Drinks at the Greenman *old log*

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Drinks at the Greenman *old log*

Post by glynn » Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:14 pm

Ely edit Dec Jul 18 2024:

1-8 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : x
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x
Length bonus +1-2 qps : o
Part of a series +1 qps: o

Summary: +1 qps : x

Total: 6 qps, Frey, Amilyndra, Rohan and Riena also awarded.


A useful reference for Forester perspectives on Ma'at


Log of Foresters drinking and chatting at the Greenman. Glynn and Rohan become Forester initiates. Glynn describes his background to Frey and Amilyndra. They are joined in the bar by Rohan and Riena. Ma'at is discussed (Duty, Order, Balance, and Interconnectedness), politics and history are discussed, pranks are played, and a good time is had by all.

Point of view: Glynn
Main character: Glynn
Main character: Frey
Main character: Amilyndra
Major participant: Rohan
Major participant: Riena
(Rohan and Riena enter 40% through the log)

This is an old log. In addition to editing for readability, spelling, and grammar, some content edits were made from the original log to avoid revealing alts and to hold background RP consistent with how characters are currently played.

The Greenman
A rectangular platform of weathered timber sits between the branches of
many large trees here. One such branch runs across the western end and has
been turned into a bar of sorts. Behind it is a rack with several tapped
kegs of ale and wine. The rest of the platform is taken up by tables and
chairs as the establishment is a very popular place among forresters, who
enjoy meeting here for celebrations or for exchanging stories of their
latest adventures. Lanterns hang from branches overhead and in the center
of the room is a brazier to be filled with hot coals on cold nights.

A middle-aged woman offers drinks to patrons.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.

Amilyndra smiles happily.

Frey looks around slowly as if something is hidden in the room.

Frey says 'Bring out a table and some chairs, Woody'
Amilyndra says 'Woody, bring out a table and chairs!'

Woody says 'Of course Frey, I will tell the maid to make sure you and your guests get the best of service.'

The serving maid comes out of the backroom and starts setting up the table and chairs.

Frey says 'Hah!'

Amilyndra bursts into tears!

The serving maid rubs her back as she is done making you comfortable and moves back out of sight.

Amilyndra buys three mugs of ale.

Glynn sits down on an old wooden chair.

Amilyndra gives a mug of ale to Frey.

Frey smiles happily.

Amilyndra gives a mug of ale to Glynn.

Glynn smiles at Amilyndra.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Frey sits down and rests on an old wooden chair.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Frey sits in his favorite chair.

Glynn tries to sip, but can't bring himself to, as his stomach is impossibly full

Glynn sniffs sadly.

Frey chuckles politely.

Amilyndra settles herself down into her favorite corner, resting her mug on one knee.

Amilyndra grins at Glynn.

Glynn smells the bitter hops. Ahhh!

Glynn grins evilly.

Amilyndra says 'Well, Glynn, why don't you tell us about yourself?'

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Glynn says 'What would you like to know?'

Glynn says 'Because there is an awful lot I could tell.'

Amilyndra grins.

Amilyndra says 'Well, how about your family?'

Glynn smiles happily.

Glynn says 'My family. A topic I always enjoy talking about.'

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn says 'I was raised in Murandy, in a small town northwest of Lugard.'

Glynn says 'I do not know much about my father's family. He is a stablehand and sometimes farrier.'

Glynn says 'My mother's family are Malkieri. Were Malkieri. Gardeners. I was quite close to them before...'

Frey comforts Glynn.

A barmaid walks away from the merchandise to take a break.
A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Glynn says 'Of living relatives, I do have a great-great uncle.'

The lively sounds of tankards clanking, men and women laughing, and general merriment echo out from the Greenman Tavern.

Glynn says 'Quite senile, but strong.'

Glynn says 'They say he had the strength of 19 men, and I believe he still does.'

A barmaid returns from her break, re-opening the store.
A bartender returns from his break, re-opening the store.

Glynn says 'He required the aid of the wisdoms, back when I was younger...'

Glynn says 'They would provide him mixtures of herbs.'

Frey continues to listen intently.

Glynn says 'To help him run farther in battle.'

Glynn says 'It seems he now needs them in order to stay awake at all.'

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Glynn says 'But this is how I began to learn about the forest and herbs.'

Glynn says 'Learning from the wisdoms, as they would prepare vials of fluid for my great uncle.'

Glynn says 'Now... to my son.'

Glynn smirks.

Frey says 'Amilyndra here is very good with herbs, and knows many different mixtures that may be helpful to you.'

Frey smiles at Amilyndra.

Glynn says 'Whom I love very much, but is quite a rascal.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn says 'Amilyndra and I have talked much about herbs'

Glynn says 'Speaking of which... if I may...'

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra smiles at Glynn.

Glynn opens the pouch with Amilyndra's name on it.

Glynn gets a section of red and yellow sunburst root from a small pouch.
Glynn gets a black belladonna berry from a small pouch.

Glynn closes the pouch with Amilyndra's name on it.

Glynn gives you a section of red and yellow sunburst root.
Glynn gives you a black belladonna berry.

Amilyndra puts a section of red and yellow sunburst root in a small purse.
Amilyndra puts a black belladonna berry in a small purse.

Amilyndra gives a small pile of blue goatflower petals to Glynn.

Amilyndra says 'We have something of an arrangement.'

Amilyndra grins.

Glynn throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Glynn puts a small pile of blue goatflower petals in a soft leather pouch.

Amilyndra says 'I got tired of lugging around 10-15 teas I couldn't store or sell.'

