Ouch! That really did HURT!

... tales of great battles, stealthy adversaries and improving your PK skills. Careful though, no whining!
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Posts: 282
Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:22 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Detritus » Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:07 pm

It's perfectly fine to gamble on a flee direction from 6w, you just reduce it to a 25% chance of going direction you dont want. Good link or bad link, the following commands are the bad point.
Ruby wrote:
Sat Oct 22, 2022 4:17 pm
You flee head over heels.
The Dusty Road
The forest is so thick to either side of the road that movement off the
road becomes impossible. Above the trees to the northeast, the tip of a
gray tower looms over the trees. To the west, the forest bordering the road
gets lighter, while to the east, the forest only seems to grow thicker.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Borderlands North of Fal Dara
A Domani razor stands here, eyes keen and swishing its tail, being ridden by you.
Alas, you cannot go that way... this is your single gamble command after fleeing from 6W

* R HP:Beaten SP:Full MV:Fresh >
Alas, you cannot go that way... command 1 that shouldn't be south again from any possible 6W flees

* R HP:Beaten SP:Full MV:Fresh >
Alas, you cannot go that way... command 2 that shouldn't be south again

* R HP:Beaten SP:Full MV:Fresh >
*Melkor* has arrived from the west.
2 chances to leave the room before the chaser arrives, if you're hitting south after your flee you're gambling against a north flee, any other direction does not need more than one south after it. This is pure zone knowledge if you're used to playing on a bad link or vs multiple opponents when you're going to gamble on a flee direction.

I would personally probably gamble on stacking a west command after flee here and would have walked back into the room(i would not wait for a better flee room on my link). If i was going to bank on not fleeing north I'd flee S E S E(which would walk you off the road on dusty or a few rooms away every other direction).

Flee stabbing is a whole different kettle of fish and is dependant on a stabber STARTING the stab(which includes a hide command after entering room now, horray), not the finishing part of it. Channie has the most potential vulnerability if they're running timers on weaves giving more opportunities for enemies to start timers but you can still be aware of when you've given that unengaged window to them.

Posts: 191
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:56 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Prykor » Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:11 pm

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong > A Trolloc Camp
There is little doubt as to what taint is twisting the forest around here,
now. You are standing in the middle of a clearing, which is obviously used
as a camp by Trollocs. You see discarded human clothing and armor scattered
around, as well as a rack of strung human skulls hanging from a pole. There
is a big cookpot over the campfire, and the smell of cooking meat drifts
towards you.
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Northern Borderlands
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some bloody traces of a TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving north. ^^
There are some tracks of a RIDDEN MOUNT leaving east. >>
A trolloc cookpot, couched in a bed of coals, boils with human flesh.
Melkor the Dark Master is standing here.
A trolloc is here ruling a group of trollocs.
Falling silent, a muzzled trolloc tests the wind... and begins to growl.
A silent, black-robed figure watches you from afar.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.
A beastly, boar-headed trolloc growls maliciously.

o HP:Beaten MV:Strong >
[k 1.light]
They aren't here.

o HP:Beaten MV:Strong > *Lisette* has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.
[k 1.light]
You crush *Jaxon*'s body.

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Wounded > *Jaxon* tries to hack you, but you deflect the blow.
A Dhai'mon trolloc joins your fight!
A muzzled trolloc joins a Dhai'mon trolloc's fight!
A myrddraal joins a Dhai'mon trolloc's fight!
A boarish trolloc joins a myrddraal's fight!
A boarish trolloc joins a myrddraal's fight!
You barely crush *Jaxon*'s head.
*Lisette* tries to strike you, but you deflect the blow.
Melkor hacks *Jaxon*'s body hard.
[k 1.light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Wounded > [k 1.light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Wounded > [k 1.light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Wounded > [k 1.light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Wounded >
A myrddraal hisses 'If you're here to raid the Borderlands, Prykor, then say so.'

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Wounded >
nar on pot
You narrate 'on pot'

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Wounded >
Tic in 7 seconds!
A boarish trolloc hacks Jaxon's right arm.
A boarish trolloc hacks Jaxon's right leg.
A myrddraal slashes Jaxon's head.
A muzzled trolloc cleaves Jaxon's body.
A Dhai'mon trolloc barely hacks Jaxon's right leg.
You crush *Jaxon*'s head hard.
[change mood wimpy]
Mood changed to: Wimpy

* HP:Beaten MV:Strong - Jaxon: Battered >
You panic and attempt to flee!

You feel the Weave of the Wheel loosen from you.
A flash of bright red fire sent by Lisette is the last thing you ever see.
You are dead! Sorry...

70 hp flamestrike, owwwww

Posts: 297
Joined: Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:15 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Jestin » Tue Nov 08, 2022 8:56 am

That was a fireball dude 😑

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:05 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Narmi » Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:19 pm

