Known DF changes

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Known DF changes

Post by Teveyl » Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:57 pm

I'm at 200 alt qps since being known and I went through list and recalculated with new rewards, would drop me from a current 200 down to 139.

A 30% increase in difficulty?

Looking at the list in this way, the kills that went to being worth 0 seemed mostly reasonable, although there are some pkers that aren't clanned and especially active MC's seem like they should be worth something(with new changes especially).

It does just feel you made something hard much harder, that the prevailing sentiment was it was already extremely(too) hard.

Is the immortal position we don't want active known darkfriends, we don't want more dreadlords or something else?

10 alt qps per wolfbrother, gaidin, aes sedai, 5 for master+ all else nil sounds a lot more reasonable.

Combine that with putting known on DS who list and narrates seems like a reasonable fix.

I've killed enough in the last year that this would give me around the 200 alt qps.

Main thing, this a team game mostly (DS vs LS+SS) and the issue isn't as much the rewards but the narrates and atmosphere and this fix only addresses that insofar as the known DF's stop playing.

If the goal is to make DF's PK solo, not with DS players then that should just be explicitly said, and rewards adjusted appropriately.


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Re: Known DF changes

Post by Axxye » Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:50 pm

Seems to me that it will end up being worse in general so far.

I was awarded two alt qp yesterday for killing Tolza inside Tar Valon. 0 for killing someone unclanned. I have over 1,000 alt qps worth of scalps turned in, not including however many times I’ve died and earned that back. It’s not really worth the amount of effort and the absurd amount of time that it takes to kill people who can double click their mudlet map and have perfect spams to the safety of a city (which is quite literally a DT because of murder warrant/known df aggro).

If we don’t want known darkfriends, that’s fine. I think we should stop allowing everyone to even become a darkfriend honestly. At least with the current player base and the numbers associated.

It isn’t going to stop me from killing people unclanned or turning in their scalps either, because otherwise it’s entirely pointless for me to log on. I am not taking the extra time to who is everyone or check every clan roster because I’m not sure if the incog character is clanned or not. It also doesn’t stop unclanned characters from attacking me, or giving me 15 minutes of no quit and wasting my time. It doesn’t stop unclanned characters from grouping with clanned and making it even more difficult because they know that my actual desire to kill them is minimal because they’re not worth anything to me.

A very broken system, on a side that we all agree should be rid of it because it’s the backbone of the game.

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by barb » Mon Sep 12, 2022 6:52 pm

This system does not make any sense for what it is stating that it is trying to accomplish. It incentives killing a r8 merchant that never joined pk over an unclanned MC who is an expert player of the game, it incentivizes even rogue and hunter darkfriends to kill a r5 red ajah rp'er over a r8 morat'raken who has already proved elite pk skills. It incentivizes known darkfriends to team up with rogue mc's and set up duels, so they dont get stuck in pk with a bunch of low rank people being led around, and takes away any reason to even kill them. It means that no matter how your bad your pk is, you can still remort as long as you are better than half of the active known darkfriends, since their qps are so much of a bigger deal.

If you want to reward based on how good their pk is, it should be based on tps and not scalps, since tps are a much bigger indication of skill than rank, making big kills much more valuable to darkfriends.

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by Gretchen » Mon Sep 12, 2022 8:31 pm

i think anyone loosening qpts apts or what ever each rip is just going to promote the worst type of pk making dfs no fun to fight

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by Elysia » Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:16 pm

This is just to see if scaling rewards is going to move people away from the easiest targets. Without something akin to over-the-top-warrior-bonus-oops-too-good-now-is-the-time-to-log-on-your-df-to-advance. It might be that the rewards are too small, but it's easier to tweak upwards than it is to tweak downwards, in terms of reception.

It's also to see if dfs actually start being a threat to eachother, because that carrot might be mighty interesting and change hunting patterns, instead of the problem multiplying if two Known Darkfriends are on at the same time during low numbers.

It's a -trial- to see if using what we have at our (easy) disposal, e.g. mobol, can even be applied, or if we need to go further, e.g. the slow and unpredictable coding way, or you know... whatever else. Since coding would take a while anyway, trying something, anything, will hopefully reveal something that would lead to a more informed decision down the line.