Glynn says 'But, if you'd like me to go on, I would love to tell you about my son. As you can see, I can babble quite a bit about my family.'

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Frey nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra says 'Please do.'

Glynn says 'When I was younger, I met a woman from Two Rivers, named Fey.'

Glynn says 'We became very close and had a child.'

Glynn blushes.

Glynn says 'A lovely boy, but he has been weak since birth.'

Glynn says 'The wisdom in Watch Hill told me it was a sort of birth defect.'

Glynn says 'His skin never looked quite right, and he grew more round than tall.'

Glynn says 'He was always quite sick as a boy and still has trouble fighting off the everyday illness we all get.'

Amilyndra frowns slightly.

Amilyndra says 'That is a shame.'

Frey nods in agreement.

Glynn says 'But he is full of fun! And a bit of a rascal.'

Frey says 'Are you not able to seek out a healer? Maybe one of the yellow ajah who may help?'

Frey says 'I hear that they can perform wonders.'

Amilyndra nods at Frey.

Glynn says 'The wisdom did have some suggestions'

Glynn says 'One of which was to give him a special tea, daily.'

Glynn says 'After some badgering, she taught me how to make it.'

Glynn says 'It gives him strength... which seems to also help him fight off any illnesses.'

A barmaid locks down the merchandise in her shop and closes up.
A bartender locks down the merchandise in his shop and closes up.

Amilyndra's eyes widen a bit in comprehension.

Glynn gasps in astonishment.

Glynn says 'They'll let us stay after hours?'

Frey chuckles politely.

Frey nods in agreement.

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'I hope so! I'm having fun telling you my story.'

Frey says 'Many of us stay late into the night.'

Glynn smiles happily.

Frey smiles happily.

Amilyndra mutters something about lazy barkeeps closing too early.

Glynn snickers softly.

Glynn nods in agreement.

Glynn says 'It is only 10..'

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Glynn sips from the ale.

Amilyndra tries to buy a mug of ale.
A bartender says 'Sorry, come back tomorrow.'

Amilyndra sniffs sadly. *SNIFF*

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Glynn sips from the ale.

Frey sips from the ale.

Glynn says 'So that's my family.'

Amilyndra says 'Sounds like an interesting lot.'

Glynn grins evilly.

Amilyndra says 'I know we've talked about some of your travels, which places in the world are you most familiar with?'

Glynn says 'I'm afraid I'm the least interesting of the crew, but yes.'

Glynn says 'I am most familiar with the areas along the southern coast.'

Glynn says 'From Mayene to Amadacia.'

Frey nods in agreement.

Glynn says 'The mirk and the spine of the world as well.'

Glynn says 'And a little around Cairhein.'

Frey says 'There are beautiful roads lined with trees and forests along the southern coasts.'

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Frey says 'I have spent much time in those areas.'

Amilyndra nods at Frey.

Amilyndra says 'And lovely oceans.'

Glynn says 'I love those roads. Some of my favorites are between Illian and Tear... where you can hear the crashing of the waves.'

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Frey smiles happily.

Amilyndra gets a brightly-plumed captain's hat from a backpack.

Amilyndra puts a brightly-plumed captain's hat in a backpack.

Amilyndra blinks her eyes innocently.

Glynn snickers softly.

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn says 'Ahh yes.. I recall our trip on the ocean in.. what was the name of the boat?'

Amilyndra says 'The Golden Leopard?'

Glynn says 'Yes! I was going to say the golden lion, but yes, the leopard'

Amilyndra says 'I've commandeered the Silver Sword from Bandar Eban today.'

Amilyndra grins evilly.

Glynn says 'I am quite familiar with the rivers, but had been a little... intimidated by the oceans.'

Glynn grins evilly.

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra says 'Yes, they can be quite vast.'

Glynn says 'I just needed to have someone as intimidating show me the ropes.'

Amilyndra says 'Sister Taia and I have been learning more about them though.'

Glynn nudges Amilyndra suggestively.

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn nods in agreement.

Amilyndra says 'I'll be writing a quest soon.'

Glynn says 'Poor Taia, I've heard she has had some trouble with trollocs lately.'

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra says 'Are there any areas of the world in which you have an interest in exploring further?'

Glynn says 'I've been spending a good deal of my time lately, learning more about the great forest and surrounding areas.'

Amilyndra grins at Glynn.

Amilyndra smirks, 'Almost beat me to it!'

Glynn snickers softly.

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Glynn says 'I did not realize Fender was so old as to have known Gohon. Did they know each other back when he was a Forrester?'

Glynn says 'My great-uncle has told me stories about Gohon.'

Amilyndra says 'I believe our old history board shows them active at the same time.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Glynn says 'Fender must be very old then... how does he keep from going senile?'

Amilyndra says 'Hibernation likely.'

Amilyndra giggles.

Glynn grins evilly.

Frey chuckles politely.

A barmaid hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.
A bartender hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.

Glynn says 'How wonderful to see so many Forresters awake and about at the same time!'

Amilyndra glances at a small paper in her hands before speaking, 'I see here you mention that in your travels you've been learning about the balance of nature. Tell us what you've learned.

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra says 'Indeed.'

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Glynn says 'It is something I've heard the woodsmen speak of.'

Glynn says 'Ihey are often concerned about creatures who seem to disturb the balance of nature.'

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Amilyndra gets an apple from a thick brown sack.

Amilyndra eats the apple.

Amilyndra gets an apple from a thick brown sack.

Amilyndra eats the apple.

Frey nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'This lead me to think on what they meant.'

