An Accepted receiving help from Aine --- &RPaward

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An Accepted receiving help from Aine --- &RPaward

Post by Alison » Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:24 pm

Ely edit 20 Jul 2021.

1-6 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o/x

Summary: +1 qps : o/x

Total: 5 qps, plus awarding Aine as well.


(Cleaned up the log a little to improve readabillity.)

Aine takes in the bands on your dress and asks 'Are you one of the Accepted?'

You reply by saying, ‘ I am a tower Accepted.’

Aine says 'This tower? '

Aine motions to the one looming above the square.

Alison glances behind her. "The white tower is home to the Aes sedai."

Aine blushes.

Aine says 'I have little exposure to the ways in Tar Valon.'

Aine says 'Forgive me.'

Aine says 'I was sent on a mission of sorts.'

Alison tilts her head at Aine.

Aine says 'To learn of the traits of the Ajahs.'

Alison asks, ‘ Traits?’

Aine says 'Yes, the um, characteristics of them.'

Aine says 'What is an Ajah, and how many are there?'

say Do you mean the different ajahs?

Aine says 'I'm not sure how long this task will take.'

Aine nods at you.

say The tower consists of 7 ajahs. Ajah is group in the old tongue.

Aine says 'Oh, that's simple to remember.'

Alison says “ Every ajah is dedicated to specific pursuits of causes for the White tower and all that we stand for.”

Aine says 'So seven groups. '

Aine says 'Ah, then the task becomes more clear to me.'

Alison replies, “ Red ajah is dedicated to hunting male channelers.”

Aine arches an eyebrow.

Aine ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Alison says ‘ Blue ajah is dedicated to understanding and being the justice of the white tower.’

Aine stops using a mirrored lantern.

Alison responds, ‘The White ajah is dedicated to logic and the pursuit of clear thinking without adding emotions to the exploration of facts and figures.’

Aine puts a mirrored lantern in an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Alison says, ‘ Gray ajah is the ajah dedicated to pursuit of negotiations and treaties. They are the ones who mediate. The Brown ajah is dedicated to pursuit of knowledge , from books , from history and gathering information for the tower.

Aine recites 'Red, blue, gray, white, brown...'

Alison nods quietly, then responds by saying, ‘ Green ajah is named the Battle ajah. They pursue spawn in all its forms. Dedicated to the fight.’

Aine coughs loudly.

Aine squints her eyes and thinks.

Alison pauses, “ Yellow ajah is the ones that is dedicated to healing and helping others. Through the use of the one power to heal and support.’

Aine says 'I think that is the one I would have the most in common with.'

Aine says 'The last one!'

Aine smiles at you.

Aine says 'Which one do you have the most common with?'

Alison smiles a warm smile and say, ‘ I am a student and apprentice of the Yellow ajah.’

Aine's smile deepens.

Aine says 'Then we are a pair, you and I.'

Aine says 'Though I am attempting to use herbs and bandages.'

Aine grins at you.

Aine says 'You use something else entirely.'

Aine says 'I wonder, can you heal yourself?'

Say As much is one person using water for washing and others use it to water plants.

Alison shakes her head, ‘By herbs, bandages and poultices.’

Aine checks the scars on her arms and nods.

Aine says 'It's hard to bandage one's self.'

Aine says 'I am always falling into some pit or cave and injuring myself terrible.'

Aine looks at a beggar.

Aine smiles kindly.

Aine gets a large number of copper pennies from an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Aine gives some coins to a beggar.

A beggar knuckles his forehead to Aine, honoring her.
A beggar says 'thankin you, thankin you kindly.'

Aine looks at you.

Aine says 'But the other way.'

Aine says 'That way with the power.'

Alison pauses, assessing Aine a little, then she frowns slightly, ‘With the one power?’

Aine says 'Can you heal yourself?'

You shake your head.

Aine frowns regretfully. 'That would have come in handy.'

Aine chuckles politely.

Alison frowns at you, ‘We are to be servants of all. To serve others health needs is more important than servicing our own health needs.’

Aine says 'True, but if you're bleeding out, how can you serve others?'

say Stem the blood and gore flow, put something on it. Continue serving.

Aine grins evilly.

Aine says 'I like you.'

say It is possible to stitch oneself up.

Aine says 'I want to learn to do that. Um, stem the flow, so to speak.'

