Another Investigation: World Stews

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Another Investigation: World Stews

Post by Cordelia » Tue Dec 24, 2024 4:02 pm

Stew 1: Andor

Today I spoke with a Captain of the Queen’s Guard—one of those gruff Andoran types with a sharp eye and a deep-seated distrust of anything not properly vetted. When the topic of stews arose, as it must since I am being paid some nice coin for this task, his description was both peculiar and revealing.

He prefers his stew "not too brown," a sentiment that puzzled me until he explained: the color is a sign, he says, of honest preparation. Anything too dark risks being tainted by questionable water or an excess of cheap thickeners. Andoran pragmatism, I suppose.

The protein is typically hare, an easy catch in these parts and lean enough to suit his taste. The broth, however, was the most intriguing aspect—crafted from squirrel carcass. I spoke to some other Andorans in the vicinity and they verified this -- reportedly, this gives the stew a richer, nutty undertone that no simple marrow could replicate. I have to admit, I’ve never considered squirrel broth before, though it does sound resourceful (and terrible!).

Carrots add a hint of sweetness, balancing the earthiness of the hare and the sharpness of the broth. No mention of onions or turnips, which struck me as odd, but the Andorans often shrugged and said, "Why complicate perfection?" This was apparent in the way the Captain was excited by the appearance of a carrot during our conversation.

A straightforward stew for a straightforward man and a straightforward people. It seems to reflect the Andoran way: honest, no-nonsense, and a touch unorthodox. If nothing else, it has certainly left me curious enough to seek out a bowl for myself.


Caemlyn Central Square
Cordelia is in a large stone square, right in the middle of Caemlyn's outer
city. You see a wide boulevard to the north, and the path to the inner
city. There are a number of shops around you. The density of the population
is really quite incredible. It's almost impossible to relax as you are
being constantly bumped and jostled. From here you can really get a good
view of the outer city, and this just makes you appreciate the older inner
city all the more. A large banner hangs nearby, depicting a map of
Caemlyn's outer city.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
A fountain is here, offering clear blue water to all.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
A robust Queen's Guard soldier is here, serving the realm.
Lord Adael Le'Ada, Knight of the Rose Crown, Captain of Queen Morgase's Elite is standing here, riding a white destrier.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
The Caemlyn town crier stands here, spreading the news.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A gleeman is here, playing a lute.
A stout looking guard is here, walking the streets of Caemlyn.
A recruitment officer stands here, speaking of the Queen's Guard.

Adael gets an apple from a wooden barrel.

Adael eats an apple.

Cordelia smiles happily.

Adael smiles happily.

Cordelia says 'Greetings, Lord Adael.'

Adael says 'Hello hello'

Cordelia says 'As you may know, I am something of a humble freelance investigator.'

Cordelia says 'And there is no job too large or too small.'

Adael chuckles politely.

A worker has arrived from the east.

Cordelia says 'Recently, the Atha'an Miere tasked me to investigate a matter of great import. '

Adael strokes his chin thoughtfully.

Cordelia says 'However, my business with you has nothing to do with that.'

Adael falls down laughing.

Cordelia says 'I've been tasked by an unknown benefactor with a quest of...lesser import, but their coin is as good as anyone else.'

Adael says 'Not often we get the Sea Folk this far inland anyways!'

Cordelia nods at him.

Cordelia says 'I spent weeks at sea for that one, I am enjoying the steadiness of the ground for the most part.'

Adael nods in agreement.

Cordelia says 'Anyways, I figure that your many years in service of Andor may have prepared you for this.'

Cordelia looks seriously down at her notebook -- where did that come from?

Cordelia says 'Okay...Lord Adael...'

Cordelia says 'What do you know about...'

Cordelia says '...stews?'

Cordelia says 'Andoran stews, specifically.'

A worker has arrived from the south.

Cordelia looks at him archly.

The Caemlyn cityguard has arrived from the north.

Adael says 'Not much I suppose'

Cordelia hangs her head.

Adael says 'They keep me full and warm on a winter's day'

Cordelia says 'Stews are universal, Lord Adael. Surely you've had stews.'

Cordelia looks more interested now.

Cordelia says 'So you've eaten some Andoran stews on cold winter days.'