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn says 'I believe I have much to learn, but am approaching a beginners understanding.'

Amilyndra says 'What do you think they meant?'

Glynn says 'For example.. the trees in the forest...'

Glynn says '...they give us beauty, some give us apples.'

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn says 'But some grow old, and sick, and are better off...'

Amilyndra grins at Glynn.

Frey looks toward Amilyndra at the mention of apples.

Glynn says '...chopped down for better use.'

Amilyndra grabs another small apple from her sack and starts crunching on it.

Glynn says 'Yet, we must remember what they give us.'

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Glynn says 'And not be wanton lumberjacks, as friendly as they are.'

Frey chuckles politely.

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'As I said, i have much to learn about this balance.'

Glynn says 'Thinking about it is making me hungry!'

Frey says 'It seems that you have found one of the four tenets of Ma'at.'

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn says 'Let me call the barmaid over'

Glynn clambers to his feet.

Amilyndra says 'Well, without those lumberjacks, I think we would not have had the planks to build the platforms for our home.'

Glynn buys a choice steak.

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Glynn buys a chunk of cheese.

Frey says 'There is much give-and-take'

Glynn says 'Either of you hungry?'

Glynn nods at Amilyndra.

Glynn nods at Frey.

Glynn tastes a little bit of a chunk of cheese.

Amilyndra says, 'A little, but I have my apples,' as she takes another bite.

Frey says 'I am donig well at the moment. Thank you for the offer though.'

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn nods in agreement.

Glynn sits down on an old wooden chair.

Glynn says 'Do you mind if I eat?'

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Amilyndra says 'Oh, please go ahead.'

Glynn sips from the ale.

Frey says 'Not at all'

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn smiles happily.

Glynn tastes a little bit of a chunk of cheese.

Glynn eats a choice steak.

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Glynn sips from the ale.

Glynn says 'So you were saying, about give and take...'

Amilyndra says 'I think perhaps Glynn may have missed what you last said behind the rumblings of his stomach, Frey.'

Glynn says '...and the tenets of .. what was that?'

Frey says 'Ma'at'

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Glynn struggles to say maaat...

Glynn says 'No, Ma'at.'

Glynn says 'Is that better?'

Amilyndra nods in agreement.

Glynn sips from the ale.

A barmaid walks away from the merchandise to take a break.
A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Frey ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Glynn says 'Please, tell me about Ma'at. It's something I'm very interested in.'

A barmaid returns from her break, re-opening the store.
A bartender returns from his break, re-opening the store.

Frey says 'Ma'at is the guiding philosophy that we, as Forresters follow.'

Amilyndra nods at Frey.

Glynn thinks hard.

Glynn smiles happily.

Frey says 'Sorry, the word wasn't coming to me :P'

Frey says 'It isn't something that you really consiously do, it's more of a way of thinking about the world around you.'

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

The lively sounds of tankards clanking, men and women laughing, and general merriment echo out from the Greenman Tavern.

Frey says 'In all, there are four tenets to Ma'at. The one that you have discovered so far is Balance. The other three, in no particular order, are Duty, Order, and Interconnectedness.'

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Glynn says 'Balance, duty, order, and interconnectedness'

Frey nods at Glynn.

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn says 'Can you tell me more about them? Are they written anywhere?'

Frey says 'Amilyndra, would you like to start with Duty?'

Amilyndra says 'Oh, I think you're doing fine.'

Amilyndra nudges Frey playfully with her foot.

Frey says 'I don't believe we have them written anywhere. We more tend to pass it along to our youngest.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Frey smiles at Amilyndra.

Glynn says 'For some reason, I thought it might be that way.'

Frey chuckles politely.

Frey nods in agreement.

The lively sounds of tankards clanking, men and women laughing, and general merriment echo out from the Greenman Tavern.

Glynn says 'It would seem to rigid to have them written... '

Glynn says 'Forgive me if I'm overstepping to say so.'

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Frey nods at Glynn.

Amilyndra says 'No, no, you're right.'

Frey says 'You are exactly right'

Frey smiles happily.

Frey says 'Ma'at can mean different things to each of us.'

Amilyndra leans her head back contentedly and listens.

Frey says 'It is up to you to determine what they each mean to you.'

Frey says 'Take Duty for example'

Glynn listens, eagerly.

Frey says 'To some, Duty means responsibility to themselves, to their friends and family...'

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Frey says 'To their brothers and sisters.'

Glynn says 'That I can understand... '

A barmaid locks down the merchandise in her shop and closes up.
A bartender locks down the merchandise in his shop and closes up.

Frey says 'Many have the duty to protect those who can not protect themselves, and defend our lands from the dark.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Frey says 'Do you have any questions about the tenet of Duty? Anything you would like clarified more?'

Glynn says 'What of the Forresters, do they have any specific understanding of duty? Or is it as the remainder of Ma'at'

Amilyndra ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Frey looks towards Amilyndra.

Amilyndra says 'While we offer a basic understanding of each tenet of Ma'at, every Forrester is encouraged to explore exactly how to incorporate each into his or her daily life.'

Amilyndra says 'For myself, on duty, ...'

Amilyndra says 'I tend to think of it as a series of rings, like tree rings.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Amilyndra says 'The central ring is Duty to oneself. To find one's own path in life. Once found, the second duty is to close friends and family, or clan in my case as I have no living family.'

Glynn sniffs sadly.

Frey comforts you.

Glynn says 'I am sorry to hear that, Amilyndra'

Frey says 'Path could be...'

Frey nudges Amilyndra suggestively.