Aine says 'Myself and others.'
Alison pulls up her left sleeve, moving closer to you.

Aine arches an eyebrow.

Aine glances at your arm curiously.

A beggar leaves south.
Alison traces her finger, from her upper elbow right down to the bottom part of her left wrist, a distinct scar.

Aine stands and examines the scare closely.

say No others, to heal me, was around while i was fighting Nooro, He sliced me.
Aine says 'Nooro?'

say By folding the oneness around me, i managed to remain calm and stitch it.
say He is a dreadlord.

Aine says 'Who is...'

Aine gulps.

say No amount of healing can remove set in scars. To my own current knowledge.

Aine chokes out 'Dreadl..l.l..'

Alison bends down, lifting up the banded hem, exposing her right leg.

Aine blinks and refocuses, peering at your leg.

A sailor has arrived from the east.
A sailor leaves south.

say Two days agao. A group of spawn attacked others. I managed to bandage this while healing others. No one has seen this ..

Alison gently tucks down the slightly soiled bandage.

Alison beckons you closer, to inspect the neatly arranged rows of black threads, through white-red cut.

Alison hides the grimace on her face.

Aine nods at you.

Aine says 'A nasty one.'

Aine says 'Have you fresh bandages for that?'

say It will heal. In almost 150 years i have acquired over 300 cuts like that.

You shake your head.

Aine nods slowly.

Aine says 'Perhaps with your experience you can help me.'

Alison gently tucks off a darkened gauntlet, her grimace becomes more fierce as a few droplets hit the ground.

Aine says 'Light above, have you not had someone to tend to that wound?'

Alison shows you a cut on her right palm, some herbs over it gently smells of cauliflower.

say Why?

say It will heal. It always does.

Aine wrinkles her nose at the aroma.

Aine says 'Yes, but it is seeping still.'

say The gauntlets keep the wounds intact.

Aine blinks her eyes innocently.

Aine blushes.

say And to answer your question. I don’t want healing done on it.
The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colours.

Aine searches westward, distracted.

Aine turns to you and says 'Hrm?'

Aine says 'Oh!'

say It is a reminder to myself to be more vigilant. I got this few hours ago fighting a few trollocs and a dreadlord west of lord agelmars rooms.

Aine says 'Oh yes, well. Yes it will heal, but open wounds can invite infection.'

Aine says 'May I ask you something?'

Someone holds something above her head.

Alison frowns at her right hand and then, carefully pull up the gauntlet. A Calm expression returns to her face.

Aine sets a lantern down upon the bench.

say Do you have bandages?

say I believe even apprentices to be, carry those around.

Aine draws a length of linen from her bag.

Alison glances down at her right leg.

say Please help me with this.

Aine shows you the fabric. It is white and clean.

Aine says 'Of course.'

Alison pulls up her bandages, removing them from the cut on her leg.

Aine says 'Sit at the bench. I can at least do that.'

Alison sits quietly, back straight.

You sit down on a bench.

Aine draws a dagger of green jade from an ivy bracelet with a flash of steel.

Aine cuts the remaining bandage from your leg, carefully.

Alison takes in a quiet breath, looking straight ahead.

Aine kneels down to get a closer look at the stitching.

say I did not have time to make it pretty.

Aine slices the bandage in half and moves quickly to the fountain.

Aine nods at you.

Aine says 'I'm no expert, but I'm inclined to believe you.'

Aine grins at you.

A guardsman has arrived from the east.

Aine plunges her hand into the fountain and soaks the bandage in cool, clean water.

tell rpmob sAlison a small tabby cat watches from the side of the fountain.

A small tabby cat watches from the side of the fountain ( Alison )

Aine sits at your feet and gently washes the area.

Aine says 'Does it pain you at all?'

say Have you ever been stabbed with a knife in your lower back area?

Aine blinks her eyes innocently.

say That pain feels easy compared to this.

Aine says 'Thankfully no.'

Aine sets the soaked linen aside and ponders a moment.

say I have 9 scars there. A trolloc named puny constantly attempts to stab me there.

Aine whispers to herself 'What did she use...'

Alison opens her bag and removes 3 jars, a few poultices.

Aine shakes her head.

say This. and a little of that.

Aine says 'I was looking for healall. I am out.'

say In 100 years I’ve come to understand what my body uses and what it hates.

Aine sulks 'If they take me, they'll have their work cut out for me.'