Before the Gate
You stand before the entrance to the city of Baerlon. Thick oak gates girdled
with broad, black iron straps firmly protect this city from the wild elements
of outside. Above you, a wooden Watchtower stands above the road, usually
manned by village militia, scrutinizing all those who enter the city.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Baerlon
Door west: citygate
A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
Lord Atienne d'Machtmittel, First Captain of the Companions is standing here, riding a Domani razor.
Lord Adael Le'Ada, Knight of the Rose Crown, Captain of Queen Morgase's Elite is here, fighting
Pseudomonas, riding a white destrier.
*Pseudomonas* is here, fighting Adael.
*Dredge* is here, fighting Jaxon.
*Erulak* is sitting here.
Jaxon Lane is here, fighting Erulak.
A guard of Baerlon is here, fighting Erulak.
A guard of Baerlon is here, fighting Dredge.
A guard of Baerlon is here, fighting Dredge.
A wild stallion bucks madly.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Good MV:Strong > *Pseudomonas* tickles Adael's right leg with his pierce.
A guard of Baerlon slashes Dredge's left arm.
A guard of Baerlon slashes Erulak's right arm.
A guard of Baerlon tickles Dredge's body with its slash.
Jaxon mounts an attack against *Erulak*, but weak nerves get the better of him.
*Pseudomonas* barely pierces Adael's body.
Jaxon narrates 'erulak bashed weound'
You feel the flows of saidar coursing through your body.

is dark (should have engaged first and targeted, sue me)
* R HP:Healthy SP:Good MV:Strong >
*Dredge* panics, and attempts to flee!

* R HP:Healthy SP:Good MV:Strong >
Atienne tries to strike *Pseudomonas*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Healthy SP:Good MV:Strong >
[channel 'ice spikes']
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...
*Dredge* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Pseudomonas* avoids being bashed by Adael who loses his balance and falls!

*Dredge* leaves west.
Atienne assumes an offensive striking posture.

*Pseudomonas* barely pierces Adael's left leg.
A guard of Baerlon joins a guard of Baerlon's fight!
A guard of Baerlon joins a guard of Baerlon's fight!
A guard of Baerlon tries to slash Erulak, but it parries successfully.
Jaxon slashes *Erulak*'s left leg hard.
*Erulak* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Erulak* leaves east.


Jaxon gets a vial filled with a dark red liquid from a backpack.
*Dredge* has arrived from the west.

Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at *Pseudomonas*.

is dark
* R HP:Healthy SP:Fading MV:Strong - Dredge: Battered >
A guard of Baerlon joins Adael's fight!
A guard of Baerlon joins a guard of Baerlon's fight!
A guard of Baerlon joins a guard of Baerlon's fight!
Avin the Gatekeeper closes the citygate.
Avin the Gatekeeper locks the citygate.
Jaxon quaffs a vial filled with a dark red liquid.
Jaxon looks less panicked.
[channel 'ice spikes']
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...
*Dredge* leaves east.

*Pseudomonas* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Pseudomonas* avoids being bashed by Atienne who loses his balance and falls!

*Pseudomonas* tickles Adael's body with his pierce.
*Dredge* has arrived from the east.

*Dredge* leaves east.

Jaxon narrates 'porka was crit'

Adael sends *Pseudomonas* sprawling with a powerful bash!

Your target is no longer here!

* R HP:Healthy SP:Fading MV:Strong >

Atienne calls for the citygate to be opened.
Avin the Gatekeeper unlocks the citygate.
Avin the Gatekeeper opens the citygate.

is dark
* R HP:Healthy SP:Fading MV:Strong >
Atienne strikes *Pseudomonas*'s body into bloody fragments!
Adael pounds *Pseudomonas*'s left leg into bloody fragments!

* R HP:Healthy SP:Fading MV:Strong >
Jaxon slashes *Pseudomonas*'s body into bloody fragments!
[channel 'ice spikes']
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

Jaxon slashes *Pseudomonas*'s right leg into bloody fragments!
Atienne strikes *Pseudomonas*'s right hand extremely hard.
Adael pounds *Pseudomonas*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Pseudomonas* panics, and attempts to flee!

You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your icy spikes shred *Pseudomonas*'s guts, causing his insides to flow outside.
*Pseudomonas* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Pseudomonas*'s death cry.

Posts: 37
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:47 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by porka » Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:51 pm

*Elithin* has arrived from the west.

* HP:Critical MV:Strong >

Porka blows a loud horn, and a fade enters the camp flanked by several large trollocs.
The fade and trollocs stalk off into the distance, establishing a perimeter.
A Ko'bal trolloc now follows a fade.
A Ko'bal trolloc now follows a fade.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc now follows a fade.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc now follows a fade.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc is now a member of a fade's group.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc is now a member of a fade's group.
A Ko'bal trolloc is now a member of a fade's group.
A Ko'bal trolloc is now a member of a fade's group.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc tries to cleave Elithin, but he deflects the blow.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
Ghast hisses 'lathyn ss around'
*Jaxon* slashes your right arm hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You panic and attempt to flee!

Ghast scythes *Elithin*'s body.

say no sm
Ghast scythes *Elithin*'s right leg hard.
You try to slice *Jaxon*, but he parries successfully.
A fade slashes Jaxon's head hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Elithin's left arm.
A Ko'bal trolloc tries to hack Jaxon, but he deflects the blow.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc tries to cleave Jaxon, but he deflects the blow.
*Elithin* scythes an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's head into bloody fragments!
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc barely cleaves Elithin's right arm.
You flee head over heels.
A Hidden Lair
Hidden away among the camouflage of the trees and bushes of the Braem
Wood, you have found a place that some of the wolves of the land make their
own. It is snug and warm, the perfect place to rear pups, away from the
dangers of men and trollocs. The Braem Wood is just to the west, and the
feeding place is north.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
Zone: Aringill
Door west: itchweed
You say 'no sm'