Amilyndra waves her hand dismissively, 'None of that comforting stuff. I've long since come to terms with it. The third duty, would be to the world at large, which means to me to help the young in their travels and personal needs.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Glynn smiles happily.

Amilyndra pointedly ignores Frey.

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn says 'This is what that herbalist was talking about, earlier today.'

Amilyndra says 'But this is MY understanding of Duty. Each one comes to his or her own full understanding of it themselves.'

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'Once, weeks ago, you mentioned something about Forresters not lying...'

Glynn says 'I consider myself to be an honest person...'

Glynn says '...but... i have stretched the truth on occasion, sometimes in order to *ahem* teach my son something.'

Amilyndra grins at Glynn.

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn says 'Raising a child is a very difficult task... required a very flexible life philosophy.'

Glynn snickers softly.

Amilyndra says 'Well, it's not a rule or anything but I think we pretty much have a reputation of being a truthful people.'

Glynn says 'So to speak.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Glynn says 'I never purposefully deceive, though i have been known to play a joke or two.'

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn says 'If I were to have to opportunity to become a Forrester, I would not do anything to change that reputation'

Glynn smiles happily.

Frey beams a smile at Glynn.

Amilyndra says 'Rohan is awake. Shall we suspend this until he arrives? Kill two birds with one stone so to speak?'

Glynn grins evilly.

Glynn nods in agreement.

Frey says 'Sure, we can do that.'

Amilyndra says 'err....-catch- two birds with one net!'

A barmaid hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.
A bartender hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.

Amilyndra blinks her eyes innocently.

Frey chuckles politely.

Glynn says 'Rohan and I have become friends, since we ran into each other as fellow aspirants.'

Amilyndra says 'Unless they're shadoweyes, then we can kill them.'

Amilyndra peers closely at Glynn, trying to figure him out.

Amilyndra looms over the others, dominating the room.

Glynn cringes in terror!

Amilyndra returns to her corner, resettling herself, nodding in satisfaction.

Glynn tastes a little bit of a chunk of cheese.

Frey sips from the ale.

Frey sips from the ale.

Frey sips from the ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Amilyndra buys three mugs of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Glynn says 'While we wait.. I might nod off here. So sleepy from the ale and the cheese.'

Glynn smiles happily.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Frey chuckles politely.

Amilyndra grins at Glynn.

Frey says 'It has been known to happen before.'

Amilyndra says 'I'll kick you when Rohan arrives. Riena is coming too.'

Frey smiles happily.

Amilyndra puts a mug of ale on the table.

Amilyndra puts a mug of ale on the table.

Amilyndra nods in agreement.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Frey says 'Ooh, cool. It has been some time since I've seen Riena wandering the woods at the same hours as I.'

Glynn's words trail off... sounding more and more like a faint snore...

Riena bellows 'FAMILY'

Glynn snores loudly.

Frey ruffles Glynn's hair playfully.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Frey bellows 'Riena!'

Amilyndra bellows 'Riena!'

Amilyndra drops a mug of ale.

Woody calls the serving maid to clean up the tavern.

Frey bellows 'and Rohan too!'

Amilyndra bellows 'Rohan!'

Riena bellows 'It's good to be home'

The serving maid scurries around in the tavern picking up empty cups and tankards.

The serving maid goes into the backroom with her arms full of dirty crockery.

Amilyndra kicks Glynn, maybe just a little too hard.

Frey chuckles politely.

Rohan has arrived from the east.

Riena has arrived from the east.

Frey hugs Riena.

Riena hugs you.

Frey claps Rohan on the back.

Rohan smiles happily.

Rohan bows deeply.

Riena hugs Frey.

Amilyndra kicks Glynn a little harder, tryign to wake him up.

Frey sits down on an old wooden chair.

Glynn starts from the chair.

Glynn clambers to his feet.

Riena says 'Ahhh Glynn!'

Glynn says 'Whoa... what?'

Amilyndra giggles.

Riena says 'We havent met yet'

Amilyndra falls down laughing.

Frey grins evilly.

Amilyndra hugs Riena.

Riena says 'I'm Riena!'

Amilyndra smiles at Rohan.

Glynn smiles at Amilyndra.

Amilyndra says 'Ale on the table for you both!'

Glynn beams a smile at Riena.

Glynn says 'Hello Riena!'

Glynn says 'And Rohan!'

Riena gets a mug of ale from a table.

Rohan says 'Hello to all.'

Rohan buys a mug of ale.

Rohan buys a mug of ale.

Rohan buys a mug of ale.

Glynn offers the chair he was... erm sleeping in.

Frey beams a smile at Rohan.

Riena stops using a mirrored lantern.

Rohan grins at Glynn.

Riena sits down on an old wooden chair.

Frey says 'Welcome to the Greenman, Rohan!'

Frey smiles happily.

Frey says 'Have you been here before?'

Rohan says 'Thank you, my favorite tavern'

Rohan says 'I have!'

Frey smiles happily.

Frey looks around slowly, as if something is hidden in the room.

Amilyndra grins at Rohan.

Glynn gives a plate of pickled quail eggs to Rohan.

Frey sniffs sadly.

Rohan thanks Glynn heartily.

Glynn says 'Some quail eggs, i think you told me you like them.'

Frey says 'We seem to be short on chairs.'

Amilyndra says 'Rohan and I spent some time here chatting the other day.'

Riena looks around the room smiling.

Riena drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey clambers to his feet.

Rohan says 'I love them.'

Rohan says 'Extremely tender'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Frey moves off to the side, freeing up his chair for another.