Alison grabs the edges of the bench, quietly uttering no word or moan.

Aine sighs at her failings and wraps your leg with the clean bandage.

Corath narrates 'what kind of tavern is this, serving tea?'

say I have met a few wisdoms. You have the strength and kindness in your eyes that they have.

Aine says 'If that were all it to..'

Aine chuckles politely.

Avashi narrates 'a girly tavern?'

say It is a good foundation to have

Alison studies you, as you work on her leg.

Astolfo narrates 'hipster seattle junk'

Aine says 'Are you allowed to drink fermented brews at all?'

The fountain splashes merrily, light sparkling beautifully on the surface of the water.

say I dont need it. I prefer a clear head. The pain is subsiding.

Aine collects the dirty bandages and stands up, dusting off her dress.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh > Alison gently lowers her dress, covering up the bandage.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >
Aine says 'As you wish, but if I were you, I'd take a strong brandy and some rest.'

Aine smiles at you.

say There is no time for that.

say sit, tell me about Aine.

Alison taps the bench next to her.

Aine says 'About me?'

Aine says 'Er, I.. I am just a woman.'

Aine chuckles politely.

Aine says 'That's bold. I'm a young woman who is finding her place.'

say What place is that, Aine?

An ogier has arrived from the west.

Alison indicates the whole world.

Aine takes a seat next to you and draws a deep breath.

Aine sighs long and says 'I want to make people well. So I am seeking the path of a wisdom.'

Aine says 'I have suffered my own set of misfortunes, borne of my own foolishness, mind you.'

Aine grins at you.

Aine says 'I have seen the kindness of a wisdom and want to emulate that.'

say Ah, you do mention making people well. Well from what?

Alison crosses her right leg over the left, absently massaging the lower part of the leg.

Aine says 'Their illnesses, their wounds. Sometimes even a listening ear mends the heart or mind.'

You nod in agreement.

Aine says 'I have been sent to find what similar characteristics there are between wisdoms and the um, the Ajahs.'

say That is good to hear. Sometimes healing is through just being there. Always.
Aine nods in agreement.

say Service.

Aine says 'I didn't imagine there would be such difference among the groups you talk about.'

say There is always needs in the world, where there are people there will be service to be done.

Aine says 'I am having a hard time considering what I'd have in common with a Red Ajah person.'

say True. Though i have seen Green ajah sisters heal and red ajah sisters fight spawn.

say Consider a moment that the red ajah are dedicated to eradicating the taint from male channelers.

Aine squints, searching the skies for a moment, then nods.

Aine says 'Yes, and I guess it would go back to me saying healing for the mind.'

say Your t a sk would be to understand that taint as well. Red ajah are not always around when tainted men come knocking at your doors, Aine.

Aine nods slowly.

say Think of what you would do and how you would handle a tainted person.

Aine says 'Run screaming into the night is probably not the answer they are looking for...'

Aine smirks.

You shake your head.

say You do know your fears can follow you?

say If you run screaming from someone, they might follow you and need you.

Aine says 'The darkness in one's mind is no less an illness than any other, though it may be invisible for many years.'

Aine says 'That is something to consider.'

You nod in agreement.

Aine says 'As for Green, I guess I fight against those things in my own way.'

Aine says 'I have learned the art of making potions, so I provide means in that.'

say no, i cannot always be there to assist a green ajah sister when she is wounded. That role will fall to you if you are close by.

say Even if i have to heal 10 people, you are being there can help ease my use of the one power where its needed.

Aine nods in agreement.

Aine says 'And I could do so in a Stedding.'

You nod in agreement.

Aine says 'Some of the wisdoms are almost like a um..'

Aine says 'They are like mediators.'

Alison points at her stitched right leg. 'Support doesn’t always require the one power, but a steady hand with a needle and thread. Poultices."

Aine nods in agreement.

You nod in agreement.

Aine says 'If the local magistrates aren't around, people sometimes go to the wisdom for that, too.'

Aine says 'That's kind of like your gray?'

say In villages , wisdoms do what grey ajah do on smaller scales. Between farmers, families and distant relatives.

You nod in agreement.

Aine says 'I think the similarities with the Yellow are pretty obvious.'

Aine grins evilly.

Aine says 'And I have been learning much on herbs, so knowledge and learning would pair well with what you say browns do.'

say You are not grey ajah. I would not require you to mediate a peace treaty between the children and the seanchan. Though i would appreciate your due diligince when a villager requires assistance.

