Napping in Tear ---&RPaward

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Napping in Tear ---&RPaward

Post by Emily » Mon Oct 03, 2022 2:05 am

Ely edit 3 Oct 2022:

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o

Summary: +1 qps : x

Total: 4 qps


After a long day of herb gathering, Emily finds a nice comfy place to sleep in Tear, that isn't so convenient for the city-folk. That's why villages are better, you can sleep whereever you like! Barely drags herself into Guenna's safe space, only to be find a snippy herbalist who doesn't seem to remember the names of any Wisdoms.

I adore immortals randomly hopping into mobs and RPing with me. Definately keeps you on your toes. Siro is retired, so he suggested I post here for possibly getting awarded.

Main Characters: Emily and Mother Guenna (Siro)


HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Haggard > wake
Emily wake, and sit up.

Emily stands up.

People calmly step over you as you wake up. <---- First indication that all is not as it seems. Wonderful interaction.

A Muddy Dirt Street
With fewer warehouses and sailors than in the streets to the west in the
Chalm, the Maule extends here all the way around the city to the east and
south. There is as much mud here as in the other part of the city, although
the small alleyway to the north looks almost clean. A wooden sign, into
which knives have been carved, hangs above the door to the south.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]


A Small House
The kitchen has been neatly kept in this narrow house, with copper pans
hanging from the wall, and dried herbs and sausages hanging from the
ceiling. A pot of soup simmers above the stove, although there is no fire
on the stone hearth. A bunch of herbs hangs in the window, beyond which the
Maule, the poorer part of the city of Tear, is as muddy and busy as ever.
The front door is kept locked, is never used and has almost rusted over.
[ obvious exits: N ] [ N: backdoor ]
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
A merchant guard eyes you warily, intent on keeping order.
Mother Guenna is here, fussing over her herbs and tinctures.

A voice calls after you 'Don't sleep in the road!' <--- Good advice, that.

Mother Guenna arches an eyebrow.

Emily looks about, smoothing over some winkles in her dress.

Mother Guenna says 'You look tired, girl.'

Emily says 'No one ever told me how tiring gathering herbs are until you've already gotten your spoon, Mother!'

Emily places a hand on the head of the spoon attached to her belt.

Mother Guenna says 'Sounds like you need an apprentice, then.'

Emily mouths the word Apprentice silently.

Emily says 'That sounds...even more tiresome.'

Mother Guenna sniffs in disdain.

Mother Guenna says 'I'm sure you were tiresome to someone, once.'

Emily 's eyes sparkle as she remembers the good old days.

Mother Guenna says 'Speaking of tiresome. What can I do for you?'

Emily says 'Oh, even more so! There was Dory, Esmie, and myself all in the same class of Applicants.'

Mother Guenna says 'Never heard of them. They sound like different types of tea.'

Mother Guenna says 'Bitter, no doubt.'

Emily strokes her chin considering the thought.

Mother Guenna smirks.

A woman has arrived from the north.

Emily stretches widely, taking up a large amount of space.

A woman leaves north.

Emily says 'Looks like I am running off your business, Guenna.'

Mother Guenna says 'Yes, people often come and go from here.'

Mother Guenna says 'I can offer you a remedy for the awful smell you have, if you wish?'

Emily says 'I'm just out collecting herbs from the fields, nothing too exciting.'

Mother Guenna nods in agreement.

Emily widens her eyes in mock shock.

A woman has arrived from the north.

Emily lifts her arm over her shoulder and smells the usual suspect.

Mother Guenna says 'All you Wisdoms smell... Odd. But I see less and less of you all these days.'

Emily says 'Admittedly, could use a scent.'

Emily grimaces slightly.

Emily says 'Be careful what you ask for!'

Mother Guenna arches an eyebrow warily.

Emily says 'Martha, Aine, Racquel, and I were all speaking about that recently.'

Emily glances at the Tairen herbalist.

Emily says 'Those are all Wisdoms, dear.'

Mother Guenna says 'Never heard of them either. Are they different types of gerbils?'

A woman leaves north.

Mother Guenna says 'Ah. I see.'

Emily says 'Racquel is ancient, I figured you would know her. Considering...'

Emily gestures to all of you.

Mother Guenna says 'Isn't Racquel supposed to be the wisdom here? Haven't seen her in a long time.'

Emily pulls out a small notebook and opens to a page with very small writing.

Mother Guenna peers at the notebook curiously.

Emily says 'Oh that's right! It is right here, Racquel is of Zakin's Glade! I was wondering why I thought she was more to the east.'

Emily coughs in an exaggerated manner.

Mother Guenna nods in agreement.

Emily says 'Look at that cough, I must need some tea.'

Mother Guenna says 'I fear, like many towns, Zakin's Glade may be Wisdom-less..'

Mother Guenna says 'My tea is probably outside what you can afford, I'm afraid.'

Emily says 'Considering how little you pay for herbs, I bet!'

Emily says 'I've never taken a village before, myself. Lately I've been considering the village of Maerone, out Carihien way.'

Mother Guenna says 'Make sure they give you nice terms. Awful part of the world.'

Emily shrugs her shoulders.

Emily says 'The Cairhien are a different sort of folk.'

Mother Guenna says 'Well, I must be getting on. Take your time browsing, dear.'

Mother Guenna gestures around the room.

Mother Guenna says 'Lots of nice things you can't afford here.'

Emily turns out her pockets, only lining to show.

Emily says 'Ah of course, you must be busy, swindling people of their money!'

Mother Guenna smirks.