Rohan eats a plate of pickled quail eggs.

Amilyndra says 'I'm not sitting in a chair brother, unless you forgot.'

Riena says 'Meditating!

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Rohan says 'Why is everyone vacating the chairs?'

Amilyndra looks at Riena and rolls her eyes.

Frey says 'We would still be short some.'

Amilyndra says 'Sit, sit, everyone!'

A barmaid walks away from the merchandise to take a break.
A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Amilyndra says 'Oh, right, I miscounted.'

Amilyndra giggles.

Amilyndra shrugs.

Glynn rests on a keg

Frey sits cross-legged on a nice, soft cushion. On the side, the name 'Frey' can be seen embroidered on.

Amilyndra rolls her eyes at the cushion.

Glynn snickers softly.

Frey winks suggestively at Amilyndra.

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Amilyndra mutters, 'Softy.'

A barmaid returns from her break, re-opening the store.
A bartender returns from his break, re-opening the store.

Rohan wonders if someone has messed with the chairs in such a way that they are rigged.

Frey says 'Pff, no reason to be uncomfortable in my own home!'

Glynn snickers softly.

Amilyndra grins at Rohan.

Glynn stands up.

Glynn sits down on an old wooden chair.

Frey glances toward his old chair, then to Rohan quickly, hoping no one noticed.

Amilyndra kicks the chair out from under Glynn.

Amilyndra blinks your eyes innocently.

Glynn falls to the ground with a crash!

Rohan points his finger at Glynn and laughs obnoxiously.

Glynn sighs loudly.

Glynn clambers to his feet.

Frey chuckles politely.

Rohan says 'You fell for your own trick!'

Amilyndra drums her heels on the floor, laughing wildly!

Glynn rests on a keg... this is comfortable enough!

Amilyndra leans forward and rights the chair.

Rohan inspects a wooden chair carefully

Amilyndra says 'I promise, Rohan, no tricks for you...yet.'

Frey smiles at Amilyndra.

Rohan moves cautiously towards the chair.

Rohan sits down on an old wooden chair.

Glynn boggles at the thought.

Glynn peers at a black shoufa...

Frey looks dissapointed. Something didn't seem to go as he planned.

Amilyndra says 'Ale on the table for you Rohan.'

Rohan says 'Yes an interesting place to hide my dagger isn't it?'

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Glynn nods at Rohan.

Rohan gets a mug of ale from the table.

Riena smiles happily.

Amilyndra reaches over and pats Frey on the head.

Riena coughs loudly.

Riena drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Glynn sips from the ale.

Riena flashes a winning smile.

Amilyndra smiles at Riena.

Frey sits down.

Amilyndra says 'Have a seat sister.'

Rohan says 'I hope we did not interrupt anything'

Riena rests on an old wooden chair.

Amilyndra says 'If we're all done with our antics, perhaps Frey can continue?'

Frey ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Amilyndra winks conspiratorily at Frey.

Glynn blinks his eyes innocently.

Rohan listens to Frey intently.

Frey says 'Actually, Glynn, would you like to recap a little of what we've been discussing?'

Frey winks at Glynn.

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Frey sips from the ale.

Rohan turns his attention to Glynn.

Amilyndra watches as the spotlight settles on Glynn.

Glynn says 'Frey introduced me to the concept of Ma'at...'

Glynn says 'Did I say that right, Frey?'

Frey nods at Glynn.

Frey smiles happily.

Glynn says 'I'm not sure what Rohan is familiar with so far.'

Rohan says 'I have heard of the concept, but know little about it.'

Glynn says 'Rohan, have you been introduced to Ma'at at all?'

Riena sips from the ale.

Glynn nods in agreement.

Glynn says 'As I understand it, Ma'at is the philosophy by which Forresters live.'

Glynn says 'There are four tenets...'

Frey nods in agreement.

Riena smiles happily.

Glynn says 'Balance, Order, Duty, and Interconnectedness'

Glynn says 'In no particular order.'

Rohan pulls out a notepad and starts jotting down notes.

Glynn says 'Each person must find for themselves what these tenets mean to them.'

Rohan nods in agreement.

Glynn says 'For example, as we were talking about duty...'

Amilyndra buys a mutton shank.

Amilyndra eats the mutton.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Glynn says 'Amilyndra explained her understanding of duty as a series of concentric rings... like a tree'

Rohan says 'That would make sense.'

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'For her, the center ring is herself..'

Rohan draws some circles on his notepad.

Amilyndra points at herself.

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Frey chuckles politely.

Amilyndra grins impishly. She is just too cute.

Glynn says 'It is surrounded by the second ring, her family, for her the clan.'

Frey pats you on your head.

A barmaid locks down the merchandise in her shop and closes up.
A bartender locks down the merchandise in his shop and closes up.

Riena smiles at Amilyndra.

Glynn says 'Followed by the third ring, the world at large, helping those that need help.'

Glynn says 'For myself, as I understand thus far..'

Amilyndra interjects briefly, 'Myself meaning, to have found my own path in life, then working outwards from there.'

Amilyndra returns her attention to Glynn.

Glynn says 'Oh, yes... I was unclear on that.'

Glynn nods at Amilyndra.

Rohan says 'If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot help others?'

Amilyndra nods at Rohan.

Amilyndra says 'Something like that.'

Glynn says 'for myself, duty to my son, to my great-uncle, requires a good deal of my effort'

Riena nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'But i am just learning'

Rohan says 'Family, the second circle'

Rohan says 'Is there no ring between family and the world at large though? that of friends?'

Glynn thinks hard.

