A Letter from Mykael - An Introduction

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A Letter from Mykael - An Introduction

Post by Mykael » Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:56 pm

Greetings to the Community,

I am Mykael t'Sharaan, a warrior of the Wall Guard, though my roots trace back to the land of Shienar. Born near Fal Dara, I was but a child when tragedy struck, and I lost my parents to a raid that left me without kin. With nowhere else to turn, I was sent to live with family in Far Madding, a city distant from my homeland but one that nurtured me nonetheless. The streets of Far Madding tempered me, shaping the man I am today.

In my youth, I took to the sword with fervor, eager to learn the ways of the blade and protect those who could not defend themselves. The discipline of the Wall Guard called to me, but my training was not limited to the sword. I spent countless hours refining my body and pushing my limits in ways that would have surprised my younger self. Through sweat and grit, I proved my resolve and grew in skill and strength. Yet, it was not only strength I sought—kindness and honor also became my guiding lights. It was during a fateful encounter near Stedding Yandar, where I defeated a renegade blademaster in single combat, that I earned the title of blademaster myself.

In my heart, I carry the memory of my mother, whose favorite bird was the owl. It is in her honor that I have taken the name "White Owl of Shienar," a tribute to her love for these creatures and the wisdom they symbolize. I carry her legacy in every step I take, and I hold her memory close as a constant reminder of what I fight for. My journey has been one of loss, strength, and survival, and I hope that through my actions, I may honor those who came before me.

I look forward to standing beside each of you as we face the trials ahead, for the Wall Guard is more than just a duty—it is a brotherhood, and I am honored to be part of it.

May Peace Favor Your Sword,
Mykael t'Sharaan