Adael says 'Indeed'

A worker leaves east.
An old man has arrived from the south.

Cordelia says 'What ingredients are used? What color was it?'

Adael says 'They're common on patrol'

Adael says 'Easy enough to make with whatever game you can scrounge up'

Cordelia nods thoughtfully.

Adael says 'I prefer a stew that isn't too brown'

Adael says 'Never know if they used clean water to make it in that case'

Adael shivers uncomfortably.

Cordelia says 'Ah yes, there are some who use ale as a base.'

Gretchen has arrived from the north.

Adael says 'Best to include some vegetables in it'

Cordelia says 'Cooks out the alcohol, leaves a delightful flavor. Too many hops though and it can just be bitter.'

The sun rises.
It starts to rain.

Cordelia nods in agreement.

Adael nods in agreement.

Cordelia says 'And what of the proteins?'

Gretchen grins evilly.

Cordelia nods at Gretchen.

Gretchen leaves north.

Cordelia jots down some more notes.

Adael says 'I prefer hare best'

Adael says 'Squirrels are such a pain to clean'

Adael says 'and never provide enough meat'

Cordelia nods some more, jotting down more notes. NOT squirrels.

Gretchen has arrived from the north.

Gretchen puts a thin vial of yellow fluid in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a thin vial of yellow fluid in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a vial filled with a vivid blue liquid in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a vial filled with a dark red liquid in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a vial filled with a dark red liquid in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a vial filled with a dark red liquid in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a bubbling draught in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a bubbling draught in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thready brown tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thready brown tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thready brown tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a small pile of blue goatflower petals in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts some brown kaf beans in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a blue pouch of flatwort tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a blue pouch of flatwort tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a blue pouch of flatwort tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a blue pouch of flatwort tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a blue pouch of flatwort tea in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts some coins in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts some coins in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thick syrup in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thick syrup in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thick syrup in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thick syrup in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a cup of thick syrup in a soft leather pouch.
Gretchen puts a brightly colored carrot in a soft leather pouch.

Gretchen sits down and rests.

Gretchen says 'sorry for spam'

Adael says 'Aha! A carrot'

Adael gets a brightly colored carrot from a wooden barrel.

Cordelia points her quill at you and asks 'So would you say it's common to use the squirrel carcass for broths, or no?'

The day has begun.
Adael says 'Perfect for flavoring'

Adael nods at Cordelia.

Cordelia says 'The squirrel or the carrot? '

An old man leaves west.

Adael says 'Yes, they do help making the broth'

Cordelia jots some more notes down.

The Caemlyn cityguard leaves west.

Gretchen says 'what are you doing to the squirrel with the carrot?'

Cordelia says 'So a hearty stew of carrots and hare (preferably), with notes of squirrel broth. '

Gretchen says 'did i miss something'

Cordelia looks at her notes absently and murmurs 'Yes, probably.'

Adael says 'We are discussing Andoran stews'

Gretchen nods in agreement.
Adael nods at Cordelia.

Gretchen says 'eat anything round these parts'

Gretchen snickers softly.

Cordelia says 'Excellent. '

Cordelia says 'Well, I do not know what my benefactor plans to do with this information, but I suppose I will know a lot about the world's stews.'

Cordelia says 'By the time this is done.'

Adael chuckles politely.

Cordelia thanks Adael heartily.

Mykael has arrived from the north, riding a bloodstock stallion.

Mykael gets a water skin from a backpack.

Mykael gently fills a water skin from a fountain.

Mykael puts a water skin in a backpack.

Cordelia says 'Vital information, Lord Adael. '

Mykael snaps to attention and salutes Adael.

Gretchen tickles Mykael.

Adael says 'I hope they open a restaurant!'

Gretchen says 'lo'

Cordelia says 'You have my thanks.'

Cordelia smiles at Adael.

Adael says 'If the other stews prove more tasty'

Mykael bows before Gretchen.

Adael says 'My pleasure to help'

The Caemlyn cityguard leaves south.

Cordelia says 'Perhaps that is the end game here...a stew restaurant.'

Gretchen chats 'anyone wana smob?'

Cordelia wanders off to the north, still jotting down notes in her notebook.