Glynn says 'If I may...'

Frey nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'Ma'at and it's tenants are not written...'

Glynn says '...and as such, you must learn what Duty means to you.'

Riena sips from the ale.

Rohan says 'Ah, sorry I am a lover of books. Sometimes that can get in the way.'

Rohan puts his notepad away and listens.

Amilyndra says 'Well, as Glynn mentioned, the ring example is my own understanding, and yes, I include friends in with family, or clan.'

Glynn says 'It may be concentric circles, it may be branches on a tree, or it may be a rock, in the middle of the ocean.'

Rohan nods at Amilyndra.

Amilyndra nods at Glynn.

Glynn gets a little carried away....

Riena smiles happily.

Frey nods at Glynn.

Riena nods in agreement.

Frey chuckles politely.

Rohan says 'Very poetic friend Glynn'

Glynn says 'But, this is as far as we discussed before you came in.'

Glynn grins at Rohan.

Frey nods in agreement.

Riena says 'You will in time find your own interpretation of Ma'at.'

Amilyndra nods at Riena.

Riena says 'I'm still finding mine.'

Frey says 'I believe we touched very briefly on Balance, but we can go into that more next.'

Glynn thinks hard.

Rohan says 'I look forward to the proccess.'

Rohan nods at Frey.

Amilyndra says 'Balance has been most difficult for me and I still have a bare handle on that one.'

Amilyndra stares at the sky.

Frey smiles at Amilyndra.

Riena nods in agreement.

Riena says 'It is for me too.'

The lively sounds of tankards clanking, men and women laughing, and general merriment echo out from the Greenman Tavern.

Frey says 'To explain balance, what I tend to think of first is that of the struggle between the forces of the light and the dark.'

Frey says 'Although there are many other examples that can be used.'

Rohan says 'The symbol of the ancient aes sedai, the black and white teardrop?'

Frey nods at Rohan.

Frey says 'It shows that without one, there cannot be the other.'

Glynn boggles at the thought.

Amilyndra nods at Frey.

Glynn sits and thinks for a while about this...

Glynn is clearly struggling...

Amilyndra says 'How can one know light unless one has known darkness?'

Frey says 'They complement each other, yet are opposites.'

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Rohan says 'But do we not fight to defeat evil?'

Glynn nods at Rohan.

Amilyndra shakes your head at Rohan.

Frey says 'We do, but evil will always creep up again.'

Frey says 'Sometimes it wins, sometimes it does not.'

Amilyndra says 'Actually, I do not think we do. We fight to keep it from overtaking the Light completely.'

Amilyndra says 'That is my understanding.'

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Glynn says 'And the woodsman north of here, say the hideous trolloc in the roc woods has thrown things out of balance...'

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Glynn says 'Ahh... amilyndra, that makes sense.'

Glynn says 'So, can a fade really be part of balance?'

Glynn says 'For example...'

The lively sounds of tankards clanking, men and women laughing, and general merriment echo out from the Greenman Tavern.

Amilyndra waits for Glynn as he arranges his thoughts.

Rohan sips from the ale.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Glynn says 'Oh.. for example, the fade'

Glynn says 'How can a fade be part of balance...?'

Amilyndra says 'Oh, that was a question.'

Amilyndra giggles.

Amilyndra feels sober again.

A barmaid hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.
A bartender hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.

Rohan says 'Maybe a fade is not part of the balance.'

Glynn shifts uncomfortably on the keg, wondering whether he asked the wrong question.

Amilyndra thinks carefully.

Rohan says 'Maybe evil would exist without the dark one braking free of his prison.'

Rohan says 'But when he broke free he created imbalance, and from that imbalance was spawned the fades.'

The lively sounds of tankards clanking, men and women laughing, and general merriment echo out from the Greenman Tavern.

Frey thinks hard.

Frey says 'I guess it would be possible that as the light grows in strength, that the dark attempts to correct this imbalance by growing in strength as well.'

Amilyndra says 'Or vice-versa.'

Frey says 'And from this a fade would be made, to increase it's power in the struggle that we take part in.'

Frey nods at Amilyndra.

Rohan says 'So the goodness of the age of legends lead to the destruction and war with the shadow?'

Amilyndra says 'Perhaps so.'

Glynn says 'Hmm.. so balance is not something we make or hope for or fight to ensure... it is just something that is.'

Rohan says 'But are we not suppose to strive for balance in our own lives?'

Amilyndra says 'Though that is a scope larger than I can wrap my thoughts around.'

Amilyndra nods at Rohan.

Amilyndra says 'Indeed. Balance within ourselves and the balance of the world at large are all parts of it.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Riena smiles happily.

Rohan says 'Do we prune the trees to help their growth keep balance?'

Amilyndra says 'Each perceived imbalance you encounter should be thought through carefully before taking action to attempt to correct it.'

Amilyndra nods at Rohan.

Riena says 'I think the question you had about fades may be better explained when we speak about "Order"'

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Rohan nods in agreement.

Amilyndra says 'If the trees were allowed to completely overgrow the forest, there would be no new growth and the forest itself could suffer for lack of light.'

Amilyndra nods at Riena, 'Please continue sister.'

Riena says 'Was just answering Glynns question about fades.'

A barmaid walks away from the merchandise to take a break.
A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Rohan drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Glynn waits on the edge of his seat to hear about Order.

Glynn nibbles his cheese intently

Amilyndra grins and hands Riena the riens on Order.

Riena says 'Well alright...Order'

Riena says 'The order of all things.'

A barmaid returns from her break, re-opening the store.
A bartender returns from his break, re-opening the store.

