Roleplay subjects brainstorming - input requested

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Re: Roleplay subjects brainstorming - input requested

Post by Emily » Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:05 am

Some more thoughts:

roleplay with a pet or horse (brushing or feeding a horse)
roleplay involving sending an in-game pigeon
roleplay mis-pronouncing something
roleplay of getting or being lost
roleplay of finding something hidden (search pouch, search light)
roleplay of something breaking or getting destroyed (ripping up a piece of paper and giving it to a mob)
roleplay caring for a sick person or treating an injury
roleplay forgetting something you need
roleplay stretching, meditating, or other physical exercise
roleplay with only emotes (no talking)
roleplay with a Wisdom (PC or mob)
roleplay getting ready for bed (or getting ready in the morning)
roleplay putting on or taking off clothes/piece of equipment
roleplay trying to recruit someone to your cause/clan
roleplay admiring someone's clothes or form (Gaidin in the Practice Yard...swoon)
roleplay drawing something (a picture, a person's sketch, a map, etc)
roleplay something musical (playing an instrument, singing a song, humming a tune)
roleplay grieving someone lost (a Eulogy for PC who fell in PK, Flowers picked for a Tower Guard mob that was killed)
roleplay calling someone a darkfriend with dubious proof
roleplay being poor or wealthy

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Re: Roleplay subjects brainstorming - input requested

Post by Sarinda » Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:41 pm

Another idea! Roleplay involving a letter that was written in game using the coded system for writing mail.

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Re: Roleplay subjects brainstorming - input requested

Post by Callesa » Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:37 pm

roleplay referencing an event from the books appropriately
roleplaying a weave
roleplay breaking a law in a creative way (not just stupidly hodling a light ball in tear)
roleplay gossip
roleplay Daes Dae'Mar
teach someone something with proper roleplay

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Re: Roleplay subjects brainstorming - input requested

Post by Alison » Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:08 am

I like the idea of location based roleplay. I think the example of the managerie was used.

Example a Decleration is made by the criers. "Hear ye hear ye, Valan lucas managerie is rumored to travel through Lugard this month."

Bham golden opertunity for roleplaying with novices, others about what manageries mean and so forth.

Maybe have a monthly event planned calander for the next say 12 months.

Eg The blight has suddenly started spilling out of waygates and the area south west of Tar valon is affected.
Roleplay ways of finding solutions to that .

Or Seanchan attacking Tar valon. Like an actual invasion force like the books and for a month, the city of Tar valon is overtaken with seanchan. Replacing all mobs with ss and we have to "take back the city" similar to how you guys do the mob attacks with forsaken. Just this time remove all mobs and put seanchan mobs in. (no idea if this requires coding, but could be a thing). Our very own invasion. Lets create history for this world

We have talaranhriod. Lets make a low percentage roll if you sleep anywhere in the world near events taking place, bham travelled to Tar.

Having the entry message saying something along the line of

"Welcome to the wheel of time, Caution as Seanchan invasion force has taken over tar valon and the city is not safe for anyone."

Thus allowing new and old players to be aware of events taking place and choosing to partake.

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Re: Roleplay subjects brainstorming - input requested

Post by Callesa » Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:31 am

I have very mixed feelings about the last thing. Seanchan taking TV and similar events do not give you a choice to partake, they force you, or they would remove a very important part of the game.

But some sort of global events would be awesome. It's been a long time since I took part in any.

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