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Braem Wood
The depth of the Braem Wood is marked by the profusion of plants, which
prevent you going in any direction except west or south. The abundance of
sounds and tracks is a testament to the profusion of wildlife, evidence
that humans rarely wander here. The ways north and east are blocked by a
dense undergrowth of common local weeds.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Aringill
Door north: chokevine
Door east: itchweed
A campfire burns slowly, sending smoke into the sky.
A sign is posted here that you must READ.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc is here, fighting Elithin.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc is here, fighting Jaxon.
A Ko'bal trolloc is here, fighting Jaxon.
A Ko'bal trolloc is here, fighting Elithin.
A fade is here, fighting Jaxon.
*Elithin* is here, fighting an enormous hunch-backed trolloc.
*Jaxon* is here, fighting an enormous hunch-backed trolloc.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.
Ghast the Myrddraal is here, fighting Elithin, riding a shadow stallion.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring > [kill light]
You slice *Jaxon*'s right leg hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - an enormous hunch-backed trolloc: Scratched - Jaxon: Wounded > *Jaxon*
panics, and attempts to flee!
[kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - an enormous hunch-backed trolloc: Scratched - Jaxon: Wounded >
*Jaxon* leaves north. ^^

Tic in 7 seconds!
* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >

A Ko'bal trolloc tries to hack Elithin, but he parries successfully.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
*Elithin* tries to scythe an enormous hunch-backed trolloc, but he parries successfully.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc barely cleaves Elithin's body.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
Ghast sends *Elithin* sprawling with a powerful bash!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring >
change wimpy 0

*Jaxon* slashes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

You panic and attempt to flee!

Ghast closes the chokevine.


*Jaxon* barely slashes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A fade slashes Elithin's body.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Elithin's body.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Elithin's left leg hard.
Ghast scythes *Elithin*'s body hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc tickles Elithin's body with his hack.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Elithin's right arm.

PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You won't flee from any fight now.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Wounded > [kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Wounded > [kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Wounded > [kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Wounded >

Ghast closes the itchweed.

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Wounded >

*Jaxon* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Critical MV:Tiring - Jaxon: Wounded >
You try to slice *Jaxon*, but he deflects the blow.
*Jaxon* slashes your right arm hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A fade slashes Elithin's left arm hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Elithin's left leg.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc barely cleaves Elithin's body.
Ghast scythes *Elithin*'s body hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Elithin's left leg.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Elithin's right arm.
The day has begun.
Tic length updated to: 61.813 seconds.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked. Starting tic timer.

*Elithin* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Jaxon* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Elithin* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Jaxon* leaves west. <<
*Elithin* leaves west. <<
[kill light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Critical MV:Full > [kill light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Critical MV:Full > [kill light]
They aren't here.

* HP:Critical MV:Full > [kill light]
You slice *Jaxon*'s left arm very hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Wounded > Ghast tries to scythe *Jaxon*, but he deflects the blow.
[kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Wounded >
[where ]
Players in your Zone
Porka - Braem Wood
Ghast - Braem Wood
You catch a smell of horses nearby.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Wounded >
Ghast scythes *Jaxon*'s body very hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins Ghast's fight!
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
*Jaxon* slashes your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

*Jaxon* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Jaxon* leaves west. <<
The Dockmaster bellows 'Now taking offers for passage to Tanchico!'

=- -=
*Jaxon* has arrived from the west.
Your bash at *Jaxon* sends him sprawling!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Battered >
You slice *Jaxon*'s left arm very hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Jaxon's left arm.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
Ghast scythes *Jaxon*'s left leg very hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Battered >

Ghast scythes *Jaxon*'s body very hard.
A fade slashes Jaxon's body.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Jaxon's left foot.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Jaxon's right hand very hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Jaxon's head hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Jaxon's body hard.
You slice *Jaxon*'s body hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Critical >
nar ahaha
A woodsman bellows 'Pzrk` cNJAOZ sQO Psx[RvAu \B ]pk\M cN^ZyN sYU BS]VKo f]gcyrVsdt'
Braem Wood
The depth of the Braem Wood is marked by the profusion of plants, which
prevent you going in any direction except west or south. The abundance of
sounds and tracks is a testament to the profusion of wildlife, evidence
that humans rarely wander here. The ways north and east are blocked by a
dense undergrowth of common local weeds.
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Aringill
Door north: chokevine
Door east: itchweed
A campfire burns slowly, sending smoke into the sky.
A sign is posted here that you must READ.
*Jaxon* is sitting here
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc is here, fighting Jaxon.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc is here, fighting Jaxon.
A Ko'bal trolloc is here, fighting Jaxon.
A Ko'bal trolloc is here, fighting Jaxon.
A fade is here, fighting Jaxon.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.
Ghast the Myrddraal is here, fighting Jaxon, riding a shadow stallion.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Critical > You narrate 'ahaha'

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Critical >
They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Jaxon: Critical >

Ghast scythes *Jaxon*'s left leg.
A fade slashes Jaxon's body hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc tries to hack Jaxon, but he parries successfully.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Jaxon's head hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Jaxon's body hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Jaxon's left foot hard.
*Jaxon* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Jaxon*'s death cry.

* HP:Critical MV:Full >
nar ahahah
You narrate 'ahahah'

* HP:Critical MV:Full >

Ghast hisses 'nice'

* HP:Critical MV:Full >

*Lathyn* has arrived from the west, riding an armored black stallion.
A crow has arrived from the west.
A trained peregrine falcon has arrived from the west.

* HP:Critical MV:Full >
*Lathyn* starts barreling down on you, a gold-chased war spear aimed at your chest.