Amilyndra smiles at Riena.

Riena says 'For example the way I see it and the most common example...'

Riena says '...would be the deer and the panther story'

Rohan says 'The deer and the panther?'

Frey listens with interest.

Riena says 'Well the panther hunts dear for food, like the circle of life.'

Riena thinks hard.

Rohan nods in agreement.

Riena says 'Well I'm having trouble finding the words.'

Riena says 'So the deer keeps the panther alive by dying so to speak.'

Amilyndra nods at Riena.

Rohan looks quizzical.

Riena says 'And then you have the deer who may hunt and eat other things and they die to keep the deer alive.'

Rohan says 'Ah'

Riena says 'That, to me, is how I see order.'

Amilyndra nods at Riena.

Riena says 'You can interpret it in many ways.'

Frey nods at Riena.

Riena says 'Just as light and dark.'

Rohan says 'And the grasses that the deer eat, they grow on the ground fertilized by the passing of the panther?'

Riena says 'And with the question you had about fades...'

Riena nods at Rohan.

Riena says 'Thats what I was trying to say, yes.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Riena says 'It's the order of things and the cycle of life.'

Frey says 'Which are all inter-connected'

Riena says 'However the shadows...fades live outside the order of things.'

Glynn thinks hard.

Glynn nods in agreement.

Riena says 'They defy order because they do not live.'

Frey nods at Riena.

Frey says 'I had not considered that, sister.'

Frey says 'Those are good observations.'

Rohan says 'That explains why we slay them if we can.'

Riena says 'How I apply that to balance is that they are an unbalanced thing that exists.'

Amilyndra nods at Rohan.

Riena says 'They just exist for reasons I have no answer to.'

Amilyndra smiles at Riena.

Rohan says 'They say the dark one himself lives outside the pattern.'

Riena says 'And all the precepts are interconnected, and so with the order..I strive to keep it balanced.'

A barmaid locks down the merchandise in her shop and closes up.
A bartender locks down the merchandise in his shop and closes up.

Riena says 'Order was very tricky for me to understand.'

Amilyndra says 'Fades and trollocs are beasts that kill for the pleasure of killing.'

Frey sips from the ale.

Frey looks into his empty mug.

Frey sniffs sadly.

Frey drops a mug of ale.

The lively sounds of tankards clanking, men and women laughing, and general merriment echo out from the Greenman Tavern.

Woody calls the serving maid to clean up the tavern.

Frey gets a mug of ale from a table.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

The serving maid scurries around in the tavern picking up empty cups and tankards.

The serving maid goes into the backroom with her arms full of dirty crockery.

Frey settles down, contented.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Rohan drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Glynn sips from the ale.

Rohan says 'How do you drink so much ale Frey?'

Riena says 'Alright I have a question.'

Frey chuckles politely.

Amilyndra nods at Riena.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Amilyndra drinks the stout ale.

Rohan listens to Riena.

Frey says 'I had to wait some time before I became thirsty again.'

Frey chuckles politely.

Riena says 'If you saw a woman who channels...'

Amilyndra stares at the sky.

Glynn giggles.

Riena says '...and she was being persued by a member of the Children of Light...'

Amilyndra shrinks into her corner some.

Glynn nudges Amilyndra suggestively.

Riena says '...attacked...'

Riena says 'hmm?'

Riena says 'oh'

Your cheeks are burning.

Amilyndra gestures slightly with one hand, 'Please go on sister.'

Rohan says 'Are Children of the Light and women who can channel like the panther and the deer? are they part of the pattern?'

Riena says 'What would you do?'

Riena says 'Oh, hehe.'

Glynn says 'I know what I would do!'

Riena says 'If you apply Balance and Order what would be your response to that?'

Riena nods at Glynn.

Glynn says 'Let's imagine I'm a Forrester for this example...'

Riena beams a smile at Rohan.

Rohan says 'I would try to negotiate a treaty between the two sides and help them see that they can solve their differences through discussion.'

Amilyndra feels sober again.

Glynn says 'That's not what I would do...'

Amilyndra looks suspiciously toward Glynn.

Riena says 'What would you do Glynn? Rohan had a good idea.'

Glynn says 'I'd attack the children, get warrented and get the whole Forrester clan banned from Amadacia, and then go explain myself and appologize to the inquisitor!'

Frey rolls his eyes...sheesh!..

Amilyndra kicks Glynn hard!

Rohan falls down laughing.

Frey falls down laughing.

Glynn giggles.

Amilyndra says 'Not funny.'

Amilyndra glares icily at Glynn.

Riena snickers softly.

Glynn says 'No, but really.. where is balance now that that has been done?'

Riena says 'Well that's not right but its not wrong either.'

Rohan says 'To many resort to violence not understanding that violence solves nothing, it only perpetuates itself.'

Riena nods in agreement.

Frey says 'Luckily, balance has been restored between us and the Children of the Light.'

Frey smiles happily.

Riena beams a smile at Frey.

Rohan says 'Of course those who are smart keep a dagger close by when they are trying to mediate disputes. Just for self-defense.'

Amilyndra says 'Well, my perception at that time was my belief that the Children might actually be able to erradicate an entire class of people and I felt it my duty, at the time, to intervene.'

Glynn gives amilyndra a sheepish grin.

Riena nods at Amilyndra.

Amilyndra says 'I realize now, that the pattern would not allow such a thing to happen, that it will maintain the balance on it's own.'

Frey smiles at Amilyndra.

Rohan says 'The Children fight against balance, but fighting against balance is futile.'

