Nightmares Part 1 --- &RPaward

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Nightmares Part 1 --- &RPaward

Post by Leria » Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:25 am

Ely edit 27 Jul 2021:

This had already been awarded. Now recorded properly for RP ranks.


Leria Sedai ushered the musicians from her study, a smile across her lips. “I concede, the music was a good change of pace.”

“And you enjoyed it?” the Gaidin questioned as he put his boots up on the edge of her desk, just to see how far he could push her buttons. “Now what light reading am I taking with me?”

The woman moved back to her desk and simply pushed his boots from its corner and located a hidden drawer on the side. The small door hid a small yet worn notebook, its pages yellowed from age. Several of them were dog-eared from years of turning and reflection. Leria held it out to him, “This is what I propose. I have noted on as much as I could glean from all that my sources could gather. The older notes are from my time as a child, but much has changed.”

Marshall dipped his head as he took the notes, several pages inserted at random points as he began to gently flip through it. “This may take some time to fetter through,” From the corner of his eye he saw Leria move to a tall bookshelf climb the bottom two shelves to reach something at the very top. Unstrapping the leather binding, the woman returned to the empty surface of the desk and rolled out the map. “You could have asked for help…”

The Aes Sedai took the book from his hands and flipped through the pages about two thirds through and returned it. “The meat and potatoes so to speak starts here. Now… this is what I am thinking.” Her hands began to point to various places over the map as the Gaidin sat back and listened.

Marshall sat at a table in the Warders office thumbing through the notes and the plans that had been handed over to him. He had to give her credit, the woman was thorough and detailed. Sources of food and water, escape routes, best places to set up an encampment. What event had sparked the fire in Leria it was not easily quelled. There was a smaller version of the map in his pack within the journal that he could flip back and forth through. Marshall shook his head and snickered to himself as Atlan and a few others entered the office.

“That doesn’t look like the kind of book you usually read.” Atlan began, making his way to prod the book and tease his brother.

“Hey now,” Marshall stated as he closed the book and moved it from Atlan’s reach. “I promised to take care of this, and if you go tearing a page out, I have no doubt she will box my ears for it, and then come after you.” Atlan psued for a brief moment, "In fact I might pay to watch her do it."He leaned down into his pack and retrieved the maps and splayed them out on the table, “I want your opinion too though.”

The brothers poured over the maps, flipping through the book as another Gaidin stretched and joined the room. His eyes caught sight of what he thought was a familiar journal. Only one woman had that, he ran a hand up through his hair that had begun to turn a silvery white above his ears. “Well, well… that stubborn woman finally let someone take it from her possession.” Rikkus stepped up to the table and looked at the map, “How is she?” was the only question that passed his lips as he took in the map before him.

“Leria is well, by my estimations. Why didn’t you warn me about the servant though, Maura is like the over bearing grandmother you avoided at all costs, but she sneaks in without you knowing she is there,” Marshall began as her slid the journal over for him to read, “Though based on the calculations Leria has made, and the information she has gathered- I’d say that she is not exactly a Brown to trifle with. Ink stains and book stacks be burnt. The woman could run an army.” The men shared a short-lived laugh. “I assume you will want to join her on this mission Rikkus?”

The older man’s face darkened for a moment, not looking up from the map. “I will help her see this through.” The brothers nodded, and Marshall began to issue orders to several warder’s students within ear shot.

Two weeks later Maura hurried into the apartments with three servants behind her. The woman loved to bark orders and they younger women were on their toes. The Sedai from the other room added her voice in. “Maura! There is a man who should be arriving at the SouthHarbor docks today looking to meet with a woman named Tess. One of you find him and trade him his pack for the pouch of silver on my desk.” Leria came into her room reading a few letters. As she moved to the next the previous met the flames of her fireplace. These notes were unsafe to be left whole despite the cost of parchment.

“Oh good. I have another package arriving today.” That one could be saved, there were few people that didn’t know that she was friends with the Theifbane, and frequently received packages. Though Maura’s newest biscuit recipe intended for Aran and his many brothers and sisters had drawn much attention. There was at least one package a week being sent to Leria’s favorite hound.

Maura’s charges were dismissed to their separate tasks, and Leria spoke in softer tones. “There will be a pack hidden in the guard house near Northharbor. I only trust you to find it.” The Aes Sedai began to remove her cloak and hung it up. Her rings were placed into the jewelry box while she began to look for a few odds and ends.

“My Lady…” Maura started.

“I do not have much time. I must be ready to go before dinner.”

Maura turned and did not question her further. The older woman knew this day was coming, and she stopped in the hallway to catch her breath and pray to the Creator that the Light would keep her Sedai safe on her mission.


Twilight began to fall over the glistening spires of the Tower. The Warders yard began to clear of students headed for their dinner. Novices in white were rushing about on the staircase to get to a class before they were summoned for extra chores or selected to serve dinner. Several Accepted lined the entryway as a hooded figure slipped past them all. It was not the only one. Seven other figures slipped from the city and met in an old silent forest outside the western bridge. Several warhorses stood in a circle, a small wagon hitched to the strongest. Tents and supplies filled the wagon prepared for the cohort to make camp and rest comfortably along their route. The group mounted their horses, and soon a small gateway formed in the air to the north. Just as the sun fell behind the tops of the trees, the group entered the gateway and out of sight.
Last edited by Cerys on Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.