* HP:Critical MV:Full >

Ghast gets a pair of lissome leather boots with metal capped toes from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a set of riveted chainmail leggings from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a razor-sharp longsword from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a silver etched shield from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a sturdy pair of full leather gauntlets from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a pair of riveted chainmail sleeves from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a backpack from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a bright red robe from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a tunic of finely-crafted chain from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a Kandori snowflake necklace from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a Kandori snowflake necklace from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a rimmed round helmet from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a gold ring delicately carved with ivy from the corpse of Jaxon.
Ghast gets a gold ring delicately carved with ivy from the corpse of Jaxon.

* HP:Critical MV:Full >
Ghast tries to scythe *Lathyn*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Critical MV:Full >
[kill light]
You slice *Lathyn*'s body very hard.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched > [kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched >

You try to slice *Lathyn*, but he parries successfully.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins Ghast's fight!
*Lathyn* slashes Ghast's right arm.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched >
You peer around into the shadows.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched > [where ]
Players in your Zone
Porka - Braem Wood
Ghast - Braem Wood
You catch a smell of horses nearby.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched >

*Lathyn* avoids being bashed by Ghast who loses his balance and falls!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched >

An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lathyn's left foot very hard.
You try to slice *Lathyn*, but he parries successfully.
*Lathyn* slashes Ghast's body.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched >

*Lathyn* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Ghast: Wounded - Lathyn: Scratched >
*Lathyn* leaves south riding an armored black stallion.
*Lathyn* has arrived from the south, riding an armored black stallion.

* HP:Critical MV:Full >

*Lathyn* struggles to barrel down on you, a gold-chased war spear aimed at your chest.

* HP:Critical MV:Full >

An enormous hunch-backed trolloc tries to cleave Lathyn, but he parries successfully.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade slashes Lathyn's body extremely hard.
Lathyn swiftly dodges a Ko'bal trolloc's attempt to hack him.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Lathyn's body very hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc tries to cleave Lathyn, but he parries successfully.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc tries to cleave Lathyn, but he deflects the blow.
Ghast scythes *Lathyn*'s body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Critical MV:Full >

*Lathyn* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Critical MV:Full > [kill light]
The fighting is too thick and heavy for you to enter the fray!

* HP:Critical MV:Full > *Lathyn* leaves south riding an armored black stallion.
*Lathyn* has arrived from the south, riding an armored black stallion.
[kill light]
You try to slice *Lathyn*, but he deflects the blow.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Hurt > [where ]
Players in your Zone
Porka - Braem Wood
Ghast - Braem Wood
You catch a smell of horses nearby.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Hurt >
*Lathyn* slashes your left leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lathyn's body hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A Ko'bal trolloc joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
A fade joins an enormous hunch-backed trolloc's fight!
*Lathyn* swiftly dodges your attempt to slice him.
[kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Wounded > [kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Wounded > [kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Wounded >
They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Wounded >

Ghast scythes *Lathyn*'s body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Wounded >

Ghast scythes *Lathyn*'s right arm into bloody fragments!
A fade slashes Lathyn's right leg into bloody fragments!
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Lathyn's body hard.
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Lathyn's body very hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lathyn's body extremely hard.
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lathyn's body extremely hard.
You slice *Lathyn*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Lathyn* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Beaten > They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Beaten >
[kill light]
You do the best you can!

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Beaten > They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Critical MV:Full - Lathyn: Beaten >

Ghast scythes *Lathyn*'s left arm into bloody fragments!
*Lathyn* panics, and attempts to flee!
A fade slashes Lathyn's body very hard.
*Lathyn* panics, and attempts to flee!
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Lathyn's body hard.
*Lathyn* panics, and attempts to flee!
A Ko'bal trolloc hacks Lathyn's right leg into bloody fragments!
*Lathyn* panics, and attempts to flee!
An enormous hunch-backed trolloc cleaves Lathyn's body extremely hard.
*Lathyn* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Lathyn*'s death cry

thought for sure any second i was dead..

Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:10 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Drogba » Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:16 pm

I heard the wails of Honey, who was dying blodfest! So I went down to rescue him. We chased around a Skylan, but then a bunch of channelers showed. It was very scary! Thankfully Lord Kilgore arrived and used the EARTHQUAKE weave to great effect.

The Main Path Through Camp
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south. vv
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving south. vv
The corpse of a raven is lying here.
The corpse of a crow is lying here. [2]
Honey Dyuck is standing here.
*Mariah* is here, fighting Kilgore, riding a wild stallion.
Kilgore Trout, Atha'an Shadar, the Alchemist is here, fighting a wild stallion.
Porka the Dark Master is here, fighting Skylan.
*Skylan* is here, fighting Porka, riding a warhorse.
*Tolza* is here, fighting Porka, riding a warhorse.
An elk cow is here, fighting Kilgore.
An elk cow nibbles on some greenery.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
You try to slash *Tolza*, but she deflects the blow.
Honey tries to hack *Mariah*, but she deflects the blow.
*Skylan* leaves west riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Porka: Wounded - Tolza: Wounded >

You slash *Tolza*'s left arm hard.
An elk cow tries to hit Kilgore, but he dodges the attack.
A warhorse tries to hit Kilgore, but he dodges the attack.
Kilgore strikes a wild stallion's body into bloody fragments!
A wild stallion tries to hit Kilgore, but he dodges the attack.
*Tolza* slashes Porka's body.
*Tolza* panics, and attempts to flee!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Porka: Wounded - Tolza: Wounded >

*Mariah* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Tolza* leaves south riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >

*Mariah* leaves south riding a wild stallion.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
nar ah quke
k light
You narrate 'ah quake'
*Tolza* has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.
*Mariah* has arrived from the south, riding a wild stallion.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
You try to slash *Mariah*, but she dodges the attack.
*Tolza* leaves west riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Hurt >
Kilgore leaves west. <<

Porka tries to crush *Mariah*, but she deflects the blow.

