

Bubba leaves north riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
Kiltwich tries to scythe *Noikkor*, but he parries successfully.
*Noikkor* slashes your left arm hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Trill* pierces your head.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
Bubba has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.
Kiltwich narrates 'I naked btw'

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Trill: Battered >
*Trill* pierces your head.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Bubba tries to blast *Noikkor*, but he deflects the blow.

[bash ] ary - Trill: Battered >

*Noikkor* gazes deeply at Bubba...
Bubba looks very strange, glaring about with a sense of panic.
*Noikkor* slashes your left leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Trill* pierces your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Kiltwich sends *Noikkor* sprawling with a powerful bash!

*Trill* panics, and attempts to flee!

Bubba blasts *Noikkor*'s head hard.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s body very hard.
You pound *Trill*'s left foot hard.
*Trill* pierces your right hand.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Trill* leaves north.
They're not here anymore!

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Noikkor: Wounded > TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

The Malkiergate is opened from the other side.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Noikkor: Wounded > [bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Noikkor: Wounded >
You pound *Noikkor*'s head very hard.
Bubba mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s body hard.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Noikkor: Wounded > y

*Trill* pierces Bubba's left arm hard.
*Noikkor* closes the Malkiergate.

[bash ] ary - Noikkor: Wounded >

*Trill* pierces Bubba's head.

*Trill* barely pierces Bubba's head.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s left foot.
*Noikkor* slashes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

Salle narrates 'what you use for gear kilt?'

Your bash at *Noikkor* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Noikkor: Wounded >
*Trill* pierces Bubba's right arm.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Noikkor: Wounded >
*Trill* barely pierces Bubba's left foot.
You pound *Noikkor*'s body hard.
Bubba blasts *Noikkor*'s right arm very hard.
Kiltwich spins on one heel, changing forms to The Swallow Takes Flight.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s body hard.

* R HP:Critical MV:Weary - Noikkor: Battered >
The Malkiergate is opened from the other side.
*Trill* pierces Bubba's body.
You pound *Noikkor*'s body hard.
Bubba mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s right hand hard.
*Trill* pierces Bubba's body.
You feel less sure of yourself.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Battered > y
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Battered > y

*Noikkor* closes the Malkiergate.

[bash ] nded - Noikkor: Battered >

*Trill* barely pierces Bubba's body.
Bubba mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
Kiltwich tries to scythe *Noikkor*, but he parries successfully.
*Noikkor* gazes deeply at Kiltwich...
Kiltwich looks very strange, glaring about with a sense of panic.
*Noikkor* slashes your left leg hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Trill* barely pierces Bubba's left foot.

Your bash at *Noikkor* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Battered >
*Trill* pierces Bubba's body hard.
You pound *Noikkor*'s left leg hard.
Bubba mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
Kiltwich mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Battered >
*Trill* pierces Bubba's left leg.
You pound *Noikkor*'s left arm extremely hard.
Bubba blasts *Noikkor*'s body hard.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s head.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Beaten > y
The Malkiergate is opened from the other side.
[bash ]
They already seem to be stunned.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Beaten > y

Bubba hugs *Trill*.

[bash ] nded - Noikkor: Beaten >

*Trill* pierces Bubba's body.
Bubba mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s head with Wind and Rain.
*Noikkor* barely slashes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Trill* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Trill* leaves south.

Your bash at *Noikkor* sends him sprawling!

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Beaten >
You pound *Noikkor*'s right leg hard.
Bubba blasts *Noikkor*'s right leg hard.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s left foot.
*Trill* has arrived from the south.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical >
Bubba intercepts *Trill*'s attack on his mount.
*Trill* pierces Bubba's body.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical >
*Trill* barely pierces Bubba's right arm.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical >
*Trill* assumes an offensive striking posture.

* R HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical >
*Trill* pierces Bubba's body.
You pound *Noikkor*'s right leg very hard.
Bubba mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
Kiltwich spins on one heel, changing forms to The Falcon Swoops.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s body hard.
*Noikkor* panics, and attempts to flee!
*someone* slashes your left arm.
You're stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...