Amilyndra pokes Glynn in the ribs.

Amilyndra nods at Rohan.

Frey thinks hard.

Amilyndra glances slyly in Glynn's direction, muttering quietly, 'I suppose I deserved that for kicking out your chair.'

Frey says 'Wow, it seems we may have wandered some... which is not at all bad of course...'

Frey thinks hard.

Glynn throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Riena says 'I think that any squabbling amongst the human race will only tip the balance in favor for the dark.'

Glynn says 'Well.. you know, balance!'

Amilyndra says 'Well, we've discussed Duty, Order and Balance....'

Frey chuckles politely.

Rohan says 'Interconnectedness'

Amilyndra says 'As you can see, all are.......Interconnected!'

Frey beams a smile at Rohan.

Frey smiles at Amilyndra.

Frey nods in agreement.

Amilyndra nods to yourself. Very reassuring.

Frey says 'I am not sure if we need an explanation of Interconnectedness... it seems that we have explained that fairly well through our discussion alone.'

Amilyndra passes Rohan the riens on Interconnectedness, 'What is your understanding of that from the discussion we've had thus far?'

Amilyndra winks conspiratorily at Frey.

Rohan says 'The Panther and the deer also seems a good example of interconnectedness.'

Frey nods at Rohan.

Rohan says 'The panther and the deer seem like adversaries, but trully they cannot live without each other.'

Amilyndra nods at Rohan.

A barmaid hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.
A bartender hustles about the room, getting ready for new business.

Rohan says 'By seeing how we are interconnected...'

Rohan says '...we can more easily help to find balance, keep order, and fullfill our duty.'

Glynn nods in agreement.

Amilyndra says 'Well put.'

Frey nods in agreement.

Rohan says 'If we do not see how the panther and the deer are interconnected we may try to defend the deer against the panther.. but in the end we would not be serving the pattern in this action.'

Amilyndra nods at Rohan.

Amilyndra says 'Brother, sister, Glynn, anything to add?'

Frey shakes his head.

Glynn says 'I think rohan described it very well..'

Glynn says 'At least as i understand at this stage.'

Frey clambers to his feet.

Amilyndra says 'I do believe Sister Riena is becoming more and more like Brother Vincento every day. Perhaps we should dub her the Monkess of the Forest.'

Frey buys a cinnamon pastry.
A bartender puts some coins in a small purse.

Rohan drinks stout ale from a mug of ale.

Frey chuckles politely.

Amilyndra winks at Riena.

Frey eats a cinnamon pastry.

Riena thinks hard.

Frey sits down.

Riena says 'The monkess?'

Frey says 'Brother Vincento is the Elder Monk of the Great Forest.'

Amilyndra says 'Well, Vincento often falls into meditation, even mid-sentance, and he's the Monk of the Great Forest...'

Frey chuckles politely.

Riena throws back her head and cackles with insane glee!

Amilyndra says '...by extension...'

Riena says 'I'm sorry'

Amilyndra falls down laughing.

Glynn snickers softly.

Rohan says 'I highly admire the Forrester's repsect of meditation.'

Riena stares at the sky.

Frey falls down laughing.

Amilyndra peers at Rohan, 'You know, I'm not sure he knows how to laugh.'

Frey pokes Riena in the ribs.

Amilyndra tickles Rohan.

Glynn ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Amilyndra tickles Rohan.

Amilyndra tickles Rohan.

Amilyndra tickles Rohan.

Amilyndra tickles Rohan.

Amilyndra tickles Rohan.

Glynn says 'She speaks in tongues too!'

Rohan giggles.

Amilyndra peers closely at Rohan, trying to figure him out.

Amilyndra says 'Ahah!'

Amilyndra says 'He doesn't laugh! He GIGGLES!'

Rohan says 'Glynn makes me laugh.'

Amilyndra drums her heels on the floor, laughing wildly!

Riena says 'So were there any questions?'

Riena sips from the ale.

Frey says 'By any rate, I do believe that both Glynn and Rohan have proven themselves to be very worthy of the title of Initiate.'

Riena sips from the ale.

Glynn explodes with whistles and cheers.

Glynn claps Rohan on the back.

Amilyndra says 'Oh, I agree with that assessment.'

Riena smiles happily.

Rohan says 'Thank you Frey.'

Frey smiles happily.

Rohan says 'I will try to laugh more for you Amilyndra.'

Frey chuckles politely.

Amilyndra smiles at Rohan.

Amilyndra says 'Laughing is good for your heart.'

Amilyndra says 'Keeps it from going bitter.'

Riena says 'I'd change my title to Monkess but it looks too much like monkey'

Frey falls down laughing.

Amilyndra grins at Riena.

Glynn giggles.

Amilyndra says 'Well, you DO live in a tree!'

Riena says 'Riena the Monky of the Great Forest!'

Amilyndra falls down laughing.

Amilyndra says 'Do it!'

Amilyndra pats Riena on her head.

Glynn grins evilly.

Rohan grins evilly.

Frey falls down laughing.

Riena hangs from a branch.

Frey tickles Riena.

A barmaid walks away from the merchandise to take a break.
A bartender walks away from the merchandise to take a break.

Frey chuckles politely.

Riena falls down laughing.

Amilyndra says 'Alright, before things degenerate tooo much, Rohan and Glynn, you both may change your titles to Forrester Initiate and seek out three Forresters of Rank 3 or above for tasks. '

Glynn says 'I was talking to Lord Mantorak the other day...'

Glynn grins evilly.

Amilyndra gestures broadly, 'Let the degeneration continue!'