*Mariah* tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
An elk cow leaves west. <<
Honey sends *Mariah* sprawling with a powerful bash!


They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Hurt >

Honey hacks *Mariah*'s body into bloody fragments!
Porka crushes *Mariah*'s body extremely hard.
You slash *Mariah*'s body into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >

Honey narrates 'bashed'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >
nar lol

Kilgore narrates 'rthey fleee'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >
You narrate 'lol'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >

Kilgore narrates 'w ent'

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >

*Tolza* has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >

*Tolza* leaves east riding a warhorse.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >
They already seem to be stunned.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Battered >

Honey hacks *Mariah*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Mariah* panics, and attempts to flee!
Porka crushes *Mariah*'s right arm into bloody fragments!
*Mariah* panics, and attempts to flee!
You slash *Mariah*'s left hand into bloody fragments!

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Critical >

Kilgore has arrived from the west.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring - Mariah: Critical >

*Mariah* leaves west riding a wild stallion.
*Mariah* has arrived from the west, riding a wild stallion.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
Kilgore leaves east. >>
Bash who?
*Mariah* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Mariah* leaves south riding a wild stallion.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
k light
k light
k light
Kilgore has arrived from the east.
They aren't here.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
k light
k light
They aren't here.
Honey leaves south. vv
You follow Honey.

A Low Hill
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
Zone: Movable Trolloc Camp
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving north. ^^
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving west. <<
There are some bloody traces of A TROLLOC leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
Honey Dyuck is standing here.
*Mariah* is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
A Gho'hlem trolloc flexes clawed hands, ready to kill.

* S HP:Scratched MV:Tiring >
k light
k light
You try to slash *Mariah*, but she deflects the blow.
Honey hacks *Mariah*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Mariah* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Mariah*'s death cry.

Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:21 am

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Theren » Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:07 pm

Smobbing, Splatter popped up zone.

* R HP:Beaten MV:Fresh >
Players in your Zone
Auriona - Village Square
Ashlynn - Village Square
Tolza - Village Square
Ric - Village Square
Ansil - Village Square
Theren - Village Square
You sense shadowspawn nearby.

* R HP:Battered MV:Fresh >
Village Square
The village square is dominated by a large fountain. The water trickles quitely
down, and looks clear and refreshing. To the east a path leads out of the
village. To the south is a small trading post, and a large tavern sits to the
west. A villager's home lies to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
A hide pack, fashioned to hang from a belt, collects dust here. [3]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
An old man hobbles slowly on his way.
Lady Auriona din Nerisi Two Moons is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Ashlynn Alessandri is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Tolza of Murandy is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Ric of Two Rivers is standing here, riding a wild stallion.
Ansil the Bannerman is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

* R HP:Battered MV:Fresh >

Ric tries to pierce *Splatter*, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Battered MV:Fresh >

Auriona tries to strike *Splatter*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Battered MV:Fresh >
*Splatter* swiftly dodges Auriona's attempt to strike him.
An old man bellows 'Argh, a trolloc! Someone save me!!!'
An old man panics, and attempts to flee!
An old man leaves east. >>
*Splatter* pierces Ric's body.
Ric pierces *Splatter*'s right leg very hard.
Path Through the Village
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
An old man hobbles slowly on his way.
Ansil has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.
Tolza has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.
Ashlynn has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
*Splatter* has arrived from the west.
Auriona has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.
You try to pound *Splatter*, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >
k dark
Auriona leaves east riding a warhorse.
Tolza tries to pierce *Splatter*, but he deflects the blow.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >

* R HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >

* R HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >
Tolza tries to pierce *Splatter*, but he parries successfully.
*Splatter* barely pierces your head.
You try to pound *Splatter*, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >
change mood berserk
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!
Mood changed to: Berserk
Wimpy reset to: 0 hit points.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!
*Splatter* leaves west. <<


They're not here anymore!

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
Path Past a Village
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west. <<
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Lady Auriona din Nerisi Two Moons is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Ansil has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.
Tolza has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.
Ashlynn has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
Players in your Zone
Ashlynn - Path Past a Village
Tolza - Path Past a Village
Ansil - Path Past a Village
Theren - Path Past a Village
Auriona - Path Past a Village
Ric - Village Square
You sense shadowspawn nearby.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
Auriona says 'not past me'
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
They aren't here.
Ric narrates 'spltarr'

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
Ansil stops following you.
Tolza stops following you.
Ashlynn stops following you.
Auriona stops following you.
You have disbanded the group.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
Path Through the Village
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east. >>
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
An old man hobbles slowly on his way.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
nar spam
k dark
You narrate 'spam'

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
Your eyesight is not so keen.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >

Ric narrates 'on'

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
Village Square
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
A hide pack, fashioned to hang from a belt, collects dust here. [3]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
*Splatter* is here, fighting Ric.
Ric of Two Rivers is here, fighting Splatter, riding a wild stallion.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
You try to pound *Splatter*, but he parries successfully.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full - Ric: Scratched - Splatter: Battered >
You try to pound *Splatter*, but he deflects the blow.
*Splatter* barely pierces Ric's body.
Ric tries to pierce *Splatter*, but he deflects the blow.
*Splatter* leaves north. ^^
Bash who?