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by Axxye » Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:54 pm

Two hours of playtime, two and a half in total online, spent fighting mostly inside Tar Valon or Caemlyn. Gretchen, Averi, Nymyrya, Raeza, Chloro, Valkner, level 8 Freeman, Alitherin, Aloisa, Ruby, and Borramyr.

Killed: Averi, Borramyr, Raeza, Freeman (no scalp, level 8), and Nymyrya.
Ilsae says 'I have recorded: Axxye - severed head of Nymyrya the Human slain in Tar Valon'
Ilsae says 'I have recorded: Axxye - severed head of Borramyr the Human slain in Andor'
Ilsae says 'I have recorded: Axxye - severed head of Raeza the Human slain in Tar Valon'
Ilsae says 'I have recorded: Axxye - severed head of Averi the Human slain in Tar Valon'

3 unclanned, worth nothing. Turned in.
2 clanned, one worth 1 qp, the other 3 qp. Turned in.

Died finally, outside of Tar Valon. -2 qp.

Total tally of qps gained in two hour session after being awarded: 2 aqp.

Aqps left to remort before I get rewarded: 231.
Aqps left to remort after reward: 229.

Qps gained under regular quest points:

Qps gained under remort quest points with the 2 qp loss on death:

All in all, I had more fun fighting them and killing 5 out of all that showed up, spending most of that time inside or around TV fighting multiple, up to 6 at once more than a few times. It was a good time for most invovled, judging by the tells I was sent. I have also saved the log. I almost always avoid the easy targets because it's not fun for me.

To be blunt, it was definitely a waste of time for me in the sense of character progression. Being attacked by unclanned characters especially, or someone like Freeman, a level 8, made it exponentially harder than I think you understand it is. This isn't an attack on Freeman, or anyone else involved, as I generally had a lot of fun, and it was kept clean throughout the entire session. I also have NO desire to be attacking Cera, Teveyl, or anyone else who's a known darkfriend. If that was two and a half hours of playtime just for me, let's assume Teveyl plays a bit differently. He plays safer than I do. It could take him upwards of 6 hours to get those 2 alt quest points. To go and kill them and lose out of an entirety of 10 aqp from that doesn't do anything but create tension and even more dissent, especially in this new system where availability, time, and effort is extremely important.

I honestly would love to see anyone, including the ones who are testing and making this system, thrive off of this. I am willing to bet that most of you will give up.

Edit: I counted Freeman as a head during the regular quest point and remort quest point additions. The actual calculations would be:
40 regular quest points
18 remort quest points

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by Elysia » Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:05 pm

I wasn't part of the original df discussion, so I can't answer some of the questions asked. All I know that this is supposed to be the hardest thing in the game to achieve, without screwing over other players and that the Known phase should take at least 6 months. Really, by all accounts I'm fairly clueless. Just posting so neither of you feels ignored, pretty much, sorry.

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by Axxye » Tue Sep 13, 2022 5:31 pm

I don’t blame you or the other Imms who are working on this. It’s supposed to support the idea that it’s hard, and that it shouldn’t be able to be fast tracked or done easily by anyone. I’ve been through three iterations of this so far myself, and it’s progressively gotten harder and harder as I’ve watched others who have been fast tracked through it. I do appreciate all that each of you is doing, even if it’s bittersweet to be stuck as a guinea pig because I haven’t taken advantage beforehand.

It’s almost impossible to come up with a system that can be rewarding and difficult without causing problems across the board, in this kind of game. Whatever it is, I do feel like you should use the resources you have (the players who are playing as known darkfriend) if you haven’t experienced it in any recent time yourselves.

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by Lisennet » Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:16 am

I have been lurking the forums and logged a few hours on alts the last couple of months.

Was very excited to see a change happening, but came to the same conclusion as the other Knowns have come. This change might "fix" the killing of unclanned unknowns (if that was even a problem) but at what cost I wonder.

As I've let know via other means, the timesink is my biggest gripe and I fear this change will make it even harder to find a fight.

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Re: Known DF changes

Post by huck » Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:18 pm

The DF war has begun...

Teveyl narrates 'cera rip linkdead'
Gretchen narrates 'who did it?'
Teveyl narrates 'me'
Gretchen narrates 'lame'
Teveyl narrates 'she killed so many smobbers afk this week I couldn't give a firetruck'

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