HP:Critical MV:Winded > p
[k dark]
All you can do right now is think about the stars!

HP:Critical MV:Winded >
You regain consciousness.
*Trill* has arrived from the north.
Kiltwich barely scythes *Trill*'s head.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
Bubba blasts *Trill*'s body.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
*Noikkor* slashes your body hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical >
*Trill* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical > yu

*Noikkor* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical > Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Noikkor: Critical > y
*Trill* leaves north.
[bash ]
Kiltwich tries to scythe *Noikkor*, but he deflects the blow.
*Noikkor* has arrived from the south, riding a shadow stallion.

Bubba tries to blast *Noikkor*, but he parries successfully.
Kiltwich scythes *Noikkor*'s left hand very hard.
*Noikkor* panics, and attempts to flee!

Kiltwich mounts an attack against *Noikkor*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
Bubba blasts *Noikkor*'s right leg very hard.

Bubba tries to blast *Noikkor*, but he parries successfully.
*Trill* pierces Bubba's body.
Kiltwich scythes *Trill*'s head with Stones Falling from the Cliff.

*Trill* pierces Bubba's body.
*Noikkor* panics, and attempts to flee!

Your bash at *Trill* sends him sprawling!

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Bubba: Wounded - Trill: Beaten >
You pound *Trill*'s left foot.
Kiltwich scythes *Trill*'s body with The Wood Grouse Dances.
*Trill* panics, and attempts to flee!
Bubba blasts *Noikkor*'s left foot.
*Noikkor* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Noikkor*'s death cry.
Bubba blasts *Trill*'s left arm hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Bubba: Wounded - Trill: Beaten >
*Trill* leaves south.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded > p
[k dark]
You barely pound *Trill*'s body.
*Trill* panics, and attempts to flee!
Kiltwich gets eight copper pennys from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a skin of human flesh from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a wealth of gold crowns from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a pair of gleaming metal boots from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a pair of thick, gold-plated greaves from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets the severed head of Kiltwich the Human slain in the Blasted Lands from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a razor-sharp longsword from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a silver etched shield from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a pair of polished, gold-plated vambraces from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a backpack from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets an inky black cloak from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a shirt of overlapping black scales from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a shimmering chain of gold from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a shimmering chain of gold from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a gold-chased morion with an engraved silver comb from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a gold ring from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets a gold ring from the corpse of Noikkor.
Kiltwich gets an oilstone from the corpse of Noikkor.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Trill: Beaten > Bubba blasts *Trill*'s left arm.
[k dark]
You do the best you can!
Beads of cold sweat emerge from Kiltwich's face!
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.
Kiltwich scythes *Trill*'s head.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Trill: Beaten > [k dark]
You do the best you can!
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Trill: Beaten > [k dark]
You do the best you can!
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Trill: Beaten > p
[k dark]
You do the best you can!
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Trill: Beaten > [k dark]
You do the best you can!
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Trill: Beaten > y

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

[bash ] ed - Trill: Beaten >
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

*Trill* leaves north.
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.

They're not here anymore!

* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
Kiltwich doesn't seem to look well as he turns pale.
Kiltwich drops an inky black cloak.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded > l
Dusty Road by Fal Dara
The road branches here, the main route leading north and south while a
wider offshoot leads up a hill to the west, approaching the gates of Fal
Dara. Despite the terrain, the ground appears well trodden and in good
repair, obviously worn down by constant use.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A thick black cloak seems to make a puddle on the ground.
The corpse of Noikkor is lying here.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.
Bubba the Shadow Hunter is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Kiltwich the Wall Lieutenant is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded > [k dark]
They aren't here.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded > TICK IN 5 SECONDS.
You don't see a closed gate.

* HP:Critical MV:Winded > score
You have 2(411) hit and 52(146) movement points.
You have scored 107556948 experience points and 291 quest points.
You need 943052 exp to level and 109 qp to rank.
You have amassed 48 Turn points to date.
You have played 11 days and 1 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Elmer the Defender [Shienaran Lancer 5] (Level 50).
You are standing.

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