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
k dark
Loret narrates 'wheres this at'
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
scan n
A man is here.
With a thick beard covering his square jaw, a Murandian country guard stands here.
With a thick beard covering his square jaw, a Murandian country guard stands here.
Samaryl do Armon a'Maracelle ponders you thoughtfully.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
k dark
k dark
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
nar lug
k dark
You narrate 'lug'

* R HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* R HP:Battered MV:Fresh >
You stop riding him.

* HP:Battered MV:Fresh >

Loret narrates 'k'

* HP:Battered MV:Fresh >
Village Square
The village square is dominated by a large fountain. The water trickles quitely
down, and looks clear and refreshing. To the east a path leads out of the
village. To the south is a small trading post, and a large tavern sits to the
west. A villager's home lies to the north.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
A soft leather pouch has been discarded here. [2]
A hide pack, fashioned to hang from a belt, collects dust here. [3]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
Ric of Two Rivers is standing here, riding a wild stallion.

* HP:Battered MV:Fresh >
k dark
Inside a Tidy Home
[ obvious exits: S W ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
A man is here.
With a thick beard covering his square jaw, a Murandian country guard stands here.
With a thick beard covering his square jaw, a Murandian country guard stands here.
Samaryl do Armon a'Maracelle ponders you thoughtfully.

* HP:Battered MV:Full >

Loret narrates 'omw'

* HP:Battered MV:Full >
They aren't here.

* HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark
The Back Yard
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: Western Plains of Maredo
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east. >>
There are some tracks of a humanoid leaving east. >>
*Splatter* is standing here.

* HP:Battered MV:Full >
*Splatter* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >
You try to pound *Splatter*, but he parries successfully.
*Splatter* tries to pierce you, but you deflect the blow.

*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!


*Splatter* pierces your body.

As *Splatter* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* HP:Battered MV:Full >
k dark

*Splatter* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
*Splatter* pierces your body.

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >
Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >


*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!


*Splatter* leaves east. >>
Your bash at *Splatter* sends him sprawling!

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >
nar auriona come 1n 1w of ric
You narrate 'auriona come 1n 1w of ric'

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Battered >

You pound *Splatter*'s left leg into bloody fragments!

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Beaten >
k dark

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Beaten >

You pound *Splatter*'s body into bloody fragments!

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Beaten >
k dark

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Beaten >
They already seem to be stunned.

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Beaten >

You pound *Splatter*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Critical >

No way! You're fighting for your life!

* HP:Battered MV:Full - Splatter: Critical >

You pound *Splatter*'s left arm into bloody fragments!
*Splatter* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
You feel like you have lost something.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Splatter*'s death cry.
Auriona has arrived from the east.

Posts: 2274
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:00 pm
Location: JESUS

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Rig » Fri Dec 02, 2022 5:07 pm

Change that auto-wimpy, Gaidin zerk attack is strong

Posts: 123
Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:07 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Scrat » Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:48 pm

*Cassiel* has arrived from the west, riding a warhorse.
The Blight
Although the edge of the blight is not far to the south, the sickly yellow
has almost completely obscured the healthy land here. The air is foul and
ripe, yet sweet. All around you are sickly and broken trees with black and
red leaves. It would not take much more than a smouldering cinder to set
off a massive forest fire in the surrounding area.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
*Cassiel* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > *Cassiel* leaves north riding a warhorse.
[kill light]
They aren't here.

diag shadow
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > A shadow stallion is in excellent condition.
A shadow stallion is tiring.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >

*Cassiel* has arrived from the north, riding a warhorse.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > *Cassiel* tries to pierce you, but you parry successfully.
No way! You're fighting for your life!

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - Cassiel: Wounded > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - Cassiel: Wounded >
[bash ]


*Cassiel* tickles your right foot with his pierce.

*Cassiel* looks at you.

A crow caws 'Wovoka is at Under the Angel'
*Cassiel* pierces your right leg hard.

*Cassiel* panics, and attempts to flee!

*Cassiel* leaves east riding a warhorse.
They're not here anymore!

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
Pugbert narrates 'faint blight'
*Cassiel* has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.
The Blight
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving west.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [bash ]
Bash who?

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
The Blight
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: The Blight
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving north.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving north.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [bash ]
Bash who?

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
nar cassiel ent ish
scan w
You narrate 'cassiel ent ish'

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > *Cassiel* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
Sickly, wilted grass blankets the ground, intermixed with dry sand.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
They aren't here.

track horse
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >

Some obvious fresh tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving north.
Some obvious fresh tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving east.
Some obvious fresh tracks of a shadow stallion (ridden) leaving east.
Some obvious fresh tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving west.
Some obvious almost day-old tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving east.
Some clear almost day-old tracks of a shadow stallion (ridden) leaving west.
Some clear almost day-old tracks of a warhorse (ridden) leaving west.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
scan w
[kill light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
*Cassiel* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
Sickly, wilted grass blankets the ground, intermixed with dry sand.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > A crow caws 'Wovoka is at Under the Angel'
[kill light]
They aren't here.

change mood brave
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > Mood changed to: Brave

scan w
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
*Cassiel* is here, fighting the writhing grass, riding a warhorse.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
The writhing grass is here, fighting Cassiel.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
They aren't here.

diag shadow
o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > Pugbert narrates 'sm gone'
[kill light]
They aren't here.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > A shadow stallion is in excellent condition.
A shadow stallion is tiring.

o R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
In a Dying Orchard
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving south.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Cassiel* is here, fighting the writhing grass, riding a warhorse.
A mole is here, looking sickly.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
The writhing grass is here, fighting Cassiel.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill light]
You try to hack *Cassiel*, but he deflects the blow.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Scratched - Cassiel: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's branch very hard.
A sickly, blighted deer leaves south.
The writhing grass tries to hit Cassiel, but he parries successfully.
*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's trunk very hard.