Aine grins evilly.

Aine says 'I can't believe for one moment that we've learned all there is to learn yet. About herbs and things.'

Aine says 'What have I forgotten?'

Aine says 'Blue? White?'

Aine sits deep in thought.

say White ajah uses logic like you will use a sharp knife to cut a boil.

say Logic serves anyone that uses it wisely. Logic is a tool anyone should have in their repertoire of skills.

Aine says 'I suppose. I tend to be a bit more emotional, I'm afraid.'

.Aine sighs, looking westward yet again.

Aine frowns.

Aine looks away.

say As a wisdom you would need it to make clear decisions in battle situations or village wars.

Aine turns her back towards the gambler and pays attention.

say A good session of meditation would help you with your emotions.

Aine tsks.

A gambler leaves south.

Aine says 'I rather like my emotions, thank you.'

Aine says 'It makes me feel what my patients do.'

Aine says 'I think that makes me better at what I hope to accomplish.'

say Tell me, Aine. How does your emotions serve you when your village leader is bleeding to death or a child has a headwound from a catchpole?

say Or both is happening at the same time?

The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.

Aine says 'Blood and ashes, go right for the heart, do you?'

You nod in agreement.

say In this regard a clear head is required in the mind of the apprentice of the wisdoms.

Aine says 'I think having an ordered mind is critical, but still has to be paired with some emotion.'

A gambler has arrived from the south.

Aine says 'Emotion so others do not panic.'

You shake your head.

Aine says 'You can't have everyone in a panic while you're trying to work.'

say The two are exclusive of each other.

Aine says 'I do not see it that way, but maybe in time I will.'

Aine smiles at you.

A gambler leaves east.

say And the brown ajah?

say How does that teach an apprentice to be?

Aine says 'A lifetime learner.'

Aine says 'And well studied to provide the best care.'

say Think bigger.

say Wisdoms have come before.

Aine says 'Discoveries.'

say Have written tomes no?

Aine says 'New ways to heal.'

Aine says 'Oh, books.'

Aine nods in agreement.

say There is thousands of villages in this time alone.

Aine says 'Oh to share the information?'

say With hundreds of wisdoms doing what you do, just differently .. seek them out. Learn from their ways. Seek the knowledge.

Aine nods in agreement.

Aine says 'You said Blue is about justice?'

You nod in agreement.

say Don’t you dispense justice when you are helping someone in your villages that is a criminal?

Aine says 'I suppose.'

Aine ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aine says 'I wonder...'

say Do you let them die, due to them killing their neighbour or let them life and pay for their crimes?

Aine says 'If my job is to overlook the unjust and heal them anyway.'

Aine says 'I would, I believe.'

Aine says 'It is not my place to mete out punishment, or to judge one in need.'

Alison taps your heart, 'You must have a strong moral core, Aine. That is what is required from an apprentice and a wisdom."'

A worker leaves south.

Aine says 'If I did so, and they rose and slew me, would I still believe I did the right thing?'

say Ah the logic.

Aine says 'I may have to search myself for that answer.'

say You are only in control of the present. Future actions of what might be's, is out of your control.

say I might die of this leg infection. No more me. I cannot let that possible future, undermine my current morality.

Aine squints in thought. 'I can't wade too deeply in philosophical discussions. I'm just a young girl, you know.'

say What if games are a journey best done in meditation and not while you are needed in the present.

Aine thinks hard.

say I doubt you are, otherwise you would not have sought me or anyone else out to pursue a lifetime of service. Depth of character is in you to take these steps.

Aine says 'I may discuss that with Wisdom Gaelin. She must see her fair share of injured, what with the Seanchan raiding all the time.'

You nod in agreement.

Aine says 'Watch Hill is rarely at peace these days.'

say It wasn’t a few weeks back. I have seen 4 seanchan raid in that direction and into the city of Jehannah.

Aine says 'Accepted, thank you so much for the conversation. I will have to be on my way.'

Aine glances at your leg.

incline aine
You stand up.

say You are most welcome, Aine. Best of luck on your journey.
You incline your head in greeting to Aine.

Aine says 'Watch that leg.'

Aine says 'If the redness around the stitches get angry, please see someone.'

Aine smiles at you.

Aine curtseys gracefully.

Aine leaves south.

You smile happily.