As *Cassiel* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
nar 1w ent

*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's trunk very hard.
The writhing grass tries to hit Cassiel, but he deflects the blow.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >

*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's trunk extremely hard.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong >
l cassiel
You narrate '1w ent'

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > You stand up.

change mood brave
* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong > [kill h.light]
You try to hack *Cassiel*, but he deflects the blow.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Wounded >
Cassiel has quite a few wounds.

*Cassiel* is using:
<used as light> a lantern
<worn on head> a camouflaged hood
<worn around neck> a shimmering pendant of obsidian
<worn around neck> a shimmering pendant of obsidian
<worn about body> a bright red robe
<worn on hands> a pair of dark gloves
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<worn around wrist> a silver Kandori wristcuff
<worn as shield> a silver etched shield
<wielded> a sharp, red stone dagger
<worn on legs> a pair of earthen colored breeches
<worn on feet> a black pair of silver-tooled boots

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
You can't see anything.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Wounded >
A crow caws 'Wovoka is at Under the Angel'
You try to hack *Cassiel*, but he deflects the blow.
A mole leaves west.
*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's roots into bloody fragments!
The writhing grass tries to hit Cassiel, but he deflects the blow.
Weak light filters through the hazy sky as the sun rises.
(tic_timer): Tic length updated to: 111.129 seconds.
Mood changed to: Brave

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Wounded >
*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's crown into bloody fragments!
In a Dying Orchard
This orchard reeks of the blighted land to the east, and is laden with
thorny brambles and dying trees. The grass is unusually high and sharp,
with some nettles spread out in it. To the west there seems to be a couple
of apple trees that yet cling to life.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Cassiel* is here, fighting the writhing grass, riding a warhorse.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
The writhing grass is here, fighting Cassiel.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Wounded >
[bash ]

*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's trunk extremely hard.
The writhing grass tries to hit Cassiel, but he dodges the attack.

*Cassiel* pierces the writhing grass's crown very hard.

*Cassiel* panics, and attempts to flee!
Your bash at *Cassiel* sends him sprawling!

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Wounded >

You hack *Cassiel*'s body into bloody fragments!
The writhing grass hits Cassiel's left leg into bloody fragments!

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Battered >
Pugbert has arrived from the east.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Battered >
Pugbert crushes *Cassiel*'s body into bloody fragments!

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Beaten > In a Dying Orchard
This orchard reeks of the blighted land to the east, and is laden with
thorny brambles and dying trees. The grass is unusually high and sharp,
with some nettles spread out in it. To the west there seems to be a couple
of apple trees that yet cling to life.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Decayed Forest
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some bloody traces of a trolloc leaving east.
There are some tracks of a ridden mount leaving east.
Pugbert the Big Puggish Trolloc is here, fighting Cassiel.
A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.
*Cassiel* is sitting here, riding a warhorse.
A sickly, skinny deer stands here in a daze.
The writhing grass is here, fighting Cassiel.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Beaten >
You are a 790 year old male myrddraal.
Your height is 6 feet, 11 inches, and you weigh 250.0 lbs.
You are carrying 0.0 lbs and wearing 87.2 lbs, light.
Your base abilities are: Str:19 Int:15 Wil:15 Dex:19 Con:18.
Offensive bonus: 193, Dodging bonus: 76, Parrying bonus: 5
Your mood is: Brave. You will flee below: 0 Hit Points
Your posture is: Offensive.
Your armor absorbs about 81% on average.

You are subjected to the following effects:

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Beaten >

Pugbert starts following you.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Beaten >
[kill light]

change mood berserk
* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Beaten > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Beaten >
Pugbert crushes *Cassiel*'s body into bloody fragments!
A sickly, blighted deer leaves west.
You hack *Cassiel*'s left arm into bloody fragments!
The writhing grass barely hits Cassiel's left leg.

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > Mood changed to: Berserk

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical >
[kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > [kill light]

* R S HP:Wounded DP:Strong MV:Strong - the writhing grass: Wounded - Cassiel: Critical > You hack *Cassiel*'s body
into bloody fragments!
*Cassiel* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Cassiel*'s death cry.
*Wovoka* swiftly dodges Pugbert's attempt to crush him.
[kill light]
You try to hack *Wovoka*, but he deflects the blow.

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:40 pm

Re: Ouch! That really did HURT!

Post by Lexiane » Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:10 pm

I was out conducting field research, largely on the philosophy of place and how it impacts our understanding of the physical world around us, when I heard that Maximus was being assaulted by a trolloc near Whitebridge. Logically, when one hears the cries of their allies they must rush to assist them so I traveled with haste and aided Maximus.

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >
The Common Room
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: Whitebridge
Door north: common
Door south: window
*Splatter* is here, fighting Maximus.
Maximus the Squire is here, fighting Splatter.
A man is here.
A middle-aged woman offers drinks to patrons.
A drunken fool is here, fighting Splatter.
Selaana is here, fighting Splatter.
Selaana is surrounded by a shimmering white aura!
A man is here.
A bartender is here, fighting Splatter.
A middle-aged woman offers drinks to patrons.
A drunken fool is here, fighting Splatter.

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

Splatter swiftly dodges a drunken fool's attempt to stab him.
A bartender hits Splatter's head.
Selaana strikes Splatter's right arm extremely hard.
Splatter swiftly dodges a drunken fool's attempt to stab him.
*Splatter* barely pierces Maximus's body.

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

*Splatter* closes the common.
It's already closed!

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

Maximus opens the common.
Hit who?

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

*Splatter* closes the common.

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

*Splatter* barely pierces Maximus's body.
Maximus panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >
Hit who?

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

A man mutters 'The Dark One's hand is everywhere! Light save us!'
A man panics, and attempts to flee!
A bartender bellows 'Darkfriend Splatter is attacking me!! Guards!'
*Splatter* swiftly dodges Maximus's attempt to pound him.
Splatter swiftly dodges a drunken fool's attempt to stab him.
A bartender hits Splatter's body.
Selaana strikes Splatter's right foot very hard.
A drunken fool tries to stab Splatter, but he dodges the attack.
*Splatter* pierces Maximus's left hand.

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

Maximus opens the window.

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >
It's already closed!

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

Maximus panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

Maximus panics, and attempts to flee!
[embrace ]
You are already in touch with saidar, can't you feel it?

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

Splatter swiftly dodges a drunken fool's attempt to stab him.
A bartender hits Splatter's right arm.
Selaana strikes Splatter's right arm very hard.
A drunken fool tries to stab Splatter, but he dodges the attack.
*Splatter* barely pierces Maximus's body.

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >
The fighting is too thick and heavy for you to enter the fray!

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

Maximus leaves south. vv

* HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Tiring >

channel 'ice spikes' h.dark
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

*Splatter* pierces a drunken fool's right arm hard.
A bartender bellows 'Darkfriend Splatter is attacking me!! Guards!'
A barmaid panics, and attempts to flee!
Splatter swiftly dodges a drunken fool's attempt to stab him.
A bartender tries to hit Splatter, but he deflects the blow.
Selaana strikes Splatter's left arm very hard.
A drunken fool tries to stab Splatter, but he dodges the attack.

*Splatter* pierces a drunken fool's right leg very hard.


You lost control of Saidar!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring >

*Splatter* pierces a drunken fool's right leg very hard.
A drunken fool is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
A drunken fool tries to stab Splatter, but he dodges the attack.
A bartender tries to hit Splatter, but he parries successfully.
Selaana strikes Splatter's left arm extremely hard.
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring >

close window s

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring >

Selaana's hands begin weaving crystals of water and air...
Selaana unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at Splatter, who is stabbed repeatedly.
A bartender bellows 'Darkfriend Splatter is attacking me!! Guards!'
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring >

channel 'ice spikes' h.dark
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!


*Splatter* pierces a drunken fool's body into bloody fragments!
A drunken fool is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear a drunken fool's death cry.
A drunken fool tries to stab Splatter, but he dodges the attack.
Selaana gestures strangely...
Splatter looks suddenly ill as he coughs and sputters.
A man screams 'Yikes!!! A horrible trolloc is here! Help!'
A man panics, and attempts to flee!
A bartender bellows 'Darkfriend Splatter is attacking me!! Guards!'
A barmaid screams 'Help! A trolloc is here!'
A barmaid panics, and attempts to flee!
A bartender tries to hit Splatter, but he parries successfully.
Selaana strikes Splatter's left foot.


*Splatter* opens the window.

*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!

Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at *Splatter*.

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - a drunken fool: Healthy - Splatter: Critical >

close common n
You strike *Splatter*'s body very hard.
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!
A man bellows 'Argh, a trolloc! Someone save me!!!'
A man panics, and attempts to flee!
A barmaid screams 'Yikes!!! A horrible trolloc is here! Help!'
A barmaid panics, and attempts to flee!
A man panics, and attempts to flee!
A bartender bellows 'Darkfriend Splatter is attacking me!! Guards!'
*Splatter* pierces a drunken fool's body very hard.
A drunken fool tries to stab Splatter, but he dodges the attack.
A bartender hits Splatter's left leg hard.
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!
Selaana strikes Splatter's body hard.
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!
It's already closed!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - a drunken fool: Wounded - Splatter: Critical >

*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - a drunken fool: Wounded - Splatter: Critical >
close window s

*Splatter* panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - a drunken fool: Wounded - Splatter: Critical >

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - a drunken fool: Wounded - Splatter: Critical >
close window s

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - a drunken fool: Wounded - Splatter: Critical >
It's already closed!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - a drunken fool: Wounded - Splatter: Critical >

You try to strike *Splatter*, but he deflects the blow.
A drunken fool tries to stab Splatter, but he dodges the attack.
Splatter swiftly dodges a bartender's attempt to hit him.
Selaana strikes Splatter's body very hard.
*Splatter* is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - Splatter: Critical >
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - Splatter: Critical >

A bartender bellows 'Darkfriend Splatter is attacking me!! Guards!'

* HP:Scratched SP:Good MV:Tiring - Splatter: Critical >

You strike *Splatter*'s body into bloody fragments!
*Splatter* is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear *Splatter*'s death cry.

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